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Posts posted by Cat

  1. I've been away from a computer since I heard this, but words cannot express how shocking and devastating this is. The news services here are all saying "this was not unexpected" but I honestly thought that Whitney's mother, daughter, Clive Davis and her own faith would pull her through her drugs hell. I *wanted* to see Whitney make it. I wanted to see her sing even after the damage that crack did to her vocal cords. Even with that damage, this woman's singing ability is still worlds away from the Xtinas, Timberlakes, Katy Perrys, the smug and entitled brats who really do think they are the second coming of Whitney and Michael Jackson. Like, I can't even stomach seeing JT on the screen anymore, I just want him to sit his ass DOWN and STFU. Whitney was the real deal.

    I thought she would "make it" because Whitney projected a lot of strength and dynamism in her songs. It's Not Right But it's OK is the most obvious example, but even the full-on love ballads like IWALY seemed to transform and strengthen Whitney-the-performer by their very message of love and transcendence. She was infinitely more fragile, isolated and vulnerable than her singing persona projected. Very early on in her pop career there was criticism that she couldn't dance, that she was too square. We forget how accessible, inclusive, simple and iconic those songs and her voice really were. How fun they were. NEVER "Look at me, I'm so edgy and now I'm going to flash my vajayjay at you." Whitney didn't need all that stuff to distract from her talent. Today her songs really show up a lot of current "artists" with the exception of, say, Adele.

    Fragile too because there was speculation that she was closeted, that her BFF Robin who went everywhere with her may have been more than that, that her family and her faith prevented her from "coming out," that Bobby Brown's bad boy attitude attracted her, that she married him to also appease doubts within herself... I don't know if it's true or not, I don't care, but what people close to her say is that the day she met Brown was the day the downward spiral began. sad.png

    The cause of her death will take time, I think, because it could be an Amy Winehouse situation where no drugs were found in her system but her body was just so worn out by the years of drink and drug abuse that it just gave out. I'd like to think that her death won't overshadow her incredible body of work or her talent. We won't hear the likes of that voice again.

  2. I seriously cant get over how amazing Brandi was.

    "There were too many of us floating around, Mrs. Cibrians"

    "When does the book come out?"

    "Its been a hot minute"

    "And what are you?"

    "You're lucky I had a top on"

    "Back off, Oklahoma"

    these + the tire story... im in love.

    I know! And professional con TayShana tried to make out like the tire story signified that Brandi was Crazy EVUL when, to me, it really underscored how self-deprecating Brandi is. She wasn't going to have him ride the thing once the tires got slashed -- she did it because she knew it would piss him off to have to change the tires on his precious motorcycle (which he prob treats better than most women). Also loved when she said the tires "were mine, too." :lol:

    Oh, and Kyle's "Angry Spice" comment to Brandi was the lamest thing I have heard since Jennifer Aniston called Angelina Jolie "uncool."

  3. I don't care that she was hiding in powder rooms -- I loved Miss Camille this season (and she was a guilty pleasure in S1, too). I want her to stay. Adrienne, OTOH? Well, there is any one reason to keep Adrienne on, and his name is Paul.

    Brandi is 1000% awesome, especially the way she called Taylor out.

    "I rest my case" *super smug*

    "Uh, what is your case? When does your book come out BTW?" Get it, girl!


    I wish Jeana was still on the show. Sigh.

    The new brunette looks like a mega-bitch but that's ok. Alexis is so threatened by other women, it's not even funny. I wish she weren't having a nose job this season as her real nose gives her a unique beauty and distinction she really doesn't desserve.

    Don't know what to make of Tamra & Gretchen's new "friendship" (do I enjoy watching BitchTamra? Yes. Do I trust her? No way in hell), but anything that pisses Slade "Controlling" Smiley off is OK by me.

  4. There are a LOT of great old episodes posted on this thread, making me recall exactly what drew me to this show in the first place.

    Like the episode featuring Brooke and her sisters cooking for Ridge while Stephanie goes to see the original Bill Spencer about Caroline's confession that she still loves Ridge -- so much classic soap shenanignas in two episodes. The Brooke-Ridge scene, I feared, would fall into cliché as she attempted to play good little housemaid. But I forgot that William J Bell wrote this. Instead, the dinner was a heartfelt gesture, meant to contrast with the easy glitz in Ridge's life. And Brooke telling Ridge that she knew he was "out of her league" but that she couldn't help wanting him to stay in her life.... KKL played it so well, not begging, just stating the obvious and with a touch of sadness as she knows that Ridge doesn't quite return the intensity of her feelings. It was the "old" Brooke, the Brooke that I loved, who could be smart and vixenish but also sincere and loving, not the blonde ditz of today. And Ronn Moss, while being too perfectly chiseled for my taste, was on the right side of charming. And I say this as somebody who loved Caroline & Ridge and never really got into Brooke & Ridge.

