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Posts posted by DaysFanatic777

  1. 19 minutes ago, jam6242 said:

    Sometimes I wish for more Horton returns, but then I remember who is writing, and then I'm content to keep them in my memories.  Sarah Horton finally returned and she barely interacts with her Horton family.  Eli rarely does either, except in his professional capacity.  I do hope that Marie at least returns if/when the show is canceled in the next few years.

    If Sheri Anderson were head writer it MAY be different.  Then again, she is one of the many reasons the show ditched it's core family in favor of fluff and filler. I don't know of any current writer in this genre that I would ever trust with a treasure like the Horton family.  We have reached the point where there are literally NO options. 


    BTW Jam, I love your posts on that other message board as well.  Like you, I love Julie Olson Williams!!

  2. On 5/1/2019 at 7:28 PM, Soapsuds said:

    This guy is hot. I don't care for his mustache....he looks better without or just the beard.....love his pecs and chest hair....mmmmmmm

    This is my type.


    I need to see him without the towel....NOW!

  3. On 4/19/2019 at 11:27 AM, Khan said:


    One word: racism.

    You. Nailed. It. 


    Of course it is racism, and it is disgusting.  Williams is a fine actress capable of delivering complex and intricate performances.  This show is afraid of going that deep with a person of color.  


    I've accepted the fact that it deserves to be cancelled next year, and it will be. 

  4. 14 hours ago, victoria foxton said:

    It might be fun to see a drunk Maggie.

    It sure is Ron. I'm surprised the baby Holly kidnapping drama didn't take place at HTS. They even use a police car😂 D5reLnQWwAAFPrI.jpg

    The big rumor going around is that Nicole is really Kristen.

    More Spoiler pics. D5ridfHWkAE2z_7.jpgD5riNzYW0AE1oss.jpgD5rhe6gXsAY2h5p.jpgD5rfDajW0AAQilb.jpgD5rcquhXkAAmRy5.jpgD5rgVoZXkAAIC8U.jpg

    Foxton, looking at these pics once again reinforces my fervent belief that most of these characters need Saint Peter to call their name.  They gotta go. 


    Ron is destroying these characters, and there is no Sheri Anderson around to stop him anymore.  It will get worse from here. I KNOW it will get worse from here.  The only characters that are safe from Carlivati's destructive tendencies are John  and Marlena. The rest of them are open for decimation.   

    14 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Seriously this show is the pits. 



  5. 21 hours ago, Forever8 said:

    If DAYS ever got a decent budget , Yeah I know .... Anyway, if it was possible which Hortons would you bring back for a short or long stint? 

    Mines would be 

    Jeremy Horton

    Mike Horton 

    Melissa Horton - Recast if Lisa Trussell doesn't want to come back for a longer stint. 

    Gosh, I'd populate the whole town with them!!


    David Banning (I imagine Grant Aleksander in the role)

    Scotty Banning

    Melissa Horton

    Mike Horton

    Jeremy Horton

    Laura Horton (I'm sorry but I can't with JLB, as good as she is.  I see Slezak since Flannery has retired)

    Bill Horton

    Nick Fallon (Yes he died, but this is Days)

    Marie Horton


    This show went to hell when they cut out the Horton family.  It ripped the heart and soul right out of the show. 

  6. 10 hours ago, AlexElizabeth said:


    😕😕😕 I have no words 🙄

    I have two words...



    12 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I didn't DVR the show at all this week. The stories are dull and those that aren't are just laughable in a bad way.....

    The only thing worth watching is Brandon Barash's junk bounce around in boxer briefs.  The person that made the choice to put him in tight underwear deserves a f#cking Emmy. 

  7. Well there goes Rope. Ron Carlivati must have Ken Corday locked in a basement on Long Island. Praise Be!


    This is a spoiler thread, so I'll say it;  Holly isn't dead. 


    This isn't mentioned above Foxton, but I genuinely look forward to watching Maggie wrestle with the bottle.  Magic has done her no favors these last few years, and I could get behind her drinking like a fish. 

  8. On 4/29/2019 at 8:47 PM, Bright Eyes said:

    DAYS: Will Roberts and Casey Deidrick's Chad DiMera.



    Ummm..Hell yeah!  


    I may have enjoyed Horita, but I never enjoyed either other pairing Chad and Will were in for long.  I liked Wilson for a few months, and then slowly they devolved into a sterile and ridiculous pairing.  The only time I liked Chabby was in late 2015, but they soon went cold on me as well. 


