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Posts posted by Noel

  1. I'm in Russia right now. No, I'm kidding, but it was cool to see Noel Reports. I'm so confused about this development though and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. As far as the confident street sweeper, I saw that part. Hey, a street has gotta be cleaned despite a coup with military tanks all over the place, ya know? It goes to show that worker takes pride in their work. Respect. 👊

  2. Once again, I become clueless. It never dawned on me that this hint could be another Dena Higley return. I figured that they would have realized that bringing her back for the third time would be insufficient. David Kreizman came to mind given his prior experience as HW. Well, all of this is speculation anyway, so until we get confirmation, let's all hold each other's hands in prayer, and believe that there is power in the power of prayer.

    @Errol Should we pray? This will give us a clue. Meditation is not an option as I enjoy my meditation mornings. 😆

  3. 36 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Thudley hiring Ron Carlivati as a Co-HW would be the biggest train wreck in daytime history. 😂😂😂

    **shudder** God, that stupid face mask that would never go away, lol! 

    Going back to B&B and Rome, the trees looked very pretty. Green is my favorite color, so I focused on the natural beauty of Europe. Which is weird as I know the economy in Europe is not all that great post COVID. Not that I expected Rome to look like some sh*thole or anything, but the trees looked so fresh. 

    Yeah, I'm still puzzled as to what I've seen. I mean, if Hope and Thomas had sex in Rome, I guess I was expecting more fireworks, especially if Hope had all these erotic fantasies of him. Instead, they toasted over a shot of espresso. ☕

    Boring as all hell. I wanna see some Krista Allen soft porn action, ya know? Give it to me, bitches. You've had us pissed off for May Sweeps already. Where's the outcome?


  4. Ahhhh! Nothing like a good ol' rebound kiss on soaps. Actually, this is a DAYS signature specialty. Yep, go to a bar and get smashed. What I find so weird about the Liam/Steffy kiss is that Steffy's relationship with Finn was "pitch perfect". I mean, they weren't squabbling over uncleaned microwaves, the toilet seat being lifted up, or the lack of not being able to see each other due to their jobs, etc. 

    Umm, I wish I had more to say. All I've seen are remote locations and tacky dresses. Actually, I did like Brooke's dress as it blended very well with KKL's skin tone. However, in a strange way, it kind of reminded me of swimming floaters. You know ... the floaters kids wear to prevent themselves from drowning in a swimming pool. Other than that, I did like that color on KKL. 



  5. Wow. I don't know what to say about Alexis Michelle. What a two-faced cu-t. Sorry for the language, but that was not a strategic plan. At this point in the game, you gotta go with who you think is a threat to you winning $200,000. Kandy did her check and mate with Jaymes, but now it seems that the chickens are coming home to roost for next week's preview.

    You know what? Be true to yourself, but don't tell someone that you have their back and then give them the chop immediately afterward. So scabie-infested skeezy.

  6. 4 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    What was the purpose of Hope and Bo return? It was a bust! Why did Shawn shoot Bo? There was no fallout from it. Just Shawn being a whiny b!tch every other week in his one day appearance.

    Shawn's a boozed up charcoal-filtered vodka bitch, I can tell ya that. Anyway, I don't understand the purpose of their return either. For me, it was happening way all too fast, and I was kind of hoping that when Maggie was going off to Greece to be with Victor, we would've been introduced to Victor's death. I guess the timing since they film way ahead made that impossible, but creating a storyline where Victor went to Greece to see Bo, and his heart couldn't take it would've been better than from what we're seeing now.

    And if Shawn wants to drink some booze, let him drink some booze. You know? I mean, Belle is the selfish one who slept with EJ while Shawn was never the father to little Whopper Cheese Jr. You know what I'm sayin'? Hell I'd drink, but I wouldn't drink that stuff. Go for the premium vodkas like Grey Goose or Chopin. So yeah, I don't ever remember a fallout besides Belle whackin' Jan with an oar and clearing the pathway of the naval oranges that were rolling around all over the place. Still, I don't remember forgiveness and healing from all of that stupid fiasco.

    Going back to Maggie, I don't know what's up with her. She was a restaurant owner who ordered toilet paper and cases of Coca-Cola products. She doesn't possess the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes to run a huge company like Titan Enterprises. I mean, have you seen the latest Dow Jones Industrial average? Seriously. Things are looking pretty grim under her micromanagement. The DJIA is proof of the pudding and it's all because she wants to shove her restaurant superiority in everyone's face. Fess up, bitch. You ain't got what it takes! It's time to let all that pride and ego away. Get over yourself. 



  7. 38 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    Yeah, you can get it on a plane. Bill said his system was being replaced LOL


    I don't see any outcome or result of the clothing line that Thomas and Hope had been working so tirelessly for these past weeks/months. To me, it looked like something you would find off the rack at Forever 21. To make it more foofoo, just add some prom lace and cover your chest with birdseed. 

  8. 22 hours ago, ranger1rg said:

    I actually liked the shirt Thomas wore.

    It was cute though. Would I wear it? Nah. In my opinion, I didn't think it looked bad. However, the clothing used for those extras as they were all toasting champagne flutes were so barf-a-rola. So gross. 

  9. 41 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:

    DAYS' music catalog is awful and it has been for years. It sounds rinky-dink, cheesy, cliché at times, and kind of patronizing the way they use it -- telling us something is dramatic instead of the story standing on its own merit. The other soaps use background music to enhance the moment; DAYS uses it like a dollar store crutch. 

    LOL! I've been meaning to comment on this cheesy melody song for like months! And I guess today, I had one of those: "Oh, yeah! You know what?" moments. God, I hate that melody. It grinds my gears and it's so Little House it's not even funny. Yes, I do splurge on Little House from time to time believe it or not as Nellie Olson is my addiction. So, whenever you hear that stupid melody, just remember I bitched about it first. 

    There's also a tense melody they play for suspenseful scenes. It's the one where it sounds like someone just turned on the patio lights and they picked up a brick of some sort and all these cockroaches are in panic mode scattering around everywhere along with earthworms on top of the soil.

    Guiding Light always had the best music in my opinion. Y&R did too. I remember on Guiding Light, they had this song called Rabbit Soup for the Blake/Ross/Tory triangle. But anywhoos, yes, I'm a music lover and I pay attention to that kind of stuff. 😃


  10. Oh, and I hate that sappy "feel good" music melody they play all the time. I swear, it's like I'm watching Little House on the Prairie or something. God, I can't stand it. You'll hear it when Chad and Julie talk about Stephanie before Stephanie arrives. It's soooo Little House. OMG. God, it makes me cringe so bad.

  11. Okay, I'm all caught up on DAYS I think. Actually, I cheated and I went from June 15th and up. Currently, I'm watching 3 soaps: DAYS, B&B, and GH. Out of the three soaps, two of them are so awful. DAYS is one of them. I seriously need to start watching something else as there are a lot of other options, lol! I guess since I "cheated", I missed the fallout of Colin. And I don't care either. 

    On a brighter note instead of being negative, I just want to hug Marla Gibbs. I enjoyed seeing her. Other than that, that's pretty much about it. 

    Something in my gut was telling me to not get too attached to Megan. My gut was right.

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