1. What's your favorite storyline on 'RTSB' so far?
It has to be Sophia hiding the fact that she is sick. More of which you
will be getting into soon I hope. And with any luck CC will be the hero
he should have been before and end up saving her from the doctor
that had a grudge against him. I also love the way Rosa is helping her.
2. What's your least favorite story on 'RTSB' so far?
I like them all.
3. What do you like best about 'RTSB'?
I love to read fan fiction about Santa Barbara. And you have done a
wonderful job with it.
4. What improvements do you think could be made on 'RTSB'?
I think you are doing a great job…..I would leave it as it is.
5. Who are your favorite 'RTSB' characters? Who do you find the most intriguing?
Sophia, CC, Mary, Mason, Julia.
6. Any characters you don't like so far?
I think everyone knows my answer to this one....Elizabeth.
7. Are there any Santa Barbara characters not currently on 'RTSB' you'd like to return?
I’d love to see Brick return.
8. Do you enjoy the format 'RTSB' is written in or would you alter it?
I really enjoy RTSB. As you well know.
9. What has shocked/surprised you the most so far on 'RTSB'?
CC’s involvement with Elizabeth. And if she was involved with CC before he was going
with Sophia (which is what it sounds like) then at least Sophia is no longer responsible
for breaking up his marriage to Pamela.
10. Any other comments, complaints, or suggestions you have for 'RTSB'?
You really are doing a great job….keep it up.
Oh and do you have a link to the radio show you were on. I know the last time you
were on it you gave a link and we could hear it. I missed it when it was on and I
would love to hear it.