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It has come to my attention that there is some confusion over me, Tim Lowery (PhoenixRising05), announcing the end of Salem Lives and only a week later starting up a new blog over at DR. I feel the need to clear the air about this issue and I am going to say some things I would rather not everyone know but I feel it needs to be mentioned now due to all the questions so here it goes. First off, we left things hanging because the plan is to pick up Salem Lives again. I needed a break and the stories on Salem Lives involved many characters and were often complex and needed two writers to keep them organized. We also have a big cast at Salem Lives. I have alot of personal problems right now, which is why I am not around as much. I have sick relatives and I am ill myself, things I don't like to get into on the boards. That is in many ways why Salem Lives began stalling the past few weeks. I just didn't have time to communicate with Roman on stories and get us all organized on episodes and such. If we can't communicate, the blog suffers and that was beginning to happen to Salem Lives. We started arguing on things because we weren't talking as much, due in large part to me having to take on a second job and having to deal with my family issues and my own health issues. Many people were suggesting the past two months that I take a break. I tried to keep it going and even gave Roman the option to keep going on his own, since he didn't want to quit or end things. However, Roman's just as busy so he chose not to and we both agreed to end it...for now. My plan is to pick it up one day soon and bring Roman back with me, if he so chooses. This blog at DR is going to be different. Smaller cast, simpler stories, episodes will be shorter most days, and because I am on my own, less time consuming. I don't have to communicate and take all the necessary time needed to go back and forth on story structure and so on. I can just go and write on my own time and post when I have to on my own time. I love writing and need it for my own escape and relaxation. The only way I could continue and fit it in is on my own and the way I am doing it with the new blog. Roman has given me his support, as have others. I wouldn't do it if that wasn't the case. I love Salem Lives and SONBC. I am itching to return to the stories Roman and I have planned. I just have to do what I have to do right now and I will be happy to address any further questions in PM's. My purpose for posting this was to explain things a bit in hopes that there are no misconceptions. I hope this helps clear the air. Thanks for all your support and understanding and see you all around the boards. Phoenix
EP/HW'S TIM LOWERY (PHOENIX) AND PATRICK L. EWING (ROMAN) PART WAYS As our fans know, the past few weeks have been difficult for the blog. I, Tim Lowery, have not been around as much as I normally am due to personal reasons. I hate that the blog has suffered but, most of all, I hate that my friendship and partnership with my partner has suffered. Sometimes life presents you with many challenges at once and it can take alot of time and energy to work through those challenges. That is what is happening right now. There has been a great amount of thinking on my part over the past few weeks about the future of this blog. I have tried numerous times to devote the proper attention needed but it's difficult because I find myself very much behind on planning and when you are part of a partnership it makes it even more difficult because you have to be able to communicate and send things and so on. Ultimately, I just don't have the time for the blog as it is and that pains me to no end. I love writing and I loved working with my partner. I just started seeing the writing on the wall and it was doing neither of us any good. Another part of my decision-making was that it just wasn't fun anymore. When I started this, my second blog, I was inspired and had so many ideas. Then, this remarkable creative mind began reading and commenting and he soon began sending me story ideas and a partnership grew out of that. More importantly, a friendship grew out of that and that is more important to me then the blog or anything to do with it. My hope is that Roman and I can remain friends despite how things have ended up at this moment. The bottom line and, really, neither one of us is to blame, is that the fun was gone. I started feeling disinterested and at times felt like I didn't know whether I liked what was going on or what was there. Alot has to do with personal reasons but I think alot is due to change being needed. This may come off selfish but I just think I need to start doing things for me. So much of my life right now is taking care of family and dealing with work and such. I just feel it's time for me to relax and to just do things to enjoy myself. That doesn't happen much when you leave the house at 6-6:30AM and don't get home until around 9PM. Other then getting online during the workday, everything else is constant work and stress. We all need a a little escape and I just wasn't getting that. I always said when I felt like I was doing a chore or a job, that it was time to end things and it got to that point. I would say I have to do an episode and that is not what I want. Part of the reason I tried to make a go of it was for Roman and for our fans. I hate that it just couldn't come together. As for what happens to the blog, right now I don't know. I don't have the time or energy but I may maintain it on a more different schedule or find some way to cut things down. I have to think and see what happens. I would love to continue writing for the fans but it has to be just for fun and I have to feel a certain freedom. I have to be inspired so I have to think about it and consider everything in my life right now. Whatever happens, I will update the fans through here. Now, to the fans, your support and loyalty was tremendous. Without you, Salem Lives would never have become what it is and you all pushed us to strive for greatness. We can't possibly thank you enough. Lastly, to my partner and someone I consider one of my best friends, Roman, I know things aren't good right now but I hope, if nothing else, the friendship we built over this past year or so does not just go away. That is of great importance to me. Through all the disagreements and through good times and bad, your support and help was truly touching. You are a gifted mind and a gifted soul. Truly talented and don't ever doubt an ounce of that talent. Your writing is something that should be appreciated and I hope you continue on with it in some way. Thank you for one of the best times of my life and I am so sorry it had to end like this. God Bless and I wish you all the best! Hope to talk to you soon! To the fans, I wish you the same and hope to see you around the boards and such. Thanks for everything! Tim Lowery (PhoenixRising05)
SCHEDULE UPDATE!!! Due to personal issues and time constraints, Salem Lives has been on an up and down schedule of late. It could not come at a worst time given that it's sweeps so in an effort to maintain the excellent sweeps we have going, this week will feature a two episode a day schedule to catch us up. In other words, 10 EPISODES IN 5 DAYS!!!! To avoid confusion, here is how this will work out starting with today: Monday 2/25/08: The Monday 2/18/08 episode and Tuesday 2/19/08 episode will be posted. Tuesday 2/26/08: The Wednesday 2/20/08 episode and Thursday 2/21/08 episode will be posted. Wednesday 2/27/08: The Friday 2/22/08 episode and Monday 2/25/08 episode will be posted. Thursday 2/28/08: The Tuesday 2/26/08 episode and Wednesday 2/27/08 episode will be posted. Friday 2/29/08: The Thursday 2/28/08 episode and the regularly scheduled episode for this day will be posted. We look forward to getting back on track and we thank you for your patience and understanding. Stick with us!
Actually, she has kidnapped Evan but never really got away with Sam but I see what your saying. I knew this would be controversial and it will be even more in upcoming episodes. She is at the end of her rope and that will be really evident next week.
PhoenixRising05 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
Yes, Patricia knew of him, especially since Joey ran from the scene to get help when he found Joelle. When he returned, all the cops and EMT's scared him and he heard his mother was dead. He didn't want to go to an orphanage or to strangers so he ran off. Yes, he has been reported missing and there will be some scenes coming to address some things. The Amy scene I was worried about but the way I imagined it in my head is that Amy be new at the Pub and I had Nicole disguise her voice too. I was going to have her steal something from Orpheus to disguise her voice like Orpheus did during the MCF story but I thought that may be too much. Good questions though. -
*SALEM LIVES IS BACK AFTER A BRIEF HIATUS. WE EXPECT TO BE FULLY CAUGHT UP BY SUNDAY. THANKS FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND PATIENCE AND STICK WITH US...THE REST OF SWEEPS IS EXPLOSIVE!!* FEBRUARY 15, 2008-EPISODE #437: REACTION RADIUS Steve and Hope sit at a booth and Steve says it sure feels nice to just have a decent meal for a change. Hope agrees, saying that it also feels good having her old friend back. Steve smiles and then says he’s going to the bathroom. He tells her to try and not eat everything while he’s gone. She sticks her tongue out at him as he gets up......and he walks right into Bo and Carly. Bo gets angry and Kimberly tries to tell him not in the club. Carly and Caroline agree but Bo wants to know what is going on, asking why Steve can’t keep his hands to himself. Hope wonders where Bo’s hands have been since Carly has breezed back into town. Bo can’t believe she’d ask that but Hope says that nothing is going on between her and Steve. And, she feels he doesn’t have the right to know any longer. Caroline says that’s enough. Bo should be ashamed of how he’s acting on Maggie and Max’s big night but he doesn’t care as he storms off. Carly says how sorry she is and Kayla grabs Steve and yanks him toanother side of the huge room. She wonders what he was doing and he says nothing. After what has happened, Kayla can’t believe he would rub her face into what he did. Steve says that’s not what’s happening. Kayla strongly disagrees and says if he wants to save what’s left of their life together.....he better get his act together and fast. She walks off as Shane comes over and asks Steve if he is ok. He says he’ll be fine.......when he’s back with his lady. Sami walks up to Marlena and Belle and they all greet each other. Marlena asks how Lucas is doing and Sami says with Roman there with him, he’s holding up pretty well. Belle says she got a letter from Shawn overseas and he says he misses everyone very much. Sami asks if he is ok and Belle says that the fighting is fierce but he’s keeping his head down, like Bo and Victor have told him. Marlena just hopes Roman will be proven not guilty so he can come home. It’s been one problem after another. As Belle excuses herself, Sami and Marlena sit down. They both love the new club but Marlena takes her hand and asks if she is getting involved in Lucas’ case. Sami looks at her mother and tells her that she will do what she has to do to save the man she loves. Marlena truly can’t blame her and just tells her to be very careful, knowing she can't stop her. Roman would never forgive her if something happened to Sami while he was locked up. As the band plays, Doug, Julie and the rest of the Horton family gather around Victor and Marlena. Victor says he got some nice musical acts to come to the opening but everything is secret and he doesn’t want anyone bugging him as to who it is. Doug just hopes that Abby will be safe from Lawrence. Alice says that there are a lot more people than just Abby who has to worry. Marlena agrees, saying once again that everyone has to watch their backs. Meanwhile, Jack wonders where Billie is....... BILLIE'S P.I. OFFICE As she lays in her office on a couch. Kate tries to wake her up from her drunken state and she stirs but still has a bottle in her hand. Kate takes the bottle from her and sits her up, saying how sorry she is for what happened. Billie wonders if Kate loves anyone else but herself and Kate says she has always loved her kids......she just has a bad way of showing it. Billie agrees, saying that she should have listened years ago when her children told her to let up. Kate knows she