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Posts posted by Ann_SS

  1. I consider DS to be the British equivalent of SOC. Lots of posters with every view on the planet. There are some decent posters along some lunatics on the edge. I think it is most useful for spoilers and ratings info which I would not have ready access to not being in the U.S. I also check in on the episode thread when I don't want to wait until later in the day to know when went on in today's episode.

    Talk Walford is the best EE board, but it doesn't have a lot of posters and has its own set of drama and tensions. However, the conversations about EE are far more in depth and interesting. Also, it gets interviews with the actors/producers and has the occasional insightful EE column.

  2. But DS is such a varied board with lots of reactionaries and lunatics. I can't take most of the outrage or unhappiness over any story seriously. Santer wasn't much more popular than Kirkwood. All this being said, I think the disappointment at Lisa's brief stint is legitimate. EE is at fault for building it up as more than it turned out to be yesterday. The show should not have over sold what it was planning to deliver. Yet the show's ratings have been good so I doubt Kirkwood is losing any sleep over the few complaints.

  3. Wow, Lisa was blink and you'll miss her. Peggy may have been wrong about Phil drinking, but she did the right thing by Louise.

    Phil didn't even apologize for hitting Peggy. He is such a bastard.

    I feel so sad about Chelsea and Libby leaving. I can't believe it, but I teared up a bit. I'm glad that Darren and Libby got to say goodbye. Poor Denise.

    I also felt sad for Dot losing her friend and not being able to say the words.

    Zainab continuing to reject Syed is so ridiculous. I'm hope Denise tells her off soon.

    Y&RWorldTurner, I just saw your post. We had almost the same thoughts on this episode.

  4. I quite like the little actress who plays Louise. I will miss her. However, it is a good decision to send her to live with mother and save her from Phil.

    I did like Carol's soldier. I hope this time around she softens so that this romance is somewhat believable.

  5. I think what really stung Phil and got that reaction out of him was Peggy of all people calling him a bad father and saying Louise would be better off without him.

    She's done nothing but whitewash the mistakes of her children and stick up for them when she knows they're wrong. It's a bit surprising that she told Phil that.

    True. Where Peggy is concerned it is usually the woman's fault never her precious sons. Every once in a blue moon her eyes are opened and she sees them for the monsters that they are. It isn't a coincidence that Grant "accidentally" slapped her when she was confronting him about his violence towards women and mentioned that Sharon was right to leave him. You can check out the clip on YT.

  6. Grant did slap Peggy, but it was more of an accident. Phi deliberately slapped the hell out of Peggy today. I can't stand her or her cretin sons. It was only a matter of time before they turned on her, but that slap was damn disrespectful.

    I didn't really enjoy today's show. However, it was good to see Denise home. I don't blame Chelsea for wanting to get away from the Square.

    I like Denise and Zainab's friendship, but I can't get over how poorly Zainab has treated her own son. I hope Denise confronts her on this issue when she finds out that Syed is gay.

    I'm glad that Carol is getting man. I can't imagine him putting up with her for very long though.

    Mo's homophobic comments were perfectly stupid. I love Kirkwood throwing that rubbish back into the faces of the bigots watching and making them feel like fools.

  7. Didn't you think Patsy Palmer looked very pretty today? Either they are making her look less frumpy for some reason, after years spent as a drudge, or she's glowing from the pregnancy.

    Patsy did look pretty. So did Carol, btw.

    It was strange that Bianca was suddenly going on about Ricky not giving her any loving, as, the way she's generally treated him over the years, I'd always assumed Ricky was the one who would probably be kept at arm's length.

    I would think the opposite. I can't imagine Ricky wanting to bed that harridan other than as last resort. She badgers and nags him constantly which is a definite sexual turn off for most men.

  8. This was another good episode.

    I enjoyed Max chopping the end off the cucumber and telling Darren that he was going too far for Jodi.

    Chelsea and Libby made me chuckle talking about calling the police when Denise brings home a man.

    Carol saying that Ricky doesn't know if to kiss her or take Bianca for a walk was so true and funny at the same time

    Poor Patrick. He was so sweet and adorable with Jordan only to hear Chelsea reject their family.

    Peggy and Pat destroying the pub was so childish that I couldn't find the humor.

    Good on for Louise trying to get away from her crazy Mitchell relatives.

  9. The Masood's are pretty much a big success, but I don't know any new family has been successfully introduced on any soap since the Slater's. I would hope if they try that formula with brothers, they'd look at what made the Slater's so successful a decade ago.

    I would prefer that Kirkwood build on the families or characters already in the Square than bring in a completely new family. Male relatives of the Masoods, Beales, even a male Wicks can show up. Denise's sisters are going to need love interests so Mercy or Fatboy can have an older brother. Patrick can also have a nephew come to stay.

  10. I think Sharon really came alive as a character during her second return, which was brilliant overall regardless, when she moved away from the Vic and the Mitchell orbit. She was really good at Angie's Den (which is now R&R). Maybe Roxy and Ronnie can put it for sale and Sharon can anonymously buy it again like she did with the Vic in 2001.

    I want Sharon back under any circumstance.

    Nigel Harman wanted them to kill of Dennis, so I don't think he ever wanted to return. He recently said he thought it was a "great story decision."

    They shouldn't have listened to him. I didn't think that they should have killed off Andy Hunter who I also loved. Don't know why they don't kill off the Mitchell men instead.

  11. I can't believe that Patsy is old enough to have a 18 year old son. She looks so young. I agree that they shouldn't write in her pregnancy. Bianca's litter is big enough.

