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Posts posted by hookedongh

  1. I'd rather we get the intimate scenes of John ingle's closest friends (Leslie, Jane, Sean, Robin, Wally) mourning Edward rather than a cast of characters who barely knew Edward or John for that matter.

    plus as you mentioned half of a funeral episode consists of people saying pleasantries expressing sympathy and arriving.

    I'm looking forward to the juxtaposition of the Qs fighting/bickering to them coming together to celebrate Edward then returning immediately to fighting and bickering and the start of the ELQ story

  2. It is lila rae (not RC's daughter but another little girl)

    the other article in the mag recap says AJ/Skye continue bonding and decide they have common enemy to take down in Tracy. Skye goes to Johnny to see if she can get the piece of evidence they need to destroy Tracy...but will she get it?

    Then it says AJ confesses to skye he feels not worthy of his inheritance and she helps him figure out how to try to gain some control and get himself into the family business

    It says monica is going toe to toe with Tracy and Ned is her only ally. Wally talks about how there are beautiful written scenes where you can see that even tho they always had conflicted relationship, how deeply ned and tracy care and love each other

    That sounds good...

    Oh then skye runs into Todd, has a cat fight with carly, then carly tells todd about alcazar and he sees a pic and thinks Tomas and then skye, carly, todd, tea all race back to llandview to try to stop blair/tomas wedding or something like that

  3. recap of magazine

    Life after Edward!

    Don't expect to the town of PC weeping over the much love Edward's casket. Turn out that when the show picks up on Monday after Thanksgiving episodes which honored both Edward and The late John Ingle, the Q family will be returning from their patriarch's funeral service. The fact that the memorial happen off camera says WK as Ned is good idea. That we only see the effect of Edward's death on all of the intimate Q family is to me much more interesting. It is almost felt like we picked up where we left off. This being the most quarrelsome family on daytime what comes next is exactly what you'd expect firework! It's reading of the will preview WK and AJ trying convice us all that he's a better man. Ned isn't letting AJ off the hook. You got Tracy going toe to toe with Monica and Ned being her one and only ally. There is lovely stuff coming up for Tracy and Ned these two really care and love each other

  4. Wouldn't that make Wally a reoccuring character and NOT on contract?!? Who says he can't do both? I guess as long as he is getting paid it's all good but what BS!

    He is but I think even though you can do other roles, maybe there is some caviot about other soaps. I know Susan Hayes was on Y&R not too long ago

    I think you must have to ask/feel them out as Wally said his next step was to ask at DOOL

  5. ^^^Sounds like next week is going to be heartwrenching!! sad.png I can't wait to see my Ned, just wish he would stay.

    He said he was approached by GH and was so happy to return, but had to check with DOOL who were good with it cause it was only three episodes and because they love John too and he was on DOOL

    Justin is on what, like 10 times a year??? He needs to come back to GH permanently

  6. let's see how many posts I can make alone on this page--lol

    SOD has a pic of tracy at edward's bedside (wearing her most hideous house drapery outfit) holding his hand and you can see his body lying in bed in his little grey/blue robe. Monica is standing over her with her hands on Tracy's shoulders

    The article says the ned/tracy scenes are very heartwarming and how in the past it was hard for Ned to warm up to Tracy but now that relationship has matured and there is a lot of love there and how Tracy is so vulnerable so it is easy for Ned to feel close to her, etc.

    I'll scan it later

  7. Hot again from TV guide

    GENERAL HOSPITAL There's nothing like the threat of an ax to help get your priorities , straight.. After the

    depressing demise of AMC & OLTL it seemed like General Hospital, the network's last

    remaining soap, was also headed for doom. But a creative reboot has led to a major spike

    in ratings, and this venerable sudser-which turns 50 in April-is once again kicking ass.

    Credit the old guard, baby! GH's veteran cast, led by the divine, eternally hip Anthony

    Geary, and Jane Elliot, has been reenergized with such 80's and 90's favorites as Ian Buchanan, Finola Hughes & Robin Mattson-all of them pure gold. By mining its rich past, GH is staking out a fabulous future.

  8. more sod recap

    Nov 26

    Tracy is shocked by the reading of Edward's will

    Sam spots an awkward moment between Maxie and Spinelli

    Nov 27

    Johnny witnesses Duke's strange behavior

    AJ makes a confession to Skye

    Maxie makes a life-changing offer to Dante and Lulu

    Ned is on for 3 episodes

  9. sod recap

    This is some classic tracy stuff

    Tracy is pissed that AJ is released on bail. He's forced to wear an ankle monitor. Tracy hears Monica tell AJ that she was forced to put up the mansion as collateral and if AJ escapes, she'll lose the house. Tracy manipulates AJ into thinking that Michael is in danger and AJ goes to look for him. Michael is with Sam, who reminds him that Sonny and Carly love him and that he should be cautious of AJ, who bursts in on them. AJ realizes that he's been played

    reagrding Edward death from SOD

    Everyone's reaction will be showcased. And the aftermath.

