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Posts posted by Regency

  1. My avatars are cycling faster than Lance Armstrong. :) Hey, Rege, you can't be the angst queen! I'm the angst queen! Or at least, the angst princess. The angst duchess? Aw, tell me I at least rank the angst CBE, right?

    TQ on tomorrow.


    Much angst.

    I don't wanna hate it already. I don't wanna hate it. *holds breath* I'll be watching it at work and if I'm lucky will be able to post straight away. Please, MFIC, don't screw up this one task. It's not even up to you! Just leave it to Jane and let her genius fly! For once, keep your hands out of it.

    BTW, MinervanFan, would you accept Angst Goddess? Oracle maybe? I'm just a lowly Harlot of Anger/Distress. You are her wife and I her mistress.

    Edited because... [!@#$%^&*] didn't look explicit at all.

  2. *Waves to MinervaFan* Heya!

    Yeah, I'm here. And I think, though don't quote me on this, I'm in a LuNacy sort of mood. Alarming, huh? :blink:

    ILoveTQ: I'd like to make a request from someone though.

    I need something peppy and comical, but touching.

    Any takers?

    Because we're about to have enough angst tomorrow and likely the day after.

    I need some LIGHT.


    Calling MinervaFan front and center! You can do it!

    I'm the angst whore, there's very little chance of anything happy light from me.

    ETA: Ha! I scared her off. And now...I'm having a conversation with myself. Nice.

  3. I gotcha covered Reg, I'm pretty optomistic, so we'll balance it out!

    still waiting on your story though!!! I can't wait!

    Heh, I was always one to need a twin...I was born one! :P I have been searching.

    Oh, I sent my most of my tales off to Deb for betaing though I don't know when she'll get 'em back to me and I'm still working on This Matter of "We Do", which is up and down LuNacy. I'm so excited, because it's like...squee.

    ETA: My 50th post would be about fanfic.

  4. I dub myself the board pessimist. I'll tout the worst and someone come along and say the opposite. No, it's not a game. I'm pretty pessimistic in most situations.

    Luke will run away and come back as someone not prepared to deal with Tracy. Can I get a rebuttal?

    No, I shouldn't be writing that fic I promised you. It's in mental stone, of course.

    TQ rocks!

  5. I am mortified of Tracy having a breakdown. I have no idea what that will entail but I really am afraid to find out. I want Jane to rock it in her non-verbal way and I hope she will. I don't even write dialogue because it isn't my area of expertise, but that was the mildest breakdown I'd accept. I'm sort of just praying this isn't a yoooge "over the top" mess. Tracy isn't always that person and Jane shouldn't have to play her as such.

    She's a fractured, layered human being! And she's been hurt again. At least they have the decency not to let her break alone. What's worse? Falling apart and no one being the wiser? Or falling apart and someone, anyone caring enough the hold the pieces together?

    Luke Spencer, BEG! :angry:

    Yeah, I've spent a total of five minutes on the LuNacy bus. The people are nice and all but I think I prefer my neutral Bentley. There are martinis and a liberal helping of olives.

  6. Aw, I'm glad ya'll liked the Edward/Tracy dialogue. If only they really talked to each other that way. Maybe they'd actually resemble a loving father/daughter relationship. Shocking! :o I know. And, Deb, I'm glad you liked it enough to stick it in your sig line. I feel so creative. I even came up with another LuNacy idea. This is way out of character for me. :blink:

    So, by later tonight, gods willing, I should have four TQ fics to present. two non-LuNacy and two pro-LuNacy. How's that for balance? ;)

    ETA: Okay, maybe three LuNacy ones then.

  7. So, I take it Tracy's been neglected on the altar of St. Jasus. Who the hell is gonna let her out then? Ugh. :blink:

    This is such hackery. I feel for Tracy, I really do. I feel for the people who watch this show. I feel for us.

    Laura is gone, I can accept that. She is no longer a viable love for Luke. That's fine and dandy. They were splendor in the grass, love in the afternoon, flowers of algernon. That's over and I'm a realist.

    I think the only way the LuNacy has a chance of happening is if they make it interesting. I think they need to bring on an attractive male dayplayer for Tracy and then Luke has to DECIDE that he wants her. Make it a triangle if need be. Then, she has to decide that he's worth it. She can calculate the odds of Laura's return and how that would affect them another time. She would make a choice as to whether she really wanted to get mixed up in Spencer politics again. And, if necessary, she woud defy her heart.

    Otherwise, she would kiss Luke the way Whorely Sutton never could and call him her own. They're sexy and they're viable.

    Eh, why not? ;)

    Oh, and I went to the doctor this morning. I'm okay. I have chondritis or inflammation of the ribcage. That's what's making breathing so uncomfortable. It should clear up on its own. Woo! :)

  8. Ms. Q, thanks so much for the banner. I love it!!! It's wonderful and full of teh pretty that I adore. It made my day when I saw it earlier. I'm definitely using this.

    mmm, I feel okay right. I started feeling worse once I got offline and turned in early at 10:30. I still having some chest discomfort but ma's taking me to the doctor on Friday so this should get resolved pretty soon.

    Mm, I'm almost finished with some pure LuNacy fic, but since ya'll got some yesterday I don't really feel compelled to share. I've also started another fic, which guest stars Marlena Evans, and loving Luke and AlterEgo!Tracy. She's very...troubled now. Oh, and her hair's gray. I can't decide what shade of gray though and for how long. It's all symbolic.

