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Blog Entries posted by Dan

  1. Dan
    Misguiding Light
    Episode 1
    Monday January 21, 2008

    Written By: Dan Gobble

    “Look out!” Tony Santos yells as he grabs a suspicious backpack from the floor of the WSPR studio. He lobs the pack down the stairwell where it suddenly explodes.

    Chaos ensues as the studio filled with the screams of the crew and studio audience.

    “Get the bomb squad in here!” Gus yells into the radio. “Levy, go down in that stairwell to see if anyone was hurt in the blast!”

    Josh rushes to Reva’s side to see if she’s okay. “Reva, I think we should forget this idea. The stalker obviously knows what we are up to. It just isn’t safe.”

    “What are you saying Joshua? That we should lock ourselves into the house and wait for the stalker to come after us? I’m tired of this. I ‘m tired of living with an armed guard at my door. This is going to end. Today.”


    And Now "Misguiding Light!"


    Frank walks out of the production booth and finds Gus and Harley. The bomb squad believe the explosion was from a pipe bomb, he says. Probably homemade.

    “Levy went down the stairwell, but there were no injuries,” Gus replies. “We’ve got officers going through the building. If this stalker is still here, he or she couldn’t have gotten too far ahead.”

    “Frank, what did the bomb squad say?” Josh asks as he and Reva approach them.

    “It was from a homemade pipebomb,” Harley replies.

    “Listen Reva, I think we should stop the show. For all we know, the stalker could still be here in the building.”

    “Frank, I know you mean well, but I’ve made up my mind. The show must go on. But if you want to get rid of the audience, then fine. I’m staying here.”

    “Fine. But if things get hairy again, we’re pulling the plug, okay?” Frank happens to glance at the audience and notices Holly sitting next to Ed, Blake and Ross.

    “I thought you said Holly declined the invitation?” Frank asks.

    “She did, but she told me that she came to clear her name.”

    “I see,” Frank answers and walks over to Holly. “Hey Holly, could I talk to you for a moment?”

    Frank asks her why she came to the station when she told Reva she wasn’t coming.

    “I came because I’m not going to stand by while everyone flings accusations at me. I would like to clear my name.”

    “Well, when you came to clear your name, did you happen to bring any backpacks?”

    “What are you trying to say Frank? Do you honestly believe that I would destroy my own studio?”

    “I’m not saying anything. Given your history of alcoholism, not to mention abducting my daughter, brothers, and your grandchildren. I’m sure you must have been pretty angry when your board of directors asked you to step down, weren’t you?”

    “Holly—don’t answer that,” Ed interrupts.

    “Ed. It’s okay,” Holly says. “Yes, I was angry, but I wouldn’t harm my studio, especially with me in it.”

    “Maybe. But just in case, I think I’d like you to come down to the station after the show, if you will?”

    Frank walks away and tells Harley and Gus that he’s leaving to find Edmund before the show. “Keep an eye on Holly, Harley,” he says. “Make sure she doesn’t leave the building.”

    Harley nods. Reva returns and tells her that everything is ready for the show. Gus and Harley strap a wire on Reva. “If we find out anything, you’ll be the first to know. Once we get a call, it will take about a minute for us to trace the call. So keep everyone talking as long as you can.”

    “Reva, you’re on in ten,” the director says. She makes her way to the stage as the theme music begins.

    “Hello everyone and welcome to a special edition of the Reva Show.”


    Holly gets up from her seat and sneaks off down the hall. Ed spots her and follows her out to the hallway.

    “What are you doing Holly?”

    “I—I had to get out of there. Didn’t you hear Frank? Now they think I would be insane enough to bomb the studio, my studio!”

    “Obviously, they’re wrong,” Ed smiles. “It makes no sense. Why would you want to go after Reva for?”

    “The walls seem to be closing in on me and I can’t get out. I need to get away.”

    “Holly, you know that running away will only feed into their suspicions.” Holly nods.

    “It’s hard, I know, when friends don’t trust you. But remember, you don’t have to go through it alone.” Ed says as he kisses Holly’s cheek. “Come on, let’s go back in.”


    Phillip and Olivia return to from Cedars and find Alexandra glued to the television. Phillip asks what she is watching. Alexandra replies, “Reva’s show. Apparently, she has a stalker and is trying to fish him or her out on her show.”

    “There goes Reva and Josh in yet another drama,” Olivia says as she rolls her eyes. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they are faking it just to be the center of attention again. It is almost sweeps isn’t it?”

    “I certainly wouldn’t put it past her,” Alex adds. “ I don’t think her life is complete without a little melodrama.”

    The commercial break ends and Reva appears on the screen. Olivia notices that Josh is sitting next to her and releases a small sigh, which Phillip hears.

    “Do you have any… regrets?” Phillip asks.

    “Regrets about what? About Josh and me?” Olivia pauses. “No. Frankly, I’m glad to be out of that mess…because despite how far apart emotionally Reva and Josh claim to be, anyone who gets in the way of their connection is already a third wheel. You can’t build a relationship when you are always playing second fiddle to someone else. I guess I learned that the hard way, didn’t I?”

    Olivia stares at the television. “Those two deserve each other.” She caresses her stomach and excuses herself to bed.


    Harley and Gus remain in the production booth watching the show.

    “The show’s almost over and the stalker still hasn’t called in yet,” Harley remarks. “The only calls have been supportive of Reva.”

    Suddenly, Harley’s cell phone rings.

    “Oh God,” she replies. “Thanks Frank.”

    Gus asks her what happened and Harley answers that Frank lost track of Edmund. The two cops glance at the monitors and see Reva on the set.

    “Thank you so much Sara. I’m glad you called. Thank you everyone for joining me. I’m sorry that we weren’t able to make contact—Oh, I’ve been told we have one final caller on the line. Who is this?”

    “Wouldn’t you like to know Reva?” a distorted voice cracks. “I see my little present hasn’t stopped the show. You thought you got rid of me, didn’t you? But I’ll always be around,” the voice hisses as the show fades to black.

  2. Dan
    Edit: The date of the premiere episode for Misguiding Light has been pushed back to January 22. We appoligize for any inconvenience. Stay tuned for weekly spoilers and promos coming soon.

    2008 Previews

    The past haunts the denizens of Springfield in the New Year with explosive consequences when the new series Misguiding Light begins on January 22. Headwriter/Executive Producer Dan Gobble previews:

    Reva’s battle with the stalker escalates into a desperate life-or-death struggle when the stalker kidnaps her. Will Josh be able to find his wife in time? “The stalker’s identity will be revealed in time for February sweeps,” Gobble explains.

    Cassie’s burgeoning romance with Danny is halted when a man claiming to be Richard comes to town. “Cassie is floored by this new development. She desperately wants to believe it.” But can she? Is he telling the truth? If he is, then whose heart did Rick get? Meanwhile, Danny’s obsession with the stalker case allows Michelle and Bill to grow closer. However, when the unexpected happens, who will she turn to?

    The two sleuths zero in on the truth regarding Gus’ true parentage. However, the truth may be harder to take then Gus realizes.

    Ed and Holly’s romance is on again, but the past continues to be an obstacle in the relationship. “Now that Ed is back in Springfield, we can fill in the blanks about Ed’s time in Africa,” Gobble previews. The tortured Bauer left town in 1996 to escape his past. However, “we can tell that whatever Ed was trying to find in Africa, he didn’t find it.” How will Ed cope when the past comes back to haunt him? Will his new relationship with Holly survive? Meanwhile, the New Year finds Blake and Ross blissfully planning their wedding.

    Edmund and Alexandra’s professional alliance turns personal when the boardroom meets the bedroom. However, when Edmund finds out the full truth about Gus’ parentage, will he tell his boss Alan?

    Although Phillip and Olivia have vowed to raise the baby as their own, Alan continues to be a threat to their happiness. Will Alan find out the truth and who is the true father of Olivia’s baby?
  3. Dan
    Misguiding Light!

    A new Guiding Light fan-fiction will begin airing this January 2008 on mySONTV!

    Dan Gobble, longtime poster of The Soap Opera Network and former co-Headwriter of The Guiding Light, brings you a new Guiding Light fan-fiction entitled Misguiding Light. Slated to begin airing in January 2008, the show will transport Guiding Light back to 2003.

    "I hope to present an alternative to the misdirection of the previous two regimes," Gobble said in a statement. Gobble will serve as both Executive Producer and Headwriter of the new program.

    Casting and story previews will be released as soon as they are made available. No specific first airdate could be determined.

  4. Dan
    Misguiding Light

    Get reaquainted with the final week of Guiding Light before the beginning of the new mySONTV series Misguiding Light!

    Recaps courtesy of CBS.com

    Monday February 24 2003

    Gus and Harley’s search for the truth leads them to Gina’s grave. Gus comes face to face with the last resting-place of the woman he now knows to be his mother. The inscription on the headstone presents yet another clue: “A Promise Kept,” leaving Harley and Gus wondering what promise and kept by whom? They learn from the Sexton in charge of the graveyard that an anonymous benefactor made sure the grave was taken care of. Gus is determined to track down Baker, the one person who may be able to fill in the missing blanks in their search. When Michelle breaks up with Bill, Danny is caught between trying to give her space while wanting desperately to sweep her off her feet. Danny agrees to give her time and vows to be there for her and Robbie. Reva recoils at being a victim and tells Josh that she is determined to use her power and the bully pulpit of her TV show to turn the tables on the stalker. Josh admires her courage but is concerned her actions will put the family in harm’s way. He wants Marah to move home as Tony proposes that she move in with him. Marah is thrilled and informs Reva and Josh, determined to stake their independence and love. Rather than hit the ceiling, Josh proposes that Tony move in and become both the Lewis’ guardian and their houseguest.

