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Posts posted by TracyLuv

  1. hey all!

    Nex, Thanks for the clips!

    LOVED LOVED LOVED when he said I am IN LOVE with my wife!!! whoohoo!!! Loved the way she walked out on him at the metrocourt too! what an exit!! and with such flair!! It was FABULOUS!!!

    LOVED too when he said to Nik that Tracy is once in a lifetime! :D

    Did anyone else besides me notice that Luke was NOT wearing his wedding ring in his scenes with Nik but was wearing it at the MC? Wardrobe mistake? hmmmm.... interesting.

    If it was a wardrobe mistake, it's significant one. Well at least it is to me. heh.

    Last week in the scene when Luke told Tracy he loved her she was wearing her bracelet and in the continuation of the scene the next day she was not wearing her bracelet, she put it on during this scene. When did she take it off?

  2. Yeah, not surprised about SOC, whenever there is a decent Tracy thread or she is winning some poll, they usually yank it.

    ILTQ, The thread about couples was not a poll. So there was nothing for LuNacy to win. I just like seeing them represented ;)

    hey funny girl, come out come out where ever you are!. Have't seen ya in a few days. Hope all is well.

    Let's hope for some fabulous LuNacy tomorrow. B)

  3. Saw the show today. eh. Did not like the Luke/Anna stuff. He had no business partying with her nor her with him. This *b is like "Hi Tracy" ... "Bye Tracy" like it's nothing. Though Tracy (Jane) looked like she was ready to laugh half the time THAT scene was something to be jealous of more than all the other crap she's been jealous over. If I were Tracy, I would have had that rope around Ms. Devane's neck in two seconds, never mind "Don't let the door hit you in the ass." Which I LOVED by the way. What was the point of that scene anyway? They couldn't just have them getting drunk together? They had to add "stripping" to the scene. I wanna know what's up.

    In the BR for a few.... http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  4. Hooked, Thanks for posting the spoiler! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let them be true!! I can't wait until he puts those rings back on her finger!

    A fight at home? Sounds like it's time for a little girls nite out in NYC!! Mama, come to mama :)

    Nex, Thanks for the clips this past week!

    funny, thanks for the LuNacy baby chronicles fix last nite ;). I sure needed it. :)

    Halee, sorry to hear about your father. You and your family are in my thoughts as well.

    Just 15 more days 'til the 3rd wedding anniversary of Luke and Tracy Quartermaine Spencer!!

  5. Two Tracy related threads on SOC and neither one of them are too good. Go forth and defend out girl, folks! These EWCBO fans get on my last nerve. Yup, of course since Luke told our girl he loves her yesterday, the EWCBO fans are coming out of the woodwork again wth "if she woke up tomorrow....." cr@p.

    NEWSFLASH Tracy, no one wants your husband....

    I can only have pity for Tracy Quartermaine wannabe Luke's love

    Catch you all later. Am litterally running out the door to school. Fingers are crossed for some sexy LuNacy today.

  6. I thought the show TOTALLY blowed today. I actually would have preferred she not be on than to see her playing jealous, pain-in-the-ass Tracy. I LOVE LOVE LOVE mama but it pains me to see them writing her as a naggy, jealous, pain!

    Mama should take a chill pill and "lean back"!! Here it is she says she loves him the way he is, she knows he likes danger and adventure and now she wont let him breathe. She should be scheming with him, not trying to pull the plug on him. If it's bugging me this much, I am sure it's bugging the $h!t out of Luke.

    At this point, I guess we wont have to wrack our brains to figure out why or how Luke leaves... Tracy is going to chase him away with her nagging. arrrggghhhhh!! Time to call that freakin comment line again. This show soooooo sucks!!

    Diane, should take a powder and go find Max, and STAY AWAY from Luke. Period!

    Oh, and are my eyes and ears deceiving me or has Sonny been reduced to propping ShrewLu?

  7. waving back at Tracyluv and Lainey. TracLuv are you waiting for the last one? And you know what I'm talking about. Oh and check out the lj comment I sent to you!

    I am waiting for the NEXT one! NOT the last one. It can't be the last one. waaaaaaaahhhhh!

    Working on observation reports for school right now. ugh! So is the NEXT one ready yet, funny?

    Edit: *waves jumping up and down to Nex* Yoohoo Nex..... come around for breakroom later? Seems like ages...

  8. hey all, I hear our couple wasn't on today, oh the joy (being sarcastic). I had a day from hell. Those kids are driving me more and more to the brink. I can't take it any more, summer can't come fast enough for me. I need a new batch of well behaving students. They are so annoying! i need a drink, be right back..... :wacko:

    Funny, YOU are a freakin' riot! You are TOO FUNNY, Funny. :) LOL

    Yeah, it blows that our girl and her hubba weren't on today. I am not crazy about the type of spoilers we've been getting re: Anna. But whatever ... Just get my sexy couple on my screen!!!!

    *waves to funny1, LaineyBev714, hookedongh, remos* (boy my arm is tired ;P) haha.

  9. ^^ Thanks....

    And from SZ for the week of the 28th...

