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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. Just now, BetterForgotten said:

    I hate to say it, but this is what I’ve saying all along with watching GH. There was a clear power struggle at play - and the show was suffering for it and it showed on-screen IMO.

    I am not surprised PM quit, this is consistent for when he is being sabotaged behind the scenes.


    God Damn... this sounds so real.  

  2. Just now, Errol said:

    I posted the breakdown writer news, to be clear. I have not updated it as yet until I have two sources requiring an update.

    Yes, I think there is a difference. Thank you for doing this in such professional way. I will be waiting to see the confirmation on SON. 

  3. Just now, Broderick said:

    lol.  I don't want to influence the conclusions you draw.  

    All I want to say is this particular "mystery storyline" (Margo Huntington's exit) and the mystery later in 1980 that involves a child's toy were VERY perplexing to me when I was watching at the time, and I'd read a zillion murder mysteries.  Nowadays, I already know who the perpetrators were and can catch all the clues (and the red herrings), but at the time, I was completely bewildered how the deaths had  been accomplished and by whom.     

    I am pretty good at these things. Father is a crime solver himself as a profession, so I am used to it from childhood. But I adore HS's style of building the suspense and mystery. He does it in a classic, but somehow peculiar way. Some aspects of the mysteries so far have been little caricaturish, but... that good amount of little that it makes the whole show seem artistic and eccentric. I find myself thinking - how close he is to getting over the top and camp... and he is not doing it... The man knows what he is doing. 

    Thank you for these little intellectual hints! I am loving them.

  4. To me... it is sad. Since I was just beginning to watch and... wanting to see how PM will do as HW... Now I will never know. And... I know lots of people were saying it's not better, but as a person who didn't have anything to compare it to... I liked it a lot.

    But... if this is right for the show... I am not equipped to tell. I am just sad, don't know why. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, Broderick said:

    Once you get to the discovery of the Corpse (or almost Corpse), if you feel the Primary Suspect wasn't responsible, please tell us how you believe those Other People managed to do the deed & escape unnoticed 😉

    (A significant portion of the storyline depends on who came & went from the Deceased Person's condo, where everyone was at the time, and whom they were with.  The only person who ultimately is stuck "holding the bag" is the Primary Suspect.  Everyone else appears to be accounted for.)   

    Now you've made me have doubts and be even more interested! I will tell you as soon as I get to that part. I have been managing to watch just 2 episodes a day, in a normal healthy tempo, haha. Mostly because I have too much work and can't afford to binge many episodes at once. 

  6. Wednesday

    Ridge Forrester needs to GO. He is SOOOOOOOOOOO annoying. The way he talks to RJ and Brooke make my skin crawl.

    Brooke... I love... these past few episodes, BUT her hair and outfit - NOT WORKING at all. Not KKL's best look. This dress is just not for her. Sorry. Looks cheap on her and not fresh, which is the look I think they were going for.

    Luna and the pregnancy... As if this storyline couldn't get worse... Yikes. Bradley Bell is doing this in the most cliche way possible. Every sentimental, done to death, beat is being done over and over and over till ad nauseam. YIKES. And I'm going to repeat something I said months ago. RJ and Luna are too young of a couple to get this ordeal NOW, it doesn't make any sense for a guy like RJ to keep being with her after all this drama. No sense at all. And we weren't THAT invested in RJ and Luna to begin with to now get this great problem. These type of things should happen when the couple have had some minor problems before that... and have been together happily for a period of time. This happening so soon in their dating gaming will make any sane person go... NEXT. But in Bradley Bell's world you meet someone and you are engaged and pregnant in 10 episodes if he doesn't care and is too LAZY to write it all. 

    That's the word of the whole storyline - lazy. Done to death cliches, stitched together without comprehension. Stitched together to make the whole thing seem DRAMATIC and CLICK-BAIT and mint-y. 

    Steffy once again was my favorite character of the day, which is just shocking to me. I really couldn't stomach her lately. But these past episodes she has been a breath of fresh air and SANITY. 

    BUT once again - we've already seen this, heard this dialogue between her and Sheila... how many times now? It is getting boring at this point. If Steffy can't make her useless husband STOP corresponding and meeting with his homicidal mother - she should leave him. So far I have been seeing Steffy being too harsh with Finn at times and even bully-like, but THIS time here... them expecting of her to FORGIVE and forget the person who tried to kill her - No, no, no. I am with Steffy. That doesn't mean I like her character or the way she speaks to people. But in this case - I am with her.




  7. 2 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    Nah...Chase is thinking.....She doesn't touch me in bed. We've never made love and I'm gay and want Spanelli instead but he loves Jason. 

    What am doing getting married!!!!????


    Captain America Lol GIF by mtvI LIVE FOR YOUR COMMENTS. Can't stop laughing. BTW - that screenshot is HOT. My favorite kind of constipated. 

  8. People with chip on their shoulder... Are very hard to deal with sometimes.

    If someone's negativity is tainting your inner world and peace - purge them out of your life. There is a thing called emotional vampire. And it's always disguised as a friend and a supporter.

    Press the next button. There are no irreplaceable people in your life except You.


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