    I just wish the show still dealt with this level of complexity and in-depth character work when it comes to vets like Stephanie, Eric, Ridge and Brooke. It's not like they aren't featured -- they are -- it's just that Brad Bell has a particularly one-dimensional setting for each of them now and that's his comfort zone.

    Also Colleen Dion as Felicia -- so fierce! And that skeevy bartender Sly! I remember when he was all over Eric's diabetic niece, Jessica and tried to break her and Stripper Dylan up. :lol:

  5. Selfridges = my stomping ground. Wish I could run into Stephanie Beacham there.

    Still working my way through Season 2 of Dynasty (back in the day, I didn't start watching until Season 4) and still loving James Farentino as Nick Toscanni. Yes, he has a face like genitals in a bag, but that bod! And his character is just the right side of villain, the wrong side of decency.

    You know who impresses me now and never did back when I watched as kid? Pamela Sue Martin as Fallon. She is exquisite and so perfect as the character. Heather Locklear and Al Corley are also well cast. But this is Joan Collins' show boat.

    I would say that John Forsythe is slightly too old as Blake, I just cannot understand why Krystal and Alexis would be all over that blue-hair rinse.

  6. I am watching BH right now!

    I found Adrienne, Taylor and Kyle very cowardly. Kyle and Adrienne spent forever yapping about what strong women they are (and by implication what sources of inspiration they are for poor, put-upon Taylor). They lined up to attack Lisa, but the moment Lisa asked them to back up their accusations, it was all about the trembling lips and "Lisa, I don't think you realize how intimidating you can be."

    I was shocked and surprised at Adrienne the most because I always liked her on the show. Kyle we already knew was a mean girl -- turning on Brandi, then enabling/turning her drugged-up sister on her on Game Night. Taylor, igualmente, a manipulative coward who involves/uses other people to fight her battles for her. But Adrienne, I thought, was above all that. Now she just looks jealous and petty.

    However, I wouldn't want her to leave the RHOBH. And neither would I want Camille to go. Lots of people wish Camille got her bitch on, but I loved her this season. Camille is one of the smartest women on the show. She is sharp as a tack and stylish and a truth-teller. I hope she stays. I also hope Lisa does, too, and Kyle and, yes, even Taylor. Taylor because I need somebody to hate! :lol: That's why that try-hard Dana is so not needed -- we already have TayShana. As for Brandi, this chick is gold, and I hope she becomes a fully-fledged HW next season. Don't know anything about Lisa Gastineau except that Kris Jenner stole her reality TV show idea and turned it into Keeping Up with the Kardashians. I hope there is more to Vanessa Bryant than just "I married a big basketball star and he cheated on me."

    P.S.: Taylor's "psychiatrist" is really an osteopath? :lol:

  7. It's been clear for a long time that Kim's behaviour is more than just anti-anxiety medication. If it were meth, she'd have no teeth left, but it is still hard narcotics, as evidenced by the suspicious bag of "white powder" she pretended to find in her limo. I personally think she's using crack if her voice is anything to go by. I'm not a big fan of Gay Bull Mastiff but I actually think she wants to get rid of him so that she won't have somebody on her back about her drug use.

    All this makes me ever more sympathetic to Kyle. Don't get me wrong, the way she treated Brandi in earlier episodes was mean and cruel (even Mauricio on WWHL said as much), but to be constantly worrying about your sister's sobriety and how to manage her drug-fuelled behaviour must be seriously emotionally exhausting.

    Taylor, or Drama Vortex as they call her on Reality Tea, :lol: should not have hijacked Lisa's party with her therapist in order to make herself the center of attention all over again. Adrienne had every right to speak out and voice her concerns, and for Dr. Desperate, Lisa and Kyle to shush her was not ok. BTW, was it Brandi in one of the previous episodes who suggested that Taylor dumped Russell in order to stay in the RH clique?! She said it jokingly but I bet it's a big reason why Russell got served with divorce papers to begin with.

