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Posts posted by Wales2004

  1. 44 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    This just annoys me. Trump again sets the tone and everyone else responds. It's not even that he's some tactical genius - he's not - it's just a cheap trick that often works. 



    Trolling Trump is fine since it takes very little effort to do.  As long as it isn't their only or main strategy then troll away.  His idiotic tweets are an invitation but unless directed at them, elected officials should be about their jobs and not scoring meaningless points.


    Trump is low-level transparent on the DNC vote.  He and his two crazies would have preferred Ellison so they could make him their boogeyman with veiled references to his being Muslim and by proxy a terrorist.  And of course, he's not who they mean when they talk about "real Americans."


    This is one of the things that irks me most about the Democrats.  They pretty much sit back and let Republicans define everything about America and Americans and then fight back instead of being proactive.  It's not complicated--people want to belong.  The Democrats need to learn how to open up their arms and let people in and not just pay lip service to inclusiveness.  They need new messaging as well.


    Instead of making it seem like some big chore and obstacle to overcome respecting people despite our differences, flip the script positively and learn to appreciate people because of our differences.  I mean I seriously love me some me, and I would have a ball with me-clones for maybe a day.  But then it would get boring and I wouldn't grow in my way of thinking if everyone echoed my own thoughts.


    This thread is amazing including the troll, because I learn a lot from the opinions expressed here and I learn a lot about people.  I appreciate the opportunity to share with you and thank you all.  And no, I'm not going away or anything--I just want to acknowledge how special everyone is.

  2. 32 minutes ago, MissLlanviewPA said:

    I love Dexter Fowler. As a Cubs fan I wish he hadn't gone to the Cardinals (they're our main rivals :lol:), but good for him for standing up to the idiots out there.

    I was rooting for the Cubs last season.  I fell in love with "Go Cubs Go."  Dexter Fowler has such a great smile and he was a terrific lead-off man for the Cubs and even though I am generally a baseball fan overall, I haven't found any love for the St. Louis Cardinals yet.  It might be in me, but it's definitely not on the surface.

    8 minutes ago, Roman said:

    Born and raised here....and the comments SUPPOSED Cards fans said to this man was utterly vile and disgusting. people are now calling for the FB page all these comments were posted on to be shut down. hateful, racist, bigoted.....and this crap about STL having the best baseball fans in the nation.....bullshit! which is why, for the 6th season in a row....I'm pulling for the Cubs to repeat. 

    I'm not going to blame them all for the ignorance of some.  And I take no notice of the "best fans" label.  The fact that all it took was a single non-inflammatory word to set them off is what's most disturbing. It's just too bad that people like that reproduce.

  3. Someone told me about this Thursday but I did not read about it until yesterday.  This is about a baseball player (Dexter Fowler) saying one word "unfortunate" and the ignorance that followed.


    Fowler’s crime?

    His wife, Darya, is from Iran. An ESPN reporter asked him about President Donald Trump’s travel ban—Iran is one of seven countries included—and Fowler said it is “unfortunate.” Unfortunate because he and Darya would like to take their young daughter to Iran one day so she can meet her cousins and other relatives for the first time. Unfortunate because Darya’s sister, according to Fowler, recently delayed her trip home to the United States from a business trip to Qatar because she didn’t want to be detained.

    Fowler was not disrespectful to Trump. He did not rant and rave. He simply said the travel ban was “unfortunate.” That’s it.

    Nevertheless, so-called “fans” took to the Facebook page St. Louis Cardinals True Fans and immediately began the public flogging with comments such as:

    “Trump won mo. By 19 points keep mouth shut and play baseball.”

    “I knew he was going to shame the cardinals uniform.”

    “Trade his black ass”

    “Just cry me a river Fowler trade him Cardinals is too good for his BS”

    “He should just move out of the country! He has plenty of money. So sick of hearing this especially from people like him.”



  4. 1 hour ago, marceline said:

    I hate this. The gateway to opioid addiction is...opiates. People get prescribed painkillers and get hooked. 

    Exactly.  The GOP does not want to pay for rehab and they don't want to go after the doctors who are over-prescribing.  I seriously think they want those people to just die in some sort of survival of the fittest special reasoning universe where Paul Ryan, Tom Cotton, Ben Sasse, etc dwell mentally.

