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Posts posted by TracyLuv

  1. Just bumping the thread for once again a lack of our girl day! I am changing the focus of my letters I think I write this week. I am going for the give Tracy some storyline to work with. I know it won't be front burner, or even backburner, but I just don't want her falling off the stove completely or being used only when TG feels like working.

    I am beginning to wonder if it is about TG and his vacation. He's been back for quite a while now and he's hardly been used himself.

  2. P.S. You dont take a decade off to raise your children if you NEED the work, or are chomping at the bit for scraps.

    Bottom line all, give Jane more credit, and the writers less. Tony should be honored he is tied to HER, not the other way around.

    Well, story wise, I am glad Jane is tied to TG, otherwise we'd never see her and he is such a soap icon. But Tony should totally be honored to be with Jane, because besides the fact that Jane is a better actor, he is really only at his best when he is with her.

  3. Funny, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for the late nite treats!!! Loved "Just A Taste" the most, it was yummy!! Loved Tracy's last line in that one. woohoo! - TOO HOT!! I didn't finish my reports but I litterally almost fell over at the computer right in the middle of them. I felt myself fall forward, snapped out of it, washed my face and read the last of the 3 fics :D

    I know we are all in a LuNacy funk my LuNacy buddies, but we HAVE to get out there and represent :D!! We all know TG had his surgery but it's been almost one month since we've seen our girl and her hubba together so call the comment line and spread the LuNacy/Tracy love on these SOC threads:

    Of These Current Couples, Which Ones Will Survive The Year?

    Top 5 Fave Characters

    Your Favorite Character Survey

    Poll: More, Less, Same Amount of Q's?

    Tracy Spoiler

    Where Are Luke and Tracy, I Miss Them

    Who's Your Favorite Couple at the Present Time?

  4. Timeless, I don't think you missed anything. I am assuming that Monica caught up to Tracy on another floor, they struggled, Tracy mussed Monica's hair (LOL), Monica got a hold of the shirt, got back in the elevator and it closed before Tracy could get in there after her, and then Tracy took the other elevator back up to catch up with her.

    Nex, Thanks for the clips!!

    Hooked, glad you are feeling better! I will probably be around tonite late. Post a link to chat when you come back on.

    Funny, LOVED your story! Am (Im)patiently waiting for the continuaton.

    So what gives with the spoiler about Luke overhearing. I thought that since he left the room and the door remained open that they would show him listening outside. Perhaps he overheard but didn't react at the time? Who knows with this dumb@$$ show.

    Smirks posted a thread over at SOC you might want to check out ---> Your Favorite Character Survey

  5. Back from the party! It was good, but the music could have been better. To me it's never a party unless you can dance!

    Thanks for the bigger medianet pics hooked! Mr. Luke is still wearing his wedding band in that pic I see :). Some LuNacy make up lovin' would be nice :D. I am sending that out into the universe.

  6. Thanks for the new medianet photo hooked! So they are at the Q manion with Alice. I wonder if Luke still has his ring on in that pic, for that matter, does Tracy have hers on by then? I don't think they show her wedding ring finger in that photo though.

    I am getting more and more bummed out as days pass without having LuNacy together. I mean since they last showed them with Tracy wheeling him out of GH in a wheelchair (giving us the impression that they were back together, though finding out with Luke's last scene that they indeed were not), we are left hanging not knowing what's happening with their relationship. Their story together has been put on hold for 3 weeks. It is really irritating!! And by the time we see them in their next scene together, it will have been about a month. aaarrrggggghhhhh!!

    Maybe since TG had his surgery they decided to give JE and TG scenes apart so it wouldn't look like Tracy was "hanging" over him, like with the heart surgery, and maybe now that he's on his feet albeit, with a cane, we can get some Luke wooing Tracy back scenes? PLEASE I WANT SOME SEXY LUNACY!!

    As far as Luke going into Haunted Star business with Johnny, do you really think that Luke would just decide to open the Haunted Star again without Tracy's knowing or approving of it? I mean hey, she owns it, and in the end he would have to have her okay.

    Edit: Here's another thread at SOC, go spread the Tracy love :)The Tracy and Monica Fight Was Hilarious!

  7. Remos, LOVED LOVED LOVED your story!! Thanks for the fix :D

    Here is the link to a poll over at SOC for most entertaining couple ----> http://boards.soapcentral.com/showthread.p...d=1#post6605770

    Here are the current standings of the poll:

    Alexis / Diane 53 29.44%

    Tracy / Luke 35 19.44%

    Spinelli / Maxie 72 40.00%

    Alan / Tracy 12 6.67%

    Luke / Scotty 8 4.44%

    Anyone around to for the breakroom for a few? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

  8. From DYK who has proven to be a reliable scoopster at SD lately...

    DYK--Do you happen to have any info on Luke/Tracy storyline. I think it was you who said a while back that they get back together soon. I have seen spoilers they are off to divorce court, but they are still "together" as far as storyline.

    Any hope for these two? Or more scheming ahead?

    They continue trying to play a game of cat and mouse with the Quartermaine's starting with Monica and their interest in proving her drinking while driving and possibly the one who ran Sam down.


    Did DYK really answer the main question? Doesn't seem like it.

    Thanks for the medianet pics!

  9. This was posted at ABC.com and originally came from SD Insider who calls himself Hmm Mmm

    Luke and Tracy

    Divorcing they will go

    High H*o divorcing they will go

    yep divorcing they will go

    But the story is not over

    The story is just begin

    For these two. As Tracy

    and her past catch up

    to them in Port Charles

    Looks like Tracy has

    some explaining to do

    about her mob past

    to Luke who is tickled

    that his woman was

    in the mob as he was.