    I think I have pinpointed why RHoBH is my fave RH franchise. Hollywood/Beverly Hills seems to be full of these deep, dark secrets which everybody knows about but keeps silent anyway. It is a city built on secrets and illusion, in a way. I think this is one aspect of the RHOBH that I find intriguing, if shocking, to watch. Most of these incredibly privileged women seem quite nice (way nicer than the meanies on RHONY, for example) and that's what draws me in, but the culture of omertà is as bad as the one in Mob Wives!

    I also think that the women on this show are psychologically more intriguing than on some of the other shows. Like, I can't stand Taylor, but I am interested in what makes her tick. Similarly the sibling relationship between Kyle and Kim. Wonder if Kathy Hilton will ever join the show? Just as long as she doesn't bring Paris on.

  8. Never mind Klaus! Finally Damon and Elena kissed. Finally. Sometimes I wish Elena was a more relatable, kinder character, because then I would be truly addicted to this show. I guess the plot goes by so fast that they don't have time to refine her character, except as an object of two brothers' affections. Still. The kiss. About damn time.

  9. "Everything happens for a reason." Oh for God's sake, STFU Kim! How sad that this woman is thrilled to have missed the catamaran outing just so she and Sideshow Ken could hang at the hotel, feed each other edamame, mumble incoherently and get high all day long.

    A good episode overall, I am starting to enjoy Kyle more, and Mauricio is a rock. Adrienne & Paul were adorable, and Brandi and Lisa cannot fail to be fabulous, always. Sideshow Ken, though... scary. He is starting to turn Kim against her family, too, and control her movements. I can only assume he has access to whatever she is hooked on.

  10. I didnt even know Brandi got married. Why would her drunken tweets and wedding prevent them from wanting her? If anything thats the type of stuff they'd want as she is a mess in her own way

    I think it was more to it than that -- it was the drug references that unnerved Bravo. There have even been some rumors (according to CDAN -- Crazy days and Nights) that Brandi's Xanax epiosde on the plane may not be a one-off. I don't know if it's true, just gossip.


    Damn, Ken, that is one lilac-colored blazer.

    Lisa and Kyle give me major hair envy.

  11. I am watching the last episode of RHoBH right as I type this. And OMG, the same mariachi band that was terrorizing Liam on B&B this week was hired for Kyle's White Party! :lol:

    Taylor's face in the limo ride back says it all. Russell is going to get thrown over, whether he realizes it or not.

    "If any man laid a hand on any of mah girls..." Shut the [!@#$%^&*] UP Dana. You're not part of the Housewives yet.

    Damn. Mauricio just planted a smoking kiss on Kyle. Hot! I also couldn't help LOLing at their bar-mitzvah dancing. Kyle just tore onto the dance floor and started hopping around!

    The camera just cut to some random Trophy Wife with THE biggest boob job ever.

    I just love Paul.

  12. The scenes in the limo between Taylor and Russell were SO set-up and uncomfortable that it made me wonder if they filmed those after this whole White Party confrontation went down. Russell had the glazed-eyed look of a shell-shocked Dead Man Walking. And Taylor's trite "OMG, we're so in love, we're back on the right track, our marriage is super-strong and fabulous" dialogue was so obvious. It amazes me that Taylor went from this "perfect marriage" to filing for divorce right after her social set blackballs her and her husband. She choose the Beverly Hills mavens over this marriage that was supposedly so amazing and back on track. Her passive-aggressivity was jaw-dropping in this episode. When she realized that her friends had sussed out her game of playing people against each other and didn't want to be the buffers in her marriage anymore, she was all false lightness, like "We flew all the way from Vegas to see you but that's ok, love you guys!" I wonder how long after that did Russell receive the divorce papers. I give it 24 hours.

    Brandi is The Awesome and should be made a full Housewife next season. I love how un-tightly-wound she is and this makes a great counterpoint to the other housewives. A young boho making her way through the upper echelons of BH society while actively tring to make friends. The fact that Kyle is so threatened by her is an added bonus. Brandi must be absolutely stunning IRL. Recently, the gossip blogs had photos of her cheering on her son at his soccer meet along with Eddie and the BSC LeAnn Rimes (though neither group acknowledged the other). While LeAnn and Eddie were all about the PDAs and LeAnn playing at being a benevalent "second mom" for Eddie's children, Brandi was parked on a picnic blanket with a girl friend (I love how Brandi surrounds herself with a really tight group of girl friends), tying back her daughter's hair, laying out food in tupperware boxes and handing out juice boxes to her kids when they got thirsty.

