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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. From SOD recap so this must happen tomorrow

    AJ gets released. Tracy helps to get Robert released from, and they learn aj has verified that Faison was alive and last seen in Switzerland

    I don't think tracy is on week of the 10th

    But week of 17th what will happen: Lucy finds herself in position of power with the Qs

    Interview with lynn herring saying Tony and Jane are good friends of hers and they told her the network and fv wanted nurses ball back. She was so excited about it. She has scenes with newbie peeps, but then she has scenes with monica and Aj and great scenes with Alice, and then she has scenes with Tracy/monica/aj that are snarky and fun and dialogue could be torn out of a script from hey dey of the characters in the 90s....

  2. lynn herring did a podcast interview blog talk type thing tonight

    I listened...she is so adorable and bubbly and excited about being back

    Some tidbits:

    Nurses ball will be airing in march or april but rehearsals will be starting probably in new year

    It is like producing a variety show

    the producers are like asking actors do you sing or dance or what talent do you have

    She said she was talking to jane elliot yesterday and she has never been at one cause they were ddne whlie she was gone and over by the time she was back so she was asking about what to do what not to do

    so its funny for old characters and new to been involved

    they asked her how the stripping down to her skivvys happened and she said it was tony's idea was to have lynn do a little striptease to raise money and then it evolved for her to take off her clothes and then it went from there

  3. Tracy/sam/aj spoiler for 12/20 as they try to work sam again per SID

    Also lucy returns to PC on 12/20. She might have a way to get the Qs to fund the ball

    not sure if there is any truth to this but someone dropped this am this am that Lucy is involved in the ELQ CEO stuff and that they weren't sure how since Tracy explained how Edward had all the controlling share but that she is somehow involved

  4. If anyone is interested in a year by year count of Jane Elliot's episodes, here is what I have...

    2004 through 2007 were done by me, and 2008 through 2012 came from here... I didn't include 2003 because she wasn't on contract until November.

    2004: 114 episodes

    2005: 78 episodes

    2006: 85 episodes

    2007: 104 episodes

    2008: 83 episodes

    2009: 76 episodes

    2010: 89 episodes

    2011: 61 episodes

    2012: 81 episodes as of November 30th

    So, she needs 5 or more this month to exceed her 2006 count, 3 or more this month to exceed her 2008 count, and 9 or more to exceed her 2010 count. It's impossible for her to exceed her 2004 and 2007 counts.

    Im guessing she probably has six more or something or maybe 7 tops this year

    still a hell of a lot better than last year that is for sure. That was pitiful

  5. I know isn't that great to see the Qs topping episode counts and November getting highest ratings in forever! hopefully that has been noted! 'Is anyone else having a problem not being able to hit return on here to skip a line?

    from SOC for next week

    Tracy tries to get Sam's support to gain control of ELQ

    A.J. confides to Sam why it's important for him to do a good job at ELQ

    Diane is not above blackmail to secure A.J.'s freedom

    Tracy is not pleased to discover that A.J.'s legal troubles might be behind him

  6. From TV source

    AJ makes his move!

    AJ and Sam have a serious discussion about the company and the Quartermaines. He expresses his concern for ELQ, confessing it's important to him to prove to his grandfather and the rest of the Quartermaines that he's worthy. Tracy also plays nice with Sam in hopes of convincing her to let her help run ELQ.

    Later, Diane comes to see AJ with criminal activity that can be used to ease the kidnapping charges placed against him. He doesn't hesitate to let Tracy know he's on the verge of escaping his charges. Michael later learns the news that his biological may walk free. How will he react?


  7. Good times to come in the battle for Micheal & ELQ.

    Last time there was a tug o war between CarSon and AJ for him, CarSon won. But now all the miss deeds of the past will come out and Micheal has some thinking to do about where his loyalties are. Question is, is AJ being sincere about wanting to be a better daddy to Micheal.

    AJ is also involved in another tug o war with Tracy for ELQ.

