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Posts posted by Ben

  1. Oh, yeah, Holly Hart, I think was the lesbian. She's the only Hart I remember by name, anyway.

    Corrie's cast is ridiculous. They have, like, 60+ characters, and I'm sure that's not including the kids/babies. It's so ridiculous. Half of them could easily go.

    Which other lower-rated soaps are you thinking of?

  2. I did not know that about Tony Booth.

    I can see where you're coming from. I think Kelly looks like she should have been apart of the Hart family.

    MJL played Sean, right? I vaguely remember seeing him on that show. He had that same level of charisma on FA.

    I wasn't an uber-fan or anything. I remember thinking that Karen becoming gay was randomly done. I don't think I followed it too closely. Kelly, as a character, never felt permanent; she always felt like she was short term. They did well in building up their romance, but I was disappointed that they went the route of throwing her down the stairs and killing her off. I always sorry for poor Matt, who drew the short straw in all of this. Once Kelly was dead, the story reached a dead-end, and they were all written out. It was quite disappointing, and I guess they suffered the change in producer.

    I never understood why every revamp had to consist of getting rid of a load of characters? Granted, some needed to go, but a lot of characters that got culled in every producer change, had some life left in them. It was like HO: new producer, axes characters, brings in new characters, who have no longevity. Rinse and repeat.

  3. What do you think about Sharon being an addict?

    I like it. I wouldn't have if it had been an alcohol or hard drug addiction, but b/c it's prescription pills, I think that represents and explains where her head has been during her time away. I'm also glad she's in recovery, so we don't have to sit through any randomly tedious addiction story. I wonder how long she'll last without falling off the wagon? And if she does, I hope she remembers her sponsor - this show always forgets that recovering addicts have sponsors to help and support them.


    However, reading that article, it says LAUREN and Joey will be getting together? Please tell me that's a huge mistake. What is with this show and incest being perfectly normal?

    If you've ever watched B&B, you should be used to all kinds of levels of incest. laugh.png I'll like this if they treat it properly, and have people react the way they should towards two 1st cousins getting it on. It's not like Ben and Lola who are very distantly related, where no-one bats an eye. Plus, it's not illegal for Joey and Lauren to be together... If it doesn't have the ick factor, it'll be fine. I just hope there isn't a load of references to them being cousins before they kiss.

  4. As per Carl's request. I don't have too much to say on this show ATM, as I haven't watched for months. I find the whole show boring and repetitive. 99% of the show doesn't interest me at all. However, the Marcus/Maria story is the 1% that has intrigued me enough to start possibly watching again in some form. At first, I thought the best way to approach this would be to make Marcus bi, but now I see it's so much better like this. Marcus and Maria have chemistry, and it feels believable. I'm not sure where it's going, but I hope they do it justice. Will they be a couple in the end? Do they have longevity? Why do they have that guy, Aiden, hanging around? He seems unnecessary. Why did they push Maria and Jason together? That seems like another unnecessary complication. Probably another excuse for Eileen to scream and shout at Maria for breaking her poor Jason's heart.

    What are others opinion on this story?

  5. Yeah, DH was phenomenal in those scenes, when that creepy, OTT, unrealistic social worker took her baby away.

    I'm a little surprised that this thread has gone so quite recently, after the buzz of Sharon's return. I think the show is a lot more watch-able day-to-day than it has been all year. I like that more characters are interacting with each other.

  6. There wouldn't be much to fast forward, just teens and Mercedes being nuts to prop boring Mitzeee.

    ohmy.png You don't like Mitzeee!? I love Mitzeee. Maybe it's b/c I wasn't watching prior to this year, or maybe it's b/c Rachel Stenton gives her all in every scene, especially the emotional ones.

  7. I see.

    Sean was the gay guy who got stabbed. He wasn't in the show for long, maybe a couple of years. He had the whole Will & Grace story with that woman whose name I forget. I liked him, once they developed him outside of his Will & Grace relationship.










  8. Cat must have appeared as part of the 1999 revamp, and stayed to the bitter end. Cat was great. She was the loser of the show, the one who needed a happy ending. There were a couple of times when they made her happy, back-burnered her, and didn't know what to do, so had her new man cheat or something, which got a bit repetitive for a while. They got a lot of mileage out of the tumultuous Pete/Cat/Dave triangle, and Pete/Cat attacking each other never got old. I wish I had more on Cat & Pete.

    Thanks. I'll check out that channel.