    And, when are you people coming back to the Break Room? I keep coming up with snappy profiles for no one at all.

    I'm heading out. Later folks.


    Title: This Fragile Shell

    Fandom: General Hospital

    Characters: Tracy Quartermaine, Laura Spencer

    Ficathon: No

    Word Count: 2,775 words

    Rating: Gen

    Summary: Future!Fic: Tracy visits a former rival.

    Author's Notes: This fic was written as a birthday gift for Regency. Like Regency, I like Tracy. I also like Laura. I will not make enemies of them. Happy Birthday, Rege! (Mine's June 4th, hint, hint!)

    URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/54609.html

    Thanks so much, Deb. It was marvelous. Read mah little review over at the ficathon for my initial reactions. I aspire to write like this. I especially loved the ending. You clearly have a much more fixed position on their loves than I do. I have a fluid one. Depending on how severely pissed I am, one tends to be more in favor with me than the other. I left this feeling as though I'd had a full meal. Panama is certainly lovely this time of year.

    One thing that was really ironic for me was there's a single element in this fic that I have in one of my new fics, except to a greater extreme. It was sort of an in-joke with myself.

    Anyway, thanks again! And now I'm going to lay down because it feels like there's a baby llama on my chest and that can't be good.

  10. I change my mind now. Luke is Public Enemy #1. Apparently Tracy is everyone's hero for calling him on his bullshit. :rolleyes: You can't win for losing.

    I really detest General Hospital and I don't know why I keep subjecting myself to this. :huh: Eh, yes I do. Their names are Tracy Quartermaine, Georgie Jones, Lulu Spencer, and Alexis Davis. What can I say? I have an appreciation for the pretty.

  11. Happy belated birthday knh!! :D Hope you had an aweseome day.

    I dropped by the Break Room and it was deserted. *sighs* I always choose the worst times to vent. One of my closest friends has Lupus and she's gotten a lot sicker since the beginning of the year. At this point, her exhaustion's getting so bad that the counselors have already begun the paperwork for her to be homeschooled. I know I'm being dramatic and it isn't about me, but there's this heaviness on my chest because I'm scared to death that I'm going to lose her. I've seen movies all my life about people dying before their time and I can't shake the thought that I'm gonna be moving on with my life and she won't be there.

    Anyway, on a happier note, I downloaded alot of vids from youtube. Since I found keepvid.com I've been a downloading fool. Especially the Tracy ones. That lady really makes my day.

    Well, I'm gonna go. I have two papers to write and very little time.

    TQ forever! :)

  12. So... Regency I read your WIP. You are a beautiful, complex writer. Please never stop writing, and please promise me you'll try to publish someday. I want more.. more.. more of your stuff. You stun me.

    Aw, shucks! Thanks. Really great comliments such as that really inspire me! I just read it again and I was stunned at how disjointed it was. Ah, well. The stuff I've finished is better, I promise!

    Now, I need to finish my Trax fic. I love it. And Helena/Tracy. And there be LuNacy in the works, from me no less. And Nora/Tracy. Robert/Tracy. Tracy/some random hot person. It all makes me incredibly happy.

  13. Oh, and <<to icon<< that's Nora Harper from European Express. See the resemblance? ;)

    So, I dug up this old piece of fic. It was going to be "A Wicked Wind..." but, well, it isn't. It's "What Am I?" and it's a permanent WIP. I was in the break room and I was convinced to bring it out of the closet. *titter* Hopefully, it'll energize ya'll in the fic arena.

    What Am I?

    I may gather some courage and post some other stuff I'm hiding after, hopefully, Deb takes a look. That above-linked is unbeta'd. :o I know, scandalous.

    ETA: SON is so Tracy. She thinks I'm an olive in her martini. * :rolleyes: At least she ate me. :o Ehm, my post, temporarily.

  14. Hey, Deb, way to give someone else credit for my tag idea :P Kidding.

    Can Jane please go somewhere else on ABC? Or better yet, CBS. They seem to hold all the cards and I think they'd treat her the way a soap star should be treated.

    Peel that woman a freakin' grape!

    I don't want her anywhere near NBC. They only have two soaps and both of them bordering on being bare satires of what daytime television is. Spare Jane, I mean it. And shut up. So what if I'm a fan of the shows in question. Doesn't mean I don't acknowledge their utter suckitude.

    If ABC or any network would do a contest for a new soap or a new soap storyline, Deb and a few others on this board would be a shoe-in. Why won't they do that? Up viewer involvement, get some new blood in the game, make the current writers work for their keep by competing themselves. I would flove that. Especially if the winner was Tracy-oriented. *mega-watt grin*

    Viva Tracy!!! Necesita sexo ahora frakking mismo. Con...Luke. Or Jax. Lorenzo. Alexis es buena. Algunas personas honestamente.

    I'm feeling like Tracy should go back to Spain. Speaking of such foreign lands, what happened to the Round Robin?

  15. Nice. The one time I can speak the foreign language in question, I'm somewhere else. *sighs*

    On Topic:






    Tracy is accused of Laura's untimely murder. The whole town takes the stand against her...Luke files for divorce. Tracy is convicted and sent to prison.

    Kill me now. Has Guza no shame?




    No, not really. That's a plot bunny. One that TQ would make a muff out of.

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