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Posts posted by TracyLuv

  1. Happy Birthday


    Hope you had a great day!!

    When i was FF to see if Tracy was on I passed right by it. I was like WTMF!! But after I rewound and heard what Lucky had to say about how Luke loves Tracy and is trying to protect her, I was like - ok, one mili-second of Tracy I'll take, but only because of Lucky's words about Lukes feelings for her made up for it. As long as I know LuNacy is okay, I'm good. :D

    Is there a full moon or something? My internet was out for a while today also.

    Anyone up for a little late-nite chat? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012
  2. I miss Jane Elliot :( I wish the show would give her a better story.

    Us too Ryan, us too!! Are you the "Ryan" that started the Tracy/JE thread over at SOS?

    Remos, I hope things get worked out with your computer situation and you are back with us soon.

    Ms. Q, Nex, Thanks for the spoilers. Will take any spoilers at this point. I'm not too picky these days.

    Just back from my nite out with BSG!! Fun! Fun! Fun! :D. We went to the 40th anniversary of OLTL thing at the Museum of Radio and Television. The moderator had the actors answer some interesting questions regarding love scenes, kissing, and the internet, among others. Maybe BSG can share some of that with you when she posts later. There were like 6 cast members and two writers there, as well as the creator, Agnes Nixon - lovely lady she is, BTW. The only actors I was familiar with was Erika Slezak, Robin Strasser, and Bob Woods (who Erika referred to as "Woodsy"). Robin looks much better in real life than she does on the show. And Erika looked great as well. This was one time I REALLY wished that GH was filmed in NYC. When we first walked into the auditorium it was mostly full and they told us to sit whereever we wanted. BSG and I were like "eh let's sit here". It didn't matter to us. If Jane were there of course we would have wanted to sit in her lap. tee hee. We went for delicious Thai food following the event. We had a great time! Thanks BSG for inviting me. :D

    Anyone up for the BR, for a few?


  3. ohmygod....

    No Remos...

    No Hooked...

    The show was boring as sh!t....

    And our beloved Lovefest just fell to fourth place here. Geez. Bumping it up to show it the love and respect it deserves in this time of deep need......

    Bumping again... We went back down to third. :(

    Now we are in our rightful place for the moment. :D

  4. Anyone for the BR?

    Funny, BSG and Ms. Q (yes, I see you girly girl-hee) get all ya all sweet-cheeks in here! ;)

    EDIT: BSG, If you don't come in here, I will show up tomorrow nite in my birthday suit, and it won't be pretty! ;\

  5. Remos, Hope all works out with your computer problems.

    Hooked, Have a safe flight, mama, and have a FABULOUS time! :D

    Don't like that it appears LuNacy are on the outs with these spoilers. I agree Stace, sounds like something our girl would do, take Luke's money when she left. LOL! But it doesn't sound like her to 'fess up to changing the will.

  6. Thanks for my new LuNacy Banner, Stace!!!

    This past week I've heard music to 4 LuNacy vids at various shopping places, and I NEVER hear these songs. They were "Who Says You Can't Go Back", "Accidentally In Love", "Crazy for This Girl" and "Dani California". Is it a sign of some fabulous LuNacy to come after the summer is up?

  7. Happy Birthday Deb!!

    Funny, Thanks for the late nite fic fix last nite! :)

    Remos, Yes, it did make me feel better thank you. But it would make me feel EVEN BETTER if you were writing their scenes on GH! LOL!! BTW, Kudos to you for getting the FIRST EVER LuNacy pic onto TonyGeary.net (or whatever it's called)! And sending them the Tony/Jane interview with Leeza Gibbons was genious! ;)

  8. oh BTW, on a brighter note.... I did catch up on your fic remos :) Fabulous!! Those sex scenes wow! They even made me blush a little and I don't blush easily. haha.

    Funny, Thanks for the llittle fix you left me in PM :D. Got more?

    I checked out the blog and am having a hard time figuring out where to jump in since I hadn't read it in so long. It's like trying to jump in to a double dutch rope :/

  9. ugh poor tracy/jane living in groundhog day. ugh!

    Same lines. same scenes, same characters.

    Guess the episode: (Hint - there are no wrong answers)

    Tracy: Lulu I want him out of the house!

    Alice: Should I use the chicken cross thingy?

    Edward: Tracy this is your fault.

    Alan: Oh Tracy yada yada, (negative negative BS), Luke etc, etc. You, etc., etc.... (diarhea (sp?) of the mouth), blah, blah blah.

    Lulu: I am old enough to make my own choices. I'll move out.

    ALL IN UNISON: You are just mad at Luke because he dumped you and ran off.

    Hey they could use Charlie Brown's teacher's voice for all the Q/Tracy related scenes "wah-wah-wah....wah...wah..." and we would still know what they are saying! How about that. hmmm.