    Difficult for Tracy to accept Edward is gone. Monica is in deep mourning. Their grief may heal their relationship.

    AJ's reaction is left as a mystery for the episode, but it mentions he respects Edward.

    Lila's memory will be referenced and her presence will be felt.

    Edward's will and the future of ELQ will become a storyline focus and it will encompass some non-blood related players

  10. hooked, what are Tracy's air dates this week, do you know?

    In today's episode, Tracy escaped the boathouse (offscreen), and then when Monica asked Alice where Tracy was, she entered the den through the patio doors, announcing, "Here I am!" Her hair was dishelved (it looked better than usual - ironic), and she had an oar in her hand and was threatening Alice with it. She actually knocked Alice down, but then Alice took the fireplace poker, and the 2 basically engaged in a sword fight, as Tracy yelled for Monica to get out of the way and told Alice she was sick to death of her (Alice). Meanwhile, Monica gets caught in the middle, protecting a vase. In the next scene, Tracy accidentally smashed a vase of flowers on the table with the oar, and Monica insisted they stop before they tear the whole house apart. Tracy responded, "You're right" and acknolwedged it was a mistake. Then she said, "I don't want to hurt Alice, well, actually I do. But I really want to hurt AJ." (paraphrased)

    Tracy then went to dial the police, but Monica said that Carly already took care of that, and Tracy was pleased and told Monica to remind Tracy to send Carly a gift basket. Monica couldn't believe that Tracy didn't care for AJ at all, and Tracy fixed that by reporting Alice and Monica to the authorities, so that AJ could have company. In the next scene, Anna was with Monica and Alice, as Monica was getting handcuffed. Anna apologizes, and Tracy jokes that she (Tracy) is devasted - devasted, she repeated. As Monica and Alice were being taken away by a couple officers, Tracy told Monica not to worry, that she was going to take very good care of Monica's house. Then she said, "Don't come back, y'all, ya hear?" She could not stop grinning.

    My thoughts: The oar and fireplace poker scenes were campy, and Tracy's so much more mature than that, but at least she was an "equal player" and not getting humilated by Alice. The dialogue was pretty funny, especially since it was all going on at once, and you really got a sense of how dysfunctional the family can be sometimes. There was also a laugh out loud moment for me right in the beginning with Tracy/Alice/the oar when she was like, "Come here, Alice. Let me fix your hair!" The way she said it was perfect. On a different topic, Tracy was just absolutely glowing about Monica and Alice's arrest; she looked really pretty...

    Tuesday (yesterday) Wed (today) and Friday for sure. I don't know abourt TH but I"m thinking not

    She is on M T W next week and the 26th episode title is Edward's will so I'm sure she will be on that Monday the 26th too

  11. Soap opera fan site

    Nov 13-15

    nother return, a Quartermaine feud and a hallucination.

    While Carly and Michael are dealing with A.J.’s arrest in their own ways, Tracy escapes from the boathouse and goes to war with Monica. The latter puts the Quartermaine mansion up for collateral in exchange for A.J’s release, playing right into Tracy’s hands. Meanwhile, Sonny faces off with A.J. at the PCPD, putting Michael smack dab in the middle of his two dads. In addition, the news of A.J. having a heartbeat spreads, surprising Steve and Elizabeth for different reasons.

    Sabrina and Elizabeth come up with a way to fund the Nurses’ Ball. Their answer is to ask Tracy to underwrite the event. While they wait for an answer, Sabrina also deals with Britt, who goes out of her way to let Sabrina know she and Patrick will be sleeping together. Upset, Sabrina confides her feelings for Dr. Drake to Elizabeth, which Patrick overhears.

    Robert returns to Port Charles and tells Anna Luke sent him, worried for her safety. “Duke” also returns ready to pick up with Anna where they left off. At least one person realizes something is off with the back-from-the-dead Scot and that’s Olivia, who witnesses something strange. She apparently has another hallucination, which gives Robert a lead.

    In other news, Dante confides in Sonny about his and Lulu’s baby troubles, while Spinelli helps Ellie move in with Maxie.

    For more, be sure to check out Soaps.com’s General Hospital Spoilers.

  12. I just saw this on SoapZone:

    For the Thanksgiving Day episode, the entire Quartermaine clan comes together to love Edward… Edward isn’t doing so well. This causes clouds to form with Monica… Heads will roll when Monica learns that Tracy prompted A.J. to go off the grid

    I'm thinking this means he isn't actually dead yet?!?! Anybody hear anything different??

    He dies on the 20th Nex

    Its in spoilers

    SZ just posts theirs so strangely

  13. Sneak Peek Week of November 12

    This week on General Hospital, Robin's plight in captivity reveals a shocking truth.

    Get ready to find out the truth about what Duke Lavery has been doing in Port


    Meanwhile, get ready to see a familiar face as Robert Scorpio returns to help

    get to the bottom of Luke’s suspicions about Duke! And with the help of Olivia's

    hallucinations, he finally comes to an answer. Patrick got that call at the end of last week that he doesn't know was from Robin -- the

    question is what will he do about it?

