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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. It was May 7th Ms. Q. Sorry about your hand. I have a similar thing with my left hand which is pretty chronic. And annoying as hell!

    I didn't realize IB was only back for 5 weeks.

    he isn't...there was just a five week gap in between his debut and him appearing regularly starting today

    Thanks...I remember what happened in the scene, but like you, I also need to look up the date...Remember when I used to have Tracy dates memorized??? And I knew what outfit she was wearing too...I was really crazy!!! Or devoted...Obsessed??? Nah, just crazy. smile.png

    It could be tendenitis

    I had carpal tunnel == the worst kind since I had no pain at all and was asymptomatic other than some numbness and tingling when I woke up. I slept in the wrist things for six months...but I had to have surgery on both wrists cause otherwise the nerve would deteriorate...it was a five minute endoscopic procedure on each side but they have to put you out. I did them both at once which was fun to do some every day tasks! But I wanted to get it overwith.

    They had to diagnose mine through an EMG

  2. yah I was just going to say that...they said it would be five weeks

    I think Duke is going to have his hand in my pots while around

    I adore Ian B. He is so much fun on twitter and I loved him on DOOL with Kate even though DOOL did everything they could to cut out half the story, make him look like a walking corpse etc

    He did a love scene and was shirtless so another over 50 who isn't afraid to take his shirt off! LOL

  3. Ian is not signed on for five weeks. Not sure where you got that from. I think he is going to be here for an extended run arc..

    He is probably going to be on every single day for the entire month of October and into Nov

    He will be around I would guess til at least the anniversary in April...

  4. From sz: breakdown spoliers for next week-- nothing new but they put their own wording to it

    Tracy becomes uncharacteristically vulnerable, and shows her broken side to Luke, who’s compassionate.

    • Joe Jr.’s been way too quiet and way too incognito.
    • Luke and Tracy swap sob stories.
    • Tracy opens Luke’s eyes when she says she once took up with Duke Lavery.
    • As soon as Duke hits town, for Anna, it’s bad news for Luke.
    • Luke returns from Switzerland, telling Lulu all about it.
    • Luke manages to locate Robert Scorpio for Anna.
    • Luke heads over to Anna’s to report on this find.
    • Anna opens the door to her suite, astounded to find Duke waiting.
    • Anna comes face to face with the great love of her life, Duke Lavery, the real Duke Lavery.
    • Duke announces his momentous intentions. It involves Anna and Robin. Big duh.
    • Luke squares off with Duke, for Anna’s fair hand.
    • Luke has no intention of giving Anna up. But Duke’s on a mission, and you know what this gentleman is like when he’s on a mission.
    • Luke believes Duke’s the same secretive, destructive fartknocker he’s always been.
    • Anna loses her cool when Duke can’t be found again.
    • Too bad for Luke, but Anna and Duke lock lips.

    There have been so many drops since Friday left and right that I think the only thing that is clear is nobody knows anything ! LOL

  5. From dd:

    Sean Kanan's character is not at all what he seems.

    Sabrina IS the long lost child of someone onscreen but she is not connected to Duke and Tracy.

    Duke and Tracy do not have a child although they do have history.

    Look for a Duke, Tracy, Luke, Anna situation to emerge(Tracyfan will be very happy, Joe leaving will not be sending Tracy back to the backburner. She'll be involved in two major stories that eventually intersect from now until February sweeps.)

    John is determined to bring Todd down. Sam has a surprising reaction.

    Blair comes to town and is taken back when she realizes Todd is less worried about jail time than he is about Carly's opinion of him.

    Expect Ellie to hang around for a while. TPTB like the chemistry between her, Spin and Maxie. A real triangle will emerge.

    Monica is very angry when she learns that Alan kept secrets from her.

    Anna will not be enthused over Emma's new bestie (Sabrina)

    Trey and Sonny scratch each other's back.

    Starr and Michael set up housekeeping

    On Halloween someone gets a treat, someone gets a treat, and someone is in the wrong, wrong, wrong place at the wrong, wrong, wrong time.