will spend an eternity paying for the mistakes she’s made.......but she truly did it out of love. A drunk Billie is helped up by her mother, saying all she ever wanted was a mother who loved her for her. Instead.......she got a mother who always made her feel worthless. Kate starts crying as she helps Billie sit down, saying that she is sorry about making her feel that way. Billie is her first baby and if she had it all over to do again, she would change everything except one thing....... Her love for Billie. Kate sits next to Billie as she rests her head on Kate’s shoulder and Kate rocks her back and forth. Mother and daughter cry as Kate makes Billie a promise.......after she helps to get Lucas free, she will help Billie become the wonderful person she’s always knew she was. And she will try her best to stop meddling. Billie laughs, saying that if she had a nickel for every time she heard that........and Kate stops her.........she stops her from taking another drink. Kate tells her they both have a long way to go as the scene shifts back to... RADIUS Tony takes Anna on the dance floor as Carrie walks up. Tony and Carrie hug and he excuses himself as Anna and her catch up. They say how nice each of them look and Carrie asks how the new business venture is going. Anna says fine. She hopes all goes well, especially with this new partner she has. Carrie hopes so too as Abe is seen dancing with Celeste. The scene then shifts to the outside.... As Jean waits in a long line trying to get in. All she wants to do......is to talk to Alyson. Alyson, meanwhile, is inside with Philip, but his mind is on Nicole. Alyson ask what’s wrong and he says it’s just business. Belle sees them get up and walk to the bar and it pisses her off, which Philip notices......and smiles about. They then start dancing which pisses Belle off further and Victor walks past her to tell Maggie that one of the special acts has arrived. She gets excited as they are led to the back and the scene shifts to... SALEM INN Nicole is now in full disguise (black-haired wig, eyeglasses, and dressed in lots of layers) outside of Alyson's suite. She wishes she didn't have to do this but needs the ransom money to get out of Salem and doesn't know how else to get it quick. She then says Sam is Eric's child and Evan was her child for the first nearly 6 months of his life so there is some right in this. She knocks on the door, takes a deep breath, as Sharon the babysitter answers and asks what she can do for her. Nicole lies and says there is a problem and Ms. Parker and Ms. Brady sent her to pick up the children. She says it's a family emergency and she needs to take the children to them right away as they must catch a plane. Sharon is shocked but seems suspicious, saying she would like to hear from Ms. Parker and/or Ms. Brady first. Sharon says she will go and call them since she has their cell numbers. As she goes to make the call, a desperate Nicole realizes she has no choice. She takes one of the baby toys and knocks Sharon over the head, knocking her unconscious. She then hides Sharon behind the couch, packs Evan and Sam's things, puts them in a traveling bag and prepares to leave, wishing it didn't have to be this way but she had no choice. As Nicole puts both babies in the carrier and and prepares to leave when Sharon stands up, blocking the door. She picks up the phone and tells Nicole she isn't going anywhere... As the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... LIFEHOUSE PERFORMS AS NICOLE ATTEMPTS HER ESCAPE!! IMPORTANT INFO!! SAVE DAYS AND SHELLE!!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FIGHT!!
FEBRUARY 14, 2008-EPISODE #436: RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES WAREHOUSE IN SALEM'S WEST SIDE WAREHOUSE DISTRICT Nicole is with Joey at an old, abandoned warehouse on Salem's west side near the pier. Joey asks if this is a good hiding spot. Nicole admits she's known people to hide in some of the warehouses around here and it should be good for awhile. Joey asks her again why she was so mean to Philip and Jean earlier. Nicole says she needed their help and refused. She tells Joey it's a long story but she will tell him there is a good number of people out there that she feels never even bothered to understand her feelings and where she was coming from. She feels if someone at least had tried, she may not be in this predicament. Joey asks what they are going to do with so many people after her. Nicole says she needs him to stop asking questions if he is to stick with her and she points out she still thinks they should part ways. Joey says he isn't going anywhere but he will stop asking questions if she wants. Nicole contemplates for a few minutes and says there is something she can do but it's risky and it's extreme but she may be out of options. She gets up and gets into disguise, telling Joey to stay here. Joey refuses but Nicole assures him she will be back. Just like all the times she left him at the apartment...she always came back then and she will come back now. Besides, she will be bringing some people back with her. Joey asks who. Nicole says he'll see and says she will be back, telling him not to be quiet and suggesting he hides if someone should come in as homeless people often hide out in the area. Joey nods as Nicole leaves and the scene shifts to... PIER Sami and Kate are walking and are stunned by the info they received from Silvana. Sami feels they are on the right track to saving Lucas and can't wait to hear the rest of what Silvana has to say tomorrow night. Kate agrees and says she wishes they didn't have to go through hell on that stage and with all that men. Sami smiles and tells Kate to admit she loved it. Kate says she will pretend she didn't hear that and adds that she is going to go see Billie and fill her in. She's wanted Billie's help with this anyway but she's had trouble getting a hold of her. Sami thinks that's a good idea as Billie may be able to help. Kate tries calling her again and gets no answer, admitting she's been worried about her. Sami admits Billie's been acting strange lately. Kate says she is going to head over there. Sami tells Kate she is going to Maggie and Max's club opening to meet her mom and Belle. Kate forgot that was tonight and tells Sami she will see her tomorrow. Sami nods and says it was nice working with her. The two exchange looks of sarcasm. Kate tells Sami not to push it and then walks off as Sami laughs and walks off in the other direction and the scene shifts to... BILLIE'S P.I. OFFICE Billie is passed out at her desk, a bottle of gin that is a little under halfway filled sitting next to her and several empty bottles of liquor lie in the room around her. The camera then pans in on her face as we hear Billie murmuring "No." It turns out she is having a nightmare and the scene shifts to that nightmare. Billie is in a dark room and she then sees Jack in the distance, telling Billie: Jack: I can't love a Dimera. Nobody can. She then sees Abby. Abby: Your a Dimera. Your evil. She then sees Bo and Hope. Bo: I can't believe I was ever involved with you. Hope: I always had a bad feeling about you. I guess I was right. Billie begins screaming in anguish as she sees Stefano and Orpheus appear. Stefano: Another darling granddaughter to help continue the Dimera legacy. Stefano walks up to Billie and kisses her hand. Stefano: I know you will make me proud. A true Dimera, you will be. Billie screams "No!!!" as Orpheus walks up, saying: Orpheus: Like father, like daughter. Billie breaks down in tears and turns around in disgust to see the man she knew as her father for years, Curtis, standing before her. Curtis: I always knew you were trash. That you weren't worth a damn. Now, your Dimera trash. No one will ever love you. How could they? Your not only garbage like your mother...your a Dimera too!! Doesn't get much worse then that, Billie girl!!! Billie then screams out again and begins pounding on Curtis, saying "No!!" repeatedly and then the scene quickly pans back to Billie, who jumps up and quickly awakes at her desk, sweating and in tears. She then takes the bottle of gin and, as her hands shake, begins gulping it down as the scene shifts to.... MAGGIE AND MAX'S NEW CLUB Victor arrives with Bo and Carly. Maggie is shocked to see Bo and Carly. Carly says she had to convince Bo to come. Bo says that between Caroline and Carly convincing him and Victor as well, he had no choice. Plus, he heard Kayla was coming and Stephanie agreed to watch JT and Theo at the Abe's. Bo says he also had to support Max of course. Max comes over with Caroline and Abby. Both are happy Bo made it. Bo says he would've never lived it down if he hadn't. Caroline smiles and embraces him, saying they all need this night. Frankie would want them to enjoy life again. Kayla then arrives with Shane and Kim. Kim apologizes, saying they had to drop Stephanie at the Carver's. Shane adds that Abe and Celeste are on their way. Caroline is happy Kayla came out, saying she did the right thing. Kayla says she wanted to support Max and knew very well Caroline and the rest of the family wouldn't rest until she came out. She says she is only staying for a bit. Caroline understands. Bo and Kayla embrace and ask how each other are doing. Kayla says she is struggling. Bo nods. Caroline asks Maggie and Max how they came up with the name "Radius" for the club. Maggie says they had a couple of names but she left it up to Max. They thought about naming it after Frankie or Mickey or someone they loved but thought it may be too much. They want people to be able to enjoy life at the club and felt they needed a modern name that appeals to everyone and is catchy. Max thought of "Radius" because it has a vibe that many college students will like and it seems to fit the club. Plus, as a former race, it sounds cool to him. Everyone laughs. Maggie directs their attention to the stage area, which she says is called the "Red Zone," named after the nickname Mickey gave her. Max adds that the bar area has a drink named after Frankie called the a "Francois Crush" and adds there are several booth and table areas named after Mickey, Frankie, Jennifer, Eric, and Austin to memorize them. Maggie says it helped with organization since the club is large so they thought naming table areas after deceased loved ones was a nice idea. Everyone is impressed and likes the references to loved ones lost. Max says they hope to come up with more ideas to honor loved ones lost. Meanwhile, Alyson and Carrie walk around, checking out the club. They bump into Marlena, who has come with Belle, and the 4 of them catch up. Philip then arrives and Alyson excuses herself when she sees him. She wishes him a happy Valentine's Day. Philip says he got her message and tried calling her to say he couldn't make it. It's not a good time. Alyson asks if something is wrong. Philip recalls his encounter with Nicole and says it's just been a bad day. Alyson tries to persuade him to stay, reminding him he promised they would get together. Philip realizes Alyson won't give up until he gives in so he agrees to stick around for a little while. Alyson is pleased. Meanwhile, Jean arrives outside and discovers a long line and that the club is only letting people in a little at a time now to control crowd flow. Jean hopes she can find Alyson inside, insisting they need to talk. Back inside, Abe and Celeste have arrived and are greeted by Alice, Doug, Julie, Mike, and Bill. They all wish each other Happy Valentine's Day. Alice reminisces about Tom and how he used to always take her on a night on the town on Valentine's Day. They never liked a quiet Valentine's Day. Julie says Doug always did the same and it seems they are doing the same thing this year, being at the club and all. Bo and Carly then greet Abe and Celeste. Abe asks how Bo is doing. Bo says he's dealing as the scene shifts to... SALEM INN A disguised Nicole walks down the hall and observes a suite, hoping the babysitter Alyson and Carrie left the kids with isn't too of a problem. She then admits how easy it call the Pub and get Alyson's phone number from Amy, the Pub waitress, so she can find out if Alyson and Carrie had gone to the club opening too like she thought. Nicole says the situation couldn't make this any easier and then admits she doesn't want to do this but has no choice. She needs money quick and this is the best way she can think of to get it. She has no other options and then admits that there is some right in this. Sam is Eric's son and Evan was her son the first 6 months of his life. Nicole