    56 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    Well I am worried about people like Dragonflies above(not picking on you my friend) who will think anything is ok. We should be demanding something better not even something equal or less. Why is something less worthy not bad? The democrats need to get off their lazy butts and counter this ridiculousness. Fix the ACA and quit making it more complicated with a repeal and replace that's going to replace the ACA with something less.


    And by the way the GOP plan also shows they intend to block people from care at Planned Parenthood. See how much they care about women's health.


    I think that's an accessible breakdown.  Now, I totally get people being against the tax penalty and I even get people saying they should not be forced to pay for something they do not want.  The thing is, some of us would not buy auto insurance if it wasn't required and even though, some of us may never have an accident it's that gamble.  Just in case.  I hear people say they don't need health insurance because they are healthy which is again fine except if something unexpected happens.  So it's a gamble.  Part of living in a generally orderly society is sacrifices and that's the part with which some people don't want to come to grips.  The GOP is really good at brainwashing people about the evils of government without explaining what they're actually doing in governmental positions, other than sucking up taxpayer's dollars themselves. 


    My parting gift is what is sure to be called nothing but Fake News:



    I kind of think Trump forgot about the grave danger we were all in a couple of weeks ago when he had to rush that EO to save America from all those refugee terrorists.  They're having a jolly old time at CPAC and he is off to inconvenience some more Floridians again this weekend, instead of keeping us all safe.....so much for that.  But I'm sure next week when he gets his new order or whenever it is, we'll be told to work ourselves up into a tizzy again with mass hysteria about the great evils of people trying to escape horrible conditions.

  5. 2 hours ago, marceline said:

    Honestly those briefings are just theater now anyway. Spicer stands up there and lies. 

    This one they call the gaggle.  I don't know if that means he is sitting down when he tells his lies so they weren't missing anything.  What he did was create something for the media to toss around and around for the weekend and beyond, as this gets added to the list of  outrages the media has endured courtesy of Trumpville.


    And I am back on this momentarily (not because of the hypocrisy), but because Spicer tied marijuana use to the opioid addiction as if getting rid of marijuana is a fix.


    Somebody please explain to me how I missed news about the decades of opioid addiction that has plagued the world since man has been smoking ganja.

  6. 36 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    Ah, sorry. 

    No problem. I figure nobody pays attention to me anyway.;)

    8 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    Me I am waiting for the Russians to start releasing some of the information they have on the Trump contingent because that's coming at some point. They'll try and deflect attention away from themselves by doing that IMO.

    Me too.  I've been waiting for this since Reince Preibus bragged about how much better the RNC was at security.  When he and others were quick to criticize the Democrats for not having a safe system, I was 100% certain that their smugness would come back to bite them all.  Using Wikileaks would be poetic justice for them since they were against it and then for it when it hurt the Democrats.  I just wonder whether they will ever release the video they supposedly have of Trump.  I am sure he would resign before he would let that get out.

  7. 5 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I have to admit everyone who thought the Russia stuff would be a big deal was right. It still hasn't moved on a political level, but it's clearly gotten them stressed and sloppy.


    And look whose name popped up again a few days ago:



    I posted this link yesterday along with one to a story about Trump's lawyer and a Ukrainian rep.

  8. 44 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I'm just going to go on ahead and put this out there-- many former coke users (including dearly departed Carrie Fisher) were adamant that they recognized signs of cocaine use in Trump.

    His doctor says he uses propecia.  Chances are he is taking viagra or some other ED drug and the combo might be making him nuttier.  Plus his mind might not be handling aging that well.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Vee said:

    The FBI declines to help the WH out re: Russian stories.

    How can they when they've got the possibility that Trump's lawyer pushed a pro-Russia deal with Ukraine to deal with.


    and possibly this:



    6 minutes ago, marceline said:

    Oh the things you learn on the interwebs. Apparently this hand gesture that Stephen Miller is making is a sign for white power. The three fingers form a "W" and the other two form a "P." So yeah, White House adviser is flashing white nationalist gang signs.

    I sure would like the terrorist fist bump group to discuss this but I'm not that lucky.


