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Posts posted by Sapounopera

  1. 1 minute ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    When Robert was drinking & when he had what we could call severe attitude problems, yes, very likely. 

    Didn't he get involved with an underage girl? Didn't he make almost all of his female scene partners feel uncomfortable? Frankly I wouldn't care if someone with that kind of attitude at work stopped drinking or started Keto. 

  2. Just now, titan1978 said:

    Imagine the fun the show could have had if Dillon was gay or bi and was like Tracy? That feels way more modern already for an old soap staple.

    Oh yes. It is time soaps gave us something fresh in that area. And I don't mean the DOOL Leo madness. 

  3. (Perhaps they are involved in real life and that's the reason they act so weird)

    Nobody asked for soft porn. They play newlyweds. On their first night together they were shown as siblings. I really don't care for "steamy" sex scenes on soaps btw. They bore me. Especially when a song is featured.
    They can be sexy and playful without the 80s Days of Our Lives making love videoclips.

    Brook Lynn should be the new Tracy. A cop's wife? She should be married to a politician, or a heir, having affairs and lots of drama. I would kill off Chase, or try to wake him up by having an affair with a girl-next-door type.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    My only point to him was that Michael Easton is not in any of the 5 group shots nor is he in either of the 2 banners. This suggests to me that in fact as some of us have heard, he is outta there, and not just on recurring status. 

    As far as fan art goes, yes, he did the Eric Braeden treatment with his. Mostly I just am like, okay you did this. I really don't tend to like them. 

    I do agree that we need a new opener. I do not myself know what would be best. I am partial to seeing the building. 

    One thing I've been thinking about. I think yesterday was originally intended to be last Friday's show & they got off a day because of the eclipse. Just seems to me like Friday in Sweeps, not a  Monday. 

    Definetely want to see the building. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I thought Laura/Stefan were a pretty good pairing too.  GF/SN had decent chemistry.  I obviously knew it was an obstacle for L/L and they would reunite eventually, but TG/GF already seemed to be tiring of one another by then.

    I am going to assume Mansi doesn't know a ton about Kristina's history.  Kristina was almost blown up in a car bomb meant for Johnny a decade ago.  LA's Kristina pretended to be with Johnny just to get a reaction out of him. She's pretty wise to Sonny's volatility.  We can assume Kristina thought Sonny had changed, but I feel like Mansi played as if it was the first time she's ever seen violence out of Sonny.  I don't think Mansi did a bad job.  I just don't think she understands that Kristina's childhood and young adult life has been littered with instances of Sonny's mob related violence.

    This was such a stupid scene. She acted as though she saw Laura kill her entire family.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

       First fan version of a new opening: 


    I hate openings with actor names on soaps. This was a fun project for the person who did it, but no. I would be happy with an ambulance at night. This would combine the classic ambulance intro and the city at night, lights and all. 

  7. I just finished the show's first season (250+ episodes) and I loved it.

    Ed and Nelle were killed within a few days. As though someone told TPTB to get rid of the older characters.

    Nick Szabo vanished as well. His young daughter Reenie briefly appeared and got some scenes with Buckie. It is crazy to think that this girl would turn out to be Brooke English.

    I like Roger and Dee. Love their scenes. Frank's acting is shockingly bad because of the actor's drinking.

    Not that crazy about Jack and Mary. KM shines as Mary, but I find the story rather boring. 

    Pat is adorable and who knew, Justin Deas is likeable as Bucky. 

    Jill is stunning and so sophisticated. I never miss her scenes. 

    What I found weird is that Mary vanished from the show for several weeks/months. Delia/Frank/Jillian is the show's big story.

    I also liked dorky Faith. The Kenneth torture porn story seems as though it came from the network in order to boost the ratings. Nancy Barrett has just appeared and she is captivating. It looks as though the show tries to forget the Kenneth story and nu-Faith seems like Jill 2.0.

    The family scenes are amazing. HG is the perfect matriarch. It feels like watching a classic play. And the sets are great.

    Normal people drama is much more fascinating than the problems of the  uber rich.

    PS: I expected Nelle to be revealed as Buckie's mother and her marriage to Seneca to be another version of Kay and Phillip Chancellor.  

  8. Can I say that GH's hugest problem is Sonny? MB is no longer charming, sexy or charismatic and he can't be treated as the show's lead. I can't see him in a new romance and he is not soap patriarch material. Whenever a writer shows that Sonny is problematic in his writing, he is shown the door. 
    PM and EK's GH was nothing to write home about. But we got some well written scenes. Someone seemed to care enough to try and make characters human. When was the last time Y&R, B&B and DAYS had that?
    Can well written scenes work with mediocre actors and random characters? That's another thing.
    Another weird thing I noticed watching GH promos. 80% of the characters featured are over 50/60. The show needs some new blood.

    And Liz Webber at the Nurses Station. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Contessa Donatella said:


    Joss v. Kristina is just an extension, or a metaphor, for Good v. Evil. 


    This I don't understand at all Contessa. Do you mean that they are the modern day Meg and Vanessa Dale?

    I haven't found Sonny interesting in the last ten years. 

    The Pikeman saga doesn't interest me at all. 

    Heather was gone with Robin Mattson. 