wonders if this is how things were meant to end up. Her ending up with Sam and Evan and both children being her ticket out of Salem to begin a fresh start. Nicole observes the suite and the hallway and takes a deep breath, saying there isn't much time and she needs to do this now if she is ever going to. Nicole moves in on the suite as the scene shifts to... MAGGIE AND MAX'S NEW CLUB Hope is walking outside the club, wishing she had not come but knowing Doug would've probably came and got her himself if she hadn't agreed. She then hears a horn beep at her. It's Steve, who asks Hope what she is doing. Hope fills him in on Doug practically forcing her to come to the club. Steve says he was on his way back from taking Adrienne to the airport and asks if she wants company. Hope isn't so sure with so many people they know inside but Steve reminds her they will have to deal with what they did the rest of their lives and they are friends. Besides, he doubts Bo and Kayla will be there. Hope admits it would help her as she doesn't feel like dealing with this on her own. Steve admits he doesn't feel like being alone. He's had Adrienne there with him and now she is gone. Hope finally says ok and tells Steve to park around back and meet her at the service door. Maggie instructed her to show ID to enter around back so she doesn't have to wait in line. Steve agrees and pulls in around back. Back inside, Marlena tells Carrie she wishes they had their husbands this Valentine's Day. Carrie nods, saying even Sami doesn't have Lucas. Belle looks on, saying they just need to pray things get better. Tony and Anna have arrived and Tony brings drinks to their table as Anna hangs up the phone, saying she has great news. That investor that postponed their meeting earlier called. He's going to come and meet them at the club in a few hours. Tony admits that's great but he wanted to spend Valentine's Day with her. Anna says they still can before and after they meet with the investor and, this way, he gets to meet him too. Tony says ok and says he will just have to deal with the little interruption. They kiss and wish each other a Happy Valentine's Day. Kim tells Kayla, Shane, and Caroline she wishes they had something to celebrate on Valentine's Day. Kayla nods. Bo and Carly come over. Bo is shocked when he sees Hope and Steve together being greeted by Doug, Julie, and Alice. He then sees them walk over to the bar. Kayla sees this and is unsettled as well. Bo becomes furious and walks off in Hope and Steve's direction. Carly follows, begging Bo not to do this, as the others, including Kayla, follow as well. Doug, Julie, and Alice see this and think trouble may be coming. Julie admits she was shocked Hope and Steve came together too. Alice says they just need to hope things don't get out of hand. Victor walks over to Maggie and can see she's trembling. He tells her not to worry...the musical act issue has been taking care of. He says he pulled some strings and there was two modern music heavyweights in the area and they will be there momentarily. The local band just needs to fill some time before they arrive. Maggie is overjoyed and embraces Victor, saying he is her lifesaver. He says she can show him her appreciation later. Maggie says she will. Afterall, it is Valentine's Day. Maggie then asks who the performers Victor got are. Victor thinks they should keep it a secret so he whispers in Maggie's ear. Maggie is stunned and excited. Max and Abby are dancing. Jack comes over with his notepad, jotting down ideas for his article on the club opening, and asks Max if he should be fulfilling his management responsibilities. Max says he is but needed a break. Abby smiles. Jack rolls his eyes and walks off. He wonders if Billie will be coming and tries, calling her. No one picks up. Jack is worried and asks himself what is going on with her. The scene then shifts to... BILLIE'S P.I. OFFICE Billie looks at her phone and then pulls it right out of its socket, saying she is sick of hearing it ringing and giving her a headache. She then tosses the phone against the wall, asking why people don't just leave her alone. She then hears Kate knocking at the door and tells her to go away, clutching her head and drinking more gin. Kate says she heard a loud noise and says she is coming in, whether she likes it or not. Kate then uses a hairpin to pick the lock, hoping she remembers how to do it right from her sleuthing exploits. Billie, thinking Kate can't get in with the door locked, is shocked when the lock turns and Kate enters. Kate is shocked to see a disheveled and drunk Billie. She sees the gin in her hand and all the bottles around her. Kate shakes her head in disgust and sadness, saying: Kate: Oh, God. Billie...no. No! Billie just looks out into space and takes another sip out of her gin bottle as the scene pans back over to a crying Kate, who is still shaking her head in disbelief, and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... KATE TRIES TO REACH BILLIE AS NICOLE MAKES HER MOVE!!! IMPORTANT NOTE!! SAVE DAYS AND SHELLE!!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FIGHT!!!
FEBRUARY 13, 2008-EPISODE #435: TO THE TRUTH SALEM PARK Nicole and Joey are hiding some bushes. She looks at her watch, hoping "he" got the message from Henderson. Joey asks who they are waiting for. Nicole tells him to nevermind and to just be quiet and do nothing, since it's obvious he isn't going to leave her side. Joey smiles. Just then, Nicole sees whoever she has been waiting for and tells Joey to stay put. Nicole emerges from the bushes and the camera pans around to show Philip, who turns and is shocked to see Nicole. He realizes she is the one that left a message with Henderson to meet him. Nicole smiles, saying she knew he would call the cops or someone else and that he would refuse to see her so she called and disguised her voice as best she could, pretending to be a prospective investor and nothing that she heard in the newspaper Titan was working on a multimedia endeavor and used it to her advantage. Philip calls her a bitch and asks what the hell she wants. Nicole says she will get right to the point. She needs money and the use of the Kiriakis jet to leave Salem...tonight. Philip smiles and asks why the hell he would let her do that. Nicole says because she knows all about how he betrayed his own father, a betrayal that nearly killed him. Philip pretends to not know what she is talking about but Nicole says she has a surveillance tape of him talking about how he helped Orpheus kidnap Victor and how he helped bring him to the cruise ship last summer. She wonders how Victor would feel if he knew that. Philip calls her bluff but Nicole warns him not to do that, citing what happened to Steve and Hope. They did the same thing and blew her off and ended up losing everything. She asks if Philip wants to suffer the same fate. Philip thinks she is lying and wants to see the proof. Nicole wants the money and the plane first and then she will give up the tape. Philip contemplates and thinks Nicole would have the proof with her right now if she had any at all. Nicole says it was too risky but Philip thinks she is smart enough to have made a copy. Nicole admits she hasn't had a chance but Philip isn't buying it. He tells Nicole it's a no-go. He then grabs her and says he is calling his father and turning her ass in. Nicole then pushes Philip to the ground and tells him if he tells anyone he saw her, she will make sure Victor and all of Salem knows what he did. Nicole adds that he will regret refusing her...just like Steve and Hope did. The two stare each other down as Nicole runs off into the night, leaving Philip on the ground, wondering if Nicole really does have the proof she claims to have as the scene shifts to... MAGGIE AND MAX'S NEW CLUB Alice and Laura embrace as Bill, Doug, and Julie watch. They are heartbroken Laura can't stay for at least the opening. Laura says a patient she was counseling in Africa needs her and she has to go. She's been away long enough as it is. Bill says he wishes he could go back with her and says he will be back soon. Laura says she knows he needs to stay in Salem for Lucas and assures him she will make sure everyone knows that. Laura and Bill embrace. A frantic Maggie comes over with Jack and Abby, saying the music acts for the night have canceled. She has no idea what she is going to do. Julie tries to calm her. Laura embraces her, saying she will be fine. Maggie wishes she could stay. Laura does too but insists Maggie will be fine. Laura then says her goodbyes to Abby and Jack, telling Jack to take care of her grandchildren and himself and ordering Abby to listen to her father and to go to that safehouse in the morning. Abby nods and the two embrace once more before Laura says her final goodbyes and walks off, wiping away tears. Meanwhile, Maggie asks Max what they are going to do. Max says he doesn't know anyone who can help. Maggie is in a panic, saying the club opens in two hours and wonders what they are going to do as the scene shifts to... SALEM INN Jean knocks on Alyson's door and is shocked when an unknown woman opens the door. Jean asks who she is. The woman introduces herself as Sharon and she is with the Salem Inn babysitting service. Jean asks where Alyson is, saying she is her daughter. Sharon informs Jean that Alyson went with two other woman, one an older woman, to a club opening. She explains that Alyson left her son with her and one of the other woman left their baby son with her too. Jean looks in and sees Evan on the floor, playing. She figures Alyson must have went out with Carrie to Maggie and Max's opening. She assumes the other woman is Caroline and thanks Sharon for her time and help, saying she will see if she can find them at the club. She blows a kiss at her grandson and walks off as the scene shifts to... Adrienne's suite as she and Steve hug. Adrienne says she really doesn't want to leave Steve during this difficult time. Steve says he is fine and he will deal with it. She needs to get back to Justin and the children. She promises Steve she will call and check in everyday and begs him to be honest with her if and when something is wrong. She assures him that her and Justin will come and visit soon with the kids. Steve nods, saying he will and that a visit would be nice. They embrace again and say they love each other. Steve then offers to take her to the airport. Adrienne insists she can take a cab but Steve insists he take her, reminding her of all she has done for him with everything going on. Plus, she is letting him have her suite. Adrienne gives in and collects her luggage, which Steve helps her with, as the scene shifts to... LOOKERS STRIP CLUB In the alley outside, Silvana asks why Sami and Kate would want to see her. They fill her in on how they came across her in Joelle's contact book. Silvana asks if they broke in to Joelle's apartment. Sami and Kate look down. Kate fills Silvana in on how they feel Lucas is being framed for all that he did to Joelle and for Joelle's murder. Sami adds to that by saying they don't trust the police and their measures so they are handing this themselves. Sami says she loves Lucas with all her heart and he is the father of her son. She doesn't want him punished for something he didn't do. Kate echoes those sentiments, saying she loves her son and she can't bear to lose him. Sami informs Silvana she is the daughter of the police commander and half her family is in law enforcement. Silvana asks if that is supposed to scare her into dishing dirt on Joelle. Sami says they just need her help. Silvana shocks them both by admitting they don't have to scare her or pay her off to get info on Joelle. She hates the bitch. Kate asks why. Silvana explains how Joelle and her were best friends in high school but parted ways when Joelle went off to college. Her family sacrificed alot to put her through college but Silvana's family couldn't afford it no matter what they did. Silvana explains she couldn't find a job so she became a hooker and then eventually an exotic dancer and that is how she ended up where she's at. It's the only way she had to make money. She did it behind her family's back and her family became ashamed and threw her out. They didn't care that she was trying to help. It was about honor and about not selling herself to the highest bidder. Kate looks on, clearly thinking of her own past. Sami asks about Joelle. Silvana says she could tell through everything that Joelle looked down on her but they still remained friends. Joelle had fallen on