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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. I'm not surprised that Eastenders is doing so well. I feel like the show has improved which is why I'm watching more frequently and posting about the stories. I think today's episode with the Denise/Lucas story coming to a head and Syed and Christian turning a corner will bring in even stronger ratings. The UK soaps are in so much better shape than their US counterparts that I think that viewership does actually measure quality.

  2. I guess I enjoyed Dennis and Sharon more because they never really hurt anyone, at least not for a long time (they were together off and on for a while before Dennis started with Zoe), and I thought the actors had chemistry, although I know that's subjective. Christian and Syed have not only hurt people very badly, which of course is a natural part of soaps, but they also constantly pass themselves off as victims. Over time it feels like the show has started writing them that way as well -- perhaps they never saw Amira as more than a plot device and were surprised when some fans empathized with her and the callous way she was being treated. Better to move on from that and instead reframe the story to make it look like poor Chryed were tormented by bigoted Zainab. The other problem I have with them is that I have struggled to believe through their actions that they actually love each other. For months I actually had no idea whether or not Syed loved Amira. Marc Elliot played most of their scenes in a very couply, friendly way, as if Syed truly enjoyed being around Amira. I still think that someone at the show might have become concerned about that because it was only very quickly that he suddenly started being cold towards Amira, only a few months before she left.

    As much as they annoy the hell out of me, I can give Christian and Syed a pass for their hurtful actions because this is what soap couples do. The lies, the make ups and break ups, and cruel words are typical. I do believe that Christian loves Syed though I have no clue why. However, I concede that most soap couples are written like this. They kiss or have a close moment and they are suddenly in love. I see desperation and love radiating from Christian. I feel that Christian like John Paul from Hollyoaks outed their lovers in a crazy moment out of pain and sheer desperation so I find their actions forgivable. What I doubt is that Syed loves Christian. I just don't see love there. Yet they are popular so I admit that I'm in the minority here. I want to see how Syed and Christian interact as a couple when the pressure is off. I want to see if Marc Elliot can have Syed show love for Christian beyond the drama.

  3. Christian's scenes really annoyed me. After all he did to the Masood family, and the pleasure he took in what he did, both at New Year's and the day he exposed the grand love affair, how bizarre to see him being so chummy and expecting Zainab to go along. Then as soon as he gets the opportunity to lash out, he humiliates them, and his beloved "Sy", talking about his sexual encounters with Syed, and in the pub no less. What about his concern for "Sy" when the man attempted suicide only a few months ago? Surely having a Square full of people gossiping about his ex-boyfriend saying that stuff in the pub would possibly drive Syed over the edge yet again? Then after Masood hits him, Syed runs over to Christian's to be as pathetic as he always is and we get scene #493 where Christian tells Syed to go away, complete with that ridiculous overdramatic collapse against the door. I can ALWAYS see John Partridge and Marc Elliot acting. I do not believe in their characters or in this great love story.

    Reading this, it occurs to me that this is why Christian and Syed are so popular. They are a typical over dramatic dysfunctional soap couple except their lies and deception are focused around Syed's issues. They are so ridiculous at times, but they really are no different Sharon and Dennis (who I did love) sneaking around Walford hiding from everyone and then later on Zoe and Den. I am really interested in seeing where Kirkwood takes them next.

    Another thing, I can't believe that no one in the Square figured out Christian and Syed were romantically involved months ago. They stand insanely close to each other and are grabby in public. People have to had been blind not too see they were involved. A couple of people noticing, but saying nothing would have added to this neverending story.

  4. I am really enjoying Eastenders lately.

    I love the actors who play Zainab and Masood. I have been so annoyed about Zainab and Masood's attitude about Syed's homosexuality, but damn if they didn't make me feel for their delusional state today. Tamwar is the best brother around. Kamil, the baby is so adorable.

    Christian is so freaking annoying at times. He was in the right taunting the Masoods today, but I cheered when Masood hit him anyway. He looked really handsome in those scenes with Syed in his flat. I was glad that Christian stood his ground with Syed. Time for Syed to take a stand about his life and stop waffling.

    I hope new Ben can act and comes home tougher and makes Phil's life miserable. There have been hints that Ben might be gay and I hope that he will be with the new actor.

    Ian is such a prat, but he cracks me up. I laughed when he told Jane to gossip with Zainab about Syed and see how she liked it. Zianab ranting to Masood about Ian calling her a gossip was also funny as hell.

