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Posts posted by TracyLuv

  1. Yeah, Yeah.. I hear you! I hear you!

    Here's the thing: I think Luke should be begging and pleading. And I don't think she should take him back so quickly. So today was touching and a bit hot (could have and should have been hotter!). But I don't believe they should be in this place to begin with. I think it was wrong, and completely out of character, for TIIC to have Luke run off as he did after weeks of telling Tracy how much he loves her. So what's happening makes sense, but it shouldn't be happening. They shouldn't be broken up. We shouldn't be arguing about whether or not they will get back together. The whole thing ticks me off big time. grrrrrrr. :angry:

    I TOTALLY AGREE Lainey, 1000%!! They shouldn't have been broken up in the first place!

    Yes, I just checked out the new Tracy/Luke site! I like the colors and it's good to have that info handy so we always know where it is. The site was put together by NancySpencer and the idea for a site did not just come from me, it came from Nancy as well and a need to have a place for the promotion of our fave couple. Anything we want can be added to it. I vote for adding Ms. Q's compilation of "The Best of TQ '07". As well as Ms. Q's rhyming Tracy Bio! :) Yoohoo! Stace, time to update ;)

    I was a good little luNacy fan and posted in all the LuNacy threads on SOC and on ABC.com. Do I get half a gold star for today hooked?

  2. YES!!! He still has his ring on! :)

    LOVED the kiss! Loved Luke saying he wanted to take her to one of the staterooms so they could love and play and be like kids just starting out. That was yummalicious HOT! LOVED him touching her face too - SEXY!!

    Felt bad for Luke a little. Will right more letters this weekend but am feeling a little sad right now. I am happy that the scenes were powerful, but am sad they are still apart.

  3. Attention all LuNacy Lovers.... DorianFan18 has started a petition to send to JFP re: LuNacy. I was number 3 on the list to sign (my lucky number, hope it works for LuNacy), so they need alot more sigs. The petition is on LiveJournal. Here is the link: LuNacy Love Petition

    Gotta make this quick, as I am tired...

    Mama looked GOOOOOOOORGEOUS Today!! LOVED her hair, HATED the jacket. Loved Luke saying to her "What if I said I wanted you?". made my hear melt.

    Nex, thanks for the clips!

    Ms. Q, love Oh Baby!! Finished one of the chapters and am on to the next.

    Let's hope we get some great LuNacy out of this freakin' angst. When all is said and done, I hope it serves to prove to everyone (LuNacy and NON-LuNacy fan alike) that Luke really WOULD want to be married to Tracy even if she didn't have a dime AND that he is IN LOVE with Tracy and is devoted to her, despite the EWCBO!

  4. LOL; I meant I could see the "idea" happening. We wouldn't get sex with them on GH onscreen ( :angry: ), but we might get an illusion to it with the fact that it won't a change a thing.

    Ya never know stace, ya never know. Be positive :). I wouldn't mind a scene like Jax and Carly had last week. Not that I'd mind a tamer (or should I say loving) version of Sonny/Claudia too but they'd never give Tracy/Luke that. Then again, maybe a comical (and loving :) ) version of Sonny/Claudia?

  5. Halee, Happy Birthday!

    funny1, Remos, LOVED both of your stories.

    It really irks me that Tracy, all of a sudden, from out of nowhere, has probs with EWCBO. Enough so, that she would leave him and never did before. I tried to rationalize it. But it just doesn't make sense. Yes, plenty of people when they are angry, start spewing about EVERY single thing the other person has done to them since the beginning of time. But why that one, ALL OF A SUDDEN? Maybe it will be throw away line in a long line of crap she is going to hem and haw about? I don't know, but I hope that's the case. I mean after all Lulu was supposed to move out of the mansion with Tracy out of solidarity, heck they even had an article about it, and it turned out that wasn't the reason she moved out. So I am hoping it's just a throwaway line.

    If it's not a throwaway line...

    I do remember a spoiler of Tracy trying to keep Luke at bay because she has seen the suffering that Monica has gone through recently since she lost Alan and doesn't want to be in her shoes. I prefer that spoiler better. The EWCBO comment might then make sense because if Tracy gives that as her reason, well then it might be over (notice I said MIGHT). Tracy knows that Luke is not going to change, and she doesn't want to watch him kill himself and therefore take her down with him. So she wants out because she can't watch, she can't let that happen to herself. SO she figures if she tells Luke its because of EWCBO then he will let her go. With any other reason she gives him, she might feel that he will continue to persue her. If that is the case I hope Luke sees right through it.

    whaddyathink? Well it's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    Remos, I was thinking the same thing the other day, it should be interesting to see if Luke will be wearing his wedding ring when we see him next. I suspect he will.