hard time after college. She didn't have what it took in the corporate world. People would beat her out for jobs. She was like jelly compared to all the pariahs out there. So, as Silvana continues, Joelle ended up broke and living with her. Silvana offered to help, saying she could her a job at the club she was working at but Joelle was like her family. Too much pride and cared more about her reputation then doing what it took to survive. Eventually, though, she gave in but didn't become a dancer. She became a hooker and that is how her son, Joey came into the world. Silvana adds that Joelle kept the truth from her mother but, when her mother caught her with a john one night. she had a stroke and ended in paralyzed and very ill, a condition that never improved. Kate interjects, saying that is why she hired her. She saw all that Joelle had been through. Sami sees tears in Kate's eyes. Kate tries to hide them and wipes her eyes. Sami turns back to Silvana, telling her to go on. Silvana explains that Joelle quit working the streets after her mother's stroke but she needed money more then ever with a baby boy and a sick mother now. So, she went back into the corporate world to find something while also waiting tables at a restaurant for the time being. Eventually, she ended up with work when she was hired at Basic Black and then she moved on to Roberts and Co. Kate nods, saying she was a hard worker and good employee for many years. Silvana nods. Sami asks about their friendship. Silvana admits that once Joelle began working full-time, they barely saw each other. She had her mother and son and her job while she worked nights and slept during the day. They only recently began getting close again because she felt she needed someone to confide in, a fact that led to them not being friends anymore. Kate asks why. Silvana says that it was always about Joelle and her problems and then, after years of seeing and hearing from her sparingly, she starts spending time with her again just to dump her problems on her. She got sick of it and they had a falling out. Silvana adds that on top of that, alot of what Joelle was doing, she didn't agree with and wanted no part of it nor did she want to know about it. Sami asks what she is talking about. Silvana admits it involved some guy Joelle kept calling her "meal ticket" and she was prepared to do whatever it took to get him. Sami and Kate both look at each other, knowing this is likely about Lucas. Silvana is told by one of the bouncers, who comes outside, that it's her to perform. Silvana says she needs to go. Sami and Kate would like to hear the rest of what she has to say. Kate promises she will be paid for her cooperation and help. Silvana says she has 3 performances tonight so she thinks it best if they come back tomorrow night...8PM. She tells them to wait for her in the alley since they won't be welcome inside. Silvana puts her cigarette out and goes inside as Sami and Kate joyfully look at each other, feeling like they may have the break they need as the scene shifts to... MAGGIE AND MAX'S NEW CLUB Maggie in on the phone with Victor, telling him Max found a local act to fill some time but they still need two main acts. Victor assures her everything will be ok and tells her not to panic, saying he is on his way. Maggie says she will try but she just wants everything to be perfect. Victor is sure it will be. Meanwhile, Carrie and Alyson walk in with Caroline and are greeted by Alice and Julie. Caroline says Max said they could come early. Max walks up and kisses Caroline, who says she is proud of him for the beautiful club he and Maggie have. Carrie tells everyone how her grandmother would not stop until she agreed to go and said they had to convince Alyson to come as well. They left Evan and Sam with a babysitter at the Salem Inn. Caroline says she just wanted the family together tonight and that she has convinced Kayla and Kim to come to. Shane is bringing them. She thinks Kayla could use a night to forget everything. Alyson didn't know she was considered family. Caroline says of course she is. Doug and Bill listen in and Doug says he convinced Hope to come by too. He just thinks she needs a night out to forget everything and Bo has JT tonight. Bill asks if that is a good idea considering the circumstances. Doug says that Bo, Hope, and Kayla will see each other eventually and there will be alot of people at the club so it shouldn't be that big of an issue. The scene then shifts to... PIER Jean is on her way to the club, hoping she can get to Alyson before it becomes hard to find her in a packed club. Nicole and Joey approach and Nicole's eyes light up as she tells herself it must be her lucky day...Jean was just who she was looking for. Nicole tells Joey to hide behind some crates and approaches Jean. Nicole calls out to Jean, saying long time no see. Jean is shocked to see her and can't believe she would be out in public with all the people that are looking for her. Nicole smiles, saying desperate times call for desperate measures. Jean pulls out her phone and says she is calling the police. Nicole warns her not do it that but Jean is about to dial. Just then, Nicole says if she does that, she will tell Alyson the truth about what happened to her father. Jean is stunned and asks what the hell she is talking about. Nicole says she has surveillance evidence that would tell Alyson what really happened the day her father died. Jean is trembling and can't seem to even speak. Nicole tells Jean she wants $3 million dollars within 24 hours or she shows Alyson the tape. Jean thinks Nicole is lying and insists there is no secret. Nicole asks why she is shaking in her boots then. After a few moments, Jean turns and asks how she is supposed to get that kind of cash. Nicole smiles, telling her to use that creative mind of hers. Jean thinks she is bluffing and that she has no proof. Afterall, how would she be able to get surveillance evidence. Nicole says she has her sources. Jean thinks for a moment and says she isn't doing a damn thing for her. Besides, who would believe her after all she has done. Nicole asks if that is her final answer. Jean tells Nicole defiantly she isn't scared of her. Nicole thinks Jean should be, reminding her of what happened to Steve and Hope when they called her bluff. She asks if Jean is sure. Jean gives her a cold look. Nicole walks off. Jean begins to dial on her phone. Nicole orders her to stop and says if she tells anyone she saw her, Alyson will know the truth within the hour. Nicole then tells Jean she had her chance and made her bed. Now she has to lie in it. Nicole walks off as a still in shock and worried Jean looks on. Nicole walks over to Joey, grabs his hand, and drags him off. He asks why she was mean to that woman and to that guy earlier. Nicole tells him to stop asking questions if he wants to stick with her and then sees some officers in the distance. She says she is running out of time and drags Joey off, telling him to come on as they race off into the night and the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... MAGGIE AND MAX'S CLUB OPENS!!! IMPORTANT NOTE!! HELP SAVE DAYS AND SHELLE!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FIGHT!!
FEBRUARY 12, 2008-EPISODE #434: WATCHFUL EYES LOOKERS STRIP CLUB Ed wants to know if the two will go out on stage or not. Sami says she has a cold and can’t go on stage. Kate looks at her like she’s crazy and asks when the cold came on. Sami says just now and the two women start arguing when Ed tells them to stop. He walks off but not before telling them they have one minute to get on stage.........or else. The women decide to go on with the show.... And walk out on stage in front of the drunk, whistling crowd. The music starts and Sami looks at Kate, saying that she is following Kate’s lead. Kate rolls her eyes as she starts to dance and Sami and her separate as they take a side of the stage. Both women slowly start to take their clothes off, with Sami thinking of Lucas and Kate thinking of........something to drink. The women then start to walk toward each other, not knowing they are about to collide. They do and the music stops, with Kate yelling at Sami about what she was doing. Sami says dancing and Kate says that’s a laugh. It looked like she was having a seizure, Kate says. Well, Sami tells her, at least it didn’t look like she had a bat shoved up her ass. Kate gets offended and takes a swing at Sami, who ducks and tackles her off the stage.... And into the crowd below. Ed runs out and breaks it up and sees both of their wigs have fallen off. He kicks them out of the club and into the alley and, when some of the drunk patrons try to follow, Silvana, who is in the alley smoking a cigarette, stops them cold with threats of being dealt with by the bouncers. As the men go back inside, the two ladies thank Silvana and she wonders why they went through all that trouble since they clearly aren't strippers. They look at each other and then Kate tells her.... They are there........to see her. PIER Nicole sits on a bench with Joey next to her. She knows she has to get money so they can leave town and Joey says he can get a can and panhandle. Nicole shoots down that idea but gives him credit for thinking on his feet. She has an idea but thinks it would be best if, just for a little while, they parted company. Joey says he’ll be good and Nicole doesn’t want him to get hurt. At that moment, two men come walking down the stairs, which makes them hide. Nicole and Joey overhear their conversation and one of them mentions Victor. Now she knows she has to get out of town.......these are his men. They sneak off undetected as Nicole says she has an idea but she has to act fast........ ILLINOIS STATE PENITENTIARY Roman and Lucas watch television in their cell. Roman has to pay up to Lucas for losing the Super Bowl and Roman is none too pleased. As they watch the news, a report of a plane crash comes on the screen, which makes Roman flashback to a memory of Bo running toward him on a beach. His head starts pounding and Lucas asks if he is ok. Roman yells at him to leave him alone and Lucas backs off. The memory subsides and Roman apologizes. Lucas accepts and asks what is going on. Roman says.......he wish he knew. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Belle runs up to Marlena as she walks out of her office door, telling her she’s there to drag her to Maggie’s club opening if she has to. Marlena says she was going to support Maggie anyway. Belle is glad and says that with everything that is happening with Roman, she needs a night out. Marlena tells her she doesn’t know the half of it. If she told Belle everything her and Roman have been through......it would look like War & Peace. Belle knows that, even with Lawrence on the horizon, things will work out. Marlena knows that too, and they both walk down the hall arm in arm. ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem) Orpheus looks at a map of Salem and simply says........ Orpheus: Well.........it’s.......nice to be back. As he smiles, he sits down in front of a control panel and zooms in on Stefano’s living room at the penthouse. Stefano and Lincoln sit at the dinner table discussing if Roman can remain in his fog long enough for his people to get to him and Lincoln doesn’t know. He tells Stefano that Roman is getting bits and pieces of his memory back more and more each day.....but one of the side effects is working. His personality is changing. Stefano smiles, saying...... Stefano: Exactly how I wanted my best Pawn to react. Stefano then takes a sip of his drink and tells Lincoln to keep a close eye on things. Lincoln leaves the room and, in a move that shocks Orpheus, Stefano walks up to the monitor he had planted in his penthouse and looks into it, saying....... Stefano: I know who you are.....and I know where all the monitors are. You have one week to get them out of my home.......before I lay waste to yours. With that, he smashes the monitor, leaving Orpheus to praise his father. As he laughs..... Stefano tells a returning Lincoln that it’s now time to set Cassie into motion. Lincoln knows Stefano hates doing this and Stefano says...... Stefano: I do, my friend........but, she is the only one now. The one........who will start the chain reaction. Stefano sees Lincoln leave as he makes a move on his chess board with a Pawn........ And the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... NICOLE TAKES ACTION!!! IMPORTANT NOTE!!! HELP SAVE DAYS AND SHELLE!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FIGHT!!