    Tuesday February 25, 2003

    In Chicago, Gus and Harley are at Gina’s gravesite. Gus figures out that the grave could not have been dug up as his friend Gennaro told him. They meet with Gennaro at the coffee shop and he is very reassuring but Gus knows he is lying. He refuses to be stopped and goes off to see about getting the body exhumed. Harley sees what this is doing to Gus, so she calls Buzz and Frank to come to Chicago with shovels, right away. Alan awakens on the island from his drugged stupor. Olivia believes she has trapped him there but he had a contingency plan in Ben, whom he arranged to come to the island just in case something like this happened. Lizzie visits with Beth when she returns home from school on break. Meanwhile, Olivia waits for Phillip’s return and crosses paths with Beth. She grows uneasy when she finds out Phillip was away with Beth. Alexandra goes to Company where she runs into Buzz. She tries and fails to defend herself to him and leaves. Buzz finds her outside in tears, and there, they have a more honest, open exchange. She tries to do what is right but finds herself turning into the person she despises most, Brandon. Buzz tries to tell her that it doesn’t have to be this way, but we sense that she is in way too deep and doesn’t know how to get out.

    Wednesday February 26, 2003

    In Chicago, Gus, annoyed that he cannot find a police report on a stolen bracelet, goes back to Springfield intent on confronting Alexandra. Harley volunteers to stay and keep working on getting answers, but really, she is waiting for Buzz and Frank to arrive to help her press for the exhumation order. The Coopers arrive and start digging but are surprised to find a trick locking mechanism that prevents the coffin from being readily opened, but when they finally get the lid off, the coffin is empty. Back in Springfield, Alexandra examines the glittering sapphire bracelet, muttering wishes that she had the nerve throw it away. Edmund arrives and tells Alexandra he won’t have to play lapdog to the Spauldings anymore and is waiting for the arrival of a diplomatic courier from San Cristobel, with a job offer from his brother. Alexandra worries Edmund will betray her since he no longer needs her but is proven wrong when he helps hide the bracelet from Gus’ sight. Gus tricks Alexandra into calling the European hospital where Roy is and gets the phone number. He makes flight reservations for that evening, but when he calls Harley, she pleads for him not to leave town yet. Later, Edmund tells Alexandra that he’s been appointed Ambassador and Alexandra confesses she recommended him for the position. Shayne returns home from school with a sweatshirt someone put in his locker that says “Dial Mom for Murder.” When a brick comes flying through their window, Reva, fed up, calls her family together to announce her plan to lure the stalker out of hiding.

    Thursday February 27, 2003

    Reva and Josh have their hands full as the clock ticks down on putting together a live broadcast of her show as a means of tricking the stalker into making contact. Reva meets with the Suits running Holly’s station in her absence. The proposal: Tie the city’s 911 system into the studio’s phone bank, and use the capabilities built into the system to instantly trace every call made to Reva while she’s on the air. Reva must get approval for her idea by a very reluctant and cautious group of executives. Finally, Reva and Josh emerge victorious, but it doesn’t make what she’s trying to do any more safe. Marah knows it and questions her mother. Reva admits she is scared, but she’s more scared to leave her family exposed to this anonymous stalker. Olivia is anxious to make contact with Phillip and tell him about the pregnancy, but Alex attempts to waylay her call. Phillip foils the attempt and agrees to meet with Olivia at a set time. Alex realizes she’s working with precious little time to instill doubts in Phillip’s mind. She informs him that Olivia will tell him she’s pregnant, but further, she’ll try to make Phillip believe himself, not Alan, to be the father. Alexandra makes a very convincing case for not trusting Olivia, especially after she produces proof that Olivia may have arranged for Alan to be out of town when her opportunity to talk to Phillip arrived. Phillip is dubious. A conflicted Olivia is with her brother Sam as she tentatively explains her reasons for letting Phillip believe the child is his, even if it’s not, since he would be so much a better father than Alan could ever be. Sam tells her she is just trying to rationalize to get what she wants. Later, while looking at her sonogram, Olivia feels a twinge and is rushed to the hospital. At the hospital, Phillip is talking to Rick and notices Olivia wheeled in by EMTs.

    Friday February 28, 2003

    Holly confronts Reva when she takes offense to being an invited guest to her own television studio. She tears up Reva’s invitation and says she is not coming to the broadcast. Holly wants Reva to worry about what she’s doing the entire time she is on the air. Later at the studio, Marah is still worried, but she trusts Tony to keep her and her mother safe. The audience begins to arrive and consists of all of Reva’s friends and family, and one addition -- Holly. She wants to be there to clear her name, and Josh warns Tony to keep an eye on her. As the broadcast draws near and Reva heads to the set, Tony notices a suspicious backpack in the studio and hurls it out the door, where it violently explodes. As she is wheeled in to the ER, Olivia fears she is losing her baby. After Rick assures her that the baby is okay, Olivia stops Phillip from calling Alan and admits that Phillip might be the father. She tells him that she considered lying to him about the paternity, but ultimately fell in love with her unborn child. Olivia makes it clear that she wants Phillip to be the father no matter who the father is. She wants Alan nowhere near her child. Phillip is moved and agrees to help Olivia raise “their” baby.
  5. Dan
    Misguiding Light

    Word has leaked out about the cast of the upcoming mySON TV series Misguiding Light As the show will begin, story-wise, on March 3, 2003, the cast will remain exactly the same as it was back then with no additions or subtractions (yet). To see the full cast list, check the side of the blog homepage.
  6. Dan
    The Guiding Light: Episode 075
    Wednesday July 4, 2007
    Written By: Dan Gobble & Josh Hawkins


    Mindy and Marah Lewis shuffle around their room at a posh Manhattan hotel. Marah paws through her jewelry box, grabs a pair of earrings and slides them through the holes in her ear lobes. She asks Mindy to remind her who they were about to meet for dinner.

    “Sheila Randolph of Randolph’s Boutiques,” she answers.

    “Sorry. My mind seems to have wandered elsewhere,” Marah apologizes.

    “You sure you want to do this?” Mindy asks. “We can always postpone dinner until you’re ready.”

    “No, I’m fine. We’ve put this woman off too many times as it is. Let’s just get this over so we can sell the new fall line.”

    Suddenly, the phone rings and Mindy picks up the receiver. After a brief conversation, she tells Marah that the car is waiting for them in front of the hotel. Mindy makes a final check of her purse and the two women exit the room.


    Alan walks into Olivia’s hospital room carrying a bag full of gifts for the baby. “What is all that?” Olivia asks.

    “Oh I just had Nolan do a little shopping for the baby. No price is too expensive for my little girl,” Alan responds. “Has the nurse told you when you can leave?”

    “Nope. You know how hospitals are. It takes forever.”

    “I’ll be back to pick you up after the big presentation at Cedars. I want to be there personally to make sure Alan-Michael doesn’t screw it up.”

    “I’m sure he won’t. But please be quick. I cannot wait to get out of this hospital bed and back home.”


    At The Journal, Holly sits at her desk inspecting the layout for the next issue. She places the cardboard on her desk when she hears a knock on the door. “Come in,” she says. The door swings open to reveal Tammy Winslow. “Tammy, what are you doing here? What can I do for you?” Holly asks.

    “I just…I just wanted to know if you would do me a huge favor?”

    “Sure, what is it?”

    “I need some help and you are the only one who can help me.”


    Alan-Michael paces up and down the hospital lobby. He arrived early for the presentation. Ed walks over to him.

    “Alan-Michael, are you ready for this?” he asks.

    “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” A-M responds.

    “You’ll do fine, I know it,” Ed assures him and then walks into the board room.

    A-M takes another look at the revised portfolio as Josh and Billy arrive. Alan-Michael hurriedly closes the folder. “Alan-Michael, I heard you were back in town,” Josh says. “So you’re the one who is representing Spaulding today, huh?”

    “Yeah, My father put me in charge of the project.”

    “Well may the best proposal win,” Josh smirks as he and Billy walk into the board room to give their presentation. Alan-Michael stares as they enter the room then turns his attention back to the proposal. He can barely contain a smile as he imagines the shocked faces of the Lewis boys as their proposal is rejected.


    And now, The Guiding Light!

    <object width="320" height="240"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="320" height="240"></embed></object>


    Tammy continues, “I’ve decided to apply to George Washington University and I need someone to write me a letter of recommendation and I immediately thought of you.”

    Holly smiles, “Sure, I’d be honored to write your letter, but why did you choose me?”

    “Journalism has appealed to me since I was a little girl. I’m considering declaring that as my major. So I thought, who better to write my letter than the owner of a paper?”

    “Well, just give me the information and I will be glad to send a letter. Actually…if you aren’t doing anything, why don’t you hang around here? You can see some of what we do around here.”

    “That’d be great!” Tammy replies.

    “Journalism can be a rather tough business, remember that. But someone’s gotta do it, right?”



    “Have you decided on a name yet?” Alan asks.

    “No, I haven’t. I was so set on a boy that I’m back to square one.”

    “We could name her Penelope after my mother,” Alan offers.

    “Penelope? I don’t think so Alan sorry. But we can talk more about names later. You go to your meeting so that you can get back here to take me home,” Olivia says. Alan kisses her cheek and leaves the room.

