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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. It's like "Ten Little Niggers" by Agatha Christie Being Renamed "And then there was none" and even changing parts of the book, I understand that this word can be very offensive in the English Language but it's not exactly fair judging the writing of a Writer who happens to have been White, British and Who wrote that before WWII!

    It's Stupid To Just Rewrite a work that isn't intended to offend someone, You can't treat all books like it "Mein Kampf"

  2. On 2/17/2023 at 12:49 PM, AmandainNC28655 said:

    I like these returns.  As much as I would love to see Victoria Rowell return, I unfortunately don't see it happening or her having much of a story since Neil has died and her sister is not in town. I do wish they would bring Doug Davidson back as Paul, even if it is long enough to have him wrap up his storyline with Lauralee Bell's Christine, if they plan to reunited Danny and Cricket. 

    Sounds Good, yeah I wish Dru would be back even if for a short-term visit! Like This:

    GC is intrigued, several Citizens had received an invitation to a mysterious Party and Charity Fashion Show, no one knows Who's the Host, As the date approaches people are more and more intrigued, then as the fashion Show Ends The Main and Last Model gets very visible and Takes off her Mask much on the style of:

    At 45:23

    JAWS DROP, PHYLLIS PASSES OUT, SHARON IS OVERJOYED, AND LILY IS IN SHOCK! DRUCILLA BARBER WINTERS IS BACK! It would take just a few Weeks and Dru would leave again but she would settle unfinished business, make peace with people, and could visit at times! I guess to justify her long absence she could've been amnesiac and built a new life, when she regained her memory, she didn't know what to do, Neil had Moved On/Or Died, Lily was all grown Up and with kids of her own, but for Whatever reason she now decided to come back

    On 2/17/2023 at 7:53 PM, Paul Raven said:

    Veronica Redd is only 74. I had in my mind she would be much older by now.

    Maybe you were confusing her With Marguerite Ray?

  3. 14 minutes ago, Tonksadora said:


    @JosephI know some people have missed Missy. I just haven't had the experience myself. 

    I just wanted to give you the right date, I don't think I missed Missy especially since I wasn't watching much of the show then, it's just that I would've liked To see her Jennifer loose her temper a bit, Missy's Jennifer is always so sedate, it takes a real lot to piss that Woman!

  4. 12 minutes ago, Franko said:

    Was there ever a suggestion that Daphne was or could have been Megan's mom? In reality, it could have been plausible (Madlyn Rhue was born in 1935 and Miranda Wilson in 1960), but I suspect Daphne was supposed to have been born in the mid-late '20s (since Thaao Penghlis was born in 1945 and I don't think they were claiming Tony or Andre were younger than they looked).

    I'm pretty sure I read Tony was born in the Mid-1950's Somewhere, Thaao actually looked good in the 1980's it's afterwards that he age as fast as The sands through the hourglass 

  5. 12 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    I mostly remember CR's Eve throwing shade at April and Jenn. I can't remember any cat fights.

    Thanks! I do wonder, but she is so praised for her portrayal I would hate to not include her if there's anything

    12 minutes ago, Tonksadora said:

    I know few things about Wayne today. (1) Kin Shriner calls the house & is (they say) impossible to get off of the phone with. So, seems odd but Wayne talks to Kin on the phone. (2) Wayne knows what a lucky man he is to have Lynn Herring as his wife, mate, etc. & he sends her flowers & gifts all the time, for no occasion! 

    🤔 intriguing! Let's pray it's nothing but maybe old age kicking in! 😅 as I've noticed lately with my beloved grandmother, age makes you far more talkative! And appreciative of what you have!

  6. 26 minutes ago, Tonksadora said:

    I literally saw it written in a recap of the time as "Mrs. Hathaway." I just laughed. That doesn't help any! 

    I can't remember any "Real Eve" aka Charlotte Ross catfights but I feel like there must have been some! 

    Dates might be prohibitive but I'd love something/anything sympathetic to Real Roman aka Wayne Norhrup during this troubled time in his life. 

    And Considering Hathaway wasn't even her name or Her Real family, it's even More confusing, Stefano made such a good cover not even The writers Knew! Lol

    Early 1980's? I'll try, Early 1990's It's Easier

    What's up with Wayne?

    On Eve: 2014 Got Slapped By Abby

    2015 - Got Slapped by Jennifer and Paige over JJ



    November 2017 - Slapped Brady

    Early 2018 - Slapped Brady Twice

    May 2019 - Slapped Ben

    2020 - Slapped NuClaire


    ON Gwen:

    2020 - Slapped Jake

    Got Slapped by Gabi and Fought with her

    2021 - Got Slapped by Abby At least Twice

    Slapped Jack *DOB Deveraux

    Slapped Abby

    2022 and 2023 - ??????????????