FEBRUARY 11, 2008-EPISODE #433: UNDER MY SKIN ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem) Orpheus tells Nicole long time no see and says he is pleased to see she made herself at home in his hideaway during his absence. Nicole is in shock and points out Orpheus is supposed to be dead. Orpheus laughs, reminding her who is father is. He says the son of the Phoenix is set for life. Orpheus: You know, Nicole. I'm quite shocked about this young little friend of yours. I mean, is this the first child you've been in major contact with that you didn't steal...or did you? Nicole: Bastard! (moves to slap Orpheus but he catches her hand in mid-air) Orpheus: Now I thought you were smarter then that. Tsk Tsk. Nicole: So, what now? Your back. What happens? Orpheus: Very to the point. I like that. Nicole: Perhaps we can make a deal, like the old days. You help me, I help you. I need money and a way out of Salem. Orpheus: Ah, yes. You've made enemies out of most of the town and Victor's people are after you, along with the cops. Brutal! Nicole: I need your help. Orpheus rolls his eyes. Orpheus: Been there, done that. No use for you anymore. I have alot on my plate without having to worry about a pain in the ass like you. Nicole: We've worked out deals before. Help me. Orpheus: Not this time, In fact, there is no time to waste. Get your little friend and get out. I have much to do and don't need anyone, least of all you two, getting in the way. Nicole: We could work something... Orpheus: Get out! Nicole backs away and says he will regret this. Orpheus reminds her their partnership is over. They both served purposes for the other and now he has no purpose for her so it's not beneficial to him to partner with her once again. Nicole begs him to just get her out of Salem but he refuses to listen, saying she made her own bed and she has to lie in it. Orpheus: I helped you steal Evan from Carrie and did everything in my power to help you hold on to him. Nicole: For your own gain!! Then, Eric and Austin ended up dead because of you. Orpheus: You pulled the trigger that killed Eric. Austin would not have been involved had you not done what you did. Nicole: It was an accident. I wasn't directly responsible. Orpheus: Maybe not but, much like your recent actions on New Year's with poor Frankie Brady, you were involved. And, yes, I know all about your little exploits in my absence, which brings up something else I did for you. I provided you with the tape you used to blackmail Steve and Hope. Not my problem you misused it. Nicole: I was trying to prove a point. Orpheus: Yes, that the Brady's are hypocrites. Well, good for you. Too bad your crimes have added many new people to your list of enemies. I'm sure you will make a few other enemies too since you've been looking through my surveillance tapes. Nicole looks at him, stunned. Orpheus: I know everything, Nicole. Always. Nicole: Everything I did....I did out of love. Love for Evan. He was my son first and, while he really wasn't mine, Carrie and the Brady's didn't have to isolate him from me completely. Hell, they even kept me from my own husband's funeral. They made things worse. I screwed things up with Eric. I know that but...losing Eric was bad enough. Not being able to mourn at his funeral...not ever seeing Evan...and then there is Sam. Sam is the last living link to Eric. He has Eric's eyes. I see so much of Eric in him and that is why I'm drawn to him. Yet, I'm kept from him too. Orpheus: Can you blame them? Your kidnapped Evan and tried to kidnap Sam twice. Your clearly delusional. Nicole: I take most of the blame but those around me share in it. They made things much worse and it's funny how they are forgiving to others but, when it came to me, my ass was kicked to the curve, without a chance. They give others chance after chance but, me, nope. One and done. Nobody understands and I don't think anyone ever will. Hell, Eric never seemed to either. Brandon did in some ways but... Orpheus: I've had enough. You have a half hour to pack you and the kids [!@#$%^&*] and get out. Hope you enjoyed your stay! Feel free to tip on your way out! Orpheus walks off but not before issuing Nicole a warning and tells her to pass it on to Joey too. He warns them both to not tell anyone about his hideout or about his being alive...or else. He then tells Nicole she should know what the "or else" is. Orpheus smiles bids her a good night and tells her to tell the kid the same. Orpheus walks off as a worried and confused Nicole looks on, unaware of Joey, who is in the background, having heard the whole exchange between Nicole and Orpheus and the scene shifts to... LOOKERS STRIP CLUB Sami and Kate walk up outside the club, dressed in stripper garb and see that they are in luck. New strippers are being hired. Sami thinks that makes their job easier. Both are wearing tons of makeup and high heels.. Sami is dressed from head to toe in red leather and Kate in black leather. Kate points out that their outfits look a bit too similar, except the color. Sami tells her they have more important things. Kate can't believe she is wearing a halter top. Sami points out she is wearing a jacket on top but Kate still feels uncomfortable. Sami thinks they need to come up with undercover names. Sami goes with Lacey and Kate goes with Mona. They enter the club and see that it's covered from wall to wall in men. Just then, a muscular guy and an older man walk up to them and ask what they are doing in a gentleman's club. Sami and Kate introduce themselves, using their aliases, and say they are there to work. Ed recognizes Sami's voice and thinks it's familiar. Sami, realizing Ed is who she talked to on the phone and worried he will remember her, quickly dismisses the claim. Sami points to the "Now Hiring Dancers" sign in the window. The older man examines them and says he likes their work, especially the older woman. He looks at Kate, saying he loves the sophisticated look. A Naughty Businesswoman performance will bring in the bucks. Kate gives him the evil eye for a moment and then snaps out of it so he doesn't catch on. The older man introduces himself as Ed, the manager. He points to the muscular man next to him and says that his name is Deuce and he is the bouncer. Ed says they are short on dancers so it looks like it's a lucky day for all of them. He needs them both on stage in the next five minutes. Sami and Kate panic, saying they weren't expecting to perform tonight. Ed says they must. They don't have enough girls. He reminds them they were looking for work. Sami and Kate realize they are stuck and decide they have no choice. They both agree, reluctantly. A large round of applause and yelling is heard by men in the club. Ed says it seems like he was a little off and they will need them on in less then 3 minutes. He tells them to go backstage and get ready...now. Sami and Kate hesitate but realize they have no choice. Deuce shows them the way. As they walk off, Sami and Kate both see a dark-haired woman in a robe talking to Ed and hear Ed call her "Silvana." They then see Silvana head backstage and Sami tells Kate that is who they are looking for. As they go backstage, they can't seem to get to Silvana, who is picking out outfits and busy talking to people. Ed then comes backstage and tells them it's their time. He says he has already introduced them and wants them to perform as a team. He tells them to wing it . Sami and Kate both realize once again they have no choice and they must go out and perform. They look out into the audience at all the rowdy, screaming men as the scene shifts to... SALEM INN Tony and Anna return to their suite with Lexie behind them. Tony says she didn't have to come back with them but Lexie insists she wanted to make sure he was ok. He knows he is hurting with what Cassie did to him. Tony admits it does hurt but he still has hope she will come to his senses and he doesn't plan on giving up on her either. Not yet. Tony: I of all people know the temptation of what Stefano can offer can be rather difficult to overcome. However, what you must give up and devote your life too...it will end up eating you alive. I just hope Cassie realizes this or my daughter will truly be lost. Anna wonders if they should call Marlena but Tony reminds her that Marlena has enough to deal with nor will Cassie listen to her. He thinks she just needs time to think and perhaps she will realize her mistake. Lexie says she has to go as she has to cover someone's shift who took her place earlier. Tony thanks her for everything and tells her to be careful as there is no telling what Stefano will do now that he knows. Lexie nods and thanks him, saying to call if he needs anything. Lexie and Anna exchange goodbyes as she leaves. Tony then looks at a picture of Cassie solemnly. Anna comforts him as the scene fades to... DIMERA PENTHOUSE Stefano tells Cassie how proud he is of her. Cassie is silent and Stefano asks if she regrets her decision. Cassie says she wants to be someone he can be proud of. She wants fame, power, and influence but she hates that she has upset her father. Stefano tells Cassie that Tony will realize in due time that he was holding her back and, if he does not, that's tough. She is doing what is best for her and what she needs to do to live the life of her dreams. Stefano points out sometimes excruciating sacrifices need to be made to be all that you can be and that may be the case here. Stefano caresses Cassie's cheek and kisses it, saying she did the right thing and has proven herself a true Dimera. Cassie smiles as Stefano says he has business to tend to. They will talk later. He kisses her hand before leaving the living room. Once Stefano is gone, tears begin to stream down Cassie's cheeks. She remembers the look on her father's face when he realizes she told Stefano everything and contemplates calling Tony. She goes to the phone, picks it up, and then remembers Stefano's words and all that he is offering her. She decides not to make this harder then it is and puts the phone down, saying the less she talks to and sees Tony, the better. She then says she can't look back. She must look forward and have all that she was promised and all that she feels she deserves. Cassie wipes her tears, walks away from the phone and then walks out of the room as the scene shifts to... SALEM PARK Nicole is dragging Joey along. He asks why her friend kicked them out. Nicole says there wasn't enough room. Joey says she is lying and says he heard them talking. Nicole is shocked and asks if he heard everything. Joey nods. Nicole tells him she doesn't want to talk about and says they just need to keep moving. Nicole then sees police in the distance and takes Joey's hand and drags himself, telling him: Nicole: Come on! We have to go! The walls are closing in.... Nicole and Joey race off through the park as the scene slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... CHAOS ERUPTS AT THE STRIP CLUB!! IMPORTANT NOTE!!!HELP SAVE DAYS AND SHELLE!!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FIGHT!!!