    Kim doesn't come across as crazy as high so much as mean, spiteful and stupid. A spoiled Disney princess who never grew up. When they mentioned Paris Hilton, I realized that, of course, Kim is sister to Paris's social-climbing mom, Kathy Hilton. It makes so much sense as that woman is kind of a parasite. I don't think Kim ever got over her glory teenage years as Disney star and prom queen, and it is sad to see how rottenly she is coping now.

    Stunned at how forceful Adrienne and Paul were for once. Paul really put his foot down about Russell, and he was right to force the issue. I felt bad for Kyle, though, as Adrienne dumped all the responsability of turning Taylor and Russell away on her. Still, Taylor had put everybody in a terrible position regarding Russell and what she may and may not have been saying about their marriage so they had a right to confront her about it.

  13. I could go for that. ^^ Though I still have a huge fondness for Camille, I could see how she wouldn't want any more negative exposure.

    Re: the last episode, Taylor was riled up and looking for a fight at Brandi's, IMO. She was hyper as hell in the car with Kyle, asking her if she had her back, etc. When Camille didn't engage, she stomped off to the porch in a sulk, wanting to be noticed (which she duly was). Then she went to stand by Camille and DD and announced in a loud voice how "betrayed" she was. I really do think, though, her tears at the end were absolute panic about how Russell would react when he saw the episodes.

  14. +3. Faye would an interesting addition. I'm wondering if she'd rather hold off, though. I also really want Brandi to join as a full housewife! I love her dynamic and how she has stayed true to herself despite the backbiting.

    I sort of don't want to see Taylor leaving because eventually this chick is going to get called on her BS like Jill Zarin was in RHoNY. And I like Camille, too, but she seems VERY skittish in front of camera. She got burned last season. Of course I love Lisa so I want her to stay, like, FOREVER. But I fear she may not want to do the show after this season. We are seeing a lot less of her with the other housewives. I wonder if it is a conscious decision to pull away.

  15. How does one comment on Taylor?


    jp, you have a Kim in each definition! Which Kims? I personally think both BH and ATL Kims look older than their age. Kim Zolciak looks well preserved and all, but that mega-weave and all the make up and botox makes her look older than 33.

  16. I could see Andy bringing out Brandi (Andy-Brandi -- that rhymes!). BUt not Dana. She's only been on a few episodes, showing off her $80,000 sunglasses (or whatever they cost) or trying to score a free trip to Camille's house in Hawaii.

    BTW, did you know that Dana is younger than all the other RHoBH? I was stunned when I saw that. She looks rode hard and put away wet.


    Real Housewives of Beverly Hills:

    Dana Wilkey-37 years old

    Brandi Glanville-38 years old

    Camille Grammer-43 years old

    Kyle Richards-42 years old

    Kim Richards-47 years old

    Taylor Armstrong-40 years old

    Lisa Vanderpump-50 years old

    Adrienne Maloof-50 years old

    Real Housewives of New Jersey:

    Kathy Wakile-46 years old

    Melissa Gorga-32 years old

    Jacqueline Laurita-41 years old

    Caroline Manzo-50 years old

    Dina Manzo-39 years old

    Danielle Staub-49 years old

    Teresa Giudice-39 years old

    Real Housewives of Atlanta:

    Sheree Whitfield-41 years old

    Phaedra Parks-40 years old

    Cynthia Bailey-44 years old

    Kandi Burruss-35 years old

    Kim Zolciak-33 years old

    Nene Leakes-44 years old

    Real Housewives of Orange County:

    Tamra Barney-43 years old

    Vicki Gunvalson-49 years old

    Gretchen Rossi-33 years old

    Peggy Tanous-41 years old

    Alexis Bellino-32 years old

    Fernanda Rocha-34 years old

    Heather Dubrow-41 years old

    Real Housewives of Miami:

    Cristy Rice-unknown

    Alexia Echevarria-44 years old

    Adriana De Moura-unknown

    Marysol Patton-44 years old

    Lea Black-unknown

    Real Housewives of New York:

    Jill Zarin-48 years old

    Sonja Morgan-48 years old

    LuAnn de Lesseps-46 years old

    Alex Mccord-38 years old

    Hahhahaha, Nene was saying in the last episode of RHOATL that she couldn't tell Kandi what it was like to hit 35 or whatever because she hadn't got there yet! laugh.png

    Adrienne is 50... and so is Danielle Staub (almost). ohmy.png

  17. Yep, Atlanta Kim sure did luck out by finding a nice guy. Let's face it, Kim was a pair of thigh-high boots away from becoming a professional ho, and hos don't usually meet nice guys on the stroll. And I say this as somebody who doesn't hate Kim at all, but that girl has been earning money on her back for years. It contrasts with the other ladies on RHOATL because most of them have worked their way up in legit jobs to get where they are. Sheree, Kandi, Phaedra, Cynthia and Nene hustle and have all hustled (in the non-hooking sense of course).

