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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. There are people in life that feed off of other people. People who are trolls, who don't have any real opinion, but they say the opposite of what you said, just to SPITE you. People that will tell you that the sky is red. I can only imagine what their childhood was... to be so angry and so willing to argue and troll. Sad.

  2. BOLD

    Hunter Tylo's Taylor was more glamorous and more dramatic. The character was rarely funny and had seriousness and dept about her. On the positive - she was striking as can be, on the negative she seemed little judgmental. 

    Krista Allen's Taylor was more realistic, sharp and funnier Taylor. The character didn't seem as dark or troubled then the previous casting, had an ease and lightness about her. On the negative - at time she felt like she was part of another show.  

  3. One of the best examples of WHY it is NOT good for a show to be X character's show is... Brooke circa 1994/2014. For these 20 years this character was terribly overexposed. She dominated in episode counts pretty much every year and was married pretty much every 2 years. And I think there were points like 2006 or 2007 when she was in like 95 percent of a year's worth of episodes, dominating every storyline. Even though I LOVE KKL, and Brooke is essential to Bold as water is to human beings... what happened is Bradley made Bold - The Brooke show aka Brooke sleeps with the wrong man show. The first 3-4 times it was great and fun, but then after sleeping with all her relative's husbands... there just was nothing left of the original character. This overexposure, which could have been split into different characters... with every sex scandal given to Brooke, made the character a joke and a caricature. It is only because of KKL's charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent :D, Brooke has been able to survive through sleeping with Deacon and Bill. Storylines so vile... most normal people WILL never root for this character ever again. But they are... just because KKL is amazing. BUT, it's tiring to watch Bold sometimes... Everyone forgot that Brooke was once very interesting and nuanced character. Brooke was clever and manipulative, she took Forrester like a lionnes. And then to see that character and what IT became past 1999... it's sad. And a lot of this is because of over-expose and giving every shocking thing to her. You know when you eat so much cake, in the end it's not sweet, it's bland. That's what happened. Even if Brooke slept with the Pope and got pregnant... it will not shock anyone these days.

    3 minutes ago, Lye-C said:

    You’re another Deidre, huh?

    Keep your annoying spam messages to yourself, sweetie pie.

  4. I went to see her last month and I am sorry... I don't get the positive comments. I am huge Madonna fan... or maybe I was... I don't know... BUT.

    - we waited more than 2 hours for her and A LOT OF people left. It is really ABSURD to sit more than 3 hours in the end... waiting for her.

    - the show is not good. I've been to a lot of her concerts in the past... and I don't know if it's because she is not in good physical condition or if the didn't have time to rehearse because of her health issues... BUT the show sounds bad. Most of the songs have OLD vocals from 80s and 90s and no change has been made.

    - she is at 10 percent of her original energy. Yes I get she is older and nearly died, but maybe... she should have kept the sex and seduction style of the show to a minimum, since it's sad to watch someone who at time looks tired... to try to be seductive and sexy. It just felt Baby Jane like. Sad.

    - it's NOTHING new, nothing we haven't seen. 

    I am sorry, but in the end I regretted giving so much money for this concert, to wait so much... to hear bad audio and watch her struggle to dance.

    AND I LOVE HER. Please don't attack me for this. I truly wanted to love it. 

    BUT. There are 2 good moments in the show that I really liked. I liked Justify my love, for the whole concept. And I loved Live to Tell.

     That's it. 

    The first and last songs were wrong in my opinion for a show start and end. And I'm not going to say it's great just because she nearly died and is doing a show. I was actually thinking while watching her live... why isn't this woman at home, recovering. 

    It's like if Michael Jackson was to be alive and watching him barely moonwalking. Legends... we just have expectations of them. And people should know when to quit. 

    P.S I see that the new dates she has been looking better and more energetic and I hope by the end... she rocks it. 

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