WEEK OF 2/11/08 EDITION INSIDER IN DEPTH: FRANKIE'S DEATH Salem Lives fans were left in shock as the month of January brought an end to the life of Frankie Brady (Billy Warlock). EP/HW Tom Lowery sits down to talk about the controversial decision and it's aftermath. Salem Lives Insider (SLI): How did the decision to kill off Frankie Brady come about? Tim Lowery (TL): First off, let me say that we love Billy Warlock and he will be missed by all of us. We wish we could've done more with him prior to his character's demise but sometimes things don't work out as planned. We had put him on contract last year and while he appeared often, he wasn't as active as we would've wanted. Anyway, to answer your question, my partner and I began discussing it at the end of summer, shortly after the many cast cuts we had decided on back then. I had tossed the idea around in my head for awhile and once I had become determined to do it, my partner and I discussed it and we went ahead with it. This is a tragic tale but it's one we felt would affect the whole canvas in such a way that it progresses story and takes some characters in new and exciting directions. We just felt the story was too good to pass up. SLI: Did killing Frankie off have anything to do with adding some emotional weight to the fallout from Hope (Kristian Alfonso) and Steve's (Stephen Nichols) affair: TL: In a way, sure. I mean, there is enough fallout there, especially with Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) losing her baby. I guess what it does is layer yet another problem on the pile of problems the Brady family has. It just ups the stakes and adds another wrinkle. Ultimately, this was more about Greta (Julianne Morris) and starting to tap into her "inner Kiriakis" if you will. It also adds fuel to the fire that is Nicole (Arianne Zuker). She played a big role in the events leafing up to Frankie's demise and she will have to pay the piper for that. SLI: The Frankie/Greta romance had finally seemed to hit it's stride so why kill him off now? TL: Well, that is the one regret I have. The romance itself I feel was progressed almost too slowly. That was more to do with pacing and our cast then anything else. We have alot of characters and take on alot of umbrella stories and sometimes those things happen. The romance aspect was adjusted a little and we went with the whole "she didn't admit her feelings for him until it was too late" idea because it set things up to give us the same result anyway. It wasn't the original direction we had desired but it ended up ok. As for why kill him now, we had always intended to kill him in this time frame. We knew what stories were coming to a head and what events we had going and felt it was the perfect time to do so. SLI: Were you concerned with killing a major character off and then going ahead and killing the unborn child of a supercouple (Steve and Kayla)? TL: Sure. There is always that concern, especially with us because last year had alot of doom and gloom. That is why we had things so lighthearted during the holidays and wanted things to be of a celebratory manner, sort of like the calm before the storm. The Brady's have been through so much and are going through so much so it is of concern to keep throwing more and more at them but it makes the payoff worth it in the end. Sometimes you just have to tell a story when writing, even if it leads to backlash. We believe in risks and I think sometimes you just have to go forward and put the story out there and assure the fans to stay with you because it will lead to a great payoff. Things don't always end up with a good result but if the story has a good result, the fans will begin to trust you and will be willing to take the ride with you. You just have to hook them first and that often means taking a chance. SLI: How you feel the scenes of Frankie's death turned out? TL: Wonderful from my view. It was very draining for us to write. The emotional stuff always is and this especially was with all the Steve and Hope fallout as well. I will say that when writing the scenes right after the death, I even began crying. There I was writing the final scene with Greta laying next to Frankie and then I added the song for the "One sweet Day" montage and I lost it. I think from the point Frankie died until his funeral I must have cried or came close about 4 times. I hope the fans found it just as effective. We both worked hard on making it special and a tribute to the character and hope that was the case for the fans. SLI: Salem Lives underwent many cast cuts last summer and brought back many fan favorites for short runs during the holidays, some of which still remain on the canvas. Is Billy Warlock the last cut for awhile or will there be more? And what will happen to some of the holdover returns from the holidays? TL: Well, Billy is the last big cut for awhile. Many of the short-term returns will be ending. Things will begin to stabilize in the next month. There really won't be anymore upheaval until summer. SLI: Thanks for sitting down with us. TL: Your welcome!! DON'T MISS THE BIG SWEEPS EVENT!!! CARRIE UNDERWOOD AND LIFEHOUSE GUEST STAR AS MAGGIE AND MAX'S CLUB, "RADIUS" OPENS!!! It's a big week in Salem this week as Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) and Max (Darin Brooks) open their new nightclub..."Radius." As previously reported, the event will feature most of the cast and will feature special musical acts. Those musical acts are country music superstar Carrie Underwood and current chart-topper band Lifehouse. "We wanted to make this a unique and special event and we felt it was fitting to do it during sweeps," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "It provides a fun atmosphere for Salemites, which is needed after the emotional year we've had so far, and it advances lots of story. We are so happy to have Carrie and Lifehouse with us. They are huge right now and the fans should love it." How did the club get it's name? Well, Lowery has a funny story about that one. "We were going to do a fan poll but our last few fan polls went practically un-noticed and circumstances prevented us from getting a poll up to give fans enough time so while we were selecting pics for the club, we came across one with the name "Radius" on it and felt it was perfect. Fans can expect the name to be explained on air in connection with Max and there will also be other little tidbits too, like the name of the stage area. Fans will get a kick out of it." Expect Underwood and Lifehouse to appear between Thursday February 14 and Friday February 22. CASTING ALERT!!! CHAPPELL RETURNS!!! DELHOYO BACK!! THOMSON AND LONGORIA-PARKER IN!! EVANS, ROSE, AND BAUER OUT!!! The Salem Lives casting merry-go-round continues. Fans were shocked when Crystal Chappell made her long-awaited return to Salem on January 24 after nearly a 14 year absence. "We had been hinting at two big returns and she was one of them," EP/HW Tim Lowery says. "We wanted to go the surprise route with her and it seemed to be effective. We love having her back. Crystal is one of the best and Carly is such a rich and vibrant character. I've always wondered what the Carly/Bo/Hope dynamic would be and now we get the chance to see. With Bo (Peter Reckell) and Hope's problems, it was the perfect time." As for the second hinted at surprise return, Lowery is keeping mum. "Our fans should have an idea based on the stories we are telling," Lowery winks. As for Delhoyo, whose character Orpheus stunned fans by returning from the grave this past Friday, Lowery insists it was always the plane. "We love Orpheus and feel he has great potential. It wasn't utilized in the 80's so we are doing just that now. We had to rest him so the holidays could be peaceful and happy. It also allowed us to tell other stories. He is back to be a part of our huge umbrella story and we are glad to have him." In other words, Salem better watch out. Also, expect to see Mark Wahlberg return as Orpheus's special agent, Micheal Stone, in the days ahead. In regards to Thomson, Lowery is mum. "His character will be involved with Anna getting her business up and running again but I won't say anymore then that. There is more to him then meets the eye for sure." No word on the name of Thomson's character but insiders confirm the role is contract. Longoria-Parker joining the cast is perhaps the biggest shock. The "Desperate Housewive" siren and former Y&R star will be coming on board for what is now a 3 episode stint, but sources hint it can turn into more and that the gig is essentially recurring. "With the strike, we were able to get her and she loved it," says Lowery. "She is playing Silvana Vargas, a friend of Joelle's who Sami (Alison Sweeney) and Kate (Lauren Koslow) seek out on an undercover mission at a strip club. It's fun role and Eva loved it. It was great having her." In other casting news, the short-term runs of Judi Evans (Adrienne), Shayna Rose (Stephanie) and Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton) are over. Evans and Bauer will last air on Wednesday and Rose will end her run sometime in early March. Rumor has it that Rose will not be back in the role if and when Stephanie makes a return but Lowery would not make any comment on that. "All I will say is their runs are coming to an end but we will see all three characters again at some point." Lowery states. COMINGS AND GOINGS Nick Benedict (Curtis Reed): Benedict returns in a dream of Billie's on February 11. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WEEK OF 2/11/08 -Billie battles her demons. -Nicole and Joey are forced on to the streets. -Sami and Kate's undercover mission goes haywire. -Salem gathers for the opening of Maggie and Max's club. -Nicole decides to take desperate measures as the walls begin to close in. -Kate makes an alarming discovery. HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: THURSDAY AND FRIDAY FEBRUARY 14 AND 15 VALENTINES DAY BRINGS THE OPENING OF MAGGIE AND MAX'S CLUB AS ALL OF SALEM GATHERS TO CELEBRATE!! NEXT WEEK: Nicole and Joey say goodbye. Tony and Anna disagree over her new business partner. Nicole is at the end of her rope. Billie lies to Kate. Abby is in danger.
