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Posts posted by Keith

  1. ETA Keith you are the BEST.

    ;) I try! I can definitely feel your way of thinking right now. I don't even watch, save for occasional brain farts when I somehow forget GH sucks. And often times, Jane's not even on. I just love our girl too much not to celebrate her talent, even it's for her past stuff.

  2. *about to ruin the happiness*







    Luke visits Laura next week while his wife sits at home alone...offscreen. All right, so I added the whole "wife sits at home alone...offscreen" part. But I bet I'm right. ;) *cries*

    She'll be too busy running ELQ and that's a good excuse for now....yes? GO TRACY! GO TRACY! GO TRACY

  3. P.S.-Keith, you crack me up. no specific instance, you just do. :lol:

    Why shank you ;)

    Also: Lulu is in her twenties? Heh. Why is when they cast a teen whose over the appropriate character age (like Scott Clifton or Berman), I like a character more than if they cast right in the age group (like Lindze Letherman or Kirsten Storms)?

    And once more: Tracy Q! Tracy Q! TracyQ!

    What? I need to keep positive SOMEHOW!

  4. Reading your sig line--Marcy Walker is being ignored now???? Marcy Walker, the blonde from All My Children and Santa Barbara??????

    She's been so ignored she has now quit Daytime, goes by her married name of Marcy Smith and works at a church, I believe.

  5. Oh, and Keith? LMFAO about Tracy not being on the show because she's too busy getting laid...I mean, starring in fanfics. Is this your subtle way of telling me to stop writing, so we can see HerSelf on the show??? Cuz if it works, I'll stay away from the keyboard.....

    No; I'm positive that just wouldn't work. :P We have to get our fix somewhere and that smewhere hasn't been onscreen quite a bit.

    And welcome BellaSorcerer20!

  6. I caught that, too. *scratches head in confusion* So, dude, if you'd go to all those lengths to get her back on the show, why won't you use her now that you've got her?

    Well, another comment in the interview got me, her saying she'd prefer a smaller role that paid her a lot than a big role. That has me curious if she even cares how much she works, as long as the paycheck is there for her family. Interesting, to say the least. Of course, this is an old interview, so things could easily have changed...

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