    Meanwhile, Lillian and Beth sit on the bed in another part of the hospital. “I wish you would listen to Ed and stay another night Beth. I don’t think you’re ready to leave yet,” Lillian insists.

    “Mama, Lizzie is going to prom tomorrow. No one in this hospital is going to keep me from seeing my baby off.”

    “I can’t say I blame you, but just be careful. Don’t strain yourself. By the way, where’s Phillip? Isn’t he going to take you home?”

    “He’s at the presentation for the Cedars renovations. He said he would come as soon as it was over,” she says.


    Mindy and Marah sit in the car on the way to dinner. Mindy rattles off a bunch of names and numbers as Marah’s head spins from all the information. Mindy asks her if there is something on her mind. After a second, Marah decides to confide in her cousin as to what she saw.

    “I went back into the mansion to get something—I can’t even remember what it was—but when I got there I heard Michelle and Danny talking. I looked around the corner and heard that they were talking about the baby. Danny asked Michelle that if the baby was his, he would like another chance with her.” Marah’s eyes well up with tears. “And then they kissed. I was so surprised that I ran out of the house without even getting wjat I came back for. I just had to get out of there.”

    “Oh Marah. I’m so sorry.”

    Marah begins to calm down enough to continue. “Ever since Tony died, Danny was the one thing that kept me going. He was the only thing in my life that actually made sense. I thought we were getting close, but I don’t know now.”

    “Does Bill know about this?”

    “No. I didn’t tell him.”

    The car slows to a stop. “Well what are you going to do?” Mindy asks.

    “I’m just going to pray that Bill is the father of the baby. But if not, I’ll just have to fight for Danny.”


    “Alan-Michael, are you sure that you have everything?” Alan asks.

    “I’m sure dad. I have everything under control. Before the day is over, we will have that project.”

    “I hope so. May I remind you that that project will bring in millions for the company?”

    “Dad, stop badgering him. I’m sure he will do okay. It’s not like it’s his first time,” Phillip says.

    “Fine. Just get that contract,” he says as the three men walk into the board room. Before them, the hospital board members sit shoulder to shoulder like a row of toy soldiers. Dr. Charles Grant sits at the head shuffling papers around and jotting down notes. He looks up to see if the presenters are here and motions for them. The Spauldings take their seat as A-M rises to give the presentation. A-M glances at his uncle Ed and gives him a smile. As he walks over to the projector, Charles passes out copies of the written proposal to the other board members.

    “You really aren’t going to need those,” A-M says to the board. “I actually have a revised proposal here with some changes that were made specifically for the presentation.” He hands them out to the board members and begins his presentation.


    Mindy and Marah saunter over to the table where Ms. Sheila Randolph is waiting. “Melinda darling, you’re here. It’s been awhile since we’ve met up, hasn’t it?” she says.

    “It’s been too long,” Mindy replies. “And this is my cousin Marah Lewis. Marah, this is Ms. Sheila Randolph.”

    “The pleasure is all mine,” Sheila responds then motions for them to have a seat at the table. The ladies order their food and then get down to business.

    “I wanted to see you Melinda because I have a business… proposition for you that I just know you will be interested in. I’ve decided to sell all of my boutiques and I was wondering if you would like to buy them.”

    “You’re selling your boutiques, but why?” Mindy asks.

    “Oh, my doctor says I’m getting a bit too old to run so many stores. He seems to think that I should cut down now that I’m in my 70s, not that I want it to get out to the press. So I decided to put them up for sale and spend the remainder of my days in the lap of luxury,” Sheila explains. “When you ladies get to be my age, you’ll understand I’m sure.”

    “I think I’m beginning to understand,” Mindy replies. Marah laughs and tells both woman that they still look divine. Sheila giggles at the compliment. Sheila grabs a slip of paper out of her chain purse and gives it to Mindy. “Here is my offer for the boutiques. I do hope that you will consider buying them.”

    “Well ladies, it has been a pleasure to talk with you, but I must run. My daughter is flying in from London to see me. I keep insisting that she put it off, but she didn’t listen. Ciao!”

    Sheila walks away, leaving Marah and Mindy looking at the price of the boutiques. They can’t believe how expensive the cost is, but the wheels begin turning in their heads.

    “Well, it was a nice idea, but there’s no way that we can raise that kind of money,” Mindy says.

    “Well why not, we have our trust funds from HB and I’m sure that we can get some money from our fathers. We have to figure out some way; this is an offer too great to let it pass by,” Marah says.

    “Maybe,” Mindy offers.

    “We have the determination to make this work, I’m sure of it. All we need is a little bit of help. Mindy, you could have your own label instead of working for someone else.”

    “’A Mindy Lewis original,’ I kinda like the sound of that.”

    “I told you. We can do it. Let’s toast to new beginnings,” she says as they clink their glasses together.


    The Lewises and Spauldings have gathered outside the board room when Charles opens the door and ushers them all in. He says that the board has made a decision.

    “It was a tough decision, but we decided to go with Spaulding Enterprises for the renovations.”

    Alan-Michael sighs in relief as the Spaulding men silently gloat. The Lewises seem a bit taken aback that their proposal did not make it.

    “Alan-Michael, come to my office tomorrow and we can discuss the project further.”

    A-M nods and the Spaulding men leave the room to go celebrate, leaving the Lewis men behind. Phillip tells them that he wants to see if Beth has been discharged yet and he will meet up with them in a bit.

    Meanwhile, the Lewis men wonder what they did wrong. “Charles, I thought you said that you really enjoyed our proposal?” Josh asked.

    “I did Josh. It’s just that Spaulding had what we were looking for at a lower cost than Lewis Construction. What’s weird though is that Spaulding completely revised their proposal for the presentation. They even dropped their price bid by about a couple thousand dollars.”

    “That is unusual,” Josh agrees. “Thanks anyway Charles.”

    Dr. Grant leaves the room.

    “They had two proposals?! Something is wrong in the state of Texas little brother,” Billy says.

    “I know. I’m going to get down to the bottom of this. Spaulding may have had some inside information. The only question is who?”


    Olivia sits on the bed waiting for the nurse to come with the wheelchair to take her from the hospital. She looks at her baby, wrapped neatly in a blanket. She hears the door shut and looks up to see Phillip. “Hello there,” he says.

    “Want to come see your baby,” Olivia smiles.

    “About that Olivia. When are we going to break the news to dad and Beth? We need to break the new gently. I don’t want Beth to get hurt.

    “Soon. I decided to go back to my suite at the Beacon. Once everything hits the fan, there’s no telling what Alan will do.”

    “No, I really think that you should stay at the mansion for awhile longer. Trust me, I’ll work things out okay?”

    “Okay,” Olivia nods. “I’ve decided to name the baby Hannah Marissa Spaulding. I’ve always liked the name Hannah and then Marissa for my sister.”

    “It’s a beautiful name,” Phillip whispers as he leans in to kiss Olivia. As he pulls away, Olivia grabs his arm and tells him “I love you.”

    Suddenly, the nurse barges in with the wheelchair to take Olivia out. They help Olivia into the chair and then begin to wheel her out.

    “Ready to go home to the fireworks?” Phillip says.

    “Guess so,” Olivia replies.


    Meanwhile, a nurse notices an envelope with test results had just come in. She checks the name on the envelope: “Spaulding.” The nurse takes Beth’s chart and thinks that they must be for her. She puts the envelope with the rest of Beth’s paperwork.

    :Fade to Black:

    On the Next ‘The Guiding Light…’
    - The kids get ready for prom night.
    - Beth learns the truth!
  7. Dan
    The Guiding Light: Episode 073
    Saturday June 23, 2007
    Written By: Dan Gobble & Josh Hawkins

    At HollyBend, Holly races around the room to gather her things. “My first day back and I’m gonna be late,” she mutters under her breath. She takes a quick sip of coffee and it spills over. "Damnit," she yells.

    Blake exits the kitchen to see what is the matter. “Oh, I just spilled some of my coffee,” Holly replies.

    “Mom, are you sure that you should be going to work so soon?” Blake asks.

    “Yes, I am sure. I can’t spend the rest of my life on that couch. I need something to keep my mind off of things. Besides, I’ve taken my medicine so I’m not going to go insane if that’s what you’re worried about.”

    Blake decides that its best to drop the subject. “Ross is coming over later today to look at the package daddy gave me. I just wonder what he had up his sleeve.”

    “Don’t we all? Just remember sweetheart, remember your priorities. Family comes before any Spaulding schemes.”

    “I remember my priorities, I just wish you’d remember yours.”

    Holly anxiously looks at her watch. “Sorry Blake, no time for a lecture. Gotta go.” Holly kisses Blake on the forehead and runs out the door.


    Marina and Ben are in Company waiting for Lizzie, Shayne, and Tammy. “I’m looking forward to prom tonight,” Ben whispers in Marina’s ear.

    “Not as much as I am,” she replies. She looks at him and kisses his cheek. “Thank you for being such a good friend to Shayne. I know he hasn’t had the best year since his aunt went psycho and killed Tony.”

    “No problem. Besides, you know what they say right. Keep your friends close and your potential competition closer.”

    “I don’t think you have to worry about Shayne, Ben,” Marina replies.

    The rest of the gang burst through the door to Company. Shayne and Ben separate from the girls to find their tuxes for the prom.


    Danny sits in the Santos Mansion working on some paperwork when he hears the front door open.

    “You forget something Marah?” he asks.