    Also, does Luke know Tracy's assets have been frozen? I assume he will know soon enough because that means he is cut off as well. Doesn't this man own part of Kelly's? Didn't he get $ from Alan's will? Doesn't he own a casino?

    Someone on another board said that Tracy dumps Luke because she knows he will leave her anyway because she has no money. arrggghhh!!

    I am trying to prepare myself for the angst to come, not only Luke and Tracy's but our as well for being LuNacy fans.

  6. Well I printed up my postcards! I am sending one to everyone on the contact list.

    I hope all our hard work pays off. I'm trying to be postitive :D

    Here is the pic on the front of the PC (minus the grid background - that doesn't show up on the actual postcard and the actual pic is bigger)


  7. You are right Ms. Q, if Sonny gives Luke a job, it will be taking him out of Tracy's orbit. NOT HAPPY About that! Should be interesting to see if Luke continues to wear his ring even though Tracy wont be wearing hers.

    Many on other sites seem to think that it was just a marital spat and that it wasn't a real break-up. But Tracy's never gone as far as to ask him for a divorce before ('cept for the 15 million dollar thing way back). And she never gave him his rings before so... I don't know about that one.

    There is a part of me that is saying that now the difference is 1. Now she KNOWS for SURE that he's in love with her, esp. since the Wyndemere stuff - so she's taking the risk that he will see the error of his ways with her. 2. - she WANTS to affect him - that's why she gave the rings back to HIM and not just stopped wearing them. Maybe that's why she is acting in a way she hasn't before, because she's more confident he wont just walk away. BUT will the writers write it that way? It makes me wonder when she didn't bring up why she was really mad, and started harping on him taking off. All of a sudden she's not fine with it? Maybe these scab writers don't know that Tracy already accepted that it part of who Luke is? I mean I think that JE and TG had to tell them that Luke calls Tracy "Spanky" because there were like 2 weeks of shows when he kept calling her Tracy and NOT Spanky. Then from out of nowhere "Spanky" made it's way back to his vocabulary.

  8. Why can't Luke work his freakin casino? He's gotta be asking sonny for a job?

    Sheesh, this show sooooo sucks. Tracy is not going to take him back I don't think. He's just being a bigger ass than ever!

    There are two threads started by me and hooked at soc - they need some posts :). At least spread the Tracy love if not the LuNacy love. ;)

    Go Tracy! But We Still Want You With Luke

    What Did You All Think of The Luke/Tracy "Breakup"?

    I think it's kind of odd that no one is really posting to these threads. I haven't decided if it's because no one cares or because no one took them seriously.

  9. Watched their scenes again tonite. I agree hooked, there was something missing. Tracy's speech from today is certainly not going to be on my nomination list for The Best TQ(S) '08 Awards. Where's the fire woman? Where's the passion in that anger?!

    As for Luke, the way he peered into his glass at the end, especially the end shot - looked to me like it was a joke, like he was playing it for a laugh or something. PUTZ!!

    Didn't like that Lulu was like ... well you and me can stay at Lucky's. As if Tracy didn't matter. So she is on my ish list.

    Also on my ish list are Monica (I hope she gets what's coming to her IN A BIG WAY!!), Edward (I hope he has another HA and Tracy withholds his meds again!), and Alice - who the freak she thinks she is!!! Throw out the trash? Look in the mirror lady!!

    Mr. Luke better do some boot licking - ass kissing groveling SOON!!!

  10. Was just thinking of this, this morning, and thought it was funny... When Edward gave Tracy his reasons for siding with Monica he said, "yeah, but you tried to kill me by withholding my heart medication..." and Tracy is like "oh that's ancient history... " Almost as if to say, well it's not like I've tried to kill you lately. LOL!! LOVE HER!!! She's just so damn FABULOUS!!

