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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. Zoe was such a pathetic, selfish character, through and through. Never liked her.

    I recall that you saying that unlike Christian and Syed, Sharon and Dennis never hurt anyone, well, they did hurt Zoe. It is just more tolerable because Zoe was annoying and unlikeable. Sharon and Dennis' lies about their affair had negative consequences. If they had told the truth when they decided they still wanted each other, Den would have never been able to use Zoe to drive a wedge between Sharon and Dennis. I was just glad that they were able to reunite eventually and we got to see them happy and married in Walford.

    Nigel Harmon brought such a quiet confidence to Dennis. He wore that as well as a tight pair of jeans. That's the type of thing I've missed on EE in recent years. He was just so magnetic, you couldn't take your eyes off him. I love that knickers scene with Dennis and Kat.

    I loved Nigel Harmon as Dennis. He combined sex appeal, cockiness, and vulnerability that made Dennis must see tv for me. I will miss my beloved Dennis forever. Damn EE for killing him off.

  2. I think he wishes he had more fun in his life, because really, his life hasn't been the most pleasant. He sees Kelvin with his model girlfriend and glamorous lifestyle living in a fancy house and wishes he could compete somehow. A lot of men have that jealous instinct when they see how far their friends have exceeded expectations in their lives.

    I always get the impression that the dissatisfaction that Ian occasionally expresses is far deeper than not having fun in his life which I think is far more plot driven than character driven. Perhaps Ian does regret not having a more glamorous wife than Jane. Mel was his most sophisticated wife and she didn't last. Not that I could ever see him happy with her in the long run.

    I wonder if anything was changed between the filming and the airdate. Apparently the spoilers for Syed involved him being knocked back from getting work or begging for a job or something. That didn't come across in this episode. I think there was also supposed to be more hesitancy about taking a job from Christian (although I do think that might end badly).

    I think that a lot of times the spoilers tend to be overly dramatic compared to what actually happens on screen.

  3. I wonder what Ian wishes he'd done with his life. Ian is one of the few who has gotten what he wanted in terms of career. He wanted to be a caterer and a cook and he is one.

    Exactly. I never buy the Ian is dissatisfied and a failure spiel that the writers come up with almost every year. Since he was a teenager, Ian loved to cook and wanted to do exactly what he is doing now. I remember Pete ragging on him because he was afraid that Ian loving to cook meant that he was gay. I vividly recall Den scolding Pete, telling him that he should be pleased that Ian was doing something that he loved, was good at, and made him happy. It was a light bulb moment for Pete who completely supported of Ian from then on.

    Ian may not be a millionaire, but he is the most successful businessman and richest man in the Square. Yes, people tease him and he can be a prat, but his life is great. Compared to the other families in the Square, his family is in good shape. He has one messed up son, but his other three kids are doing well (Lucy relatively). Ian is married to a woman who loves him for some unknown reason and is basically his mum incarnate. He has a brother-in-law who indulges him despite all the teasing. I can believe Ian misses his parents, cousins, grandmother, Aunt Paul, and Sharon, but he has Dot if he needs that support. I simply don't buy that Ian is so unsatisfied.

  4. Heather's probably still around because she's Shirley's only real friend. As long as they keep her as a secondary supporting character, she can be tolerable.

    It occurred to me that Shirley has been sidelined exactly because Heather is her only real friend. This may be one reason that Shirley has not been well used by the writers. She has not been integrated into friendships with the other important women characters like Jane, Zainab, Tanya, Denise, etc. She should be spending time with these women, not babysitting Heather.

  5. The rumor was that she was fired because on what was rumored to be her official Facebook or Myspace or whatever, she spoiled Danielle's death months before the storyline aired.

    This doesn't seem like a reason to fire her. Something else must have happened.

  6. I thought that Gary was decent enough when he was with Lynn, but he should have gone when their relationship was over.

    I actually think that they could have done something with Garry if they'd tried -- he was a good character in his first 3-4 years. He'd probably still be on the show if not for Kara Tointon being fired. I guess if it got worthless Dawn off the show for good then it was worth it.

    I didn't realize that Kara Tointon was fired. EE seemed enthralled by her, seeing her as the hottest woman to walk the planet.

  7. I finally liked Christian and Syed for the first time. A gay couple actually being affectionate? :o What a nice change.

    ITA. The lack of physical affection hurt Christian and Syed's love story from start. I appreciate that Kirkwood is rectifying this situation. He must have been chopping at the bit to let them have these intimate scenes. The kiss at the end got cut off, but the rest of the physical stuff was sweet. After watching Kirkwood's interpretation of Christian and Syed, I am taking a much harsher stance on Santer and Treadwell-Collins. They could have done a much better job with Christian and Syed's love story. There was no reason that Christian and Syed could not have been this way when they were alone since their relationship started last year. Syed could have been much physically closer with Christian and less so with Amira. However, maybe it is the success of Christian and Syed's story that is allowing Kirkwood to push the boundaries. For all we know, there might be lots of complaints after today's episode.

    However, Syed desperately needs a haircut. It's getting into Josh Ashworth territory.

    I love Syed's long hair, but this made me bust out laughing. I have a thing for guys with long hair.

    Watching Minty tonight, it is hard to believe that he and Gary survived so long. Just uninteresting characters, played by mediocre actors. I feel the same way about Heather. I don't know how she survived Kirkwood's axe.