    Dennis is the most younger charismatic leading man that EastEnders has had in forever. I like Ryan, but he doesn't have "it." I know that Scott Maslen has tons of fans and he is handsome, I just don't find him a compelling leading man.

    EastEnders could do with a younger hard man to shake things up. It doesn't sound like Michael Moon is that kind of character. This is exactly why they should have never killed off Dennis. He was the kind of character they could bring back along with Sharon to liven up the Square and stick it to the Mitchells and Brannings. Other when Pat and Frank ran the Vic, I have always thought that it is best when run by the Watts.

  12. I read a Marc Elliot interview . Turns out that I was wrong thinking that he would be leaving EastEnders sooner than later. It is his first big job so he plans to stick around. It will be interesting to see what Kirkwood does with Christian and Syed from now on.

    I saw a spoiler that

    Janine and Ryan would be planning their wedding. I find it difficult to see these two married.

    I can't see Ryan in love with Janine for very long. She is such a loud mouth trouble making miserable person.

  13. I watched Lucas Revealed also. Kirkwood sounded like the typical deluded soap producer which means that we are in for it. He talks about how there was so much to pack into the Lucas confrontation, yet he put in the rounders game in the the middle of the episode. I don't know what these showrunners are thinking most of the time.

    Don does seem to be a great guy. He is a huge loss for EastEnders. I want Lucas to have a twin who comes to the Square.

    I am glad that the Foxes are being rebuilt so quickly with Denise's sisters. I wonder who will be their love interests. Not a lot of single men around, I think.

    I hated seeing Dennis' murder again. I maintain that it was a huge mistake.

    And then there was Dennis's death, which still upsets me every time. Funny how they go on about how killers pay, yet said nothing about Phil paying for his role in Dennis's death. Then again, with kids like Louise and Ben, I guess that's a punishment.

    I can't stand that Phil hasn't paid for his role in Dennis' death either. However, I think that you are right that his horrible life is punishment enough. Everything he touches turns into death and destruction.

  14. A really good episode with nice humor. I'm just loving EastEnders these days.

    I'll miss Don. He was outstanding as Lucas. I felt sorry for Lucas locked up struggling with his insanity. I hope that Don gets a tv series or another prominent role on another show.

    I'm glad that Zainab is there for the Johnsons. The door scene with Tamwar was very comedic. I hope that Denise can knock some common sense into Zainab about the importance of reconciling with Syed.

    I liked Roxie and Chelsea bonding over their mentally disturbed fathers.

    I can't believe how quickly my feelings have changed about Arthur/Fatboy. I absolutely love him. He is the sweetest person. I laughed at his prayer rap. His relationship with Dot does remind me of how she took a troubled Dennis under her wing. I hope the plan is to move him into Dot's as a lodger.

    Jodi giving Darren the list was so sweet. All young women should do this with their men. Darren is thinking with his hormones. What if his next girlfriend has other tastes? LOL! I hope that Max talks some sense into him. He and Darren continue to be a good pairing.

    I've got nothing good to say Phil, Peggy and Ben.

  15. I think that the Lucas story has been a success despite any complaints on the boards about the climax being a let down. The ratings show that people watched despite the lack of promotion and that is what counts.

    I loved the stuff with the rounders, especially the fun sides of Max and Jack. I'm surprised at how much I like Jack these days.

    It is quite shocking how likable Max and Jack are of late. They both usually work my last nerve. Goes to show that good writing is a cure all for most characters.

    Great to see Pat at the Vic (it's been years since she ever worked there, I wish it could last) and involved in the game.

    I did like Pat being part of the game. I'm worried about where she goes after the upcoming fire.

    Carl, about Christian, I had forgotten that he had a long term partner when he first showed up. The guy dumped him when he found out that Christian had a thing for Jane's husband. Once he got to the Square, he became the single party guy which I loved actually. Christian did technically cheat on James with Syed, but since he broke up with James almost immediately, I give him a pass there.

  16. I felt the episode was a let down. I expected more. I liked the community game of rounders. It made me smile, but it seemed totally out of place. The acting was not as good as I expected. The actress who played Chelsea was horrible. Also, people didn't act shocked at seeing Denise alive. I'll miss Don.

    I couldn't help noticing that Denise's eyebrows were perfectly shaped although she had been kidnapped for days.

    So Fatboy's name is Arthur. He has really grown on me. I liked him a lot today. He and Mercy are nice additions. Will they stay around?

    I like Jodi also. She seems very sweet.

  17. Denise/Lucas is gripping although I think the story itself is kind of stupid. The acting is top notch which makes the drama. I can't wait for Thursday. I predicted those high ratings so I'm not surprised that people are loving it as I am.

    I love the Max/Darren comedy. I couldn't stop laughing. It is a good start to setting up Darren as Max's surrogate son and an unofficial Branning. Darren has no family left in the Square. Max was a crap father to Bradley so he can redeem himself by being a good father to Darren. I hope Abi's crush on Darren goes nowhere.

    These producers have got to stop making excuses. Walford will always need Sharon. Letitia should be asked back and parked in the Vic where she belongs.

    Ugh. I didn't realize that Kat and Alfie were coming back for a long stint. I never liked them though I know they were popular. .

  18. They need to give Natasha an exciting and huge send off. Emmerdale needs a big event. I want Natasha and Nathan sent down just as they are about to flee. Nathan can return in a few months. Maisie could spiral out of control when the truth comes out, kill herself. Faith, Ryan and Will would then inherit Mark's money. Natasha would then ask Faith to adopt Will rather than let him go into care.

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