    Anthony comes calling on Luke.

    Tracy is alarmed for Luke's welfare should he be caught between two mobs.

    Luke takes Tracy by complete surprise when he blurts out that he really does love her.

    Alexis uses her lawyerly clout to close the Haunted Star.

    And the following week...

    Tracy uneasily notices a spark between Luke and Anna, and feels threatened.

    A spark between between Anna and Luke? This better be like Tracy's imagination, or I am going to have to open up a can a whoop-ass on Mr. Tracy.

    In the breakroom for a few .... http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  10. Good Morning all!

    I hope everyone has a happy Friday, like I hope I do.

    I decided to add my LuNacy Prompt Challenge in my signature. For those that daon't know the Prompt challenge is that I have to write 50 fanfics for LuNacy. If you want to read them, enjoy by clicking on my signaute link. Have a great day!

    TracyLuv I posted them just for you! ;)

    Funny, for me?? I read them all. The ones I wanted to read, Chapters 10, 11, and 12 of 'spencermaine heir' are locked!! wahhhhh (crying right along with Ms. Q.)

    Remos, great fic! Thanks. And thanks for the spoilers! :)

    tracynluke, Great fic also!! Love all these goodies all at once. :D

    Ms. Q! YAY!!! for the "Oh Baby" update!!! It seems like it's been forever! Am looking forward to the next chpater! The nickname vid was cute too! I found myself chuckling through it. It made me smile. Thanks.

  11. Am happy about the "impulsive ILY"!!!! I soooo hope it's true. Tracy spoilers are usually both litteral and figurative. Let's just hope its going to be fabulous!! I hope she uses Scott to get him jealous. Hey he already knows that Tracy has slept with him in the past AND Scott was in Luke's "hell" dream with Tracy so....

    Rachel, I hope the whole room mate thing works out for you.

    Remos, thanks for the spoilers!

    tracynluke, I'm on my way to soapnet now.

  12. Yes, you can write. And yes, you have to contribute... I've given lots of room for your imagination to wander. Create a phone conversation or an email. We don't need a saga, just a contribution. You can do it... I KNOW you can!

    (Not being able to do something and not liking to do something, are not the same thing.)


    For me it's the SAME thing. haha. I don't like it, and I can't do it. What do you mean phone convo or email?

  13. tracynluke, Welcome to the TQ(S);) Lovefest!! You finally made it!

    QueenTracy, FABULOUS Banner! I LOVE it!!

    Funny, Thanks for the continued "baby LuNacy" fixes :)

    remos, I agree with you, the best luNacy stuff is NEVER spoiled.

    hooked, and halee, get down from that ledge!

    As far as them having scenes apart until he leaves, he nor she have been on all that much as it is. So between now and the time he leaves, I doubt that there will be many scenes with them without each other, never mind with each other. This does piss me off to to no end and I am calling the comment line to tell them so. We wait through an entire summer and misc vacations of Tony's for Luke to come back to have scenes with Tracy, and then when he's here, they are hardly on.

    If Luke and Tracy will be having scenes apart from each other, although I don't like it, it may be good if it is setting Tracy up to be on while Luke is away.

    Let's hope the spumor about Luke proving he loves Tracy before he leaves is true. Remember before he went away for a month we got an ILY, 2 kisses, and an @$$ slap :D all in one epi (and don't forget the B&W Ball stuff). Hopefully we'll at least get something just as good to help tie us over.

  14. Carrie, Thanks for the link to the screencap site. Yes, I noticed that Clarissa did not have the caps update. LOVE LOVE LOVE your new avatar, btw! :D And thank for the anon from SD, hope it's true!

    Addie, Just send up a smoke signal and Carrie, and I will be there in a flash kicking @$$. Who the freak does this wack job think they are having your account shut down.

    Ms. Q, Thanks for the vacay stats ;)

    In the breakroom for a few... ------------> http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  15. Hooked, Loved your fic!! Can't wait for the next. :)

    MinervaFan!!! How ya doin' mama?

    Nex, thanks for the clips!

    Halee, Thanks for the YouTube stuff!

    I don't even want to see the medianet pics. Anna? This is just ridiculous! TG is leaving for vacation when? We should be getting Luke with his wife, not Anna, before he takes off again to parts unknown for the summer.

    In the breakroom for a few -------------> http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  16. DevoteToAMC, Welcom to the TQ Lovefest!

    Nex, Congrats on the dog.

    I had a feeling our girl was a little tipsy at the end of the show yesterday. haha. They were cute again today. Mama's arm was looped in her hubba's in most of the scenes. :)

    I thought I missed something Tracy said during her little "frisking" suggestion today. I looked up the transcript and here it is exactly:

    Tracy: Why didn't you frisk him?

    Luke: Why didn't you?

    Tracy: Those two goons need frisking.

    Luke: Go on, popsicle, have some fun. Enjoy your little self.

    *Waves* to QueenTracy - It's been a while since I've "seen" you, where you been hiding out?

    *Waves to Funny* - missed you last nite.

    Anyone for the breakroom for a few? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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