  8. Another enjoyable episode.

    Ian is hilarious. Trying to befriend his kids' friends on Mates Gates was so funny and pathetic at the same time. I had to look up Kelvin Carpenter on Wiki. I remember him and Carmel now. Now I feel old, like Ian does.

    Lucy is such a bitch at times. She is great. I hope the new Lucy is just as bitchy. I think Peter was brought by the stork. I love contrast between the two of them.

    How many years has Minty been mooning over Sam now? It is ridiculous. I can't believe that he proposed. However, kudos to Minty for telling Peggy off. She is so delusional about her parenting skills.

    Poor Ricky. I really hope that baby is not his or Jack's. Neither of them deserve to be stuck with Sam.

    I really liked Abi's hair, but the outfit sucked. The fear on Abi's face listening to Kim go on about styling her hair was so funny. I thought Vanessa was very sweet with Abi.

    Christian and Syed are so cute together. After all that over the top drama, it is nice to see them happy and in love. Syed looked very handsome in that suit.

    It is a surprising development:

    I don't understand why Janine would want to steal the baby, but it should be entertaining.

  9. Windsor has talked about coming back, but it seems like they are ushering her out permanently.

    The person who posts the Shannis clips on YT just put up Mark Fowler's death scenes. They are so sad and difficult to watch. It is good to see Wendy Richard. I have missed Pauline.They should have never killed her. Pauline should have been sent off to Florida to make Michelle and Sharon's lives miserable until it was time to kill the character off screen.

    Watching these scenes reinforce my opinion that Sharon has got to return. EE needs her presence to center the show and expand the Beales.

    I didn't realize that Ian lives in the Fowler house. Did he buy it or is it still the family house?

  10. I think they could have done a lot with Nathan, made him a real brat with an edge to lord over the village, like Chris Tate. They haven't had a lot of other interesting new characters (the Bartons are OK but they cast poor actresses as the daughters, and the Sharmas seem to have little storyline...Eve also seems to be a poorly defined character).

    I haven't watch Emmerdale for very long so I have no idea who Chris Tate is. However, there is no way that could see Nathan lording anything over the village without his mother to back him up. Nathan is a stupid cruel rich boy. It is impossible to believe that anyone in the village would be afraid of him. If Nathan had not set up Ryan, it might have been possible to believe that they could build a sibling relationship that would give Nathan ties to the village, but as things are now, I can understand why the writers would struggle to write for him.

  11. I have never watched Corrie so I can't compare Little's work. I thought yesterday's script was fine. Nothing outstanding. Overall EE feels better scripted and the storytelling is more cohesive. There is a stronger sense of community and connection among the characters. I suspect that this is only happening because Kirkwood is laying the ground work for his own stories which will kick off with the Vic fire and Kat/Alfie's arrival. Once that happens, it will be plot point to plot point just like with Santer.

    The Peggy online stuff is okay. I am just not a fan. I'm looking forward to her departure. Hell, she can't leave fast enough for me.

  12. Gawd, I loved Shirley telling Peggy some hard truths about Phil. Phil's failure as a man and father can be laid right at Peggy's feet.

    Phil calling Peggy a nag was even better in the episode. I know it is wrong, but I quite enjoyed Phil dragging Peggy, tapping her cheeks and chucking her out.

    Bianca and Carol were so sweet. Poor hapless Ricky caught in the middle of those two and just as he wins over Bianca, Sam is pregnant.

    Poor Abi. Max and Tanya's self-destructiveness has hurt their children. The actress who plays Abi is very sweet.

    Vanessa in white with her white cat was hilarious.

    Max said that Darren wanted a "battered sausage." LOL!

  13. Good episode. Any episode where Peggy gets it in the face is a good one for me.

    Aunt Sal was hysterical. I'm glad that she told Peggy where to get off with her "Mitchell family" delusion. I don't know why Peggy loves her horrible husband's relatives more than her own sister. Sal nailed everyone of the dysfunctional lot. I think Jack for sleeping his way through the family and Pat stealing her husband back from Peggy were my favorite ones. I'm going to have to re-watch it many times.

    I'm sure that Ronnie and Roxy will forgive Glenda eventually, but what she did was unforgivable. I hate these parents who do wrong by their children and then, claim that they did their best.

    I don't know why Shirley apologized to Heather. Heather needs to grow the hell up. She is a mother and needs to learn to take care of herself and her son. I did like Shirley telling Zsa Zsa that she was ungrateful.

    Bianca lecturing Carol about topics of conversation for her date was very funny. Carol looked very pretty on her date. I like Lewis and the kiss was very nice. I hope this relationship works out. Carol could do with a smile on her face.

    Max and Jack in the pub make me smile. I love them so much now. Jack knew without Max saying a word that having Darren around eased the pain of losing Bradley for Max.

    Darren and Max are still wonderful together. I am so glad that they have been paired up.

    I liked our brief glimpse of Harry Gold. He seems like a tough guy who would give those Branning brothers real problems.

  14. For me, Jane isn't all innocent. She knows what Ian and Lucy are like and she stays and/or comes back after threatening to leave. I also think they lie not only because it is the way they are, but because they are scared that Jane will leave. It is a lack of trust that she can love who they really are, annoying schemers albeit quite loving at times. Jane also has this thing going on with Masood on the side. Yet I too understand how this huge lie can send Jane over the end. I hope that Ian and Jane talk honestly with each other when everything comes out. I actually think they can do with a nice long separation, a year or so would do. It would rejuvenate both characters.

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