  9. There is no longer any structure or sense of family or drive on the show, or any history. There's nothing. There are so many characters who are just plain used up, like most of the McQueens, outside of Jacqui and maybe Myra.

    I think Kathleen Beedles has changed the show for the better recently. Its a lot more watchable, now, and all the characters feel like they are being used more, and in their own storylines; they have a big cast, and the majority of the time most of the characters would be drifting aimlessly, randomly disappearing for months. When I think about the cast, I can picture them all in some form of story. They're also using Jack & Frankie more, which is great. It isn't perfect, and the destruction of Doug feels permanent; when they mentioned his past as a drug dealer yesterday, it felt like they were talking about Doug's evil twin or something - now he's sappy and wimpish and pathetic.

    I don't get the hype for Brendan at all. I don't feel like he's as complex or deep as fans make out he is. Brendan is defined by his abuse; he's a violent thug who murders people. End of. Walker, on the other hand has been awesome. He's a guy who is complex and interesting to watch. I wish he could stay around and replace Brendan, but that will never happen.

    There does feel like there is a sense of family returning to the show. History is a problem, as 90% of the cast haven't been there more than a few years; Tony and Cindy are the only ones who go way back, and they haven't utilized Tony properly for a long time. The McQueens would work better with just the girls - get rid of Bart and Theresa who bring nothing to the family or the show - but Myra, Jacqui and Carmel are not a spent force yet. I'm not sure where they can go with Mercedes, now.

    Darren/Nancy, Jack/Frankie, Mitzeee, Myra, Cheryl (she's changed for the better), Tony/Cindy/Rhys/Jacqui, hold the show together. The Kanes have a lot of potential as a family (Martha is awesome), but this stupid Ally plot is bringing them down; The Savages are OK, but they don't bring anything to the show as a unit - I like Dodger/Texas, and the potential of Will/Ash, but they ruined the latter; Phoebe/George/Callum are the better teens - the rest are dire - Maddie could possibly have potential... but the writing and her acting are really bad; Barney/Annalise are OK. I think the show has a good bunch of characters, they need to write to their strengths and not add any more newbies, and get rid of the ones that don't work.

  10. Pooky Quesnel was great on EE, but in this show, she was either miscast, or the character was just so damn dull, that she couldn't bring any life to it. The affair was random and a bust on screen. It just didn't make any sense. Pete had many loves, and they all made some sense, except for his sister; it felt like they did this for shock value - pseudo-incest. I was glad when his family left, and I shouldn't really feel that way about Pete's family; they should have worked.

    Eileen was the one who had the threesome with two cops. Eileen was Pete's last and final wife. She was awesome; such a fun character - you know the type: bitchy, bad mother with issues, a schemer, someone you could root for; she was a match for Pete, but sadly, they were destined to destroy each other. They did take the whole 'long-lost son' thing a step too far when they cast Sam Taylor, a character who had no personality and was in the way. At this point, Eileen already had two daughters - Charlotte and Lucy Day - she didn't any more random kids.

    How much of the Matt/Karen/Kelly story have you seen? I've got a bunch of their story, but if you've already watched it on YT, I won't bother uploading them... unless you want me to?





  11. 37522_347_123_920lo_zpsfbc26720.jpg

    This next one is one of my favourite scenes. The episodes when Gregory revealed himself to be the blackmailer, thinking he had Annie backed into a corner, only for her to reveal all about Cole & Olivia's affair and that Trey may not be his son, were so captivating to watch. They really showcased how awesome actors Sam Behrens and Sarah Buxton can be - especially Sam. I think he was pretty underrated. Shame he hasn't popped up in any other major role.


  12. I had forgotten that Margi Clarke was in the show. From what I can recall, she wasn't a nightmare like her Corrie character, she was a lot softer (as soft as one can be with that hard, brisk accent - LOL). She was around for a few months, but really, bringing in Pete's family didn't do much for him, IMO. I always felt his sister was too dull and easily forgettable, while his mother was nice while she lasted, but she never appeared again. It could just be my memory not remembering them that well, but with a character like Pete, there's always an expectation that his family will unearth another side to the character, or develop him in some way, but I never got that from them. Not that I can remember.

    The Josh story was huge, and probably one of the most memorable in the shows history. IA that no soap would write/direct a scene like Josh's death these days. Pete and Siobhan carried the show during this period, as they were a much watch couple.

    This one was supposed to go before the last one.








