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Posts posted by Sylph

  1. A little boring with all those mangy children.

    The problem of this show, and one of the reasons why I think people hate Zsa Zsa, is that children and younger teenagers are just décor on this show. Nothing else. They don't know how to successfully weave them into the show's canvas.

  2. As I said before, there was definitely a change in tone on the show with today's episode. I think all of the newly introduced characters were good and have great potential, and the show seems lively again. This was definitely the best episode this week and dare I say in weeks...


    However, you know what else I found a cliché? Drunk Person Reveals the Truth. That was just a teeny weeny bit too evident.

    Tameka Empson was good, but not fabulous beyond words.

    Wow, Eastenders really is changing :blink:

    I left out the word scene.

  3. NEW character Vanessa Gold doesn’t hang about – and neither does her daughter. Vanessa, played by Zoe Lucker, wastes no time in getting to know Max in a very intimate way in the car lot cabin (classy).

    She fails to tell him that she’s married and has a teenage daughter, Jodie. When she turns up in the Square, Darren is instantly smitten by her and they go on a date.

    Devious Danny continues to stir up trouble between Roxy and Ronnie, then Roxy asks him to become her business partner. Big mistake.

    The MItchells get a rare bit of good news at Ben’s hearing when Jordan comes clean about taunting his attacker.

    Billy leaves for the Army after a fond farewell from Whitney. Surely it will come as light relief after being shouted at by Carol.


  4. Awful character and awful actress, I think. I'm surprised you like a character like that...

    I also don't think she brings anything to the show.

    Love her as a combo with Leon. Leon is such a cliched jerky character, those two should've stayed... She is so obnoxious and irritating, I love her. Perhaps it's a case of what you see in Ben: you love him because he annoys people. The same, kind of, can be said with Zsa Zsa and me. I didn't find her a terrible actress at all.

    She didn't have much to do in her first episode, but I think there's lots more to come on the bitchy front. She's stirred my interest thus far though. I though she had a good entrance when she rode in. :lol:

    The entrance with the parking of the car & her first line were kind of cliched.

    But she will be fun, I hope.

  5. Hate Ben, wanna see him gone.

    Love Denise, so bummed Tiana Benjamin is leaving. So bummed. Such a loss. Always loved the character and felt she was underused. Hate Patrick, he can go. I was always irritated by the character.

    So sorry to hear Madeline Duggan's leaving. She was kind of obnoxious and too blasé, but I felt there was potential.

    The Max & Darren porn was good, but nothing spectacular. And I loathe Darren, BTW. :)

    Love Zsa Zsa Carter so I'm sad she's leaving. Leon/Sam Attwater's been axed too, right? Too bad.

    Hate the Beale kids Lucy and Peter, awful, just awful. That's the family I'd kill off. Jane's useless, though I love her, and I despise all the rest. :)

  6. Love the strings.

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  8. Sneak peek:

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