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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. 4 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Y&R: Adam dressing up as Victor’s dead wife Sabrina to gaslight and torture a pregnant, mentally fragile Ashley, leading her to fall down the stairs and miscarry, with Adam quickly disposing of the fetus in the Newman Ranch fireplace. Then, with Ashley suffering a hysterical pregnancy, Adam steals baby Faith from Sharon and gives it to Ashley, letting Sharon believe her baby died just a few years after she’d tragically lost Cassie. 

    WOW. What year is this. I want to watch it. Sounds brutal.

  2. Dark periods in shows where storylines turned sinister, scary and disturbed. Storylines that seemed like they came from a true crime-blog.

    • Bold

    Let me start with The Angela impostor storyline.

    How can you go darker than this?

    Disturbed, disfigured impostor plans the Forrester's demise.

    When I was a child I used to have nightmares from her scenes with the veil.

    I LOVED this story and it was Bill Bell at his finest. And darkest. It began slowly and slowly build up to this obsessed, full of hatred demented woman, who wanted to destroy Stephanie.

    Something truly amazing is that Bill Bell HINTED about this story for 300 episodes, before even starting it. 




  3. The questions are valid, but it's pretty clear why it is different.

    Krista has spoken in a way that cannot be ignored. She hasn't said that... yeah it was parting ways... Like some other people did.. no,  she said it's strange how it all happened and how she was dropped pretty much after going on a new season shoot.

    Do you people understand how vile this is? Imagine your boss including you in the new year photo to just eliminate you a day after. And without any explanation.


    After an Emmy nomination.


    After telling the press how he will go into another direction with your character.

    And most importantly let me repeat, Krista is talking about it to major media, including People magazine. It smells of mistreatment and something bad, so it's important to talk about it and not let it die off.


  4. 7 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    This! We don't know who's reached out in private. IMO it's very gross to expect this to be a public spectacle where everyone gets a "pat on the back" for reaching out

    Yeah now you are so respectful to other actors, but you were FIRST to put partial blame on KKL and call her Bradley's puppet on page one of this topic. Get real. And try not to be so obvious. You have some kind of issue with me and troll everything I say. If I say the sky is blue, you come up like a nagging itch to say it is red. Keep it up, it's funny to me.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I understand how you feel, @OpportunisticSlut, but I really wouldn't make a federal case out of it.

    Because of people who want to sweep it under the rug or just downplay how disgusting it is... THEY will continue to do it. It is not a federal case, but it is a public issue made public in MAJOR media outlets and everyone is entitled to their reaction. They should have thought twice when kicking Krista out.


  6. 8 minutes ago, I Am A Swede said:

    That alternative is something that no-one seems to have considered..... 🤔

    Knowing the history of the show and how Bradley operates, NO. 

    Also, you don't post for MONTHS and months pictures with this Co-star and act like everything is amazing, and then... oh god HOW BAD WAS SHE. No. Nope.



  7. 2 hours ago, I Am A Swede said:

    Maybe they did it in private? Not everything has to be put on display for the whole world to see.

    If you have to hide something and not say it in public, while saying "Congrats" to other people in public and sharing pictures celebrating other people on instagram and etc.... and not dare to publicly say something to or about Krista, IS TELLING. 

    People in Russia whisper things in their homes, that they don't say in public. That's the point. 

    So, yeah, it is disturbing... the lack of public support. And even more important to comment about that. Private support in a cause like this is POINTLESS. The public needs to know. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Eric couldn't even be bothered to go to the hospital when his granddaughter was shot was "widowed" he was too busy playing "Find the honey" with bobble head Donna


    Plus how he treated Stephanie(no she wasn't perfect but she was loyal to him) and basically telling Bridget to forgive Brooke for Deacon. The man would choose Brooke and the LOWgan's literally over his own kids

    he's a POS. 

    I hope Eric dies sooner, so you can have more shirtless scenes and crotches to stare at. Poor soul. 

  9. 26 minutes ago, Pedro said:

    Guys, there is a link to the Petition to bring Krista Allen back on the show. For anyone who likes Taylor or the way Krista took over the role please do sign this Petition. That's all we can do. 


    I signed.

    Knowing Bradley, Krista speaking about it... and making all of this known... probably make her chances of coming back to less than 0. :( He will never forget this.

  10. I am disgusted by the way the mob mentality fans are attacking KKL on twitter and instagram about Krista leaving. So much hate on an actress THAT IS NOT A WRITER or producer. Why do people always attack other women, when it is obvious that a man is at fault here. KKL is not God. Why is she always attacked on social media? The only think I would have loved to see from KKL is for her to wish Krista good luck. They seemed like besties months ago and even did video interview together.

    Yes, I don't know their relationship and KKL has free will and can do whatever she wants, but it would have been nice. Even so, KKL shouldn't be attacked on twitter.


    NOBODY wishing Krista good luck on the other hand... is fishy and creepy. Guys, this was your colleague a month ago... you posed with her on photos... why the complete silence? Isn't there at least 1 person that has compassion for Krista? I am so disappointed in human nature in situations like these. Everyone tries to save their own ass. People walk on corpses if their money or future is concerned. 

  11. The truth is Eric has always been a doormat for psychologically disturbed women. 


    1. Stephanie was controlling and obsessive, beating and slapping people around like a bully. And as much as I loved her, she Hid a child from Eric for 25 years. Also made him marry her with a lie about Ridge's paternity. This would make me divorce someone. Stephanie even in the early years made Eric feel small and insecure, she hated his relationship with his daughter Kristen and was madly jealous all the time.

    2. Brooke - she practically used him to revenge on Stephanie and Ridge. Again made him feel great at the beginning but as soon as she became Forrester, she slept with his son on the floor of the company. Eric to this day doesn't know about Brooke ducking Ridge while making Belief. 

    3. Sheila - we do not need to go into further detail. This woman had Alex Forrest Fatal Attraction obsession with him and used him for he own own evil intentions. Cheated on him while wanting to get pregnant asap to have a Forester child.

    4. Donna - Brooke Logan wannabe, high level escort. 

    5. Quinn - mentally disturbed again.

    So I have always felt Eric was pathetic and sad man. 

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