  11. Off Topic: So I am thinking I am ready and set to graduate after this symester... I go into the office to do a graduation check and guess what? I am missing 1 freakin' credit for graduation! WTMF!!!! So I have to register for another class STAT! So I am like, okay, I'll take an art class, a theatre class or an american sign language class. I figure I'll get an "A" easy and it would be good for my GPA. NO SUCH LUCK!! They only have an Acting I class available this symester - been there, done that. Art? Well I'll be damned if I am spending 4 hours in class for only 1 credit. Okay, I'll do sign language - wrong again! They are only offering sign language II, and although I am probably more advanced than that, it wont let me register since I didn't take ASL I in this college, and I don't have time to interview to prove my case. I thought about continuing with French by taking French III but I can't even rememeber French II even though I got a B+. Hebrew? No dice. They only have Hebrew II and although I can read Hebrew perfectly, I don't always know what I am saying. LOL. So what do I end up with? Are you ready? Irish I! Can you believe it? I am in trouble now! It's an online class. I don't know if that part is good or bad. arrrggghhhh!!

    Thanks for listening to my rant. And if you weren't listening, that's okay, I feel better. For the time being anyway :\.

    On Topic!! I felt sorry for our girl today. Where's she gonna go with no money, no family and no friends? Sleep at the ELQ office? I have to tell you it is soooo not believable that Monica would have the power to freeze Tracy's assets. She should have decked Monica again. Glad she's out of the mansion for the time being because that place needs to be excorsized (Sp?) of a resident pain in the ass ghost (conscience, my foot!) and other familial EVIL spirits.

  12. It was great meeting BSG for dinner!! And for desert, her yummalicious chocolate ginger cookies!! Great fun! Poor BSG prob thinks I'm a nut all I did was talk about TQS. haha. nah, actually I think we fit some other convo in there for a couple of seconds. It was great talking to Carrie on the phone too :) I know she was just sitting there staring at the phone and waiting for it to ring, right up until we called. LOL!

    What I wanna know is... If Alan is Tracy's concience, why does her concious always talk about Luke and how crappy he is? He seems more like a ghost in that respect like taunting and haunting her. I know he's bugging the crap outta ME when he starts with that stuff.

    Edit: *waves to bsg* - come join us in the BR for 5 seconds. Like you haven't had enough of me for one night. LOL. :)

  13. Hey, Welcome home Mama! :)

    Too bad about the plane crap that you had to endure, that's why I sent you another HASF text before you got on the other plane, had to be a do over, for extra added luck.

    Thanks for posting the SID articles.

    Edit: I wasn't into her jacket today either, not into the boxey look

  14. LMAO today!!! LOVED LOVED LOVED those scenes! Thanks for the clips nex!

    When Monica slapped Tracy, I gasped, it took me by surprise (btw, when I watched this again later it looked so fake but when I first saw it live, it looked real) but when Tracy looked around and then went into the elevator after her, I thought I was going to pee my pants laughing!! Alan was hilarious too with his "don't go there" and scurrying away, almost as if he felt a brawl coming on.

    I thought Tracy should have been on top too. BUT could you imagine the character bashing that we'd have to listen to if Tracy was choking Monica? It also would have been too predictable to find Tracy on top anyway. Besides, I'm sure Tracy gave her a good ass whipping before Monica got Tracy to the ground. Monicas hair was messed as if it had been pulled (LOL). In my mind just before the elevator doors opened, Tracy was on top, choking Monica! LOL

    Thought Tracy's hair looked a little better today. A little softer and less spikey.

  15. Hey tracyluver, Good to see you!! Stop by more often.

    Pinkpopsicle, if you are out there reading this... COME BACK!! We miss ya!

    Posted a new thread at ABC.com. If you have an account and a minute, please add to it and spread the Tracy love :)

    Here is the link: Where the Heck is Tracy?

    Wanna run and catch a quick nap before I have to be at work. Will be on around 9:30/10PM eastern, if anyone is available to chat.

  16. I hope that IS the new opening! I want our girl next to her hubba! Hmmm I'm a little skepticle of this list because Luke is not the last character listed. I think he should be the last one. I guess we'll see.

    Thanks for the cute little vid Stace. So we have a spoiler as to where Tracy is headed after the ole heave ho, I wonder what the scoop is on Luke and Lulu.

  17. Funny1, LOVE LOVE LOVE Your new fic! :D

    Ms. Q, as for the spoilers mentioned above, Maxie discovered Coops body yesterday. And I believe they showed Claudia yesterday too (and her red shoe fetish). Or it could have been a promo commercial with her and sonny for sweeps. Could it be that they cut Monica/Tracy scenes? Maybe we will get them Monday instead. As for your mom's comment about Tracy's new 'do, that's how I described it to Hooked in my text the day she debuted it, that it looked like Diane's only a litle longer.

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