FEBRUARY 8, 2008-EPISODE #432: SURPRISE!! MAGGIE'S CLUB The family works to help Maggie get the club ready. They are then surprised to see Abby and Maxwell walk in. Jack follows behind as Abby says she’s not going to the safe house tonight. Jack tells everyone he’s tried to convince her otherwise but she’s as stubborn as her mother, which Abby takes as a huge compliment. She wants to be there for the big opening and Lawrence or anyone else won’t stop her. Julie tells her it’s too dangerous and Max says it’s no use. They’ll get her out of town in the morning. DIMERA PENTHOUSE Tony and Anna just look at Cassie. Alexandra walks in, wondering what just happened, and Tony tells her. She walks over to Cassie and congratulates her.......finally, Stefano has a descendant he can be proud of. Stefano can’t believe it, saying... Stefano: After everything I’ve done for you all.....to betray me like this....... Tony: You really have your nerve, old man. Betray you?! You have made ALL of our lives a living hell for 30 years! Stefano: How can you speak to me this way? Tony: Because you deserve it. Lexie: After what you’ve done.......you’re lucky any of us are even standing in the same room with you. Stefano: You all......disgust me. Anna: And I curse the day I ever met you. Guess you forgot how you had Tony, Renee and me living under your roof. And for what?! To prove who should receive your fortune. You bastard. Stefano: Tony...........you are dead to me. Just remember that. Tony: Gladly, Stefano. Good thing I know this. Now........I won’t have to get you anything for Father’s Day. Tony looks at Cassie and walks over to her. With one tear falling down his cheek, he tells her...... Tony: My dear........you have no idea what you have done here today. But, when that man leaves you ruined in the streets........don’t come running to me. Tony, Anna and Alexandra turn to leave. As they do.......Cassie runs out into the hall, begging them not to go. Stefano walks out behind her, wondering why she wants these turncoats to stay. Cassie can’t answer. All she can do is look at Tony’s back. He still hasn’t turned around and refuses to do so. Cassie says she only did it because there is another war coming their way.......and Stefano says that this time, everyone may be ruined by it. Lexie and Anna look at Tony, who turns to face his father and little girl....... And he tells them both that for all he cares, whatever they get they deserve. He’ll be damned if he ruins his life because of some garbage Stefano got involved in. Stefano spits at Tony and Tony rushes over and grabs Stefano by the collar as the ladies try and pull them apart. Tony then says to a shocked Stefano...... Tony: I have never forgiven you for what happened........to my mother on that island all those years ago. And........I will spend my life making you pay for that........dear Father. Tony shoves Stefano against a wall and turns, walking out the door with a seething rage that makes everyone fearful. ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem) Nicole walks into the bedroom and sees Joey reading. He asks if she will read with him and she says she’s too busy. She then turns her purse over on the bed and rifles through it, looking for anything she can hock to get money and get the hell out of Salem. Joey sees her doing this, shakes his head, and gets up and goes into the other room. Nicole calls out to him after a few minutes but he doesn’t answer. She goes to the bedroom door and calls again. Nothing. She starts walking down the hallway and goes into his room. She doesn’t see him. She gets worried, thinking he has ran off. She runs to her bedroom, throws her shoes on, and runs out the bedroom door...... And runs straight into a sight she never thought she would see again. She sees Joey, walking into the room, with a huge smile on his face. He is sucking on a lollipop and Nicole stares at the person who gave it to him as this person walks into the room..... Person: CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PERSON!!! Well.........aren’t you going to say hi? The person smiles at a shocked Nicole and the scene freeze frames on her face........ And slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... SAMI AND KATE: UNDERCOVER!!! IMPORTANT NOTE!! HELP SAVE DAYS AND SHELLE!!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FIGHT!!!
FEBRUARY 7, 2008-EPISODE #431: CHOICES SALEM INN Anna returns to the suite and is shocked to see Tony there. She can see he is upset and asks if something is wrong. He first wants to know about her day. Anna says the meeting with the prospective investor had to be rescheduled and she then tells him about her visit with Carrie. She says it went well and she got to hold her grandson for the first time. It was marvelous. Tony is happy for her. Anna tells Tony she knows him and knows when something is wrong. She urges him to confide in her. Tony then fills her in on what happened when he saw Cassie. Anna is shocked and asks if Tony thinks she will sell him out. Tony says he honestly doesn't know and says there isn't much he can do. this is Cassie's decision and he thought he would give it time before storming over to Stefano's admitting he already called Lexie and left her messages, filling her in. Anna worries about what Stefano will do to Tony and Lexie if Cassie tells him about their plotting to bring him down. Tony admits it's worrisome but admits he is more worried about Cassie and what she will become...if she chooses to follow in Stefano's footsteps. The scene then shifts to... CARVER HOUSE Lexie and Celeste are watching Theo play and having tea. Celeste tells Lexie she is so happy they can be with each other again and talk. It's so nice to have her daughter back. Lexie agrees and says it's time to move on. Celeste is happy to hear that and happy Lexie is taking control of her life. Lexie smiles, saying it's feels good and adds she loves being back at the hospital, although her surgical rotation is rough. Abe then comes home and is shocked to see Lexie there. Everyone greets each other. Abe says he is happy they are all getting along and Theo seems much happier now too. Lexie agrees. Celeste admits she knows things may never be the same and tells Lexie she will do whatever she can to repair the damage done to their relationship and to make things right, including moving out and back on her own. Lexie tells Celeste she doesn't have to do that. Theo is used to her and he doesn't need anymore upheaval, especially with her and Abe divorcing. Abe agrees, saying Theo needs stability right now and tells Celeste she would be missed. There is an awkward silence. Celeste reminds Abe of how close they became. Lexie interjects and says it's fine. She says that she even gives them permission to see each other if it makes them happy. She has come to accept how close they became and is dealing with it. She admits it will take more adjustment but thinks it will be fine over time. Lexie adds that all that matters is that they are happy. Abe chimes in and says what matters is all of their happiness. Lexie agrees and thinks it may be best for him and Celeste to go out and see what happens. That way there are no regrets of what could've been. Both Abe and Celeste aren't so sure. Lexie assures them it's ok. She's fine and Theo will be fine too. He is still young and he's already dealt with everything else well. Lexie then looks at her watch and says she has to get going for her shift. She reminds Abe and Celeste of what she said and orders Celeste to stay put. Lexie embraces both of them and says goodbye to Theo. Celeste and Lexie then both thank each other and Lexie says she will see them later and will pick up Theo tomorrow. As they all agree, Lexie leaves. Abe and Celeste look at each other and talk about what Lexie said. Celeste tells Abe she thought whatever they were feeling was over but admits she was just trying to convince herself. Abe feels the same and wonders if Lexie is right and they should go out to see what happens. Celeste wonders if Lexie is really ok with it. Abe thinks she is but that it will never feel right to her completely. She will deal with it though and Abe points out Lexie is right. They owe it to themselves to explore this. After some silence, Celeste agrees and thinks the opening of Maggie's club is the perfect time to do it. Abe nods and says ok. They both smile at each other as the scene shifts to outside where Lexie is making a call... To Tony, who picks up his cell. Lexie tells him she got his message and asks what is going on. He tells her about what happened with Cassie and how she may or may not expose their plan to destroy Stefano and rebuild his empire. Lexie is stunned and asks what they should do. Tony says he was giving Cassie time, figuring there wasn't much he could do and hoping she makes the right decision, but thinks it's time to go over to Stefano's to see if they can do something. Lexie says she wants to be there too and will get someone to switch shifts with her. She adds that she will meet him there. Tony agrees. They hang up. Tony tells Anna what is going on and Anna says she is going with him and just hopes Cassie makes the right decision. They race out the door as the scene fades to... DIMERA PENTHOUSE Cassie walks around the living room, recalling her encounter with Tony and learning about what he and Lexie were up to. She remembers Tony's words and is clearly torn. She then wonders what she should do and if she should tell Stefano. Stefano then walks in and asks what she is talking about. Cassie can't see to say anything to cover her tracks and is flustered. Stefano asks what is wrong, pointing out he can see she is upset. Cassie says she doesn't feel well and tries to walk off but Stefano grabs her, pointing out he overheard her and wants to know what she is keeping her. He tells her he can feel her trembling and says he needs to be able to trust her. He reminds her of her desire to be involved in his business and be a true Dimera. He tells her he needs to be able to trust her and that means telling him right now what is going on. Cassie is shaking and says she can't. Stefano is stunned as the scene shifts to... DEVERAUX HOUSE Jack and Max put the last of the luggage in the car. Shane comes over and says that Forrest and Miranda are out at the safehouse making sure everything is set. They all walk into the house and tell Abby they will be leaving within the hour. Abby says no they aren't. She isn't going, at least not now. They are stunned. Shane reminds her of the danger she is in. Abby pulls out the newspaper and points to an article on Maggie's club opening tonight. She reminds Max he is Maggie's partner. He can't not be there on opening night. Max says it's ok. He talked to Maggie. Abby doesn't care. This is a big deal for him and Maggie and he needs to be there. Jack adds she needs to be protected and reminds her this isn't just about her...it's about JJ too. Abby says she knows but they can go first thing in the morning and put guards on JJ tonight. She knows Max wants to go with her so her going out there means he will too or that he will be too distracted. She begs them to just give her one night. She adds that there will be many people there, including all of their family and friends, many of which are cops. She also adds that if Lawrence wants her, he is going to find a way to get her. Shane doesn't believe that. Abby then begs again for them to just delay leaving until tomorrow. Max points out Abby isn't going to back down. Shane looks at Jack and Jack caves, saying one night and that is it. She leaves first thing in the morning. They will then stop by the Pub for Max to say goodbye to his family and then it's off to the safehouse. Abby agrees. Shane hopes she knows what she is doing. Abby says she does...and says she is doing it for Max. Max smiles, saying he doesn't want anything happening to her. She insists it won't. They embrace. Shane says he will get some guards to put on JJ and will let Forrest and Miranda know what is up. Jack looks at Abby and Max embracing, hoping his daughter's decision isn't one she will regret as the scene shifts to... ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem) Joey finishes lunch and puts the dish in the kitchen sink. Nicole comes over and mentions that he hasn't talked much today. Joey says he doesn't want. Nicole asks what is wrong. Joey says it's nothing. Nicole can see he is upset but understands if he doesn't want to talk. Joey sits on the couch and says he just feels embarrassed about last night and him crying in her arms like that. Nicole points out he is going through a hard time and it's understandable. Afterall, he has been keeping it all inside. Joey says it's on purpose. He always had to be the man of the house with his mom and grandma. He wanted to show he could take care of them and himself since they had enough to do. Nicole says he is a child and shouldn't have to be that way. He should be enjoying life before responsibilities hit. Joey admits he doesn't know what to do. He's scared and doesn't like to say that. He doesn't want anyone to know he is scared. Nicole says it's ok to be scared. Everyone is at times and many keep that to themselves. Joey asks if she's scared now. Nicole is silent. Joey says he knows she is running from some people and hiding out and asks if she is scared about what may happen. Nicole looks at Joey and says she is scared. Not just of those after her...but scared of herself. Who she is. What she has become. Joey doesn't understand. Nicole thinks it should stay that way and tells him to just play his video games or something. She has some stuff to do. She gets up and walks off. Joey then yells out to her. Nicole turns around. Joey tells her thanks...for everything. He never thought he would find someone who really cared about him and what happens to him again and he can see she does, whether she says it or not. Nicole is silent and doesn't do anything but nod. Joey smiles and turns his attention to his video games. Nicole watches him and can't help but smile as the scene shifts back to... DIMERA PENTHOUSE Stefano tells Cassie that lying to him would be making a big mistake. Defiance and disloyalty will not be tolerated. Cassie doesn't know what to do and tells Stefano she is confused and doesn't want anyone to get hurt. Stefano reminds her of all he has done for her. The opportunities he has given her and will give her. Cassie looks at him as he tells her that he can give her the world. All the power she desires. He tells her betraying him would be throwing all that away and she is close to doing that now. Cassie thinks for a moment and then softly murmurs: Cassie: He's my father. How can I... Stefano: Ah. So this is about your father. Cassie, if this is an important matter that affects me and my business, I must know about it. I know he is your father and you should love him. However, he is holding you back. I will help you realize your true potential. I will make you all you seek to be. You know I can, Cassie. You know I speak the truth. Cassie thinks for a moment and, with tears streaming down her face, tells Stefano about how Tony and Lexie's have been planning to bring him down for months and rebuild the Dimera empire. Stefano is stunned and becomes enraged. He calls them traitors. Cassie puts her face in her hands, wondering what she has just done. Stefano says she did the right thing and asks how she found out. Cassie tells him about her visit with Tony as Tony and Anna are showed in by a maid. Tony and Anna both look at a emotional Cassie. The look says it all as Tony realizes Cassie has told Stefano everything. Anna looks on with worry as an enraged Stefano tells Tony he does know everything...and that is not good news for him and Alexandra. A worried Anna holds Tony close as Cassie watches on, fighting back tears, while an angry Stefano engages in a tense staredown with Tony as the scene slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... A SHOCKING EPISODE ENDING YOU CAN'T MISS!!! IMPORTANT NOTE!!!HELP SAVE DAYS AND SHELLE!!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FIGHT!!