    American soaps are so Puritan.  Chad could have easily been a bisexual character.  I am a bisexual man, who is married to a woman and I have sired three kids.  For me, living outside the box is thrilling.  I love my life and my wife.  


    Making Chad bisexual would have opened the window and allow endless angst for Chill.  Instead, all these years later, we are stuck with bland ass Wilson.  

  9. How about this....


    If the these idiots in charge want the show to be watchable, and not an experience equal to Chinese water torture, they need to do the following. 


    Trap Eve, Tripp (I have liked him, till this Haley debacle), Haley, Rafe, Hope, Rex and Sarah (I am sure there are others, but I digress) in the loft, and let crazy eyes Claire roast them like a Kenny Rogers Chicken.  That is a start, but just a start.  Per usual, to make a square peg fit into a round hole, Ron has resorted to character destruction to tell his all important stories.  Well, with the exception of newcomer Haley.  Ron had lost his mojo by the time she was introduced,  so I simply find her annoying and poorly developed in every single way.  


    Listen, I know enough to know this show will be entertaining in a very cartoonish way for the next 3 to 4 months.  I don't want to complain too much and conjure Dena Higley...SHUTTER


    However, you can look back and tell when Sheri Anderson's influence was negated, and it was a while back.  Days is supposed to be campy and fun.  This show stopped being serious and artistic when they inserted the Dimera's into the mix circa 1982. The thing is, when I want to see Hope burn like a gasoline soaked rag, there is a problem.  No, it didn't start with Ron, but Ron has made it exponentially worse.  


    I need to stop.  It's 2019, and every single soap is a shitshow.  However, IMO this show is a dumpster fire of epic proportions.  


    Vee, I am with you.  Jack is an A-Hole but it's not THAT damaging.  You know when he remembers, he will freak out and be OTT remorseful, and everyone will blame Eve.  He'll be fine. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    SF really did elevate the show, but I imagine unhinged, grotesque Stephanie is similar to what Beverlee McKinsey would have faced had she remained as Alex on GL.


    Basically, a great, ferociously intelligent actress slumming it.

    So true.  


    I remember how many people reacted when McKinsey walked away from GL.  A lot of folks thought she must be some difficult control freak that didn't know her place.  In reality, she ran out of that place like it was on fire for several good reasons.  One of those many mitigating factors was that she saw the handwriting on the wall, and knew her character would be butchered had she stayed.  


    I hate that she left, and yet I am thankful she exited when she did.  In my mind, she was Alexandra, and she's preserved in time as the character I always loved more than any other.  In hindsight, her departure has allowed us to remember those days more fondly. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Gray Bunny said:


    ... and once THEIR bank accounts are hit, some may finally see the light.


    At least, that's what's happened with my father. My dad flip-flops, mostly due to economic or financial reasons. He voted for Clinton in '92 and Obama in '08, but voted for Mitt Romney in '12 and would've voted for Trump in '16 if he had voted at all (at least that's what he told me; he may very well have voted). 


    We've had a few heated arguments since that fateful day in late October 2016 when that bogus "email scandal" conveniently came back to light. He's on the Fox News bandwagon and anti-anything where there's a woman in charge (Hillary first, now he suddenly has issues with Nancy Pelosi having a fence around her own house...). 


    However, just this past week as I visited my parents, he was on the phone telling off a conservative party representative pandering for more money, telling the poor fool on the phone that he no longer supports the conservative party because --- yup --- he now OWES 8K in taxes this year, something he's never faced in years and years. So all the other horrible, despicable, inhumane acts of the Republican party didn't raise a red flag for him until it affected his own pocketbook. 


    P.S. I too was raised in a very strong Lutheran household... 


    My household was Assembly of God (Charismatic).  Most of those mother fuckers need shock therapy and a potent Thorazine drip. 


    My parents actually voted for Clinton both times, but I think that goes back to the fact that he was a southerner.  People are very strange in this part of the nation.  The good ole boy mentality isn't as prevalent in my generation (GenX) and younger, but with Baby Boomers it's still very much a reality. 


    We saw what eventually happened with George W Bush. I loathed that man.  Many liberals today have looked back and felt that he wasn't all that bad.  They get all kinds of feels when Michelle Obama passes him a cough drop. GMAFB!   Saying he's better than Trump is not saying much at all.  The fact that we have to compare them proves that Bush was an incompetent fool too.  His illegal war damaged some of my best friends for life.  Anyone that now wants to claim that W is a decent man, and revisit the 2000's with rose colored glasses, can take all the seats.  That man does not get merit for ruining the Middle East and sinking our economy.  You don't give a dog a bone for pissing on the carpet.  You just don't.


