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Posts posted by Wales2004

  1. Jared Kushner is going to lie to the Senate Committee about his Russian meetings and then he's going to go back to his newly created position. Kushner, the expert on government affairs and running successful businesses, is going to make America run like a finely tuned corporation.


    Listening to the CBS national news on the radio got a little harder for me this morning. For some reason, they decided to pass Reince Preibus' hollow words on the Sunday morning Fox show off as Trump reaching out to Democrats. I changed the station to hear that the Freedom Caucus is crumbling because one person left and this is because of the twitter wrath of Trump. It's real life but it sounds like some dramedy. Add in the is Trump a lame duck type headlines and Trumpkins claiming they had a good week. Dysfunction in America jumped the shark about a month or so ago but it's going to be on the air for a whole lot longer, as is the case with shows that stay on past their best season.

  2. I watched the MTP replay on COZI and it's almost amazing to see how politicians live on separate islands in the same space. Draper appeared alongside Lee of Utah on video and both were against the bill for different reasons. Lee used the this close line that is supposed to represent something less than failure but Draper seemed more candid and realistic about it. Mulvaney was first up gloating about the impending failure being the Democrats fault and making out as though Trump is cool with Paul Ryan. Trump is delusional if he thinks the Democrats are going to watch the AHCA fail and then come running to him. That idiot doesn't get that he's supposed to be the one with the plan not them.


    Tom Brokaw didn't sugarcoat the shortcomings of Trump.


    Too many people in the media seem to be stuck in this perplexed state where they seemingly believe that Trump is going to suddenly morph into a real national leader. Unless Fox News is going to compile a series on how to handle policy that he can absorb in less than 15 minutes, they can forget about him learning anything. They need to accept what and who he is and stop trying to present him as what they want him to be. Even the way they summarize his tweets and actions make him sound better than he is. Chuck Todd managed to turn his threat about how the Democrats were going to have to come to him to get a healthcare bill done into some sane statement about his knowing that he will eventually work with the Democrats. They constantly normalize his insanity when they summarize what he does and says in such reasonable terms.

    52 minutes ago, Roman said:

    I believe she did say that because IMPO that kind of response is the only thing he seems to understand when his bullying tactics don't work.

    I don't at all believe she said any such thing. I think she basically ignored his attempt into provoking her into giving him the upper hand. He was the one pouting.

  3. He's holding another campaign rally on Wednesday. I just wonder how those people are going to feel knowing they've given him money for a re-election that isn't going to happen.

    31 minutes ago, Roman said:

    Well, Trump got on Twitter this morning and NOW is blaming conservatives and alt-right and right wing groups for the failure of the ACA. Diane Feinstein has also said that Trump is getting ready to resign as POTUS. 

    He can keep blaming everyone and his cult will believe him but thinking people know better. I finally heard some analysts admit that he's hopeless. People like Kasich who say he's going to learn from his mistakes must be oblivious to his tweeting. He's stupid for promoting a call to have Paul Ryan resign a position no one wants. Republican incompetence summed up:



    Even if she believes it, I wish Feinstein would not say things like that publicly. If given a choice between impeachment and resigning he probably will resign but they're not there yet so it's best to let things play out.


  4. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Meanwhile Trump plays golf for 4 and 1/2 hours at his club in Virginia after apparently telling the White House press pool that he had "work" to do.

    Remember he did all he could do and after all that negotiating and winning, he's earned golf time.


    Just what TrumPutin needs friendly pressL



    Flynnspiracy is getting even stranger with a report that he planned to kidnap a green card holder for a Turkish sponsor.


    I tell you I'm waiting to hear that Melania is behind some of this and she duped Trump somehow (not really, but I wouldn't be surprised if she gets thrown under for cash considerations and a divorce).

  5. 2 hours ago, Khan said:

    They've even begun applying OK state tax to purchases made online through Amazon.com. 

    California took my Amazon.com shopping joy away and they even tax Prime membership. You can actually wander from city to city in California and end up paying different sales tax rates and we are about to have another increase to help the homeless (which I hope does go to that project and not something else). I know that Pete Wilson (a republican) asked for a temporary sales tax hike to help after the Oakland earthquake in 1989, when he was governor and that tax became permanent.


    2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    And Nunes is backing down from his surveillance assertions. Does he realize that he is now making a strong case for an independent investigator to come in and pursue this case?