    Her jacket was stylish, the cut anyway. But I don't like boxy things on her and the print was atrocious!

  10. Ms. Q WELCOME HOME!!! Thanks for the "congrats"! You have a PM from me. :)

    Halee, Thanks for posting those clips!

    Remos, still only up to chapter 5 of your story. LOVING IT!! But will catch up by tomorrow. Also haven't really read the blog in quite some time, but will catch up on that too.

    Funny, Got baby LuNacy fic? :D heehee!

    BSG, Mama, we MUST get together! Email me when you get a chance or PM and tell me when you are available :D

    Hooked said to tell everyone "hello" for her! She is coming home tomorrow.

    and FINALLY after much blood, sweat, tears and cursing (WTMF!!), the LuNacy Kiss Collection has been updated. Not in the order I want the pics, and the new pics are not as clear as I'd like (M%$#@-F'ing lighting!), but here it is none-the-less.

    Edit: Just wanted to say "Hi" to 4XCrazy!! It's been ages! You should stop by more often. Now if only pinkpopsicle would post ;)

  11. Wow, I found a bunch of 'em... and there's more...

    Reginald and Edward comfort TRACY (so cute)


    Tracy walks in on Mitch and Susan


    Tracy & Mitch in Barbie's Dream House Bedroom (very young, reasonably blond and very long hair and just plain adorable, though I'm not sure why yet)


    Tracy and mitch before Monica's party (no matter how weird the hair may be she looks gorgeous!!!!)


    Tracy meets marco pt 1.... oh my god, I SOSOOOOO love Tracy and Marco together!


    same: part 2


    Tracy and Paul interupted by MArco


    PS, Hooked, no biggie! Thanks for doing it though!

    Thanks for posting these Halee/knh!! Yes she was gorgeous and still is!!! LOVE when she wore her hair twisted up like that. One of my fave styles on her, it shows off her beautiful face. :)

    I was only able to watch for a sec as I have to go to bed. The one where she is getting ready for monica's party with Mitch, looks like Mama's not wearing a bra! ;) teehee!

    See you all tomorrow! thanks again for the congrats!

  12. Hollywood Confidential Interview with Jane and Tony!!!



    woohoo!! Thanks Nancy!! That was so great!! LOVED IT! I don't really want to comment too much to give it away for those who haven't heard it, except to say that my fave line was - Jane: "...I am happy to do it, I get to take care of him, I get to love him, I get to hit him in the leg with an IV pole. Whatever it is I don't care, as long as I get to do it with HIM".

    Is that fabulous or what??!! What a great interview!

  13. What do I think? I'm thinking no brainer.

    I just did Holly. We need Robert - think you're up to chanelling him?

    Off to bed. I'll see what you loveliest come up with in the morning.

    Remos, I just channeled him. LOL! Oh well, I gave it a try anyway. heh.

  14. Yoohoo anyone around to chat for a few at this late time?

    I will be in the BR in few minutes if anyone is around.

    Ms. Q, Have a great time!

    Laney, LOVE your Banner and Avi!

    Funny, Remos, Rachel, haven't had a chance to read the fics yet. Hope to get to them tonite.

    I checked out the blog early this morning, WOW! what great responses you are all giving. You all really sound like the characters!

  15. Remos, QueenTracy, the Blog looks really great! Love Ms. Q's banner at the top. Really pretty. :)

    ILTQ, You go girl - write that fic!

    Funny, Thanks for the fic fix! LOVE IT! Glad you included part 1 to refresh my memory. Looking forward to the next chapter.

    I am tired as all heck! Got 1 1/2 hours sleep. I am like a zombie. Took my final exam and then went to the library to type out a paper that was due today as well. I am glad it's over! No more school until next year! I could use the break and since I am starting a new day job in the office at the theatre at the end of June. I'm sure it will keep me busy since I will be doing that during the day and then ushering inside at night. Gotta save up the bucks for grad school :o Which reminds me ...

    Thanks for the graduation present Carrie! MWAH - :* If you were here, I'd pick you up and throw you in the air. LOL! So next time I see you, brace yourself. heehee.

    In the breakroom for a few while working on updating my banner ;) - http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012


    Love Mama's swizzle stick expression! :D

  16. Taking a break from my all night studying for my final exam in anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism - UGH!! Wish me luck 'cause it's alot of cr@p I have to remember and at this point my eyes are crossing. I have to leave for school in 4 hours. waaahhh! Anyhoo, there's a new thread on SOC... go show the love for Mr. & Mrs. Hotness (LOL, I'm delirious)....

    "Hell no! My traveling companion of choice is you."

    swizzle stick, anyone? heehee

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