    I completely forgot about tearful Boehner whose tears were surely more genuine than Chuck Schumer's in the land of Trump.  Anyway Boehner is sharing his friends' plan to repackage the ACA.



    Cracking down on drugs must mean leave the hard core stuff alone but go after marijuana--which if the states should get to decide about transgender restrooms why not go all state's rights with marijuana as well:



    I feel better knowing they care more about stopping someone from smoking weed than dying from opioid addiction. The Republicans must plan to address the deficit by hoping a whole bunch of people just die.

  10. 41 minutes ago, marceline said:

    Stephen Miller creeps me the hell out. Everything about him screams "serial killer."

    Oh my gosh! This.


    When I posted that comment about him in high school, I was going to add how watching that video made me think he was the type to plan a mass shooting.  He was dripping with contempt.  This whole anti-immigration scheme just feels very much as though it's payback for all the "suffering" he must have felt he endured by having to go to school with "those people."  I just get this sense that he has been planning how to get them all out of America for years.

    49 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    He's the Hitler jew who would have been used, thinking he was privileged to the end, and then also gassed.

    I wouldn't be surprised if when all is said and done, he slowly goes insane from the feeling that his plan was so close to succeeding.  Maybe for different reasons, he and Trump seem like they could go right over the edge when the walls come tumbling down on them.  Bannon not so much.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Roman said:

    why does Reince Priebus look like he and Bob Marley hung out together back in the day every time he's on a camera? 

    Uhm no....simply no.  I can't imagine Bob Marley wasting any time with someone like Reince Priebus.


    Maybe one of those movie characters like Jeff Spicoli (Fast Times...) or the one Matthew McConaughey played in Dazed and Confused


    I saw a clip of Stephen Miller from his high school days and he was quite hateful.  These immigration raids are probably giving him all sorts of thrills.

  12. 2 hours ago, JaneAusten said:

    It failed in the 1920's, it failed under Reagan, Bush, yet they still are able to sell stupid Americans on it. And that in itself convinces me that American's don't really care that they are getting screwed as long as the other guy gets screwed worse.

    I think some people want to believe in fairytales because reality is way too hard for them to face/accept.  When people like Donald Trump sell them pipe dreams some of them no it's one big lie, but they need to believe whatever it is they hear and they hear what they want to hear.


    I watched another one of those PBS Newshour segments yesterday.  It featured a couple in Erie County, PA who voted for Trump because they want to believe that he's got the magical fairydust to turn their ghost town back to the way it was in the seventies.  Jobs started leaving that area in the seventies because of technological advancements, etc. and have steadily gone away until there is just a little remainder of GE.  The magical President is going to fix it for them because after years of hoping that the Democrats would, they now have to turn to another fairy godmother.


    It's not even that some of these people are naive, it's that they just don't know how to move on with the changing times.

    3 hours ago, marceline said:

    Yep. If Bernie's minion ends up as DNC chair, we're screwed. 

    The DNC is in a jam either way, imo.  Neither of the two options are good: go to the extreme left or keep standing in place.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Roman said:

    Trump has a 38% approval rating to a 56% disapproval rating.....the worst since these stats have started after one month in office.

    FAKE NEWS by all those who hate Donald J. Trump and can't stand that they lost.  The only polls that real are the ones that show him on top.  You saw the crowd he had on Saturday--hundreds of thousands of Americans and six black people who love him:lol:

  14. It's not the pedophilia because the guy who invited him (Matt Schlap) thought it was perfectly okay to have someone he referred to as "radioactive"  because he was fighting against the liberals and at the end of the day, fighting against the liberals is part of the essence of life to them.  He had what I would categorize as a very mild reaction to the revelation of those videos in his written announcement for rescinding the invitation.  He urged him to "immediately further address these disturbing comments" which implies that there must be some acceptable explanation for "cracking a joke about his own sexual encounter with a Catholic priest as a child."


    If they want to make a statement they will cut him from Breitbart. 


    Somebody probably insisted that it wouldn't look good for him to be a speaker at an event with Donald Trump and this must be their way of taking away some potential controversy.

  15. 16 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    It looks like Milo is being caught in the same "selectively edited" flap that so many on the far right love to pull. 