    I tried to read some of his explanation yesterday and it sounded as if he made the whole thing up. He held two press conferences that day and said how he had to let Trump know but there was nothing in what he said that sounded like solid evidence. He said he was going to share what he had with the committee but what he claimed to have seems to be nothing because then he said he was waiting for something. He made it all worse by calling off the public hearings and offering Manafort, along with pretending not to know who Roger Stone and Carter Page are.

  6. Now Trump is claiming he never said anything about repealing and replacing, he said let Obamacare explode for the past 1.5 years. The Trumpcult is easy. They've got a weekend to spin a bunch of lies on Sunday morning about everything being all good. It's campaign rally time.


    Meanwhile, Comey was spotted leaving the White House. And all the TrumPutins want to voluntarily testify. Did Devin Nunes promise to ask them silly questions to show they have nothing to hide? Flynn better be checking his food for poison since that seems to be Putin's go-to death move.



  7. 45 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    The victim, Timothy Caughman has been painted as a transient (seemingly to engender less sympathy and be easier to ignore/bypass), even though he is not and this article actually corrects this misrepresentation.

    This makes me question our way of seeing others and reminds me of Animal Farm's some are more equal than others.


    A woman in Indiana voted for Trump because she thought "good people" would get to stay and now her undocumented husband is going to be deported. But she seems optimistic.

    5 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Meanwhile: Not done throwing Ryan under the bus, Trump has also used the Enquirer to lash out at Flynn, calling him "a Russian spy" - likely afraid Flynn will flip on him.

    Doesn't this give Flynn a reason to flip on him? Nunes called off the public hearing scheduled for Monday and offered up volunteer Manafort. They're setting the standard for incompetence.

  8. 4 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    his face compressed into an excited scream.

    Eastbound and demented.


    This seems like a perfect assessment of how to handle serious legislation:



    Trump can blame anyone he wants but he fails on this either way. He supported a horrendous bill and if it passes, he can't run away from that. If it fails then his image as the greatest deal maker ever takes a hit. Since he's already claimed that he wanted to let Obamacare fail then that happening won't insulate him either.


    They're now trying to slow down travel visas (probably for select countries) as a backdoor way of carrying out a ban. Ultimately this may adversely affect tourism so America's CEO is not doing as well as he pretends he is.


  9. The obtuse working on healthcare saying such things as "I wouldn't want to lose my mammogram."


    I don't know how to embed tweets but Sally Field has one about Trump Truckster that made me laugh.


  10. 59 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    It sounds to me like this man never grieved properly for his son and this is the result we get. I guess that isn't very nice of me to say. I have limited sympathy for the endless amount of Trump voters who always seem to talk about the many sacrifices they make and how let down they are. It's one thing to meet someone in a diner and hear them vent about it, another to know they endlessly get to sell their stories. I don't see the Washington Post rushing out to interview the disabled person who can barely leave their home and depends on government funding to pay their rent or pay for basic meds or food and for this basic attempt at survival is repeatedly told that we are being compassionate to them as we throw them on the street and lock the door behind them. 

    The media helps to "condition" people into not caring about average people suffering. Donald Sterling, former owner of the Los Angeles Clippers basketball team, was a slum lord for years and engaged in discriminatory practices. He didn't get labeled a racist until he told his "friend" not to bring black guys to games with her and not to take pictures with Magic Johnson. All of a sudden a sports media person started referring to him as the most hated man in the country and the media carried on as though they were providing some public service to the public in blowing up the story, despite his track record (which led to Gloria Allred being able to snatch her piece of the spotlight). Anderson Cooper/CNN even got in on the act with an interview of this old man who was so dangerous to society. His treatment of his tenants was not enough of a reason to find him despicable, but he said something about a former basketball player and they all went after him as the nation's greatest evil. All those players and the coach pretended to not know what he was and pretended to have some moral dilemma about whether or not they could continue to play for someone like that. They knew all along what he was but the money spoke louder.


    At least there are people who genuinely care but the media is just out to make life seem like one big show.

  11. I read about him yesterday and thought maybe Trump can call him up and say whatever the man wants to hear and things will be fine again. I remember watching an interview in which three women spoke about voting for Trump hoping he would make their work lives better. When asked what they'd do if Trump didn't deliver, one of them jokingly said that she'd write him an angry letter. Some people are looking for a savior and they want him to be their savior.

  12. A translator would be a waste of time because his words are like things floating in the air and he still doesn't get the concept of NATO and how it works and how payment works. He and Palin could have some deep mind-blowing conversations.