  7. On 2/16/2023 at 2:13 AM, janea4old said:

    Who was Megan Hathaway's mother?

    I think We Never Knew! It Certainly Wasn't Daphne, Stefano is Know For Having Mistresses and Children Out Of Wedlock (Renee, Lexie and Chad to name a few) I guess this was her case too. 

    Now I wanna work on: Eve Donovan Slaps!

    now I only know the character as played by Kassie DePaiva so I would really need help to know about any with Chsrlotte Ross, and I'm Not Sure but a B*tch like her must've ditched quite a few, Does Anyone remember Any?

    I only know Two She Slapped Brady in late 2017 and NuClaire in 2020, now I'm sure there's more!

  8. On 2/13/2023 at 2:33 PM, Soapsuds said:


    ME: 😬🤧🥶🥺😰😱

    On 2/13/2023 at 2:39 PM, janea4old said:

    I panicked at the word "final" but then realized you meant finally!  (whew!)

    Me too 😅

    On 2/14/2023 at 9:08 PM, soapfan770 said:

    -Sally’s WTD story is unnecessary, but I liked Sharon and Sally connecting along with Nick and Victoria’s “older & wiser” scenes. It’s a nice change of pace although the mention of Sage Warner’s name was completely unnecessary as well. 

    Why Sage Was Unnecessary? She Gave Nick A Kid after all

    On 2/14/2023 at 10:06 PM, soapfan770 said:


    Sadly some nincompoop at CBS completely wasted a Y&R/ATWT crossover event  on that pornography story solely featuring Amber, Emily and Alison. 🤢🤢

    I never got That Crossover

    On 2/17/2023 at 3:24 PM, BoldRestless said:

    So if Heather has a man in Portugal then I guess she's not sticking around. I don't see why they needed to saddle her with a relationship. Would have been better for her to just tell Daniel that after his anger issues, she realized she preferred being alone. That would leave open the option to chem test her with the current Adam. The actress who plays Lucy did a good job, but I hope they don't write her as a generic blonde like Abby, Faith, and Summer. As Sheila's granddaughter, she could have an edge.

    The visits are all about being temporary, like the 45th Anniversary Ones Were, but depending On Fan Response she might come back for real, I Wonder What They Will Do With Auntie Mamie Considering there's Basically no-Barbers on Screen Anymore! She'll probably interact with The Abbotts! I Hope Leanna Is Up To no Good because Her Schemes always delivered Fun


    On 2/17/2023 at 3:24 PM, BoldRestless said:

    So if Heather has a man in Portugal then I guess she's not sticking around. I don't see why they needed to saddle her with a relationship. Would have been better for her to just tell Daniel that after his anger issues, she realized she preferred being alone. That would leave open the option to chem test her with the current Adam. The actress who plays Lucy did a good job, but I hope they don't write her as a generic blonde like Abby, Faith, and Summer. As Sheila's granddaughter, she could have an edge.

    I Was Shocked At Lucy's SORAS but what's to be done, So I guess we'll never see Daisy Again, And I can't see Heather Back With Adam, not after he cheated on her with Rafe!

  9. 17 minutes ago, Tonksadora said:

    Well, you're in a position that many people have been in, one way or the other & that is when your home life is driving you crazy! Is there any chance that you can spend time away from home for awhile? And, it's kind of you to try to be nice to your mother but don't let yourself suffer as a result of it!! 

    Well I was supposed to be traveling tomorrow for the beach and spend Carnaval There, However it's a Family trip so

  10. 5 minutes ago, Tonksadora said:

    If something good happened get as much mileage out of it as you can. Your body will put out good endorphins from your smiling & being excited & those endorphins will help you feel better the next day. 

    It's Hard To feel good or be positive I am just so tired of taking Deep Breaths, you let me spill the beans, my father has been a total jackas* lately, my sister has only thought about herself since forever but lately she has been just as lazy as they come, I try to help my mother but she has been overstressed lately and I have to endure her bad humor because I'm the only one who gives her the time of day, and Today to crown my happiness I got nearly bald and For nothing because my hair doesn't "measure up" to be donated 😤 GOD I am tired of being good and only receiving bad things

    Sorry to make the full confession here but I am very deeply frustrated 

  11. 1 hour ago, Tonksadora said:

    Sure. I hope you feel better. Bette Davis said, "Old age is not for sissies." which is true but neither is depression! If you need someone to talk to, and don't have a better offer, then, shoot me a PM. 

    Thank you very much!!! I'm just depressed because nothing seems to be going well to me lately but today That Cake Got some extra frosting!!!! 

  12. 8 minutes ago, Tonksadora said:

    Okay, well, One day Challie broke up. But it's great dialog & well acted. Gwen & Xander are taking the paper away from Jack & again there was great dialog & well-acted. Jennifer really laid into Gwen. Those two things were one day. 