  6. hooked, I was just on on another site...What is the rumor that Sabrina is Tracy/Duke's daughter based upon???

    i think just spec run wild cause spoiler came out tra y tells like she had a relationship with duke

    Then rc hinted that Sabrina does have a last name but we will find it out later and she has surprising ties tp PC

    People are speccing she is dukes daughter or working for duke to keep eye on Patrick and Emma

    All just spec I think

  7. awww poor tracy gets her heart broken yet again

    Joe begs her to hide him

    Dante shows up and tracy lies that she doesn't know joe

    She finally says he is her antique dealer and why does he want him

    Joe is listening in

    Dante says joe kidnapped kristina and tried to kill her and his son shot him

    Tracy doesn't believe him at first and then dante explains

    Tracy fakes that she is yelling at dante to get out but is really pointing to the Q living room or den and dante busts in but Joe is gone and patio door open

    She tells dante that joe told her sonny shot him

    Dante tells her she did the right thing

    He leaves, tracy is crying and whips out joe's medal and breaks it off the chain and says that is the last time he lies to her...

    IN the hotsheet for next week

    Duke has another connection in PC....this could be Joe I guess or Tracy

  8. Ms I think cause tomorrow Tracy covers for joe with Dante til she hears what he did and realized he lied. Then she turns him in but he flees

    According to SOD Soave they blame him getting away

    It's not her fault cause I'd believe sonnys sent his goons after him

    Such a waste if chemistry but guess its sets up other story

  9. quick recap

    joe shows up at the Qs, begs tracy to help him

    Joe lies to her face and says sonny had him shot

    begs her to help, she wants to take him to hospital or let monica get bullet out, he says no police, no monica, she has to help him

    tracy complains he is bleeding all over her antique couch

    She gets the bullet out for him (without even taking off his shirt cause you know she is a medical doctor and all)

    he calls her angel and wants to stay with her, begs her to help him and to hide him cause sonny has power etc

    She gives in

    Dante at lakehouse, kristina says trey saved him. Trey says he shot his father trying to stop him. Dante takes gun.

    Trey said his dad has no friends. Jason grows a brain and remembers that sonny told him about joe/tracy

    police show up at end at Qs banging on door

    Sam begs jason to let it go and let john go after joe

    On next GH

    Joe begging her to hide him from police

    Totally sets up the story -- jason goes after joe for his last order from sonny, jason and joe both die

    sam blames sonny, monica blames tracy

    Then I could see edward finding out about jasam baby before jason dies, then jason dies and edward is heart broken, changes his will leaves it to jasam baby, cuts tracy out and then battle for ELQ ensues...enter AJ (edward probably dies from the blow of st jasus death)

    That is my theory anyway

  10. considering luke is in a triangle with anna/duke I don't think luke/tracy are going to be getting back together anytime soon--not because of Laura

    So today Joe was totally creepy about to blow kristina's brains out and trey comes in battle, gun goes off, joe shot in shoulder, trey/kristina let him wander out

    Monica/Tracy classic barbs scenes monica smacking her down why she is still with joe and says she is going to tell edward

    Tracy promises to cut off all ties and then joe shows up falls into her arms all bloody (getting stains on her tablecloth she is wearing)

    Tomorrow preview shows them talking and tracy not looking too receptive

    I thing she is on tomorrow for sure and F when the police show up and she has to make a decision on wehther to help him or not

  11. But they've already spoiled Steve's exit weeks (or was it months) ago. And I doubt Joe's death, would be something they'd hide. SONNY'S death they might not spoil, but Joe's? And again, the mags generally come out enough in advance that they report exits in time for anyone to be able to tune in to see it. I suppose it's possible that GH sees Joe as insignificant enough that they wouldn't give the mags the info until the last minute, but still.

    Any insider, any REAL insider, if Joe is dying the middle of October, would be able to give airdates, including last airdate. Including info like what Tracy and Joe's last scene together is, etc. If they can't pony that up, I'd not give them the time of day.

    I have no idea, as I said before, if Joe is dying soon. But it's not anytime in the next month, unless it has been a very well kept secret. I honestly hope they don't. Even if they don't keep him and Tracy together. I REALLY like the character and actor.

    ok was just trying to give you a heads up

    i don't think he is important enough character for anyone to make a big deal over it, maybe he goes to prison who knows but I'm fairly certain he is done

  12. I think because he is going to die in however jason dies and that is still a few weeks away and not in mags yet

    Plus they don't want to spoil that yet about steve's exit

    BTW Bergen Williams tweeted last night that she is back on Gh set this week taping and it has been a while

    Glad Alice is back

  13. I think the plan from the beginning was that he was going to try and kill Krusty or fake her death. Nothing else makes sense. I also don't see how Steve, John and Sean's RL comings goings and passing away, effect RS's airtime/story. Maybe Tracy's. But I don't see why she can't have a hand in an ELQ Sl and still be with Joe.