    That debacle woke my generation up, and it pushed the nation more to the left.  Trump is going to eventually screw up so royally, that the less extreme part of his base will desert him.  He will always have the white nationalist.  They would support him if he chose to tare down the Statue of Liberty and build a damn casino.  They will always align themselves with him.  However, those that are not as extreme will fall out with the man.  It's more a matter of when, and how it will occur. 

  12. 20 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    @DaysFanatic777 It's nice to make your acquaintance.  Thank you for the very kind words.  I'm surprised at the amount and pace that I post here but the discussions with other posters are so engaging that I find myself posting, a LOT (lol).  Other than the occasional troll, I really enjoy the level of discussion on so many topics on this board.


    @Khan Man, you are dealing with a lot.  Your mom is your mom so, it's not like dealing with a distant relative, so it must be a challenge. I guess in that situation you've got to love your mom "through it" and hope that maybe some day there'll be an awakening in her political consciousness, and your brother's as well.

    My mom is pretty religious but she often prays for Donald Trump...to go away (lol)!  She absolutely cannot stand the man!  For me, I try not to talk to her about him too much for fear that he'll raise her blood pressure.


    The headlines have become so outrageous that it sometimes feels like it's becoming hard to discern what news stories are genuine and which are satire!  Some of those articles I don't bother to post, like one today that was supposedly tweeted by the Southern Poverty Law Center.  I swear that must've been a spoofed twitter page because I couldn't believe what I saw.

    One cannot accept a story on face value anymore.  I am completely convinced that some outlets release information to divide the resistance so it can be conquered.  Those standing up for humanity and decency are the worst nightmare of those longing to plunge us back into the early 20th century.  Let there be no doubt;  the goal of the alt-right movement is to undo nearly 100 years of progress.  They cannot be allowed to triumph over decency.  We are the watchman on the walls.  


    I protested the [!@#$%^&*] (and I will be censored) out of the illegal Iraq war W foisted upon us.  I was at Occupy Wall Street.  It's not much, and I am no activist, but I have given my time to causes that I see as just.  


    Right now, the biggest threat to our very character as a nation resides within the White House, and among those lurking in the halls of congress that have chosen to back an imbecilic bigot.  If there is a god, may he have mercy on their wretched souls.  Raised in an Evangelical home, I know what their problem is......


    They don't care about children in cages. 


    It doesn't bother them if a person dies from inadequate healthcare. 


    They are not concerned with a single mother making minimum wage, while her family starves as a result. 


    Their only obsessions are their own bank accounts, and the gender an individual chooses to screw.  It's all about money and control; those sick pieces of garbage!!! 

  13. 26 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    My favorite.....love his body and face....very hot guy.....













    I am originally from Atlanta, so he is my hometown boy!  I've heard stories about him.....as anyone would living in the south.  One thing is certain, the dude is [!@#$%^&*] hot.  Most of the time on soaps, you see a guy with a half decent face and perfect bod.  Not with Chan.  He has it all in spades.  That face is as good as his abs.  


    I'll forgive a multitude of sins for that fact alone, and yes that makes me partial.  I don't give a [!@#$%^&*]. 


  14. 4 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Aww...thanks I am honored. I love my men.❤️

    Hell, I love them too...


    Yes he phones it in, and thinks of Pizza during his lines with Freddie Smith.  I'd think of anything except that smelly sausage ball in front of me if I were Chan. 


  15. 1 minute ago, Soapsuds said:

    LOL.......and the first one I posted somehow isn't showing up anymore.....



    I use to post here a long time ago (like, literally a decade).  I have lurked here for ages, but only posted on another board and on Twitter.....  


    As usual, you are a godsend Soapsuds.   I have come in this topic many times just to see your contributions. Faulkner deserves kudos as well.  Sweet Jesus. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, Khan said:




    Whew, I'm so glad to know I ain't the only one, lol.