    Yesterday Marlena got an audience with the devil & he chose to show up as Doug. That was good. 

    Today Roman & Anna had a good scene. 

    Another day Will & Sonny & Allie had a good extended scene but they bring bad news, so it's a mixed blessing. 

    Maybe you could get very absorbed into a movie? Or a book? 

    You could watch Anne Heche as Vicky & Marley on AW on YouTube. 

    If you can stand Twitter there's just a ton of nostalgia Edits up on greater days of DOOL!!! Joeiscool has more video clips than god. And, Angie has that many too. 

    Thank you for the info

  13. 14 minutes ago, Tonksadora said:

    Uh, do you by any chance watch GH? It's having a great Feb. sweeps. They're at about a week & a half of all good episodes. Days today was better than M-Th. 

    GH is the One Soap I got no way whatsoever to watch!!! I can watch the Scenes on the Official YouTube Channel and that's all, I wish someone could help with that but! Some tried and failed just like me

  14. Nina Slaps Ronan (September 13 2010)

    Chelsea Slaps Heather (Aka Maggie/Frankie Slaps Bianca) (2010)

    Katherine Slaps Jill (2010/11)

    Ashley Slaps Diane (late July 2011)

    Nina Slaps Phyllis (October 04 2012)

    Chelsea Slaps Adam (2012)

    Gloria Slaps Jeffrey (2012)

    Hilary x2 (2014)

    Victoria Slaps Kelly (February 18, 2014)

    Phyllis and Kelly (2014)

    Nikki Slaps Ian Ward (September 02, 2014)

    Chelsea Slaps Adam (2015/16)

    Summer Slaps Abby (March 2015) 

    Sage Slaps Nick and That Crazy Doctor (Early 2016)

    Victoria Slaps Billy (April 01, 2016)

    Phyllis Slaps Billy x2 (2016)

    Chelsea Slaps Chloe (April 06, 2017)

    Dina Slaps Graham (And Passes Out) October 2017

    Sharon and Abby's Catfight (January 03, 2018)

    Phyllis Slaps Summer (August 24, 2018)

    Sharon Slaps Nick (October 5, 2018)

    Phyllis Slaps Billy (October 18, 2018)

    Victoria Slaps Phyllis (January 08, 2019)

    Abby And Mia's Valentine's Day Brawl (2019) not sure if there was a slap

    Summer Slaps Sally (May 2021)

    Diane and Nikki Trade Slaps (May 25, 2022)

  15. I REALLY NEED to put my mind off Things!!!! 


    ALSO Gwen is one of the few characters introduced after the 50th Anniversary that I enjoy 

    She has been in several slaps already could someone help me recount them?? Wanna do a slaps video on her character!

  16. 10 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I was just watching Simplemente Maria. My next soap to watch is Yo Compro Esa Mujer.

    Simplemente Maria is one of my favorites of all time.

    And it's so Timeless and Adaptable!!! It had versions all over Latin America! "Maria Ramos" is a name any Latin American woman could have! But This version changed it into "Maria Lopez"

  17. On 2/15/2023 at 5:18 AM, Soapsuds said:

    There is a new app much like FreeVee and Pluto TV called ViX.  It has many classic Spanish soap operas from the 80s and 90s.

    Oh Yes! VIX is a treasure trove! Thanks to it I've watched Teresa (1989), Simplemente Maria (1989 - 90) and Yo Compro Esa Mujer (1990)

  18. 11 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Jacqueline MacInnes Wood for the aftermath of Finn's "death" and Tanner Novlan for Finn's death and the stuff where Sheila held Finn captive

    Krista Allen had some great stuff last year too 

    1 minute ago, Faulkner said:

    Melissa Claire Egan seems like a lock for Chelsea’s suicidal scenes on Y&R (and probably Jason Thompson getting another nod). Can’t say it wouldn’t be deserving looking at those scenes alone, even though the story hasn’t really lived up to its promise.

    Agreed With Both of YOU! I wonder if Amelia Heinle would get a Nod since she was pretty important last year, even if I can't think of any scenes in specific, maybe the Victoria/Ashland Break Up, I wish Sharon Case had better material last year, her richest moment was Rey's Death, but I don't think she got to do very much with that, Same with Michelle Stafford but I Think Susan Walters has A Chance, And Melissa Ordway, I guess she also had some Nod-Worthy Scenes this year.

    On B&B, KKL might get a Nod as Supporting Actress for The Bridge Break Up, or stuff like that, Kimberlin Might also get a Nod, JMW obviously, Annika for her Confrotation With Thomas, Krista was a Good revelation! Unfortunately the men aren't as Rich my guess would either Tanner And Matthew getting nods



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