    After I watched the scenes yesterday, I still don't feel he is irredeemable. We're talking about a show where the "romantic lead man" shot his own son, a cop, and would have watched him die if Olivia hadn't burst in to tell him who he was. I think my issues with Joe are not what he's done, but will he get to a point where he drops his Sonny vendetta? I read somewhere that Kristina stops Sonny from killing Joe because of Trey. Perhaps Joe finally can let it go and make his own life without caring what SOnny does.

    If he can, I can deal with him and Tracy, because I still believe he didn't rape Kate.

    I also doubt he's dying any time in the next few months, anyway. If he were, it would just be easiest for him to die from the gunshot wound he's going to get today.

    BTW-I may be wrong, but it looks pretty obvious that he gets shot from him and Trey struggling over the gun, which accidentally goes off. If he's set to die, why not just have him die by the end of the week? But he doesn't.

    As far as everyone knowing Lacy are endgame....lots disagree. Some disagree here, there are LnL supporters who disagree, some Luke/Anna fans who disagree.

    As far as the four bores from OLTL-keep them all away from Tracy. For that matter, their time has passed. Keep them all away from GH, period.

    Joe is dead I"m almost certain...I think he dies in some sort of battle with jason as he is involved with Duke coming up

    He will be dead by third week in oct as that is when Jason "dies" or dies or whatever

    I think luke/tracy are no way endgame. I think they will be friends and that is all

  14. It didn't entirely work. I still don't want Tracy back with Luke. If they aren't going to redeem Joe or bring him back as a different character, as far as I'm concerned, if Luke is the only option....Tracy can be alone until GH ends. smile.png

    I don't think that was their "strategy". If it was, it was a stupid one. Because why waste airtime getting us to like a guy, only to have him be rotten? Why not just let him BE rotten from the get go, and *maybe* have Tracy like him, but have the audience know for certain that he was no good. Really...what WAS the point of him saving her life, only to have him try and kill Kristina? I mean, I don't care about Kristina, but it's not a redeeming move. I don't understand it, at all. If they had to prop the chemless pairing of Trey and Kristina, why not have Trey save her from a random mugging? It just.....all makes no sense. If he was just used to give Tracy airtime, again....they made some of us like the pairing and want it to succeed.

    I feel like I was played, and I don't like it. I got cable again for THIS? And please. If they are giving Tracy Clint as a consolation prize, I'll jab forks in my eyes.

    I think what happened is they had a story arc in place for Joe but it was changed because of Steve leaving, AJ returning, John passing away etc. You could tell cause he mentioned the MC and Tracy talked to him about Alan; he had connections to Johnny and talked to him in jail about knowing he had solieto money; he had the angst built in there of saving Tracy...clearly they were setting up for a longer story.

    I think they were totally softening him to make him more likeable or show he was more than just a thug with Tracy and that he cared, but then plans got changed cause they wouldn't have bothered to try to redeem him if they weren't planning a story. I think now it was just a quick lets get rid of him make him go off the rails and then probably reveal him to be working for someone else or wahtever and have him be an easy kill off.

  15. apparently Joe had some dumb plan today that he would kiill kristina to get back at sonny. he wasn't evne wanting money from a kidnapping

    What a stupid plan...like Trey is going to inherit Kristina's trust fund or whatever from being married two days?

    And Kristina probably doesn't have any access to money yet anyway or inheritance til Sonny died or whatever

    They went from Joe seeming like a semi-decent guy with Tracy to making him about to kill kristina with a gun with no care leading us on a path to not care when he dies

    we will all be like thank god tracy is away from him...

    Their strategy worked

  16. From soapzone for this week:

    Trey gets ready to give Kristina full disclosure on his sorry lineage.

    • Trey and Alexis freak out because Kristina didn’t show up for Sonny’s wedding to Kate.
    • Trey is in a bad, bad way.
    • Trey immediately goes mentally to his dad as having victimized Kristina, and goes after Joe Jr.
    • Trey busts Joe Jr. in the middle of a… kidnapping? It’s dire.
    • Joe monologues about his justification for doing what he did, to exact retribution on Sonny so that Trey can be free and have what’s coming to him.
    • Monica comes across a pensive Tracy holding Joe’s medallion.
    • At first, Tracy remarks that she wanted to return the medallion to Joe Jr. as soon as she can. But then he looked at her that way.
    • Tracy admits to Monica that she’s got it bad for Joseph, despite the truth coming out about him.
    • Just how bad? Bad enough to be an active accessory when the cops close in on Joe Jr.
    • Joe Jr. reaches out to Tracy to lift him out of this jam.