    Meanwhile, Sabrina and Britt continue to vie for

    his affections. Britt wants to spend the night together with Patrick, which causes

    Sabrina to get bummed out and admit her feelings about Patrick to Elizabeth ... but

    Patrick overhears!

    Carly is freaked out at the sight of A.J. alive, and her immediate reaction -- that being

    to call the police and have him thrown in jail -- does not sit very well with Michael.

    Look for Michael to be incredibly conflicted, especially when Sonny gets involved.

    He's going to be torn between his biological dad and the dad who raised him. Tough


    Meanwhile, Tracy is on the warpath when it comes to A.J., and she intends to keep

    him locked up in jail. Obviously, she'll have to go to war with Monica about this.

    Look for Monica to put up the Quartermaine mansion as collateral to get her son out

    of jail. Which is just what Tracy wants ...

    all this, plus Maxie moves in with Ellie, but she also makes a decision. She's going

    to just bite the bullet and tell Spinelli she loves him -- just as Spinelli and Ellie

    decide to have sex! Plus Dante and Lulu decide to seek a surrogate to carry their


  14. I have to disagree...I'm sure Guza would have killed Tracy off if it hadn't been for Tony

    He had zero respect for the Qs or the Q actors

    The Qs wouldn't be in the state they are in if it hadn't been for Guza killing them one by one

    And I hardly would say Tracy is only with the Qs now. She has had more cast interaction in the past few months than in years. Scenes with Anna, Mcbain, Joe, todd/carly/johnny, been at parties, dante, patrick/emma, etc. She has scenes with sabrina and liz coming up and is being asked to sponsor the nurses ball. Tracy has always been the one to take the brunt of the Q stuff. Its part of her character history so that doesn't really bother me.

    I wish they had luke/tracy paired up too and agree the divorce thing was so anticlimatic and there was no good reason for it other than I think they had that whole solieto story planned that got scrapped and they needed her with AZ for that story), but the reality of it is they aren't likely going to go there again and at least now they are good friends which I'd rather see than Tracy being a jealous bitch to anna and trying to do things to break up luke's relationship. I think they used the joe thing also to segway them into a better place than tracy framing luke for az murder when she was jealous and trying to screw him over for rejecting her. I think being all into Joe made her get over pining for luke. Clearly anna doesn't want luke and with robert back and duke around I think luke is not going to be the victor there in any way shape or form. I do think Genie is going to be back this time being that the 50th is coming up and she is now free from Y&R and they are bringing every other 80s character back and RC has said many times he is a big luke and laura fan. I sure as hell woudl rather see luke/tracy as friends when/if laura returns then luke and tracy back together and luke ending up leaving her for laura. Because lets be real...there is no way GH is going to end without luke/laura riding off. Whether they get renewed in april or not.

    I think Luke will be there for her in the ELQ stuff and her helping him these past few weeks and him saying I'll make it up to you or be there or whatever he said was sort of a set up there.

    Clearly everyone sees everything their own way and that's cool and what makes the world go round!

  15. I miss the olden days,like really badly *sigh*,Very random note,music is like 1/4 of my life. The other 3/4 are mixed with gh,family,friends,etc. Reason why I brought that up (very random) is because it makes me think? Like I think and this type of stuff,by stuff I mean past/history/olden days,which I will always miss,comes to mind and GH is a huge part of that,I mean who can say its part of your past,your life? Idk why,what about you guys? I mean everytime I listen to music I'm deep in thought yet so in touch with reality,like I relate the music/song im listening to,to life,and the first thing that comes to mind. The whole reason I brought this random post is because I listen to music and I feel, if you understand me. Like emotions,and it swings the same with television shows that have meaning (GH). It brings up emotions in people. Who else notices that? (This will probably be one of the most random posts you'll ever see mellow.png )

    yes it would be! happy.png

  16. All I know is JE has had way more material and a love interest and key patient zero in a sweeps

    She and Leslie have been working more than ever and she has been brought back to being a viable character on the show and not just trailing after luke.

    When else has Tracy been on, let alone had some story outside of Luke in the last five years?

    The Q story is just starting and they are establishing back the AJ vs Tracy old anyomosity and the AJ vs. carly and sonny in regards to Michael

    We still have Edward dying, then the will stuff coming up that will further develop this happening

    They have made Tracy/Monica into the "vicki/dorian" of GH

    They have repaired the luke/tracy relationship in my opinion after the stupid way it ended for really no apparent reason

    I'd love for Jane to get some meaty storyline, but she has always played a supporting role on GH, it was just that the Q family was like its own little soap within in a soap but we didn't have any left for years. AJ is a great start to me and Tracy has been bashing AJ that he has overheard and being nasty. The alice chicken hold thing was silly and campy but I'm just happy to see Jane & leslie working and on screen and hell Bergen is another quasi Q to fill up that empty living room.

    Anyway I think Jane has gotten way more in the past few months than she has gotten in a long, long long time

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