    “My name apparently”

    A confused Danny turns to see a very pregnant Michelle at the door.

    “Hello Michelle,” he says. “Come in, is there something you need?”

    “Not unless you happen to have a way to get this baby out of me. I almost forgot how much I hated morning sickness and weird cravings,” she says as she sits in the sofa.”

    “I’m sure it isn’t that bad.”

    “Spoken like a man,” Michelle retorts. “I wish just that you men would have to go through labor. But anyway, I came here because I wanted to tell you the game plan for the baby’s birth.”


    Gus arrives at home after being out all night. She finds Harley desperately trying to get Zach ready for the school bus. When she sees Gus walk in, she ushers Zach up to his room.

    “Where the hell have you been?” she asks.

    “I was just sitting around lost in thought. By the time I actually looked at my watch, it was so late, I wasn’t sure what you would say. Or what I would say for that matter.”

    “I can think of something for you to say. I still haven’t gotten an apology.”


    And Now, The Guiding Light

    <object width="320" height="240"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="320" height="240"></embed></object>


    “An apology for what?” Gus asks, confused.

    “For not believing me when I told you that that Vera Ginatoni wasn’t your mother. I told you so. Her story seemed too pat, too rehearsed. You forget, I was a cop too, and a pretty darn good one at that, remember?”

    “I remember,” he said. “But how was I to know that Alex and Vera were lying? When she told me that I was her son, I couldn’t just block out my emotions.”

    “I know,” she sighs. “Truth be told, I was hoping that Vera was your mother.”

    “Harley, when we started our relationship, I’m sure that you didn’t plan on being in love with yet another Spaulding man. If you want out, I wouldn’t hold it against you.”

    “Alan-Michael and Phillip did hurt me, but there were some good times. And just because you’re now a Spaulding doesn’t mean that you, all of a sudden, are going to start acting like them.” She looks to the clock and then back at Gus. “But now that you know the truth, what are you going to do? Are you actually going to try to have a relationship with her?”


    Blake and Ross cuddle up together in her bed at Hollybend. “Oh Ross, doesn’t this make you feel like a teenager again, stealing alone time when your parents aren’t around?”

    “It does and it feels wonderful.” They kiss. However, Blake soon pulls away. “I hate to interrupt, but wasn’t there something that you came for?”

    “Can’t it wait, I’m just getting started?” Ross complains.

    “No this can’t wait. The sooner we get into this business, the faster we have time for us.”

    Blake grabs the envelope off the night stand and gives it to Ross. As he reads it, his eyes get larger.

    “Daddy left me all his shares of Spaulding. Apparently, he scooped up a bunch more stock when Alexandra made the prices fall last year. Plus the stocks I got from Alexandra to vote at her little meeting. What I don’t know is how much say does this give me in the company?”

    “All this stock puts you pretty high up on the pecking order at Spaulding. What I want to know though it, what do you plan to do with all of this?”

    “I’ve been thinking about that and I think I want to get my toes back at Spaulding. Being a radio DJ and a novelist is fun but I want to do something more exciting. So I think I’m going to try to get a job from Alexandra. I think this will be pretty good leverage don’t you think?”

    “Just be careful. We don’t need any Spaulding trouble, especially before our wedding,” Ross says.

    “Scout’s honor,” Blake replies as they pull up the covers.


    An attendant stretches a tape measure across Shayne’s arms to fit him for a tuxedo. Across the room, Ben sits close to the window talking on his cell phone. When he finishes the call, he returns.

    “What was that about?” Shayne asks.

    “It was Alexandra. I’ve been summoned to the house evidently. I’m going to have to cut this a bit short.”

    “I can take the suit over to the Beacon if you want me to,” Shayne says.

    “Would you mind?”

    “Of course not. I have to take Tammy back anyway.”

    “Thanks man, I appreciate it,” Ben says.

    Ben walks out of the door as Alan-Michael walks in. He sees Shayne over at the counter.

    “What do you want?” Shayne asks angrily.

    “I just wanted to thank you. Thanks to our little bargain, I am going to land the Cedars deal this week.”

    “I thought part of our deal was that you would leave me alone,” Shayne asks.

    “It was, it was. Can’t I make some small talk? I just wanted to know if your dad or uncle made any changes to the proposal. I wouldn’t want everything we agreed to be wasted.”

    “I don’t know and I don’t care. I did what you asked me to do. Now leave me alone.”

    Alan-Michael looks and notices that Shayne has two tuxedos in his hand. He follows Shayne out of the store.

    “Shayne, I couldn’t help but notice that you have two tuxedos. Is one of them for your boyfriend?”

    “You are such a bastard you know that? No it’s not for my boyfriend for the record.”

    “Don’t put up such a tough guy act,” A-M snidly replies. “I know you are attracted to me. You don’t have to hide it,” as he walks away. Shayne grits his teeth and scampers off in the opposite direction.


    “Here’s what I’m thinking,” Michelle says . “Mel, Rick, Claire, and dad will be there with me while I’m in labor. Dad will call you both once the baby is checked out. You guys are going to come down and submit a DNA sample so we can perform the paternity test and get that out of the way. Capice?”

    “Fine,” Danny sighs.

    “If there’s one thing I don’t want, it’s lip from either one of you. I’m six days past due and my hormones are ready to blow. I don’t need a fight.”

    “Michelle, can I ask you a question?”

    “Sure, what is it?”

    “Who do you want to be the father of this baby—me or Bill?”

    “Now that’s not fair. Both of you have positive and negative qualities. We’ll get to that once we find out who the father is.”

    Meanwhile, Marah enters the Santos Mansion to retrieve her misplaced wallet when she hears the conversation going on in the living room. Michelle begins to get up from her seat when Danny takes her hand.

    “Michelle, wait. If this baby is mine, what happens to us? Will you give me another chance to prove that I love you?”

    Danny pulls Michelle in for a kiss as Marah watches him from the foyer. A hurt Marah sneaks out the front door unnoticed.


    “I don’t know. I think so. I have to know. I have to try,” Gus answers.

    “I see,” Harley replies.

    Suddenly, Gus’ cell phone begins to ring. He answers it. “Hello. Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can? Okay. Bye.”

    “Who was that?” Harley asks.

    “It was just Alexandra. She wanted me to stop by the mansion later.”

    “Of course it was,” Harley groans.

    “You don’t sound very enthused,” Gus says.

    “Why did you expect me to be enthusiastic about this? I’m glad we found out the truth, but I almost died trying to get it thanks to Alexandra. The Spauldings have been a thorn in my side for years. And now here they are a part of my life again.”

    “Is this an ultimatum Harley? You or a relationship with Alexandra?”

    “I don’t know what this is. I don’t need ultimatums. Spaulding men are all alike; they do what they want regardless.” She puts her hand to her head. “Gus, I think I’m going to have to take you up on your offer. At least for now. I can’t—I can’t do this. I’m sorry. I need some time.”

    “I’ll go pack my stuff.”

    “No, wait till Zach goes to school. I don’t want him to be here when you leave; he’s been through so much.” Almost on cue, Zach runs down the stairs, his backpack jumping up and down with each step. “Mommy! I’m ready!”

    “I see, do you have your lunch?”

    “Yes Mommy!”

    “Okay, let’s go out and wait for the bus okay?”

    Zach gives Gus a hug then takes Harley’s hand as they walk out the door. Gus watches as the two figures get smaller and smaller. He turns back to the living room and takes it all in for the last time. He grabs a picture of him and Harley and thumbs Harley’s photo gingerly.

    Suddenly, a rage shoots up out of his veins and he slams the photo against the wall.
  8. Dan
    The Guiding Light
    Episode 070
    June 1, 2007
    Written By: Dan Gobble & Josh Hawkins

    The constant flow of rain patters against the windows of the Bauer Cabin. Although the rain has done much to lower the temperature outside, it has no jurisdiction inside the house, where tensions have erupted.

    “Daddy, like it or not, Ben is a part of my life now, regardless of what you think! I’m old enough to make my own choices,” Marina yells.

    “Marina Nadine Cooper, you are not old enough to prance around seducing a guy. Especially one that is older than you. Not only that, but it could get Ben in trouble too. Statutory rape is taken very seriously in this state.”

    “I’m going to be eighteen in a couple of days, so you don’t have to worry. Of course, with all the hustle and bustle in this family lately, everyone seems to have forgotten, except Ben, might I add.”

    Marina looks at Frank and Buzz. “I don’t know why I ever came back here. Mom and I had some problems, but at least she never forgot my birthday. This entire family is so damn hypocritical.”

    Marina runs out of the room. Ben tries to grab her arm to comfort her, but she evades his grip and runs out of the cabin into the storm.


    The temperature in the elevator has risen, blanketing Alan’s forehead with a layer of sweat. Hope does what she can to soak it up with a handkerchief, but to no avail.

    “Is it hot in here or is it just me?” Alan dryly asks.

    “It is getting warm in here. In a second, I’ll call up maintenance to see when we’ll get out of this steamer.”

    “Thanks,” Alan replies.

    Hope stands up and picks up the phone on the wall of the elevator. She holds the receiver close to her ears.

    “Hello, we were just wondering how much longer we were going to be in here.”

    Suddenly, a loud noise interrupts the conversation, and the elevator shakes.

    “What was that?” Hope asks.


    Ed Bauer stands in the OR waiting for the patient to arrive. He makes sure that he has scrubbed every inch of his hands before soaking his hands in the falling column of water. He hears the gurney grind its way down the hall.