    It's hard to know whether he suffers from an inability to accept the truth or whether he knows he's lying and maybe both can be true.


    Elijah Cummings is calling for Devin Nunes to be investigated and I hope that happens.


    @Roman yes, I live in California where there's crazy Nunes and Issa. No one will ever be able to explain electing them. But now I've seen quite a bit of Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell which balances things out for now.

  13. 1 hour ago, Roman said:

    I just woke up from a nap and saw all this. Did Nunes [!@#$%^&*] up that badly? I only saw a snippet of his PC and he seemed to lie 3 different times in less than a minute on one question. 

    Methinks he wanted barbecue, was out of meat, and threw himself on the grill. John McCain wants to run this now so at the very least Nunes should have stayed in the sandbox. I have no idea why he thinks trying to help Bigly is going to do him any good, but I guess loyalty has its rewards.


    Trump associates may have coordinated with Russia is CNN's latest breaking news. Before it was that he was making phone calls to try to put the squeeze on House conservatives. I wonder how many of them are ignoring his calls now.


    Some humor for someone in need of it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/lincoln-was-a-republican-slavery-is-bad--and-more-discoveries-by-president-obvious/2017/03/22/3360c622-0f2c-11e7-9b0d-d27c98455440_story.html?hpid=hp_no-name_opinion-card-f%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.ee91f53ae84a



  14. I thought Issa was a case but now here's Nunes reminding me that I can't shake my head enough over how the people in this state get elected. At least there's Adam Schiff. I am glad he at least is asking whether Nunes wants to be a Trump surrogate but I don't see how there avoid any kind of move to get him ousted. He started out trying to provide cover for Trump before they even decided to investigate.


    The thing is he now put himself out there to say something that was already floated regarding information being collected as part of surveillance on a foreign national or multiple foreign nationals, which is a bad look for Trumpsters regardless of whether it was direct or indirect. The fact that Trump feels vindicated in any way shows how completely ignorant he is. Plus Nunes doesn't even know whether Trump Towers was involved which is a major part of the lie leveled by Trump.


    Now all those people who scoffed at the idea of an independent investigation might buy a clue as to why some called for one.

  15. It may get out of the House depending on how much Trump's threats scare some of them. He threatened the Freedom Caucus leader which is now being downplayed as joke.


    Tom Cotton is still insisting they slow down and that it won't pass in the Senate. I don't know whether they care about Trump's threats but I can't imagine any of them being moved by anything Mitch McConnell says.


    28 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    I have always found it interesting that this guy has been paraded around as some kind of centrist favorite when he is one of the most zealous idealogues and has been for years. Ayn Rand is also in direct conflict with the beliefs of the Catholic Church and he also claims to be a devout Catholic. Another walking GOP contradiction.

    I know that people may not like to question someone's faith but his complete contempt for the poor is so obvious that I can't see why anyone wouldn't at least ask him what being a devout Catholic means to him.

  16. I saw that yesterday. I also saw Susan Collins skirt around taking a stance on that by pretending that they needed to get to the bottom of it before she could say whether he should apologize. Adam Schiff showed up after and said he disagreed with her because they'd already gotten to the bottom of it.


    Some of those Republicans are playing a potentially costly game with their own credibility by trying to pass Trump off as having an "unconventional style" because they don't want to be seen acknowledging that he is a liar who makes things up and gets away with it, and they're complicit.  I kind of want to see him carted off in a strait jacket.

    So now that they finally let James Comey publicly refute Trump's tweets, how long before the hearing is labeled fake news?


    Devin Nunes is doing his best to throw Trump a lifeboat by low key promoting a general surveillance possibility and by trying to draw attention to the real criminals: whoever leaked info. Meanwhile conspiring with Russia is still not a big deal.

  17. 2 hours ago, marceline said:

    That's the galling part. These people vote to tear other people's lives to pieces but they don't want to be thought of as heartless.

    Good point. I was too busy trying to understand how her neighbors have ruined her life. She got married when she was 19, had two kids and was divorced at 26. She says she should have gone to college, understands that globalization and automation played a part, but it's still their fault. I don't even get these people who think their tax dollars somehow fund the lifestyles of hundreds of people (whether it be the "illegals" or the lazy black people). Is she equally as upset that she may be also helping to take care of lazy white people? I wonder whether she even realizes that she's also feeding hungry white children. And none of this has anything to do with how she ended up where she is.


    It's a good thing that Trump is going to get rid of that problem for her because then she'll be able to get more money and she'll be able to afford health insurance and her life will be so much better...oh wait...