  10. 46 minutes ago, Toups said:

    You weren't on the edge of your seat to see if Gregory was able to make it through the ceremony? LOL.  It's 6 straight weeks now of the show being major snoozefest.

    Six weeks of random scenes. Some were good, others were just boring.

    But no real story. It is not as though we were watching early Ryan's Hope, which felt like a play. RH had structure and interesting dynamics.  

    I have to say though, that any writer who doesn't "get" Sonny, will be out of the door, sooner or later. And that's insane. 

  11. 15 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Christine and Nick would be snoozeville- 2 decent characters- where would the conflict and interest lie?

    At this point, apart from being reunited with Sharon and being supporting, the only option I could see  for Nick would be a femme fatale who worms her way into Nick's life a la Cassandra and Paul. 

    I can only see Nick married to Sharon, running the coffee shop and playing the normal dad to their grown up kids. I love the femme fatale idea, but for another character. How about Noah? He could use a real story for once.

  12. 1 hour ago, Liberty City said:

    The Heather problem, for me, stems back to the "writer" returning the role and turning her into a caricature, which is something he thinks he does well, and like most: he does not.

    The wacky villain/psycho, another problem with modern soaps. If "The Writer" is meant to be Ron, he has been gone for years. What have the other writers done with the character? 

    Has Heather's mom Alice Grant been mentioned? She was the Webber housekeeper and another reason the two women should share a connection.

  13. 7 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    I don't know why GH is bothering with Heather, a 60 plus character with a convulated backstory not played by the original actress with tenuous links to the current canvas.

    If they want to reference the past there are plenty of other characters that could be brought on.

    They can always bring back Steven Lars (not Roger Howarth or Michael Easton) and pair him with someone interesting/important in order for Heather's story to make some sense. 

    6 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Feels like a case where some up high just love Alley Mills and don't want to lose her (probably also why she stayed on B&B so long). Nothing against Alley Mills, but Heather isn't worth it.

    I would say Mulcahey, but I don't think he alone would have that power.

    With Robin Mattson gone, it is very difficult to care for Heather. Or even recognise the woman on screen as Heather. Nothing to do with the actress. 

  14. 12 hours ago, kalbir said:


    Yes, Spring 1983 to Summer 1984 Pamela Long got the ratings to rebound from the post-Marland slump and set in motion characters and storylines that would carry GL through its final 25 years but the short-term success ended up causing long-term damage. It was too much chasing 1980s trends which wasn't sustainable and the ratings from Fall 1984 onward reflected that.

    I may be one of the very few that loved the Robert Calhoun years. I feel GL was going strong and hitting its stride during his run even though the ratings didn't reflect that, which is a disappointment to me.

    From what I have watched the Allen Potter and Robert Calhoun years were the best eras of the show. 

    7 hours ago, P.J. said:

    LOL...I probably noticed ATWT's location shoots more when they included Carly/Jack. 

    I mostly remember parks and (studio) stairs as location.

  15. Blaine was another character who could have stayed around for years. Making her Sandy's boring wife was not the smartest idea, considering that Rich and Frangione had other plans.  

  16. 8 hours ago, VelekaCarruthers said:

     And whatever criticism one can level at Pam Long, her era lived until the final episode.

    Nobody can deny that. It was her GL that lasted until the bitter end.

    9 hours ago, P.J. said:

    Her list of offenses against soapdom is long...Jammy, Otalia, firing JvD, Gus Aitoro, etc etc etc.

    Kissing cousins, SORAS going crazy with Susan Lemay being the same age as Leah Bauer, depressing stories, claustrophobic sets, Reva having another baby, creepy opening, Cooper-mania, yet the show could have been saved... until the new model premiered. 

    7 hours ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    THIS! Otalia was a disaster! I couldn’t stand them. Olivia was so badly written at the end. And Ellen Wheeler. No wonder she never worked in daytime again or given interviews. She must be bowing her head in shame for what she did to GL. Disgusting. 

    I found Otalia boring and overhyped. And after the show got cancelled Crystal Chappell did everything she could to keep the Otalia myth alive. Please...

    On 5/6/2024 at 2:24 AM, Contessa Donatella said:

    Yeah, CM should be punished for doing that to both her face & to her eyes! But perhaps she is being punished by having to live with it. She still has one of the most animated faces around but she's lost some flexibility she used to have. 

    EW apt at the end.jpg

    Alan Locher just posted this, as he said, "rare" look at Ellen Wheeler's apartment near the end of the show. Jill & Ellen worked here, a lot. Almost all of the time there would have been extra hours, after full days at the studio or at Peapack. I know that one of their routines was to take the scripts for Otalia & read them aloud. It was a kind of extra check. I realize this is not going to mean much to most of you but it means a great deal to me. This in a real sense is the birthplace of Otalia, one of the world's great, engaging love stories. 

    Why should CW be punished for her fillers? She probably likes them, otherwise she would have them dissolved. I am sure she is happy with them.

    So GL's last season was shot in Ellen's apartment? The walls are so Cedars. Wasn't part of her couch in Alan's office? 

  17. The Sheila Show is bad even for B&B standards. The character and the story make no sense at all, even for B&B standards. It is not B&B bad, not fun bad, just bad. 
    Brad Bell needs someone to help him breathe new life into the show. They don't even try out with new characters, it is the same all the time. Some random c-player might show up for a random story and that is it. 

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