    Any second now, the doors will swing open and Ed will have to begin the surgery on Beth. The nurses arrive with Beth. Ed takes a deep breath and gets ready to begin.

    Meanwhile, Lillian walks into the chapel and lights a candle.

    She drags herself over to the pew and folds her hands. “Don’t let her die Lord,” she says. “I know that I’ve made mistakes, but please, she’s the only family I have now. I can’t lose her.”

    Michelle Bauer walks into the chapel and hugs Lillian. “I’m so sorry to hear about Beth,” she says. “Is there anything that I can do? Anyone I can call?”

    “I—I dunno where anyone is. Lizzie and Phillip probably don’t even know. Could you try to get a hold of them for me please?”

    Michelle nods and walks out of the room.

    Meanwhile, Lizzie sits alone in an elevator at Towers. “I hope everyone is okay,” she thinks. “I have a bad feeling.”


    And now, the SONBC Award nominated ‘The Guiding Light!’

    <object width="320” height="240"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="320" height="240"></embed></object>

    Hope continues to talk on the phone with the maintenance people. They reassure her that the noise was just the maintenance people. They should have the elevator open soon, they say.

    Alan’s mind continues to dwell in the past. He looks at Hope, remembering her soft features when they were husband and wife.

    “Was I a good husband to you Hope?”

    “Sometimes. There were times that your passions got control of you and I just couldn’t recognize you. I remember the first time that Elizabeth told me about Dr. LaCrosse and Phillip. I couldn’t believe it because it meant that my father was right all along. I was blinded by that side of you that I saw on the island. It really hit home that you had such a cruel streak. Whenever you set your mind on something, you do anything you can to get it, no matter who you have to hurt in the process. Alan, since we’re diving into the past, I have a question for you too.”

    “What is it Hope?”

    “Did you ever really love me? I mean, I always got this feeling that I was just your latest acquisition. It certainly didn’t hurt that you were getting back at my father in the process. Our relationship was great only until the latest bubbly young thing waltzed into your life. First Rita, then Trish Lewis. Did you ever think of me and just love me?”

    Hope continues to reminisce; long-hidden emotions continue to bubble to the surface.

    “When we were married, I wasn’t your wife. I was your doormat. Alan, you drove me to something that not only put my life in danger, but the life of our son in danger and I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive you for that. I’m always afraid that I will sink into that kind of despair again. You don’t know how much courage it took me to even walk into that bar at the Beacon. It’s something that I have to live with for the rest of my life and it’s all due to your unfaithfulness and your lies."

    “I told you Hope. I never meant to hurt you. I made mistakes, but I did love you. Very deeply. Our marriage meant a lot to me and our son does as well. Truth be told, I haven’t been in a truly loving relationship since then. And more than likely I never will again. I keep searching, but I never get as close as I did with you. I guess I don’t really deserve it, do I?”

    “Alan, you have a chance to make everything right and to show everyone that you are a good person, the person that I got a glimpse of. When you get out of here, go to Olivia and pledge your love to her. Be a good father to that baby. Be faithful to her and to her alone. Don’t let life pass you by. The money and the power mean nothing if you don’t have someone there to share it with.”

    Suddenly, the power comes back on and the elevator begins to move again. “The lights are back on! We’ll get out of here soon Alan.”

    “Before we get out of here, I just wanted to tell you I am sorry for everything. I did love you and I’m sorry if I didn’t show it as much as I should have.”

    Alan gives Hope a small kiss as the elevators open to reveal the hallway. Danny rushes over to see how Alan and Hope are doing. “Alan, Lillian called a little while ago, she said to call her. It’s urgent,” Danny says. “I must not have had any service in the elevator,” Alan said.

    He goes over to the bar and orders a drink then picks up the phone and dials Lillian.


    Buzz paces around the room, nervous about Harley. “I have to get some air,” he says. “I’m going for a walk.”

    “In this weather daddy?”

    “Yes, in this weather,” he insists.

    Frank gives Ben a nasty look and then announces that he is going to call to see how the roads are.

    He walks out of the cabin to get a signal, leaving Ben and Lucy alone. She glances his way. “Ben, why don’t you go talk to Marina and see if she’s okay? I’ll talk to Frank, although I’m not going to make any promises, okay?”

    “Sure, thanks,” he says and solemnly walks out into the storm.


    Lizzie sits in the elevator. She closes her eyes to try to pass the time. So much has happened over the past few months, she thinks. She met a great guy who seems to be a change of pace from the insanity present at the house. Her parents are back together at long last.

    Thoughts and memories fade away as Lizzie slowly embarks into dreamland. She pictures herself in the Spaulding study. A white gown tightly hugs her youthful body. In her hands is a bouquet of flowers.

    “I wonder where he is,” Lizzie exclaims.

    Suddenly a noise beckons her to the hall. She peers out the door and sees a shadow envelope the hall.

    “Here he comes!”

    Braxton opens the door dressed in the royal garments of a prince.

    “Elizabeth darling, I just had to see you,” he says with a smile.

    “But tradition says that you can’t see me. We only have a little while now. Why don’t you go down and wait. I’m almost ready.”

    “Okay my love. Don’t keep me waiting too long,” he says.

    He closes the door to the study. Lizzie puts on a pair of glass slippers and hums the wedding march as she dances with the air around the room. Suddenly, she hears a voice in the room.

    “What a wonderful man, isn’t he?” a mysterious voice says.

    With that line, a woman appears in the room, as if by magic. In her hand, she brandishes a wand. The woman, who conspicuously looks like Blake, is dressed in a shimmering gown.

    “Oh! Fairy Godmother!” Lizzie says and rushes to give her a hug.

    “How are you my child? Oh, you look magnificent. Turn around and let me see you.”

    Lizzie slowly turns around and lets her get a look at her.

    “Oh Elizabeth, I just had to see you on your wedding day. You look very happy. I’m so glad everything worked out.”

    “It wouldn’t if it had not been for you,” Lizzie says with tears in her eyes.

    “Oh don’t cry, your mascara will begin to run. We need to get you to your wedding,” the fairy Godmother says as she waves her magic wand.

    Suddenly, the two ladies are in the court yard of the Spaulding Mansion. Rows of seats line either side of the aisle. The entire town is present at the ceremony. Suddenly, the wedding march begins to play and Lizzie walks down the aisle on Phillip’s arm. Lizzie turns to Beth and sees her sobbing into a tissue. At the end of the aisle, Phillip reluctantly lets go of his daughter’s hand. She walks up the stairs and joins Braxton at the altar. As the Wedding March draws to a close, the minister begins.

    “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God – and in the face of this company – to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore – is not by any – to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly – but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”

    “I object!”

    The entire congregation turns as a woman hobbles down the aisle, a bottle of vodka tucked neatly under her arm.

    “I object,” she repeats.

    Lizzie looks in horror as her wicked stepmother crashes her dream wedding. Her stepmother looks suspiciously like Olivia.

    “I object to this marriage; This girl is just a pathetic little bitch! She ain’t no princess material! All she knows how to do is manipulate and deceive. She should be mopping the floors and cleaning the toilets,” she hisses. “Why don’t you marry one of my other daughters, they come from better stock than this harlot!”

    Lizzie storms down the stairs and slaps her wicked stepmother across the face. Braxton yells to the guards to take the woman away. The guards take her and carry her down the aisle. “How dare you do this to me? How dare you!” she screams as she is carried off.

    Lizzie walks back up the stairs and Braxton gives the minister the go ahead to continue.

    “Do you Braxton Mark O’Dell take Elizabeth Lillian Spaulding to be your wife – to live together after God’s ordinance – in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live?”

    “I do,” he consents.

    “Do you Elizabeth Lillian Spaulding take Braxton Mark O’Dell to be your husband – to live together after God’s ordinance – in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?”

    “I do,” she consents.

    “What, therefore, God has joined together, let no man put asunder.

    And so, by the power vested in me by the City of Springfield and Almighty God, I now pronounce you man and wife – and may your days be good and long upon the earth.

    You may now kiss the bride.”

    Braxton pulls Lizzie’s veil over her head. The congregation erupts with applause as they kiss. As they run back down the aisle, Lizzie hears her grandfather’s voice. “Lizzie?” “Lizzie?”


    Lizzie opens her eyes and sees Alan. “Thank God, I thought something had happened,” Alan says.

    “No, I was just sleeping, trying to pass the time. I guess they got the power back on.”

    “Well get up, we have to get to the hospital. Your grandmother called and said that your mom was in an accident. She’s in surgery now.”

    “Oh no!” Lizzie says as they get up.

    “I think I’m in the mood to take the stairs,” Alan declares as they exit the room together.


    Lucy runs after Frank as he walks down the path from the cabin.

    “Frankie! Wait up!”

    Frank turns around and looks at his sister.

    “Have you had any luck with getting a signal?”

    “No, not yet.” Frank pauses for a second. “How did I get into this situation Lucy?”

    “What do you mean?”

    “It feels like only yesterday when I was changing Marina’s diapers. I had my whole life ahead of me. And now I’m arguing with my teenage daughter about whether or not she is old enough to have sex. What happened?”

    “She grew up Frankie. You can’t keep her in her childhood forever. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to concede that she knows what she's doing.”

    “I know,” he sighs. “It’s just hard.”

    “Well I'm no expert but I don't think it's supposed to easy. She was right about one thing though: we’ve all been ignoring her lately. We’ve had so much drama over the past few months that she’s kind of fallen through the cracks.”

    “I can’t believe that I almost forgot my own daughter’s birthday. I must be such a bad father.”