    • Vacation’s over, Luke. Like a bad penny, he resurfaces back in Port Charles—to be Tracy’s rock. They are each other’s buttresses… Duke Lavery, the presumed DEAD Duke Lavery, presents himself as very much alive and in need of something special.

    *goes into corner and cries*

    I really doubt it's true-the constant rumors about Joe being a goner remind me of how people kept saying Ethan would be killed off or written off because almost no one liked him when he first came on. I think at least some of it is someone just jealous of the character's attention for some reason.

    If it IS true, they need to bring the actor back as someone else and still hook him back up with Tracy. They have far more chemistry than TG and JE ever had, and I actually buy that Joe is into Tracy-something I rarely bought with Lacy, no matter how badly I wanted to.

    I have no interest in a big business sl. I find them beyond boring most of the time. I do want to see ELQ, but in passing. I want to see funny or otherwise emotional board meetings, but I don't care about corporate sl's.

    Because that's how the spoilers sound to me. I have no idea what's going to happen, but once again it sounds to me like here is Luke spending time with Tracy, partly because a woman he really wants won't give him the time of day.

    She deserves better. If the whole point to Joe was for Luke to realize what he's missing, fine. But they need to write it that way and TG needs to act it that way.

    Otherwise, I'm Tracy/Joe all the way. They are obviously not without issues, but I'll take a couple with issues that are both into each other, over Tracy begging for Luke's scraps any day of the week. I'm tired of that, as a Tracy FF. Especially not if Laura comes back.

    Screw that mess. She's a better woman in every way than Laura will ever be-and I want a man that wants HER for HER.

    That, as written thus far, is not Luke.

    he is dying pretty sure he is involved in jason's death shoot out or whatever

  17. looks like joe jr dies when jason dies apparently in a shootout on the docks

    someone last night dropped tracy doens't go to jason's funeral (assuming she stays with edward or something)

    they also dropped she is moving in to a corporate ELQ story where people are vying for position and duke/robin tie in somehow down the road

    Did you guys see Leslie's tweet last night--she is taping five days this week and seven shows. She said it was like some 80s flashback for her and it was nice to flex her acting muscles

    So happy for her. She should get some good material with jason dead and AJ back

  18. IT was actually in SID this week in the article where Jane got the Gold Star for performance

    Of course not with her name written on it like that! I think it is from an older photoshoot as there is a pic of her/tony and nathan parsons together in that same outfit by jim warren

    Here is another version of the luke/tracy spoiler for the 12th. This is after joe kidnaps kristina, shows up to her for help and she has to decide to help him or not when the police close in


    Luke comforts Tracy when she loses control of her emotions.

  19. next week from tvsource:


    Trey decides to tell Kristina the truth about his parents. Alexis and Trey are concerned when they learn Kristina never made it to the wedding. Trey is worried his father did something to her and when he bursts in on Joe Jr., he finds a horrifying situation. Joe insists he needs to get back at Sonny to give Trey the life he deserves. Monica finds Tracy with Joe’s medal and she insists she’d planned on giving it back, but one thing led to another. Tracy must decide if she wants to help Joe before the police arrive.

  20. soapcentral.com next week

    Alexis is concerned when she can't find Kristina

    Trey searches for his wife

    Trey begins to suspect that his father is responsible for Kristina's disappearance

    Joe defends his actions

    Joe turns to Tracy for help, as the police close in

    sneak peek for week of 8th

    All of Heather's transgressions are exposed

    Duke's intentions are revealed

    Luke returns

    Tracy and Luke lean on each other

  21. Hotsheet for next week:


    While all this wedding chaos is happening, Kristina finds herself abducted ... by Joe Jr.! Can Trey find her and convince his father not to kill the woman he loves? And is Tracy truly done with "Joseph" like she says, or will he rope her back into his web?

    Wait...so it sure didnt look like she was done with him yesterday did it? And she confides in Monica on the 3rd that she couldn't resist him, while he is in the midst of kidnapping. So what changes? Maybe Monica tells her she is crazy to trust him and she agrees but then boom he shows up at her door shot needing help?

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