    Micheal is going to be in the middle of a lot of things and of course him and Starr still have to have sex if they can find the time.

  8. YEAHHH!!!!!! figured it out!!!

    this is what i did so far. i have a ton of celebration and birthday things like this in different colors (all of those basic things have a variety... i was bored with it) and i have a lot of holiday or seasonal things. those tulip glasses I have around 80 of so if anyone wants some let me know.

    just fyi in case anyone does actually ask it's $15 for all glasses but the holiday and wedding party (those are my sister's wedding and bride'smaids dresses)

    holiday are 20-25, wedding are 25-30 depending on how many dresses if anyone does something like that as a gift

    ornaments are $5 a piece


    don't know if anyone can actually get in to see it b/c i can't email the link to this page but IF you can see them it's the ton of glasses on the top of the page

    wow your drawings are amazing

    Having taken art lessons for years and years now, I feel like I have progressed a lot in painting, but trying to capture the essence of a person is so damn hard. I'm so impressed with your artistic abilities

  9. Pp- the plan is to definitely move to la or NYC. More NYC at the moment I think. My problem with just going as some or the others on here know is that in diabetic so I need a job and insurance so I can't just move out there. Unfortunately

    MsQ- thanks for the sites! The middle one does look good. Ill have to try it out when I get home! As far as the jobs I know no one on here can really help with much. I just had to rant for a minute. Thanks though. If that site works ill try Ana get those pics up here with that and try it out on u guys

    Hooked- never heard of it but ill have to try it out

    check it out


  10. I think the pickle lila for tracy was edward's way to pushing her to finally figure out that she didn't need anyone's else's approval (his) to be validate herself and lila created something on her own two feet that was a success and he has faith tracy can do the same.

    When the Qs were down and out and living at Kelly's and lost their fortune it was Lila who became a success and helped them to rebuild.

    Just my take anyway...also maybe edward wanted her to find happiness with someone who loves her for her and not the Q money? Another thought...

  11. GH would not end in April. In April, it will be decided if GH will live another year or end in September.

    I find it so crazy to see people on GH message boards who obviously spend a great deal of time on GH or talking about GH (not this board but others) cheering on GH's cancellation because their favorite couple isn't together anymore or they don't like the writing for someone.

    It is bizarre and pathetic actually. I think the show is better than it has been in years and it takes time to turn things around. For Q fans, this is as good as it gets (with the exception of having Ned, Dillon maybe Brooklyn or Alan back to life or there as a spirit on a permanent basis).

    I think bringing Sean back has injected life into the Qs and created such an interesting dynamic and sparked story along with Edward's death. I know we are all so used to the Qs story getting scrapped or changed or being non-existent, but this time it does seem that GH is invested in at least bringing the Qs off the backburner. They don't need to be on every day , no soap character does, but as long as they are part of the canvas and I think the ELQ story will serve that purpose, I'm happy.

    I'm also finding Carly way more likeable with Todd even though I'm not a carly fan. I think the key is balance. Any of the characters or ok and storylines if they are dominanting the entire show.

    Hope it continues and hope GH continues for a long time (at least gets renewed) not only for my own selfish reasons, but tons of people's jobs depend on it).

    The man playing Edward walking up the stairs was Peter Hensen who used to play Lee Baldwin!

    That is awesome he got to do that for John and be a stand in!

  12. NE Spoilers Week of 11/26

    Sam witnesses an awkward exchange between Maxie and Spinelli

    Tracy is shocked when Edward's will is read

    Johnny witnesses Duke's strange behavior and makes him promise to keep it from Anna

    AJ makes a confession to Skye

    Carly has a violent run in with Skye

    Sonny attempts to romance Connie

    NE Spoilers for week of 12/3

    Robert breaks into Duke's apartment.

    AJ is on to Tracy's plan.

    A tense argument leads to harsh words between Felicia and Maxie.

    Carly fights with the men in her life.

    Starr has a warning for her father.

    Anna makes a drastic move.

    Connie claims ignorance when it comes to Molly's missing manuscript.

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