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Posts posted by te.

  1. Someone uploaded episode 1x14 Valentine's Bay of Hyperion Bay. This is an episode after Frank South was brought in to run the show and Carmen Electra had been brought on as the Joan Collins/Heather Locklear of the show to try and save it:



  2. Gosh, this thread made me watch the first six episodes of season two and one thing I noticed is that they had A LOT of outdoor scenes, which went missing in later seasons.

    Outdoor shoots are really underrated in these type of shows...


    And gee, Jane, no wonder you're alone with that ugly pink couch! If I was Michael I would've bolted too.

  3. I'll need to re-watch the so-called "Summer of Love", but from what I recall there's definitively a re-positioning with them quickly wrapping up the Rory storyline and then the sudden return of Jane. Due to falling ratings they actually did shut down production of the show briefly to retool and then took a hiatus with MP Confidental / The Nasty Minded Professor acting like a two hour season finale in March. I can't help to wonder if the Rory storyline was originally intended to last longer than it did to be honest, then of course them writing out five of the main characters, plus essentially turning Lexi into Peyton Richards (like she always should've been).


    Either way, season seven is a much welcome improvement - even if they totally slip up on continuity at times...

  4. I was meh on Buena Sera Mr Campbell as they wrote out five characters and not one Melrosian death!

    I get not killing off Billy or Jennifer or Taylor - but to spare Sam, Jeff and Coop? Come on, no one would mourn them. Send Jeff and Sam off a cliff or something! I also would've had Billy gone to Atlanta to shack up with Alison - I'm sure they could've gotten Courtney Thorne-Smith for a blink-and-you'll miss it cameo. Since this *was* technically the season six finale (last episode produced for s6) it's kind of disappointing.

  5. Wow, Season 7 really is all over the place. It's like they couldn't get an idea to stick for more than a couple of episodes. I'm 19 episodes in, and we have barely finished with the oil leases and Blake's amnesia when suddenly Kristina got ill and Adam (who barely had a story) is now being blackmailed by that senator. I could go on for quite awhile about what I think is wrong with the season, but I think I'll just finish the season as soon as possible.


    Hopefully season 8 is better.

    The last half of season 7 is really the low-point for the show - apparently the rise of the family comedies like Cosby made the Shapiro's and Pollocks try to focus on "family values" and the end result is horrible. Season 8 does improve slightly as they actually try to have an over-arching story for the season and doesn't change direction in every other episode, although season 9 is really the true renaissance of the show.

  6. Yes, it was slightly ridiculous that they tried to sell Kirby and Adam as an end game couple in The Reunion, even Kathleen Beller wondered during an interview for the reunion why the hell Kirby would be friendly with her rapist (while Heather Locklear mused about how Sammy Jo's behavior made it seem like she was on drugs).

  7. I wasn't a fan of Kirby either. Having finally seen The Reunion miniseries this past weekend, I'm surprised they chose her as (Faux)Adam's endgame.

    The ratings were hitting highs between seasons 2-5 (I believe the episode where Adam raped Kirby hit a high at that point), so choosing Adam's love interest from those seasons made sense rather than Dana.


    Dominique's story is so islanded and very half-assed. I'm a little fuzzy on what I watched this past summer, but there was virtually no reason for her to keep her baby daddy in the dark about her daughter's paternity. And speaking of the daughter, isn't she supposed to be around 18? She looked 13. 

    It's odd because if you look at pictures of Troy Byer at the time she definitively could've pulled off young-adult/sex kitten, yet they dressed her like a 13 year old. I think they might've been afraid that dressing her older and having her act like an adult would age Dominique?

  9. Marcia Cross will be on Quantico as a recurring character once it returns in March.


    Grant Show, of course, is a regular on Devious Maids.


    Heather took a three year break after Franklin & Bash in 2013, but seems to be in a new tv movie. Hopefully she'll do more acting and she just took a break to sort out her life.

  10. They left after season 5 cause all the originals had 5 year deals that all expired in 1997

    I totally understand that, but they managed to keep a lot of 90210's around for years.  I think they should have worked harder to keep Jake and Alison or at least let Alison and Billy go together.  Jo, Jake, Alison, Jane, Kimberly, I  missing anyone?   Matt?   That's a lot of people to loose and it seemed like they had no real game plan going into six and I realize Heather Locklear's pregnancy messed things up, but they should have tried harder to get some of the originals besides Jane back in the end.  I mean it's like two different shows after season 4 and especially after season 5.

    I believe Doug Savant wanted to stay but they wouldnt give him a romance. They had made Katie Wright who played his neice a regular but Savant didnt just wanna play Dad & left three shows into season 6. Then they killed him off in S7. Im not even sure if they even tried to get him back or it was story dictated

    Actually, Doug Savant (and Katie Wright) originally signed to do 13 episodes of season six - however, Heather Locklear's pregnancy meant they had to start filming early and Doug was doing Godzilla at the time, so he was abruptly written out in the season premiere and took Katie Wright with him. I believe if Doug had stayed for those 13 episodes, then maybe they would've given Katie Wright a full season contract. I think her character was supposed to be 17, so there was time to turn her 18 and make her live in the building - sort of makes sense as Jennifer was portrayed as being maybe 21-22 at the oldest, so I guess a "young-adult" scene might've been on their minds briefly.

  11. Ah, yes, the failed Jake and Alison pairing. It's one of those pairings that technically seem like a good idea - the good girl and the bad boy is a classic recipe. But sadly, characters ended up becoming more and more islanded as the show went on, so it all ended up in an island of misery at Shooters.

    Kimberly's "brain tumour" storyline was indeed ridiculous, mostly because Marcia Cross was in contract negotiations, hence why she'd sometimes suddenly go into remission until they finally killed her off. Personally, I probably would've written her off for the bulk of season four and then *maybe* have her come back towards the end of the season without anyone really knowing if she's still insane. Either way, I wouldn't have paired her up with Michael as soon as they did at least, that's really the point where they started running out of steam. Her becoming a psychiatrist was at least funny since it could've been entertaining if random Melrosians started seeking advice from everyone's psycho psychiatrist. I would've written Kimberly's advice as well-intentioned, but completely terrible.


    Billy's exit felt like it should've been so easy to write  - just write him knocking on a door in Atlanta, have a blonde woman open the door from the back if they couldn't get Courtney to do a cameo (though, her being on Ally McBeal they could've worked out something if they had actually made the effort).

  12. Actually, the actress who plays Tiana is put on contract, yet she's barely appeared in episodes, is barely above recurring storylinewise and has a similar build to Anika, yet the show is currently paying for her full time. Could they be going for her being the one who pushed Rhonda?

    I mean, I have no idea why the hell she'd do it, but sadly Lee Daniels and co seems to be falling into one of the worst traps of soap operas at times; this would be the shock reveal that makes no sense.

  13. This was on when I was a kid so my perceptions are what they are - and I don't mean this in a negative way - but growing up I always thought Emma was somewhat mentally challenged/slow. I haven't seen enough clips to know if I just made this up as a kid ...

    The show never definied what was truly wrong with Emma, just that she had mental issues. I don't think she was mentally slow, just a bit nuts.

  14. Barbara Stanwyck.

    Stanwyck was originally the one they wanted in the part of Angela - if you watch the original pilot episode it's clear they adjusted the role later to fit Jane Wyman more; in the pilot Angela has gray hair and is interested in horses (which supposedly was written into the character of Angela at that point due to Stanwyck's own interest in horses).

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