  13. Pete Callan was a popular, if not the most popular character on the show. He was complex; he could do bad things, but you would know why he was doing it, and how he got himself into those situations; he would also have moments of genuine love.

    Julie-Ann stayed around for about a year.







  14. While I kinda like the concept of the promo, it represents everything that is wrong with the show. It's dark and dreary, promoting characters and stories that are the rot that is destroying the show. It doesn't even say anything, but we are meant to be enticed by seeing the characters we "care about" walk onto the screen and explode into petals?! Where are Gennie & Nickhil? She's giving birth in the Live episode, and should have featured. It doesn't even promote 40 years; and that logo sucks - too industrial and cheap. It doesn't make me want to tune back in, so I can't imagine how they expect this promo to intrigue new viewers.

  15. What's up with Max? I might have missed why he was dropping off that money? I like the actor and wish he was given more to do.

    Max left town last year for 3 months after his affair with Tanya was outed, and his kids turned against him and kicked him out of his own home. The affair story was awful; really showed Max and Tanya as ugly characters. Anyway, Max came back with Derek, who has been blackmailing him over something. Now Max is making secret payments to someone... That's it.

    What happened to Carol/Bianca/Dot coming back? Any dates? Is it true June Brown might not come back?

    Carol will be back sometime in the next couple of months, presumably with Bianca's kids. Oh joy. Not. June Brown is off the show for 6 months, and no matter what she says, I can't see her not returning... unless she wants to retire. Bianca is off contract and technically no longer with the show. She'll return if TPTB ask her. I hope they don't. She's played out, and all of PP's breaks is annoying and hurt the show, IMO.

    I don't mind the teens but I'm more indifferent to them. I like that they're all friends. LOL at Anthony's exit. Seriously? I feel like they have too many though. Alice, Lola, Abi, Joey, Lucy, Fatboy, Whitney, Lauren, Tyler .... but at least it's not like the US soaps where they are all either at boarding school or in town while their parents are written out. Cuz THAT always makes sense. I don't get the appeal for Joey, Tyler or Anthony (who's gone). The women far outshine them.

    You missed out Tamwar, but that's not your fault as he hasn't been seen in months. You also forgot Jay. It's weird when they have scenes as a group, b/c most of them don't hang out together, yet act like they're all BFFs. I'm happy Anthony has left; never liked him. His exit was lame, but I'm just pleased he's gone. I wish they'd boot out Tyler, too.

    ETA: I agree with almost everything you said, except the Syed & Christian part. It sums up how I feel about those characters/stories.

  16. I hope she won't replace Denise.

    Someone should find the Eastenders episode she was in. Doesn't sound like a big role.

    Ben, do you remember her from Family Affairs?

    I do, and she was the saving grace of her entire wooden family. She was really good in FA; they gave her a rape story, and she was awesome - one of the best actors the show had in the latter years. I think she will be good in EE.

    EE has this whole "black quota" thing going on - or at least it did in the past, so I really hope they aren't getting rid of Denise or Kim. They could dump Sasha and Ray in favour of her, even though I rather they dumped the quota.

    It's such a shame to lose Christian and Syed, they haven't done anything for ages. sad.png I really like Syed...

    I love Syed; so much potential has been wasted this past year. I bet his lack of air time is the reason why Marc quit. I can see why Christian had to go, as they don't want to split them up, and probably don't want to write for Christian any more, considering they've struggled to give him screen time, too. I think this is a mistake. I bet they brought in AJ b/c Syed is leaving. I hope they give Tamwar something to do, or he'll be gone, too.

  17. Also of significance: Roxy is in love with Alfie, and he knows it. He knocked her back in favour of being faithful to his wife. Of course, this could all change in the future.

    Kat used to be better than this, but they have her stuck in repetitive mode. When she and Alfie left in 2005, their story, and especially Kat's, was wrapped up. When they brought them back in 2010, they undid all of that and started to rehash old ground. A lot of it is just lazy writing by the previous regime.

    Did you watch Michael & Janine's wedding episode? That episode really explains a lot about Michael's character.

  18. Do you mean the Linkin Park one? I love that song; it suited that montage really well.

    I don't know why they're splicing episodes together? It's so unprofessional the way they edit episodes to fast track a storyline.

    The McQueens can be fun, but Mercedes certainly isn't ATM. Jacqui, Myra, Carmel and (kinda) Theresa are the best.

  19. Can anyone do a brief update for me on like the last month so I feel kinda caught up? Or I can read up more now that I'm into it.

