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Posts posted by TracyLuv

  1. Timeless TQ, beats me where she gets that atrocious wardrobe from. With the exception of a few pieces, I think it's all horrendous. It was starting to get a little better since the B & W Ball along with better jewelry, but for the most part it's still crap. Mama needs a sexy new wardrobe in the worst way.

    Funny1, YOU are a pisser! Can't wait to read Part 2. Thanks :)

  2. Hey all!

    I'm here. Just busy with school stuff. ugh. Am losing one of my part time jobs at the end of this week AGAIN, but it's supposedly a temporary situation.

    Keep running Ms. Q..... Please post any speculation in the spoiler black or white. I don't get my jollies reading that stuff as much as some enjoy "peaking our interest". I don't have the energy for it.

    Anyhoo, off to work dressed in my mom attire ;).

    I can't wait to push the post button on this message, so I can see my banner! :) I so miss the LuNacy love IN A BIG WAY!!!

  3. Dorinfan, Thanks! I really enjoyed your fic :)

    Funny1, I enjoyed yours too and am (im)patientlly awaiting the next part since you left me hanging like that ;P

    Hooked, Sorry, you feel like cr@p. But glad you are feeling a little better. :*

    Ms. Q, Thanks for posting the pics of Jane! :D

    Timeless TQ, Come join us and post! We don't bite (much). heehee.

  4. Congrats Lainey!! How fabulous for you :) on the size 30! Is that a size 7 in single digits? I can't wait to read your fic once it's finished.

    Hooked, glad you had a great experience at the conference and that you are now inspired to get those creative juices flowing!

    BSG!!! How ya been woman? You gotta start making it back to the BR late nite wit' us.

    Nex, If I didn't thank you already... THANKS for the clips and for continually feeding our habit. :D

    Anyone for a late-nite chat for a few?


  5. How is reaction to luke & Tracy? Has there been positive response to Monica getting a mini storyline?

    Luke/Tracy get a decent response. I don't think Tony will ever have a pairing that lives up to the era of Luke/Laura so that's always difficult.

    decent? Puh-leez! I am sure they get more than a "decent" response. No other soap couple on General Hosptial or on ANY soap has ever lived up to the era of Luke and Laura, EVER. But no one else but Tracy/JE can come slide in next to Luke/TG and have former LnL fans singing their praises!

    Hooked, You have mail! Can ya look that over for me? Thanks mama! :*

  6. Hey everyone. Been trying to stay off the computer somewhat today. It was beautiful here and I tried to stay outside a bit. Ran some annoying errands. Grocery shopped, hung out with kids. Watched Brothers & SIsters tonight live.

    There is serious lack of TQ/Luke spoilers around. Hoping they are on at least a couple times this week and not just once!!

    This was just dropped in the IL at SD...I want to believe it is true...but some of the others sound totally off that were dropped along with it

    Lunacy will eventually reunite.

    You MUST believe it's true!! We ALL must believe it. :D

    edit: Wait a minute... *EVENTUALLY*? I don't like that word!!

  7. How sweet were they today? LOVED THEM! Loved that in the middle of Luke's banter about "burgers to love by", that he stopped and said very sincerely "Tracy, I miss you". LOVED him telling her there was a vacancy upstairs next to him. :D

    Hooked, I posted in both threads.

    I also added a thread to ABC.COM and included a link to the LuNacy petition. I mean it only has 19 sigs for far. It should have tons more than that. So...... Those of you who have ABC.COM accounts, all you have to do is bump it when you can. Threads often get lost there within minutes. Don't worry they are not going to delete it for having a link or because it's a bump thread, it's important that we keep it on the first page. Here's the link to the thread at ABC.com: http://abc.go.com/daytime/generalhospital/...&tid=227127

    EDIT: My 600th post!! woohoo!

  8. Who else is hoping for another Tracy/Monica bitchslap catfight today??? I hope Tracy knocks her lights out LOL!!! Today I think it said Luke tries to get Tracy/Monica to work things out...should be funny.

    oooh me! me! haha. Actually Luke could use a bitch slap too - LOL! Then mama's gotta kiss it and make it all better :D

    bsg, Have a great time on your trip! Talk to you when you get back. xoxo

  9. knh--he said something like he did get tested and he was okay on the show. But I thought you had to be retested in six months and there he is schtuppin Leyla (sorry yiddush word) a few days later.

    Ms Q--I know I posted at the same time as Remos..

    Here is one more just dropped at SD in a long list of spoilers...like the sound of this...

    Luke goes to desperate lengths to win Tracy back.

    anyone around to chat quickly? It is 5:08? I have art tonight so won't be home til after 9 my time...


    Thanks hooked, Me likey that spoiler. I am hopeful! :D

    dorianfan, Welcome to the TQ Lovefest! And I signed the petition :) and so did my sister ;)

    ETA: page 562!

  10. I don't think we're talking about the same banner, exactly.

    The one I "broadcasted" was more of a "Look what I made!" kind of thing. And yes, I do remember ILTQ commenting on the lighting but liking it overall. (Thank you! :))!

    The one that I'm referring to, though, is this one which was in my signature (as you'll notice, the pictures are the same, but the coloring is different):


    Anyway, LOL, too much banner analyzing so early in the morning. Gotta get to work...

    That's the LuNacy banner! LOVE IT! Yes, it was in color. Funny with the text on it.... Right now "It's Not Over" by Chris Daughtry is playing on my desktops from my iTunes. Hmmmmm I see a video making project in your future ms. Q :D;). I think it would be a great song for a new vid. Especially right now.

  11. Stace, Put it back, I LOVED IT! ILTQ said she like it 'cept that it was dark. I'll take it any way you make it. :D

    Funny1, be in the breakroom in 2 mins.

    oh about the Diane thing and scenes with Tracy or Luke, as long as she keeps her mitts off Tracy's man, it's all good.

  12. Sent out my LuNacy Valentines Day cards today!! One from me, and one from my sis!! Gold star please! :)

    They were kinda cute and since I am a big sissy, I want to share them with you :P The part typed in bold are what I inserted in pen to the text of the cards

    Card 1:

    Cover: I'm not intersted in a nice, normal relationship!

    Inside: I like yours better!

    cute, no? then I wrote something about their fabulous dysfunctional hot relationship (can't remember the words exactly).

    Card 2 (I like this one even better):

    Cover: Luke: Honey, whaddya say we play our own version of Texas Hold'em?

    Inside: Tracy: I'll get the rope!

    Isn't that fitting for them? LOL! It came with a poker chip attached to redeem for a night of unbridled passion :)

    Hooked, on my way to read your fic now.

    Nancy, I sent you some pics for the site, will send more tomorrow.

    Lainey, your post about how they built up luNacy love the past few months and how what has happened with them recently shouldn't have happened would read nice in a letter to TPTB, don't you think. Just cut it and paste it into your word processing program and print it out and mail to those dumb@$$ IIC!!

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