    “Frankie, you are a good dad. All you gotta do is loosen up a bit. Marina is growing up. She can’t learn anything about life if you don’t give her enough room to make her own mistakes. Look at you guys. You pratically raised Harley by yourself and you both turned out fine. We have our own problems of course, but who doesn’t?”

    Frank hugs Lucy. “How did you get so smart?” he asks.

    “Life, that’s how. I made my own share of mistakes and I learned from them. What's Marina planning on doing after she gets out of high school?”

    “I don’t think she knows yet; I hope that she doesn’t go too far. I’d miss her to death.”

    “Then I think we need to work together to give her a reason not to run away,” Lucy replies.

    “I wish Eleni was here to guide her. I think I’ve been doing okay, but there are just some things that I can’t do that Eleni could.”

    “Why don’t I talk to her, soften her up a bit?”

    Frank agrees and thanks her. They decide to give up on the phone hunt and walk back up to the cabin. Suddenly, Buzz shoots up the steps.

    “Woah, what’s gotten into you Pop?”

    “I just spoke to Alan-Michael. Looks like Harley woke up from her coma!”

    “That’s great!” Lucy exclaims. “Come on, let’s get our stuff.

    They enter the cabin and see Marina and Ben in the living room. Father and his daughter lock eyes.

    “Marina, your Aunt Harley woke up from her coma so we’re going to go back to the hospital.” He pauses and looks at her. “If you guys want to stay here and come back later in the morning, you can.”

    Marina recognizes the concession on her dad’s part and rushes up to hug him.

    “Thank you daddy!”

    “Now I’m letting you stay on one condition: I reserve your attention for your birthday. I know we haven’t really paid much attention to you lately, so I want to make sure to correct that, okay?”

    “Okay,” Marina beems.

    The three Coopers leave the cabin, leaving Marina and Ben waving from behind.


    All around me are familiar faces
    Worn out places, worn out faces

    Lillian continues to pray at the chapel. A hand touches her shoulder. Lillian looks over her shoulder and sees Alan and Lizzie. She gets up and they hug.

    Bright and early for their daily races
    Going nowhere, going nowhere
    Their tears are filling up their glasses

    Frank looks at the road ahead, lost in thought. Lucy reaches over from the back seat to touch his shoulder to let him know that he had done the right thing.

    No expression, no expression
    Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
    No tomorrow, no tomorrow

    Ben and Marina sit in a chair in the living room of the Bauer cabin. Ben gently touches her head as they kiss.

    And I find it kind of funny
    I find it kind of sad
    The dreams in which I'm dying
    Are the best I've ever had

    Hope sits at home looking at old photographs. She pulls out a photo of Alan holding Alan-Michael as a baby. She touches the photograph gently and puts it back down.

    I find it hard to tell you
    I find it hard to take

    Ed Bauer continues to work tirelessly on Beth. The nurses keep watch over her and hand tools over to Ed as they continue.

    When people run in circles
    It's a very, very
    Mad World
    Mad world

    Suddenly, Beth flatlines as the song fades out.


    :Fade to Black:
  9. Dan
    The Guiding Light
    Episode 069
    Written By: Dan Gobble & Josh Hawkins

    Lillian Raines dabs her forehead with a handkerchief, wondering when the elevator is going to come back online. She looks at Sandra. I still can’t believe the resemblance, she thinks.

    “It’s getting a bit warm in here, don’t ya think?” Lillian asks, hoping to get a conversation started. “Reminds me of a night a few years ago. The entire town lost power.”

    “Oh really?”

    “Yeah. I was stuck in the garage of Towers with a friend. It was a strange night to be sure.”

    “I can remember on nights like this that my son would wake me up and ask to climb under the covers with me. I hope he’s not out in those storms,” Sandra says.


    Tammy and Shayne sit in the darkened room. The loss of power clicked off the television, so they decided to enjoy a game of checkers.

    “King me!” Shayne roars with a laugh. Tammy picks up a piece from the box and places it on Shayne’s pawn.

    “I told you Tam: I am the master of this game. It is only a matter of time before I kick your ass!”

    Tammy grabs a pillow and whacks Shayne upside the head. “Hey! Watch it!” The two friends settle down and attempt to concentrate on the game. But Tammy can’t get the thought of trouble out of her mind.

    “Shayne, are you sure that nothing is wrong? I know that there is and you can tell me. It has nothing to do with the fighting between Marah and Aunt Reva, I know.”

    “Nothing is the matter Tammy, for the millionth time,” Shayne replies.

    “You’re a terrible liar Shayne. Now tell me what is going on?!”


    A vein rises in Frank Cooper’s forehead. He cannot believe that his own daughter would try yet again to have sex with her older boyfriend. She’s much too young, he thinks.

    “What the hell are you wearing? Would you put some clothes on? You’re flashing your entire family.”

    “Daddy, I know what I am doing! You don’t have to look over my shoulder all the time anymore.”

    “And just what were you planning on doing young lady?” Frank asks. “I keep telling you time and time again that you are too young to have sex, especially with an older guy!”

    “If it were up to YOU, I would be quarantined in my room until I’m forty.”

    “And for good reason it seems. I can’t seem trust you to make mature decisions yet. Did you even consider the consequences?” Frank turns to Ben and unleashes his fury on him as well. “I knew that I couldn’t trust you. Have you been pushing her to have sex with you?”

    “Of course not, Mr. Cooper,” Ben meekly replies.

    “Daddy, like it or not, Ben is a part of my life now, regardless of what you think! I’m old enough to make my own choices.”

    Buzz and Lucy look on the awkward situation. Lucy glances over at Buzz. She knows that they dragged him to the cabin kicking and screaming.

    “Daddy, what’s wrong?”

    “I never should have came to the cabin while Harley is still down in Springfield in a coma!”

    Meanwhile, in Cedars, Alan-Michael tends to a comatose Harley. The emergency power has kicked in, but the lights remain dim. A-M looks at her, wondering where Harley could be at that moment. Suddenly, A-M notices that Harley is moving one of her fingers!


    And now the SONBC Award nominated ‘The Guiding Light!’

    <object width="320" height="240"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="320" height="240"></embed></object>


    “Harley! Harley! Are you there? Can you hear me?”

    She slowly turns her head towards his voice and whispers. “Hey stranger.”

    “Hey yourself,” A-M smiles. “You gave us all quite a scare there.”

    “I’m sorry,” she says.

    “We’ll worry about apologies later. I’m gonna go get one of the doctors in here.”


    “I had a friend many years ago,” Lillian continued. “Her--her name was Maureen. She was the kindest soul I think I’ve ever known. Everyone in town thought of her as a second mother. I can still picture her in the kitchen, making pies for the Christmas dinner.”

    “Is this the friend that you said I reminded you of?” Sandra asks.

    “Yeah. You could pass for twins almost,” Lillian replies with a smile.

    “Well, I’d like to meet her some day.”

    “You can’t unfortunately. A few years ago, she was in a car accident. Her car skidded off the road on a patch of black ice. She died a little while later.” The memories and the guilt well up in Lillian’s throat.

    “She was such a good friend to me and all I gave her was—“

    Lillian is about to bare her soul to the doppelganger of her beloved friend when the elevator doors fling open.

    “The emergency power must have come on,” Lillian says.

    The two women exit the elevator and walk to the Emergency Room. Suddenly, Braxton O’Dell runs in carrying a woman. Lillian looks at the woman and gasps. “Beth!”

    Braxton looks around the room and yells, “Can someone help me!”


    “Is it because you don’t have a date for prom yet?” Tammy asks. “What about Caitlen Richardson or Janet Hawk? Even Lizzie Spaulding would be a good choice.”

    “Nah, none of them are my type,” Shayne says elusively.

    “Shayne what is this type you always say. Everyone is always too tall, too skinny, too fat, too pretty, too everything but what you want.”

    “Tammy, I mean, they aren’t my type,” Shayne emphasizes.

    Tammy repeats the phrase in her mind and begins to piece together Shayne’s dilemma. “What are you trying to say Shayne?” Tammy asks.

    Shayne realizes that he needs to get this secret off his chest before he explodes. Tammy might understand, he thinks.

    “Tammy, I—“ Shayne stumbles over the words.

    “I’m—I’m gay,” Shayne reveals at last.


    The nurse checks over Harley’s vitals. “Everything looks good,” she announces.

    Harley looks at Alan-Michael, suddenly remembering everything.

    “Alan-Michael, there’s something I need to tell you. Your aunt—lied about everything. She—“

    “We know. She is Gus’ mother,” Alan-Michael interupts.

    “But, how did you know?” Harley responds, surprised.

    “I forgot that you missed a lot while you were in that coma. First of all, Roger Thorpe died and they had funeral. It was a circus, all Hell broke loose. Billy Lewis practically shot up the place. But also, during the funeral Aunt Alex crashed the funeral in the flesh and went on this drunken harangue about how Gus was her son that she kept away from my father’s evil clutches.”

    “Alexandra’s alive?! But how?”

    “No idea. But somehow she was nursed back to help by this fisherman.”

    “Does Gus know about Alexandra?”

    “Oh yeah. The entire town knows about it now.”

    “Is he okay? He must be crushed. I need to see him.”

    “Nobody can see him. He disappeared right after the funeral. Nobody knows where he went.”

    “How are dad, Frank, and Lucy?”

    “They’re fine. I’m sure they will be a lot better once they hear about you. You would be so proud of Lucy. She really kept the family together while you were gone.”