    Why an openly gay man was ever asked to headline that very far right convention never made sense to me. He's about to learn that hating all the right people isn't enough. As so many gay Republicans have over the years. 

    Not yet though.  Since they embraced him as the poster child for suppression of free speech by the left, they're pretty much stuck with him for now.  They aren't in a position to try to dismiss him over possibly implied pedophilia since their leader sounded all in on incestuous pedophilia.  Then there's sick Mike Huckabee who made some "joke" about watching young girls take showers.  Those conservatives who excused Trumpophilia can turn their noses up but they're going to have to absorb the stench because the only way out from under this now is the fall of Trump or if MY says or does something vile enough that can't be glossed over.

  16. LOL at Fox finding some "ex-CIA Democrat" to claim spies are plotting and breaking the laws.  Did they report that they were under investigation for potentially breaking the law with their sexual harassment settlements? 


    I guess it's only okay to acknowledge the political views of Hollywood actors when they're conservative.

  17. @DramatistDreamer I read something about that yesterday, including the day one promises he made.  I was asking what has he accomplished a couple of weeks ago because I kept hearing Trumpkins rave about all the hard work he's doing.  I have no idea what constitutes doing what he says unless what he says is that is he's going to sign a few papers, send out a bunch of tweets, complain about the media and take credit for plans that were already in progress. 


    Among a whole list of other sad things is this position that some Republicans are taking that his words are not important and only his actions matter.  Rand Paul is probably one of those first of the look the other way lot, to try to find something that was not an act of terror that happened in Sweden last year, to excuse what Trump said happened in Sweden the night before.  I will never understand the mindset of any of those people who vote these self-serving individuals into office.

  18. I think this is the funniest headline I've seen in awhile:

    Mike Pence promises to hold Russia accountable

    Uh huh.  The man who knew nothing about Flynn discussing sanctions with Russia is going to hold them accountable.  Maybe he's freelancing in case some more Russian revelations get leaked.

  19. 14 minutes ago, Roman said:

     can anyone tell me what this moronic orange idiot is saying? I cut my sound down on purpose.

    Seriously homie:lol:


    His greatest hits:


    Make America Great Again.  You like me, you really like me.  I'm doing a great job.  'Going to build that wall shortly. The Fake Media be lying on me but you uneducated fools believe what I say right.


    Followed by great Trumpkin interviews: I lurve Trump because he says what he means and he means what he says....except that he was going to lock up Hilary and get Obamacare repealed and replaced on day one, but that ain't his fault because those jealous loser Democrats won't give him his cabinet. He's a good man and he lurves America and I lurves him and everything he does and says and how he does it his way.  And he got his rich friends because rich people aren't corrupt because they already got their own money.:P


    Trumps are excluded from hiring American...



  20. I watched the PBS NewsHour Friday which featured a segment about the voters who frequent two cafes (with opposing political views).  One cafe is owned by a couple described as Palestinian Muslim and they renamed their cafe Trump Cafe.  The husband did not appear in the segment but the wife has nothing but praise for Donald Trump and one woman in particular loves everything he does. 


    I think it's an eye-opener for anyone who still believes that hardcore Trump supporters will ever be disillusioned by him.  And it's also sad to see how easily people can be duped.  They are so blissfully ignorant.


    Here's a link for anyone who is interested and there is a transcript below the video:



  21. 3 hours ago, Roman said:

    a close friend of mine has told me Trump has launched his re-election campaign. NO. JOKE. 

    I posted about that rally yesterday.  I don't think it's his re-election campaign though.  I think he was trying to distract the media from the Russian stuff by replacing it with a Trump lovefest.  But now he's probably blown it today.  And there is a possibility that it could turn into an anti because some people said they would/had gotten tickets (via the RSVP) that they would give to non-supporters.

    21 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    Other than Hillary, I can't think of anyone else who could announce that would cause him to lose it. Bernie is too busy trying to suck up to Trump and "work" with him

    I don't think calling him a pathological liar is an attempt to work with him, so if he tried to do that then he must've called it a day.  It looks more like he's trying to co-opt the anti-Trump protests/movement.


    Then there's this:

    Trump family’s elaborate lifestyle is a ‘logistical nightmare’ — at taxpayer expense


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