FEBRUARY 6, 2008-EPISODE #430: RELATIONS PART II ILLINOIS STATE PENITENTIARY Marlena sits down and starts telling Roman that she is bringing him out. She starts counting backwards from 10 to one once again and when she is finished......Roman opens his eyes and asks if he hurt her. She says no.....he just scared her a bit. He says how sorry he is for that. She asks him if he remembers anything and he says someone was trying to put him under anesthesia to perform some type of surgery. Marlena ask if he is sure and he says yes. She tells him it’s good that they are making some progress. Roman hopes so. Next thing he knows, Roman says....... Roman: You may tell me that I revealed I’m half Brady/half DiMera. Marlena takes his hand gently, sits in front of him, looks lovingly into his eyes and in a very sweet, quiet, gentle voice, tells him.... Marlena: Roman.........my darling............I would never, EVER........tell you some stupid [!@#$%^&*] like that. Roman thanks Marlena for that. He then wants to continue but she says no. He has been through a lot in the last day or so. Roman says he has nothing but time now and has nowhere to go. Marlena and he laugh and she says that, if he’s feeling up to it, she’ll come back tomorrow and they can continue then. He thanks her once again as they hug and part ways. Once Roman is alone, he wonders what has happened to him.......and what Stefano did to him 2 decades ago. Meanwhile, in front of Salem Place... SALEM PLACE Anna is walking back through the shopping mall, coming from a business meeting, when she spots Carrie with Evan. They stop and Anna remarks how good Evan looks. Carrie thanks her and Anna says that she is sorry they haven’t seen much of each other. But, she understands with recent events. Carrie just tells her to take things slow, which Anna agrees with. Anna then asks to hold Evan for a moment. Carrie agrees and Anna picks up and holds her grandson for the first time. Evan smiles at Anna and plays with her necklace as Carrie smiles as well......and is genuinely touched at how Anna is reacting. Anna then looks at Carrie and gives Evan back to her and thanks Carrie for this moment. She then says a quick good-bye...... Before running off and wiping the tears from her face. Carrie can see her from a short distance and tells Evan that he will like getting to know his other grandmother. As she puts him back in his stroller and they leave........ HORTON HOUSE Mike walks into the family home, taking off his scarf and seeing everyone there. He starts to tell them about the meeting at the Pub and Julie wonders if Jack should send Abby away with what is about to happen. Mike says that he is already doing that. Alice remarks that she is really sick of all the threats to her loved ones. She wants to know why Stefano and the others just can’t let people live in peace. Doug would like to know that answer himself. Julie says it’s a good thing the fighting has stopped. Laura and Bill agree. Julie then says that she and Laura need to go help Maggie get the club ready and the men volunteer to help. Alice also asks to go along and Mike says he will help her. She needs to get out of the house. As the Horton's start to get ready and leave........ SALEM PARK Cassie sees Tony walking toward her in the park. They stop a moment and hug one another deeply, with her saying she misses him. Tony says that is why he wants her to come live with him......and away from her grandfather. She says that will not happen.......Stefano accepts her for who she is. Not who Tony demands her to be. Tony doesn’t agree with that but Cassie says would a good person commit a hit-and-run and not say a word? Tony used to think there may be no hope for her......but knows differently. She ask why......because he turned out to be so soft? Tony is offended, saying that it takes a strong person to turn their back on what a man like Stefano has to offer......and he should know. Tony wants the DiMera name to stand for something other than kidnapping, brainwashing, terrorism and murder. Cassie stops and ask.... Cassie: Are you planning on removing Papa as head of the family? Tony stares at Cassie and then looks away, trying to duck the question. She says she knew it. Well.....if he tries, she will join Stefano in stopping him. Tony can’t believe that she is so blind. Cassie says money and power will do that. Cassie turns and leaves and Tony says to her.... Tony: If you tell your grandfather........what happens will be on your shoulders, my darling. Can you live with that? Cassie stops but doesn’t turn around......because she doesn’t want Tony to see her wiping the tear from her eye as she walks off. Tony then turns his back and starts to walk away, wondering what did he do this time. The scene shows the two walking way from each other......and slowly faded to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... CASSIE MAKES A BIG DECISION!!! IMPORTANT NOTE!! HELP SAVE DAYS AND SHELLE!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FIGHT!!
FEBRUARY 5, 2008-EPISODE # 429: RELATIONS SALEM INN Down in the restaurant, Tony and Anna keep looking at each other as they eat breakfast. Anna tells him she has a meeting with a prospective partner. Tony hopes everything goes well. She asks him what he has planned for his day. Tony says nothing....except for trying to get through to his daughter. Anna says she knows how hard that is and Tony begs to differ. Carrie wasn’t raised by Stefano. Anna has to give him that point. Both of them then finish their meal and wish each other well as they walk out into the bright morning. Meanwhile, outside the DiMera penthouse........ DIMERA PENTHOUSE Stefano sits in a park and watches the kids play. Lincoln walks up and sits down, asking if he is ok. Stefano says he’s fine. He just started thinking back to when Tony was a little boy. He says if he had only done right by him when he got older......but, Stefano says, that is in the past now. Lincoln says that maybe he should reach out to Tony. Stefano feels it is too late to make the wrongs right with his son. He then turns to Lincoln and asks how Roman is doing in prison. Lincoln says his people are protecting him......per Stefano’s orders. Good, Stefano says. He didn’t realize something he did 24 years ago would rear it’s head in this day and age........but here it is. Stefano then asks if Marlena has made any headway with unlocking Roman’s memories and Lincoln says to the best of his knowledge, no. Cassie then comes walking up, admitting she has heard their whole conversation. Stefano grows angry, wondering how she hid from them in a park. Cassie laughs, saying there are big trees there. Stefano has no choice but to laugh himself at her statement. He asks her to sit down and Lincoln stands and wonders what she has in mind. Cassie wants to help with Lucas. Stefano says that Lucas Horton is none of her business. He has enough problems of his own. She says ok then......how about helping with Roman Brady. Stefano gets upset, saying that this is a personal venture for him. Too much is at stake to leave this in the hands of a child. Cassie says she’s no child.....and wants the chance she was promised to prove it. Stefano says he will give it some thought. Cassie starts to say something and Stefano stops her, saying..... Stefano: Never overplay your hand, my darling. Cassie obeys and kisses him on the cheek before she runs off. Lincoln asks Stefano if he will involve her and he says he just may. It’s time for her to prove how much of a DiMera she really is. Cassie then gets a phone call from Tony, asking to meet her. He says that he would like to sit down and talk about things.......and clear the air. She thinks about her conversation with her grandfather and agrees to meet with Tony. Back on the park bench, Lincoln asks if Stefano is using Cassie. He says yes......unfortunately. ILLINOIS STATE PENITENTIARY Roman hopes that Marlena returns to treat him as she promised and is happy when he sees her smiling face through the window. When she walks in, all he can say is how sorry he is for what happened and she tells him not to worry about it. She knows he wasn’t in his right mind. She then says it’s time to start again. Roman lays down and, after being put under, Marlena asks him what he sees. He sees a doctor telling someone to put him under and, as the person tries to do this, Roman starts to fight back. He is now saying “No......” over and over again and Marlena is powerless to find out what is going on. As Roman fights this person in his dream, he starts yelling out and the guard tries to get in the door. Marlena jumps up, terrified at Roman’s behavior, and she backs up to the wall. The scene freeze frames on Roman's face....... And slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... CASSIE LEARNS A SECRET AND ROMAN IS LOSING CONTROL!!! IMPORTANT NOTE!! HELP SAVE DAYS AND SHELLE!!! CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE FIGHT!!