    “Where are they now? They leave you with the babysitting duty?” Harley cracks.

    “Frank and Lucy dragged Buzz away to the Bauer cabin for the night. I’d imagine they are stuck up there in this weather. The power has gone out all over town. I didn’t really feel like going, so I thought I would stay here and keep you company.”

    “Well thank you. After a few days in that coma, I could use the company,” Harley smiles.


    “I fought these—these feelings for months. I couldn’t tell anyone. I mean, I am the son of Josh and Reva. How can I be gay? I almost feel like I let them down somehow. HB must be rolling over in his grave.”

    “Don’t talk like that Shayne. You did not let anyone down. You can’t control who you are. No one can. Besides, just because you are gay, it doesn’t make you any less of a man.”

    “Oh, Tammy. It’s not about that. I mean, my family tree is the most messed up in town. I don’t think it’s ever really forked, you know? The men in my family—Uncle Billy, dad—they can marry each other’s wives and that’s somehow okay. But my being gay is going to crush them.”

    “That’s not true. They are not going to think that. They are not going to think any less of you. They love you Shayne and they always will.”

    “Tammy, I wanted to tell you. You’re the only person whose opinion I care about. Ever since your dad died, we’ve become really close Tam. You’ve gone above and beyond just being family to me. You are my best friend. Your support really matters to me.”

    Tammy gets up and throws her arms around him. “I love you too Shayne. No matter who you ever decide to be with. It doesn’t matter to me. You’re still the same person you always were. Now that may or may not be a good thing,” Tammy smiles.

    Shayne smiles, the burden of the secret he has been carrying is lifted off his shoulders for the time being. But reality soon sets in. He begins to cry. Now that he has told someone, the thought becomes so much more real to him. The thought scares him. Tammy notices his tears and hugs him tightly.

    “I’ll always be here for you Shayne. Never forget that.”


    Blake awakes and looks at the clock near the bed. The hands point to around midnight. She glances over and sees Ross on the other side of the bed. Blake can’t believe that this is happening, that this is real. She checks her left hand, just to be sure. She tiptoes downstairs and notices that all the lights are off. She picks up the phone and dials Holly. Her answering machine picks up.

    “Hey mom. It’s me. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay, considering the blackout and the weather. Just give me a call when you can. I’m sorry that I thought that you and Ross were having an affair. Just chalk that up to my romance novelist senses I guess. Anyway, I think I’m about ready to open the letter that daddy gave me. I still can’t believe that he’s gone. So maybe we could, you know, get some lunch tomorrow? Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

    She puts down the phone and opens the envelope. Inside the envelope is a card and a stack of official-looking papers. She sees what they are and gasps. “Daddy!”


    “Can someone help me!” Braxton repeats.

    Lillian and Sandra rush over. Lil’s worst fears are realized as she gets closer. The nurses slide a gurney under her and rush her to the emergency room. “She’s lost a lot of blood” one of the nurses say. Lillian thinks of Ed and rushes to see if she can find him. Suddenly, Ed comes in to the hospital with an incoherent Holly. The nurses begin to take care of Holly, while Lillian approaches Ed.

    “Ed, Beth was in a serious accident. They say that she is going to need surgery. Can you please do the surgery?”

    “Lillian, I’m sorry. I’m not in any shape to do surgery right now.”

    Tears well up in Lillian’s eyes. “Please Ed. Beth is the only family I have right now. I can’t lose her. Please help her.”

    Ed agrees and begins to prepare for the surgery.


    “You know, I just realized something,” Harley says.

    “What?” A-M asks.

    “I have gone through all of Alan’s sons and now it seems like I’m beginning to go through Alexandra’s brood. What is with me and the Spauldings. I seem to be attracted to them like some electromagnet. It’s funny,” she laughs.

    A-M laughs with her. Harley’s face then grows more serious. “When Mallet and I got divorced, I promised myself that I would never let myself be the woman who allows her husbands to make a fool out of her. After Phillip, I promised myself that I would never get involved with the Spauldings again. Yet, here I am yet again.”

    “What did you swear off when we split?” A-M asks.

    “Well, I learned that adultery is never a very good thing. At least with us, I knew exactly what I did wrong. Compared to the rest of my exes, you were a good husband. I guess we were both just young and stupid. Our marriage wasn’t really based on the greatest foundation was it?”

    “No it wasn’t, I guess.”

    “Thank you. For making sure I was okay over the years. I appreciate it.”

    “No sweat,” A-M says.

    “Alan-Michael, don’t let yourself get caught up in Alan’s world. Be a good husband to Lucy. I know that you can. Try to consider her feelings. Alan may be a good businessman, but in the end, he always fails in the love department. Money and power may be good motivators, but they never really fill your life quite like love does. Remember that.”

    “I’ll keep that in mind. In the meantime, is there anything I can do for you?”

    “Can you try to find Gus for me. I need to talk to him.”

    A-M kisses Harley’s forehead and whispers “Sure.”

    He begins to walk out when Harley says, “And kick that bitch Vera out of my house.” A-M turns back and smiles.

    :Fade to Black:

    On the Next Episode…
    - Frank puts his foot down.
    - Beth goes into surgery!
  10. Dan
    The Guiding Light: Episode 068
    Friday, May 25, 2007
    Written By: Dan Gobble & Josh Hawkins


    “Severe storms rage through the city, paralyzing transportation and cutting off power to thousands of homes,” said an eerie voice on the radio. “Citizens are urged to stay in the lowest level of their homes away from doors or windows. Springfield Power officials said that it would be some time before power would be restored to the city. What that ‘some time’ means is anyone’s guess.”

    The voice ends his report almost as suddenly as it began and the radio now floods the darkened Towers restaurant with a stream of soothing music. Servers and attendants busily light the room with candles. Danny Santos flits around the room making sure that everything is okay then rushes to the elevators.

    “How many people do we have stuck in here?” Danny asks one of the maintenance staff members.

    “There are two people stuck in elevator A, two in elevator B, and one in elevator C. We’re in contact with the elevators now,” the man replies.

    “Good. How long do you think it will be until you guys can get them out?”

    “It’s hard to say. We’re working as fast as we can. Elevator A is stuck between floors 48 and 49. We’re trying to open the lock to that floor from the stairwell, but it could take some time.”

    “Alright. Keep me updated, okay?”

    Meanwhile, in elevator A, Hope Bauer speaks into the emergency phone to one of the attendants as Alan Spaulding nervously adjusts his tie. “Okay,” Hope replies as she sets the phone on the receiver.

    “What did they say?” Alan asks.

    “They say that they are trying to get to us, but it could take more time than they thought,” Hope replies.

    “Oh God,” Alan gasps as he slides down the elevator wall to the floor.


    “Phillip. I think my water just broke,” Olivia said.

    Phillip rushes to the phone and dials 911 for an ambulance. Meanwhile, Olivia sits down on the sofa; her hand rests on her stomach. Phillip hangs up the phone with a frown seared onto his face.

    “The paramedics can’t get through the roads. There are trees and power lines down all over the city.”

    “Phillip, I hate to tell you this, but this baby is coming ambulance or no ambulance!”

    Phillip runs out of the room to get help, knocking over a picture of Beth on the table. Meanwhile, Beth sits in the damaged skeleton of her car; her head is cradled by the steering wheel. A stream of crimson blood pours down her face.


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    Beth’s head slowly rises off the steering wheel with a groan. Her thoughts slowly come into focus. “What happened?” she thinks. Her first thoughts race to Phillip. She has to get a hold on him somehow. He will be able to help her. Beth’s fingers carefully paw the inside of her purse. She picks up the phone and begins to press the buttons. However, the phone slips out of her hand as Beth slips out of consciousness. Her head slumps back into the steering wheel.


    Marah strikes a match and ignites a candle on the mantle of the Santos Mansion.

    “Thank goodness that we were able to find these candles,” Marah said. Her father, Josh, sits on the sofa in the living room. “I hope Danny is okay in this weather.”

    “Where did he go?” Josh asked.

    “He’s over at Towers. I’m sure he has his hands full over there with the blackout.”

    “I hope that Danny has been keeping his nose out of the mob these days. Goodness knows that that business has caused him some trouble over the years.”

    “He is dad,” Marah replies. “He is keeping himself busy over at Towers with Aunt Cassie. Why do you ask?”

    “It’s just…You guys seem to be getting a bit close. I just don’t want to see my baby girl get hurt.”

    “Don’t worry daddy. Danny and I are taking it slowly. We are both still mourning Tony and trying to figure out our feelings for each other.”

    “So there ARE feelings, huh?” Josh grins.

    Marah smiles “Is it wrong if I feel that way? Tony’s temper always made loving him such a battle. I was too young and foolish to understand. But with Danny, it feels so easy. When you get to know him, he is such a loving person that it is so easy to love him. We have a lot of things to work through but we click together.”

    “There’s nothing wrong with that Marah. I’m happy for you. I’m sure Tony would feel the same way.”


    Phillip helps Olivia lie down on the sofa in the Spaulding study. The contractions begin to die down for a time. Olivia is finally able to relax for a few minutes. She looks at Phillip and remembers all the time that they have shared. Before she knows it, the words she has longed to express pour from her lips.

    “Phillip, I—I love you,” she weakly said. “I always have. I even tried to push you back to Beth because I thought that if you were with someone that I could put aside my feelings for you. But, I can’t. It only made me want you more.”

    Phillips looks at Olivia. Phillip’s face softens as a look almost of relief passes over his face.

