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Posts posted by Keith

  1. and TSMFRMS (figure it out) are still in charge

    Let me take a stab. This could be a fun game.

    The Stupid Mother F-ers Running My Show?

    But yeah. Couples marrying neve rused to be the death to couples. Now? It's undeniably so. There's no creativity in the writing. Exciting couples just....die. Of boredom. I'd rather that not happen to Luke and Tracy if they ever wound up in a, you know, happy marriage. I like this marriage. This marriage I can work with. Especially if they get closer. And closer. andcloser.

  2. I want more Olive!Tracy. I want more Chapel!Tracy. I want more Not!Funeral!Tracy. I want more meaty Tracy. Damn it. And now!

    I am comfortable with Luke and Tracy going an infinite amount of time not 'officially' tied together, and just having touching little scenes from time to time. There's something different about it that I like. We all know that anything official, ie, a real marriage or relationship, is the kiss of death on a soap, so I'd much rather see Luke and Tracy as nothing together, with something behind it than something together with nothing behind it.

    So much freakin' word.

  3. *peeks*

    Just because I'm a man (the only man in this thread? feel free to beat me if I'm wrong), doesn't mean i can fix a dysfunctional breadmaker. Leave it to a Tracy Q Love thread to have a dysfunctional breadmaker! :blink:

    Anyone who wants a laugh should check out the anti-GH thread in DTS. It seems like everyone and their mother is giving it up. because, you know, it's CRAP. I guess it's just that unbearable now.

    Ands Ms. Q? Guza may not do logic, but he does "soap", at least on some level. I have no doubt we'll get Lacy/LuNacy by the time Laura returns. And just in time, by yours and my estimations.

    *pokes Guza*

    I hate you, Elton John, but please, put her to work. I'll actually watch your show if you do. Then maybe your ass won't get canned (even though that's what we all want). Feel the love.

  4. i am a strong woman, hear me roar...so is Tracy, so too, i think, are the women (and keith), on this board. opposed but never beaten, bruised but never broken. l love this place. you guys are awesome.

    Oh, feel free to call me a women. After this morning and after tonight--heh.

    Anyway--back to Tracy talk.

  5. I tried to post this over, but SON... -beats SON with a loaf of bread-

    Did y'all not get the memo? The breadmaker's in the TracyQ Lurvefest break room! I share the love!

    Listen to you all, talking behind my back. You scoundrels. You.. Quartermaines!

    Yeah. Sorry about disappearing, but I've been preoccupied and between weird 'net stuff and that, I've been not on SON too much. But .. hi!

    Edit: Yay, maybe this will post this time, unlike it not posting about 12 hours ago.

  6. *waves back to Keith* Are you stalking me? LOL.

    Who me? Never! :lol: I just happened to come into the thread and see your name at the bottom, italicized, heh.

    And Patrick works, but before Lucky got hooked on pain killers (back when he was off the force and therefore unemployed), someone on another board suggested the Q's hire him as their butler. :lol: He could've been Tracy's boy toy. Luke would've just loved that, LOL.

    I'm a major Lucky/Liz shipper, but I could have gone for that myself. I love me some Greg Vaughan. He's a half way decent actor and he's got the looks that TPTB wants.

  7. I loved how Robert talked Tracy up to Lulu today. And I love how Tracy talked to Dillon today. There were definite LOL mom ents.

    Tracy: Sweetheart

    (long pause)

    Dillon: Yes?


    I especially loved when Tracy said she saw Lulu in herself, especially the Daddy relationshiop. SQUEE.

  8. As to the molestation, I don't think one moment would define it, because that wouldn't work for her, which is why I like Edward's inappropriate feelings and constantly punishing her, as suggested by MinervaFan. And, man, teen!Tracy on the couch--I would pay good money--if I had it--to see that.

  9. Oh, and completely (sorta) OT: Keith, when I was watching JE's Anjelica video, I practically squee'd like a leetle fangirl when I caught sight of Alex Marshall! Oh, back when I thought I was straight, I had such a fangirlish crush on him! (Okay, my crush was actually on Marie Horton, but he was so hawt with her....would have liked to see a pairing with him and JE's Anjelica. Oh, hell, I would pay money to have Quinn Redeker join GH and be a romantic interest for Tracy. Oooohhhhh....Alex Marshall, meet Tracy Quartermaine......)

    I totally missed this before, but hehehe. I would love that.

  10. *giggles at MF, waves at angel*

    Hey, I'm going to enjoy what I see while I can see it. If something goes on screen and it seemes TPTB could not have known, that's their lazy ass fault, so I'm going to enjoy their 'slip-ups', so long as they're enjoyable. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    Go Tracy!

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