    Over the past couple years, Mama Khan has become a full-on Trump supporter and Hillary and Obama hater, mostly because she is gullible (sorry, Mom, but I gotta call it as I see it) and believes everything she sees on Fox News and YT videos.  She even has suggested that Trump has been anointed by God to be president.  And in that time, her entire IRA account, which she had inherited from my father (and which I was to be 100% the beneficiary of upon HER death), has been wiped out due to poor management on our adviser's part and several energy companies going bankrupt; her older son, and my brother (another Trump supporter), has experienced both a misdemeanor charge for domestic battery and a divorce, both of which Mama Khan had to pay through the proverbial nose for; mineral rights we had inherited from my maternal grandparents and had to sell for emergency cash left her with an exorbitant tax bill; a plan to refinance our house and pay off credit card debt has resulted only in exacerbating her financial problems (a higher monthly mortgage payment, reopening most or all of the credit cards that had been paid off, a [!@#$%^&*]-tastic credit score which makes borrowing more money impossible, etc.); and now, after twenty-six years of taking Glipizide and Metformin to control her Type-II Diabetes, our family physician has had to put her on daily insulin injections because the pills alone can no longer regulate her glucose levels.



    No.  I am from the south, Khan.  I see [!@#$%^&*] like this every day of my life.  My parents were Evangelical ministers, and they think Trump is "anointed" as well.  What can we do?  I continue to speak truth to them, but their bigotry and need for moral control over other individuals knows no bounds.  It really is about control, and that is what truly sickens me as a bisexual man. 


    They can believe what they desire to right now, but I know that history is not on their side.  I comfort myself with that realization. 

  17. 5 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    I agree. I certainly think Susan’s performance is entertaining and iconic and shows more depth than she often gets credit for, but it’s ultimately narcissistic and indulgent, which is perfect for Erica as a character. Whereas Bev is full of vitriol and sarcasm toward Roger (and Mindy), but also a lot of tenderness, regret, humility, and hurt. As writing, it’s stronger, and has great lines (the “I’m worth millions” lines are clever) while maybe not as “yas queen” flashy and meme-able as Erica’s speech. And Bev just has full command of every little pivot Alex makes. She was just a genius, and I was only 10-11 when I saw that, so it definitely left a lasting impression.

    Beverly was an artist!  She had a way of taking us on a journey without announcing it.  Yes, the writing for GL during that era was amazing, but the writing alone didn't sell the performance; Beverly did.  She had a way of backing off and portraying a sense of meekness, but she also knew when to plunge the knife.  She had uncanny instincts.  


    On most of the "soaps" now, they only know how to glaze the ham and serve it for dinner.  She is truly missed. 

  18. 16 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Yeah, I can't muster any sympathy either. 

    The one thought that I keep having is that agribusiness is likely to snap up those plots of land like customers at a fire sale so that they can have even more crops to spray with toxic pesticides before they send them the produce to market.

    Also, I find it very interesting that Russia's agricultural industry is benefiting at the exact same time that the U.S. is in trouble.  The causation factor is definitely a part of this.

    The emphasis has been on the mining industry and the agricultural sector with nary a thought about how retail is bleeding out, along with the hundreds of thousands of jobs with it.

    I have admired your post for afar for a very long time.  I am literally a part of the resistance.  My Twitter account is dedicated to fighting white nationalist.  


    Of course it is all tied together.  Before November of 2016, I actually felt skeptical about conspiracy theories.  For the most part, I still do.  However, anyone that has a minute amount of intelligence can detect the massive orchestration devised by shady figures to deliver the keys of power to a racist nationalist.  It's as clear and simple as one can possibly perceive it.  


    Of course, his administration will target rural framers that voted in droves for his bigoted ass.  They were stupid enough to fall for it to begin with, so they will be dumb enough to take the fall.  It's the circle of life, and if they are ignorant enough to stand by that orange bag of feces, who are we to stop them. Let them go broke! 

  19. On 1/24/2019 at 7:01 PM, Faulkner said:







    Some personal faves! Enjoy.

    I LOVE Susan Lucci, and what soaps fan does not?  You must respect her place in history no matter how you may feel about some of her performances.  I mean, she is the ultimate soap actress.  


    However, I watched Alex skin Roger alive as a kid, and those scenes were riveting beyond compare.  


    Woman of the year didn't make that impression.  


    Marlena levitating didn't do it for me either, and I am a HUGE Days fan.  


    No, Beverly delivered the best possible performance at that country club.  It was not over the top, or too understated.  Bev found the perfect balance and made history.   I have watched daytime for most of my 39 years, and those scenes at the country club were the best I have ever viewed. 

  20. 1 hour ago, Wendy said:

    I wish I felt more sorry for these farmers. But they probably mostly voted for Trump, and worse, even knowing what they know now, they will probably keep voting Republican. So my sympathy is drying up.

    How can we feel sorry for a bunch of dumb asses that repeatedly choose hate over common sense.  They deserve what they get for protecting and espousing a known bigot.  I have nothing for those people except contempt.  

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