    “I love you too Olivia. I thought going back to Beth would help me move on, but it didn’t.”

    With their feelings finally expressed, Phillip and Olivia kiss passionately. Meanwhile, Phillip’s cell phone vibrates on the table. The screen on the front of the phone lights up. “Lizzie,” it reads.


    On the other end of the line, Lizzie waits for her father to pick up the phone. When she hears the answering machine pick up, she hangs up. She then tries her mother, but gets the same result. “Where could they be?” she wonders. She looks at the list of numbers in her phone, wondering who she could call. She decides to call Braxton. She can hear the dial stop and Braxton say “Hello?” However, before she can say anything, the battery gives out on her phone.

    “Hello?” Braxton repeats. “Lizzie?”

    Must have lost her, he says to himself. He cranks up the volume on the radio.

    “Accidents have occurred throughout the city, slowing traffic to a standstill,” the announcer said. “The roads are treacherous out there. City officials stress that citizens should remain in their homes until the weather has cleared.”

    “I wish I could do that,” Braxton replies. The accidents have left the emergency room at Cedars Hospital overloaded. All staff has been paged to help out. As he rides down the debris-cluttered street, he sees that the side guard rail has been destroyed. Must be an accident, he thinks and pulls over to the side of the road. Braxton gets out of the car and goes down into the ditch. He sees a woman’s head on the steering wheel.

    “Ma’am! Are you okay? Can you hear me?”

    He pulls Beth out of the car and tends to her wounds. He realizes that there is no way an ambulance would get there, so he picks her up and takes her to the ER.


    “Alan! Are you okay?”

    “I—I didn’t think it would take this long for us to get out of here. I thought that I could handle it, but I don’t think I can anymore.”

    Despite her better judgment, Hope gets out a handkerchief and dabs Alan’s sweaty head.

    “You took care of me like this once before, remember?” Alan asks.

    “Yeah. I remember. But that was a long time ago. We were two very different people,” Hope replies.

    “Maybe if we talk, I can keep my mind off of all of this,” he suggests.

    “How’s Alexandra doing? She made quite the scene at Roger’s funeral.”

    “She’s still angry. No matter how much I try to talk to her, she still blames me for it all.”

    “Alan, you and Brandon have both done such horrible things to her—and to others.”

    “I don’t think I’m in the mood for a lecture Hope,” Alan seethes. “What are you still doing in Springfield anyway?”

    “Charles Grant called me and he wants me to head up the interior designing of the new Cedars project.”

    “Oh yes. I forgot that you were a designer. That is how we officially met I remember.”

    Hope nods.

    “Well when Alan-Michael gets Spaulding attached to the Cedars project, you can work with him.”

    “Alan, did you even hear a word that I said to you a few days ago?”

    “Hope, Alan-Michael does not need you to fight his battles anymore. He can do it by himself without your prodding. At least I am trying to secure the legacy for my children and grandchildren. If Alexandra had it her way, I would be shut out of the company forever and my heirs would be kicked out.”

    “She’s going through a rough time Alan. You may not have given Gus away like Nick and Lujack, but you still have the blame.”


    “How are you and Danny dealing with the Michelle issue?” Josh asks. “Your Uncle Billy told me what’s been going on.”

    “We’re just trying to roll with the punches,” Marah replies. “Whatever happens, we will just have to sort them out as they come. Danny and Michelle made a mistake in the past that may have conceived a child. It is in the past, just as my relationship with Tony is in the past. There’s no need in dredging up old news.”

    “Could I give you a little piece of fatherly advice?” Josh asks.

    Marah sighs. “Sure.”

    “You know you were going to get it anyway, right?” Josh jokes. “Marah, before you commit to fighting this battle with Danny, make sure that you are truly committed to him for the long run.”

    “I am,” she replies.


    Meanwhile, Danny continues to rush around the Towers restaurant like a pinball. He goes over to the elevator lobby to check on the status of the elevators. “How are things going,” he asks one of the staff members.

    “We’re proceeding along smoothly. We were able to get the magnetic locks opened in the stairwell, so we can try to start opening the elevator.”

    “Good. I hope nothing else goes wrong tonight.”

    Danny walks down the hall past a crewmember speaking into the elevator telephone. On the other end is Lizzie Spaulding. “How much longer will I be stuck in here?” she asks.

    On the other line, she hears the attendant say that they are not sure how long it will take, but they are working as fast as they can. She hangs up the phone and sits down on the floor.

    “I hope mom and dad are okay,” she says.

    Meanwhile, at the Spaulding Mansion, Olivia and Phillip wonder about the status of their relationship.

    “What does this mean?” Olivia says.

    “I don’t know,” Phillip replies.

    “At least the truth is out now.”

    Their embrace is interrupted by the advent of another contraction. Olivia groans in pain as her stomach contracts.
    “Phillip,” she says in between breaths. “No matter what, this baby is yours. It has to be. Please promise me that. I can’t let Alan near this baby. I just can’t,” she sobs.

    “I promise,” Phillip says.

    Phillip grabs the phone and calls Rick Bauer. Phillip hears the machine and hangs up the phone. “He must be at Cedars,” he thinks. He decides to call 911 again so that he can at least figure out what he can do while they are waiting for the ambulance. The operator takes him step by step and together, they are able to deliver the baby in the study of the mansion.

    Phillip takes the baby and wraps it in a blanket. He sits down by Olivia.

    “It’s a girl,” Phillip whispers as he gives Olivia the baby to hold.

    “Look at her; she’s so precious,” Olivia sobs.

    Phillip leans over and kisses Olivia on the forehead.

    “What are we going to name her?” Phillip asks.

    “I’ve always dreamed of naming my first baby Hannah after my grandmother and Marissa after my sister.”

    “Hannah Marissa. Do you like that name?” he asks the baby. “I think she likes it. Hannah Marissa.”

    Phillip and Olivia kiss again as they hold their newborn child in their arms.


    “I think the rain is finally starting to taper off,” Josh says. “I think I can start heading out now.”

    Marah gets up and hugs Josh.

    “By the way, um, how is mom?” she asks. Josh is surprised that she even mentioned Reva. He takes this as a glimmer of hope that their relationship can be patched up.

    “She’s doing fine. She asks me every night how you are. She went to San Jemar to see Jonathan for a little while. She will be back in a week or two.”

    “That’s cool,” she replies. Like clockwork, Josh’s phone goes off. He looks at the phone and says “Speak of the devil.” However, before he can answer, the phone loses its signal.

    “Why don’t you use the landline while I make up a bed for you? The roads are probably still pretty bad.”

    “No, that’s ok, I’m sure I can get through.”

    “Daddy, I insist. You’re staying here tonight.”

    “Fine, you twisted my arm,” Josh replies.

    Marah heads up the stairs as Josh begins to dial Reva’s cell phone.

    “Dad, When she asks about me, tell her I said ‘hi.’”

    “I’ll do that,” Josh smiles.

    Marah continues up the stairs as Josh reports back to Reva.


    “Can we change the subject now?” Alan asks Hope.

    “Fine. How is Olivia doing? She should be going into labor any day now.”

    “She’s doing okay. We’re having some marital problems, but nothing that we can’t work out I think.”

    “Good, you have a second chance to be a father. Don’t screw it up.”

    “I think I already did. The only reason that Olivia is pregnant is because I switched her birth control pills with placebos. Then she went and slept with Phillip.”

    “See, this is what I’m talking about Alan. I know I am the LAST person that should be giving you advice on how to patch up your marriage, but you don’t always have to strong-arm people into doing what you want. Marriage is not some business deal that you are trying to land. Alan, you showed me on that island that you could be a loving and generous man and, no, I don’t believe that it was the fever talking. If only you could tap into that more.”

    “Do you think it could ever have worked out between us Hope?” Alan asks.

    “Maybe, had we not had not come back to this damn town and if we were still on that island. Maybe we could have been happy for the rest of our lives. But that isn’t how it happened was it?” Hope laments.

    The phone rings and Hope answers it to hear one of the maintenance crew on the other end. He tells her that they are almost to the elevator shaft, but it will take a little more time.

    Danny Santos walks by the elevator shaft again and back into the main restaurant. The stream of music is again interrupted by the sound of the DJ.

    “The accidents across the city have left the hospitals overcrowded conditions. Cedars officials say that about five people have died in the storm tonight and many others were wounded. The staff continues to take care of the steady stream of people entering the emergency room.

    Meanwhile, Braxton O’Dell finally gets to Cedars. He opens the door, carrying Beth Raines Spaulding inside.

    “Can someone help me?!” he yells.

    :Fade to Black:

    On the Next Episode...
    - Harley wakes up to find...Alan-Michael!
    - Beth clings to life!
  11. Dan
    'The Guiding Light' Returns From Hiatus!

    STILLWATER, OK -- Fans of Reva and Josh can stop worrying. 'The Guiding Light' will return from a two-week-long hiatus with a brand new episode.

    "Unfortunately, personal matters necessitated a hiatus from production," co-Headwriter Dan Gobble said. "However, we are back and ready for an explosive summer."

    Cliffhangers will be resolved in the next episode. A treacherous storm has placed the lives of several Springfield residents in danger. A romantic reunion between Phillip and Olivia turned sour when she began to go into labor. Meanwhile, Beth lost consciousness after her car skidded off a slippery road.

    Fans can expect more surprises as the storm intensifies. "The rammifications of the storm will move story all summer long," co-Headwriter and Executive Producer Josh Hawkins said.
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