    Well... Kat is having an affair with either: Michael, Jack, Max, or Derek. Ray was a contender at one point, but they eliminated him from the suspect list. We are supposed to care, but few do. Kat is a serial cheater. She has a son with Michael - Tommy - who is also Alfie's cousin. Tommy was switched at birth with a dead baby last year (by Jack's ex-wife/Roxy's sister), which caused major controversy and rewrites. Kat was abused by her uncle, but she uses that as an excuse to sleep around, and Alfie is too spineless to kick her out.

    As you know, Ben killed Heather, Shirley's BFF. Ben is gay, and a big disappointment to his dad, Phil; he was abused by his step-mother, and has done many psychotic things since. Phil is a major alcoholic thug/gangster. He and Sharon go way back.

    Sharon's husband, Dennis, was murdered several years ago. She also used to own the Vic at one point, too.

    Shirley used to be married to Denise's now dead husband, who is the father of her two kids, Carly and Deano. Shirley doesn't see them as she's a deadbeat mother who's a functioning alcoholic.

    Denise used to be married to a man who turned out to be a serial killer. He staged her death and locked her up for months. Denise also has two children, who left town to go some place. Denise sees Patrick as the father she never had, even though she did think he was her dad at one point, too. Kim & Ray should work, but the writing for them has been sour. She's trying to bond with his daughter, Sasha, and failing.

    Ian is an original character. He was all set to marry a woman who didn't really love him, but suffered a nervous breakdown (thanks to half brother Ben 'fessing up to killing Heather), and ended up sleeping on the streets. His ex-wife (and Lucy's mother) was a real bitch. Sometimes Lucy displays some of these qualities. She has a twin, Peter, who is living somewhere else. Bobby is their half brother. Ian has had many weddings. Ian can also be quite the jerk when he wants to be, and was in an on going feud with Phil (Phil did marry his mother at one point).

    Janine is the bitch we love to hate. She's has so many layers, and is the best thing about EE. ATM, this is the first time we've seen Janine in this role before; this is all new territory for her, and develops her character nicely. Her complexities would take too long to list here.

    Zainab and Masood may seem like filler characters, but they are a very complex family. They are more popular when they do the lighter stuff, as it plays to the characters strengths. Last year Zainab reunited w/ her evil ex-Yusef, who once set fire to her for falling in love with Masood. He started controlling her and beating her. He ended up dying in a fire. Zainab & Masood are now engaged and planning their wedding; he wants to be a teacher, even though they were/are struggling financially. Their son Tamwar was married to Yusef's daughter, Afia, but their marriage ended earlier this year. He has burns from the fire that killed Yusef.

    Christian & Syed are also getting married. Syed has a daughter with his ex-wife Amira. You'd need to check out some of their more meatier stories to see how good actors they can be. Christian is a personal trainer, and is kinda Lucy and Bobby's step uncle.

    The Brannings are a mess of a complicated family. Max has cheated numerous times, and Tanya is no better. She once tried to bury him alive! And their daughter Lauren mowed him down, too. Max disappeared last year and returned with a secret that involves his repulsive brother, Derek. Tanya hates Derek. Tanya's mother Cora, has a secret dead (or not so dead) daughter. Lauren has a drinking problem. Max's brother Jack, is the father of Roxy's daughter; he's also the male whore of the show. Derek is hated by his son Joey, who saw him hitting his mum when he was a kid. Derek also stole money from Lucy when she was at her lowest point; he's racist and is a general thug/wannabe gangster who is quite a vile character.

    Whitney is quasi related to Janine. All of her relatives are off screen. She was abused by a paedophile, and manipulated into sex trafficking. She's dating Tyer, Michael's half brother/Alfie's cousin.

    I think that's everything.

  20. Still digusted over how the show ran Kathy off.

    That was terrible how they treated her. They reached a point where they didn't know what do with her, so shipped her out with a lame exit.

    I love those articles! I'm glad Kim Tate never returned, as she can't top her first run.

    Kim is my favourite character (next to Lady Tara - and Zoe), and even though I'd love for her to return, I know she can't top what she's already done. Besides, Kim has no place in current Emmerdale; they would ruin her the minute she'd take her first steps.






  21. I think Arlo was around for a year or two. I know he was involved in quite a few stories.

    I doubt they knew they were related when they cast him, as he was guest role... at least, I really hope they didn't! That would be taking the shows title too literal!

    They liked to live up to their name. Just wait until you see a few other articles, especially all the Pete Callan stuff.







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