  5. Marc Elliot interview:


    Interesting what he says about Christian and Syed's big fanbase being teenage girls.

    Some soap fans are so weird. What possesses them to think that the actors want their scrapbooks and odd gifts?

    Whether someone is a good/bad actor is also subjective. Some people think ME is awesome, while others, like yourself, think he's a bad actor. I think he's a decent actor (a bit theatrical, but that kinda adds to Syed being a drama whore), but their lack of romantic chemistry lets them down.

    I don't think that whether someone is a good actor or not is subjective, really. Rather I think that lots of soap fans are unable to distinguish between their attraction to an actor and their acting ability. I think it is pretty clear Marc is a mediocre actor. He is fairly unimpressive though he can occasionally rise to the occasion. I do think that romantic chemistry is subjective so just because you and I don't see it, it doesn't mean that others don't. Like I always say, we can't all like the same couples.

    You are right, I to question whether Syed is really in love with Christian, but I think that's simply b/c of where Syed's head is at. He's not comfortable in his own skin, and is anxious about everything, which leaves a distance between what he's actually feeling. Theoretically, if he can become content with being gay, then hopefully his love for Christian wouldn't be so questionable...

    I just don't buy the explanation that what I see missing from Syed is due to his anxiety about being gay. There are simply no moments, even when he is alone with Christian that I believe that he reluctantly desires Christian. I practically rolled my eyes the first time Syed kissed Christian. I have always put it down to ME being straight and uncomfortable playing a gay character, but I could be dead wrong. He could be gay and is uncomfortable playing a gay role or it more likely it is his mediocre acting.

  6. I couldn't quite tell with Patrick but I think you're right, Ann. I have to admit that I am secretly hoping Denise is working with the police and that the police also got Patrick involved. Now that most of her family is going I want to see the Patrick/Denise bond become even stronger.

    Great minds. I was just coming to post this possibility. Could Denise have gone to the police after escaping Lucas? The police could be trying to get Lucas to make a mistake and give them evidence other than Denise's word. I could be that Patrick knows everything and is part of the con. I would much prefer this scenario be true.

  7. Syed always looked more interested in Amira than he ever did with Christian. I guess it didn't help that Preeya and Marc are dating in real life.

    True. This is why I'm always so surprised that Christian/Syed like Luke and Noah have so many fans. I wonder if it is because subconsciously many of their female fans sense that Marc and Jake are straight and uncomfortable playing gay characters.

    Don Gilet and Rudolph Walker were fantastic. Don Gilet has just been on fire these past few weeks. I don't know whether Patrick actually believes Lucas or not.

    I thought Patrick bought it completely once Lucas began to spin the lie that Denise accidentally killed Owen. Lucas is so damn convincing. Patrick better not go any where alone with Lucas or he might be next.

  8. I liked the contrast between Shirley and Phil's interaction with Ben. Shirley was giving Ben practical advice so he can protect himself, while Phil thinks that boxing lessons can help Ben.

    Chemistry is subjective, but the real problem is that Marc Elliot is not a good actor. He reminds me of Jake Silbermann. I don't believe either Syed or Noah are desperately in love with their respective love interests who are the better actors.

  9. Don was outstanding again today. The scenes with Lucas and the Masoods and later Lucas and Patrick were so good. Lucas is a sociopath. I'm glad that the cops are suspecting Lucas and aren't buying Denise as the sole culprit.

    I think that Marc Elliot isn't very good, but he made me sorry for Syed in the session and afterward with Tamwar. Syed is such a pathetic character. Yet his desperation is hard to watch and makes me feel sorry for him.

    Carl, you got your therapy session. It was bizarre which is likely what it is like in real life.

    Ian's unsympathetic conversation with Zainab was morbid, yet it was funny when they talked about Cindy trying to kill him.

  10. I know this is Eastenders and not a US soap, but I would love for Kirkwood to bring back Don as Lucas' twin. He can terrorize the Square. I'll miss Don.

    When Syed and Christian get together, I hope they live happily ... on the backburner. I think the show will get tired of them soon and they'll be written out, or one of the actors (probably Marc Elliot) will leave and they'll write them out with a happy ending of some sort.