    I created a thread at ABC.com. Please join me in spreading the LuNacy love :).

    Where are Luke and Tracy?

  10. Hey all!

    Hooked and BSG, hope you guys are feeling better.

    Just called the comment lines asking them where Luke and Tracy are and telling them that they are they only reason I watch. I also told them if that if they have plans of breaking them up for good and having them divorce, there is no reason for me to watch the show any longer. Will write some snail mail tonite.

    I know we are all in a LuNacy funk, but well, if you all call the comment lines and/or write some snail mail, hopefully this will help in light of the recent rumor. The addresses to write and phone numbers to call are at TracyLuke.info. The link is in my signature.

    Also, here is the link to Carrie's thread at SOC, I know most of us have posted in it already, but let's keep it on the first page if we can. I really do believe the IIC lurk over there.


  11. WHERE did you get that picture of young Jane,..

    I think Im going to faint!


    Yes, TimelessTQ, I believe Lainey is right, it's from "A Change of Habit" movie with Elvis Presely, though I got the pic from something I clipped from JE.com (I think) that lists Jane's bio along with that pic. I do have several still's of Jane from the movie though, courtesy of MinervaFan :) who made an avatar out of one of the pics for me once.

    Oh just so you know, even though her name was Sister Barbara in the movie, around these parts we refer to her as "Sister Mary HotPants :)!! I bet you LOVE that. LOL.

    *waves to BSG* I am in the chat with funny. Come join us for a sec. Though I can't stay too long.

    EDIT: Hooked, Remos, Ms. Q, Why don't one of you start a drabblethon over at LJ? We could certainly use one about now.

  12. Oops...Didn't see you'd already posted the link, TL! Took me awhile to find it. The Bus Ride was *by far* the best thing about that "extravaganza".

    I agree QT!! If it weren't for Jane they prob wouldn't have used it. She was the highlight of that clip! That was the first time I'd ever seen Jane out of character and it made me fall in love with her. She seems too fun for words :).

  13. Still in breakroom with funny at 8:50 central if anyone is around?

    It wouldn't be a bad idea for us all to continue to write and call for Lunacy!! Especially while things are still shaking out with the old writers back!!

    I agree Carrie! We need our LuNacy! We want them together 4EVA and we want to see them NOW!

  14. Dorianfan, Thanks for the vid!!! I was due for a fix. Loved the new clips in there. I've been dying to see some new vids with stuff from wyndemere, and the recent one from HS B):)

    I am sooooooo not happy about this Rick Webber s/l cr@p again. Can't they just let Luke go off on an adventure like a man for once intstead of running away like a little girl ;). ugh. This show terribly disgusts me.

    Anyone who agrees with me can post to my thread at soc ;) ----->This "Who Killed Rick Webber" Nonsense Again?

  15. No Lunacy of course, but today's show was actually pretty good. Lots of characters and some stuff was even sort of light-hearted with Jerry/Alexis.

    Luke is in previews for tomorrow with Lulu asking her if there is something about her mother she is holding back from him....please...why are they in the Spencer house yet again talking about EWCBO??? I also read somewhere that Luke overhears Scott making a confession to Lulu or something like that. I wonder if Scott admits to killing Rick Webber and Luke hears?

    I wonder if it will ever come out that Tracy knew about that.

    Is it EVER going to end? I am just soooooo sick of it already. Spare me already with the freakin nonsense. I don't need to see that freakin house again. I'm sure since Luke's scene takes place in the house, there will be several pics I'd like to break in view. ugghhh! Since our girl isn't on tomorrow, I don't know if I am going to watch. oh wait I forgot, I am working tomorrow afternoon. Maybe there will be a rerun of Project Runway on I could watch instead. I guess if Lulu 'fesses up to what she knows, he'll be on the run again soon, in time for his next vacay perhaps.

  16. JackPeyton, Welcome to the TQ(S):) Lovefest. Thanks for posting. Yeah, we are like a little family here. Glad we can all keep you entertained into the wee hours at work. I am now just getting used to Jane's haircut. She has such a pretty face, that in the end, it's all good. :). Am TOTALLY loving that everyone loves it too.

    Dillon's dad is Paul Hornsby. Paul was blackmailed into marrying Tracy to get a hold of ELQ I believe, for the cartel back in the day. They had the antidote to an illness his daughter had (he had a daughter whom we saw a few times, she was young, maybe 7?). He married Tracy and in return kept his daughter alive. Don't really know much after that, but Ms. Q, and others could probably help there. Tracy was totally in love with Paul (though nowhere near as much as she is in love with Luke, at least I don't think so.) but he was not in love with her. Paul ended up hooking up with Ned's wife, Jenny, at the time, whom he was really in love with. I wasn't watching the show at the time so the don't have all the details. None of us here are fans of Paul because of what he did to Tracy, but DAYUM was he freaking GORGEOUS!!!! He was played by Paul Satterfield. Here... I put a pic of him and Tracy. Hope my posse don't get pissed. LOL! Kidding. Stop by again soon.


    Edit: Oh, BTW, we'd love to see that pic of Jane if you can get it. Thanks.

  17. Ms. Q, Thanks for the TQ(S) vid! I sure needed that! :)

    um, Nex? Your turn :D. How's the "Tracy" Tracy vid coming along? haha. We could sure use it about now.

    knh, I've always suffered from horrible stage fright myself. If you take classes, especially one on one, you can be taught how to use your stage fright to your advantage and how you can hide it if you need to. Believe it or not it serves a few purposes. Hope it all works out for you.

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