  18. Here's one of the best examples of a person who uses filtered logic that allows her to see life in that special way that justifies her contempt for a group of people:



    She says her opposition to “illegals” isn’t personal. She says that when she needs help around the house, her Hispanic neighbors offer before “my white neighbors do.” She says she doesn’t want the kids on her bus to think she is heartless for supporting deportation raids. But she says something has to change.

  19. The most genuine moment, imo, came when he said company instead of country. He thinks he's in charge of one big company.


    Those mics were messed up so I don't know what Halperin asked to send him down the familiar road of republican utopia and tiresome droning on and on about Obamacare is failing and lies about how he said the best thing to do is to let it fail as if no one heard him say he had a better plan and he was going to replace and repeal on day one.


    His reading style is horrific. The fact that he does not get that he's not standing in front of his admirers and carries on as if the world's been victimizing America and he's going to fix everything is very depressing.


    I can't even say what the most embarrassing part of all that was but when he responded to the reporter who asked him about his use of fake news and made out as if that was the reporter's term, the awkward reference to Angela Merkel being wiretapped, and the ask Fox News rubbish, it just seemed as if this is never going to end. This game of quoting conspiracy theorists as evidence and pretending that they were merely using them as examples of what is being reported in the news, claiming to have evidence that can only be delivered in two weeks or some other time down the road, and being blameless is something I don't think I can stand anymore. I might watch the PBS Newshour later but I think I need to filter out the repetition because I know this isn't a really bad episode of the Twilight Zone.

  20. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/03/17/520510426/house-oks-bill-allowing-mentally-incapacitated-veterans-to-buy-guns

    More evidence that the less people the better is a policy and this one includes complicit democrats.



    I watched Amy Goodwin talk with Ralph Nader (who plugged his book) about various issues and he said that the democrats need to speak in simpler terms. It made me realize how they are missing opportunities by not being proactive instead of sticking to being reactive all the time. I wonder if they are not just doing what the republicans were doing in opposing and criticizing everything Obama suggested without ever working out their own plan. We see how their outrage over the AHCA for seven years was a bunch of talk while they squandered opportunities to come up with something better.


    I wish they'd use PACs to run short anti-Trump ads referencing the harmful actions against the people that he has either taken or proposed.

  21. Just now, Roman said:

    The WH had to apologize overnight to Great Britain for the lies SS told in the WH Press Briefing yesterday. 

    I read about that while going through this morning's stories. Fox News tried to help validate Trump's claims by saying Obama used the British Intelligence instead of American. Now it's time for Congress to take a hard line against Trump on this because using foreign allies to try to justify his lies could cause a lot of damage in foreign relations.





    Then there's the usual silliness from this lot:


    Yesterday when I read that the Obamas were in Hawaii, I wondered why I hadn't heard a conspiracy theory about the blocked ban and this morning I came across this:


  22. I don't think I've ever read so much gibberish coming from someone in such a position of power:

    Trump predicted that he would be vindicated by evidence and hinted that he has proof of wiretapping in hand, though he declined to reveal it.

    "Let's see whether or not I proved it. I just don't choose to do it right now. I choose to do it before the committee, and maybe I'll do it before the committee," he said. "Maybe I'll do it before I see the result of the committee. But I think we have some very good stuff. And we're in the process of putting it together, and I think it's going to be very demonstrative."



    He sounds as if he is making some sort of a sales pitch and a presentation has to be put together and yet he's supposed to be referring to evidence of wiretapping. The whole thing is quite kooky since prior to this he claims to have learned about the wiretapping in quotes from Bret Baier of Fox News.

  23. While Trump can apparently can get away with making things up and then doubling and tripling down and telling people to wait a couple of weeks for things to come out, I don't get why Spicer continues to trap himself in Trump's webs. He's cementing his reputation as a lying press secretary who says a lot of nonsensical things. And this new game they've started playing in which they claim something they said is news because news outlets reported on it is beyond tiresome. There is no point in asking for an investigation into wiretapping if the results won't be accepted when they don't have the right spin to them. Unlike his promise to lock Hilary Clinton up from which he quickly walked away, Trump can't accuse a former President of engaging in criminal activity then go around trying to blur the lines about what he said and hope it will be forgotten. He doesn't seem to want to admit he lied or was "misled" so he has no choice but to try to pretend he didn't mean it literally and dig that hole deeper, but I don't think anyone else has to help him dig except Hannity and other sycophants.

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