    I doubt Kirkwood writes them out. They do seem to be a popular couple. Besides I think that Eastenders will want to keep the actor who plays Christian if he wants to stay. Christian has lots of ties to the canvas and I think that he has become a solid character in his own right. I wouldn't mind if Marc Elliot leaves. He is the weak link. But in this economy, I doubt that he would quit. Kirkwood will probably come up with drama for them in a few months like cheating, family troubles, etc.

  11. I don't think that Denise is dead, but Lucas may have thought that it was her. Don was so good tonight. I loved Lucas' subtle reaction to Chelsea calling the person who killed both Trina and Owen was a monster. I'll miss him when he leaves. I'm glad Libby continued to have faith in Denise.

    The Beales/Masoods bidding war was very entertaining. Christian and Syed are never going stop playing their games so better they get together and continue to make each other miserable. I'm looking forward to Christian's gym. He has a nice body.

    I won't miss this actor playing Ben. I look forward to new Ben. Hopefully, he and Shirley work just as well together.

  12. It must be because they're gay, like Luke & Noah. No matter how much they suck and how bad their storylines are, some people will force themselves to love and support them because they're a gay couple.

    I think this is true for the vocal online Luke and Noah and Christian/Syed crews. However, where it differs is that Syed's wedding to Amira drew major ratings for Eastenders which indicates that the audience as a whole is interested in Christian and Syed's drama.

  13. The problem with not being important to the story is that most of these issues were what the publicity machine for the show has said the Chryed story was supposed to be about. A man's struggle with his faith and his sexuality. Instead, it has always just been will they/won't they, with nonexistent storyline beyond sad faces and teary eyes. Whether it is Syed's Muslim background, Christian being beaten up twice, Syed attempting suicide, now the ex-gay therapy -- it all somehow becomes no big deal, and I think that is a very socially irresponsible way to tell a story.

    The inability to tell social issues is one thing that soaps across the world share in common.

    Right now, I am just hoping that Kirkwood can turn Christian and Syed into a watchable couple. I'm always surprised that they have so many fans considering that they suck, but I think that it must be like watching an accident on the highway for some people.

  14. I can't believe Christian and Syed are still in the same place...it's just bizarre and confirms how empty the characters are. Syed is going to ex-gay "therapy" -- even someone who feels this is successful for them would say their life changes. Syed is the same as ever. The same old come here/go away stuff with Christian, a silly reason for Christian to see the Masoods (which again shows how hollow the character is -- he's happily selling his share of the business to people who made his life hell and to Zainab after all she said to Jane), and absolutely no scenes of Syed in therapy, which is the only valuable thing that this story would provide. If you are going to bring this up then you need to actually deal with the issue. Instead, just like gay-bashings and suicide attempts and religious opposition to homosexuality, this story has skimmed issues for headlines and has been too gutless to actually address them.

    I'm not a fan of Christian and Syed, but I think that your summary is off. Christian isn't happily selling his share of the business. He is pitting the Masoods and Beales against each other in a bidding war to up the price for his shares. He is being a shrewd business man here. It isn't like there are tons of people out there willing buy his shares. As for Syed's therapy, I'm not interested in seeing it because it isn't important to the story and I'm tired of Syed's denial and lies about his sexuality.

    Based on the spoilers, it does seem like Christian and Syed's relationship will be making progress. However, they are such poorly drawn characters that I'm sure when they get together their relationship will be miserable. Unless Bryan Kirkwood decides to write them like a regular soap couple.

  15. Roman's first love, Marc is hot. Roman didn't answer Deniz's question about if he still loved Marc. I think Roman does still love Marc. I would to see Roman with a new man for awhile and Marc would do the trick. Deniz is young, he can be alone for awhile.

    I love Jenny marrying Axel who is obviously still in love with her. Marian had his shot and kept blowing it with Jenny. I can't wait to see Jenny and Axel take on the rest of the Steinkemps who are so annoying now.

  16. Why is EastEnders doing this to one of their most talented leading men? I swear, soaps on both sides of the Atlantic are determined to self-destruct. There is nothing we fans can do to stop these producers and headwriters. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and think that the actor is already planning to leave, but this feels like violence for violence sake.

  17. I have been catching up on AWZ. I love Marian and Jenny's tenative love affair. I hope they become a viable long term couple. I don't trust Deniz so I find it hard to get vested in Roman and Deniz. I had hoped that they would find Roman another love interest. Could Lars and Stella be more annoying? Gah.

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