    Sure, Nene once shook her tittays at the local 'pole joint. But she's branched out since then. And I'm not surprised Nene was shocked at the stripper -- he was wacking off onstage! He also dipped his schlong in Kandi's drink. In the words of Sheree, "Oh, HELL NAW!" If some chipmunk ( © Lisa Vanderpump) did that to me, I wouldn't just "refresh" my drink -- I'd pour the rest down the plughole, pull out a new glass and pour me another one. A double.

  18. I'm not saying she has it coming but... anybody else get the feeling that Taylor enjoys playing the victim?

    Next week another blowout with somebody else in the wrong and Taylor all hurt and crying and "finally finding her voice." :rolleyes.gif

    Kyle was shocked at Brandi's suggestion that she invite a porn star to a party to give BJ tips. Brandi should have known better. That is not the way prim Kyle and her posse roll. And while I would be shocked if a friend suggested we have a tupperware party built around sex tips, I would also secretly be intrigued. laugh.png

    Adrienne *sigh* I love you but you are so chicken. And this shoe project -- I don't feel that La Maloof's heart is into it somehow. She was more passionate about the charity than about launching her hoof collection which she claims she's wanted to do since she was a child.

    Camille. wub.png Keep fighting the good fight, girl!

  19. If Peter is Papa Smurf, what would Nene's ex, Greg, be? Peepaw Smurf? Grandpappy Smurf? Grandmaster Smurf?


    Kim: "I'm an Arabian horse. Ri-OWWWWWW."

    Lisa: "I don't want to hang out with a bunch of 24-year olds. I don't really want to see the Chipmunks in action. I might never come back." laugh.pnglaugh.png @ Lisa calling the Chippendales "chipmunks."

    Taylor: "Did you see Ace Young is here?"

    Kyle: "Who?"

    Did you all notice that after Camille called TayShana out on her [!@#$%^&*] and marched out, TayShana immediately made up with Lisa -- now that she's got a new person on whom to blame all her troubles.

    Now that I've seen two birthday parties for Kennedy - I'm convinced that poor girl is f'ed up in the head. Her attitude is odd - she never seems happy,and she's got a twinge of crazy in her face. I'm seriously concerned for that girl, and Taylor just seems to ignore it.

    Poor Kennedy is prob traumatized by her parents TBH. Crazy? No. But the poor child is probably neglected half the time and when her parents are around, they appear unable to adequately communicate any real feelings to each other or her other than violence, self-hatred and denial. sad.png

    BH is one of my fave RH franchises because there is always this really seedy, dangerous dark side lurking around the edges of all that wealth and sunshine (kind of a metaphor for Hollywood in general, no?) -- but sometimes it is hard to watch the intense dysfunction of somebody like Russell and Taylor impact horribly on the people around them.

  20. I love Paul, too. That's prob why I have a soft spot for Adrienne, even though she is patently useless in anything involving confrontation.

    Taylor's strategy is very obvious: divide and conquer. That's what she tried to do with Camille and Kyle last season and what she's doing with Kyle and Lisa now.

    She always makes a beeline for the "strong" people in a group, so that she can allign herself with them and have them shield her or fight her battles for her so she doesn't have to do it herself. I suspect that's how she got involved with Russell. God knows she and her publicist have been working overtime to get media attention on her plight as the lonely wife and have done so for months. I suspect that in order to deflect attention from herself when she ended up staying with him, she told Russell it was probably mean old Lisa who leaked to Us Weekly. Russell looks like he had a vindictive side, no? So Taylor channels his vindictiveness away from herself and towards a woman he barely knows and who barely knows (or cares about) him.

    As for her so-called BFFs Kyle and Dana and... that's about it, right? Well, it's clear that she appeals to their vanity, playing the sidekick friend who flatters them at every turn. Bet she wishes Dana had been around to back her up at Lisa's, although bird-of-a-feather Dana seems so anxious to brown-nose Kyle and get invited to Camille's house in Maui that she'd prob have switched sides during the impromptu "intervention."

    TayShanna's mistake was picking on somebody (Lisa) who is tough, a lot tougher than Kyle and way tougher than Russell, the wussy who mean-texts a near-total stranger.

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