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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. As for what’s next for her, the Emmy nominee teased that she might swap a script for a writer’s pen.


    “I think I might write a book,” Allen declared.


    “It's based on a true story… About a woman who took over a role on a soap opera and against all odds ended up winning over a fan base and getting nominated for an Emmy,” she explained. “And then there's a lot of backstage drama going on, and she has to find her way.”


    WOW. Bradley Bell... you are not going to laugh last.

  2. 9 minutes ago, EdibleFlowers said:


    I’m simply going to mute you.

    If you want to have monologues and not have responses to your statements, talk to the mirror, and do not write in forums. Mute me, I don't care. But I will never not react to someone bashing an actor's looks. We don't know how you look and I doubt you will ever look as good as Lauren at 70.

    1 minute ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Well, I am a 72 yr old woman who sees well with her own eyes & Lauren Koslow is quite beautiful, also natural, and talented & this is boring, while she is not. And, furthermore she is not GONE. She was just moved from contract to recurring. On DAYS that's the equivalent of the sun coming up. 


  3. Just now, EdibleFlowers said:

    She looks like a clown. I’m going to call her out on it since she chooses her own wardrobe. I absolutely look better than stretched-faced Koslow. The woman has been having a late-in-life crisis for the past few years. She doesn’t read this board. She doesn’t need you to defend her either. And no, it’s not appropriate for anyone to be MAGA.

    Now we can return to Krista.

    This is a 70 year old woman, famous actress and you are an anonymous profile bashing her looks. Do you think I need to defend her? If it makes you feel good, do it, but beware that people can respond and that there are rules in this forum. And just as you can express your hatred towards MAGA, I can express disgust at people that have no manners or bash 70 year old women THEY don't know. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, EdibleFlowers said:

    Her views on covid and vaccination absolutely make her MAGA. I’m glad her tired blue-streaked ass is gone. Also tired of her Joker-meets-Prince drag. The woman is 70 and looks like a clown. 

    Do not derail the topic with actor bashing and looks bashing. I am sure most of the people here do not look as good as the people they bash. And the topic is not if Lauren Koslow is MAGA. She can be whatever she wants. She is an actress, not your mother or girlfriend.

  5. 7 minutes ago, EdibleFlowers said:

    B&B fans are wild. They either have an outrageously over the top hatred for Sheila or an outrageously over the top hatred for Brooke, lol 

    I don't hate Brooke. The character. She is entertaining. I LOVE KKL. The actress. She is my favorite on the show. BUT, yeah some people can hate a woman that slept with her daughter's husbands and had a child with one of them, who previously slept and married a father and his two sons. There is much to hate here. This is called a morally corrupted person or even mentally ill person, if someone like this exist in real life. 


  6. I think what finally killed the character is that bizarre aborted storyline of Brooke and Taylor's platonic love affair.

    Taylor was, sorry, but... degraded by this storyline, since it told the viewer that even if a woman destroys your life... which Brooke did... do not make me go back in history, you can kiss her ass 30 years later and it's okay.

    Ever since the OG Taylor was on the map in 1990, Brooke was messing with her relationship with Ridge. If you follow every misery in Taylor's life, it always leads back to the valley monster. So for Brooke to be a friends with Taylor is one THING, but for TAYLOR to tell Brooke she loves her, was TOO much. You should never forgive people that try to destroy you. You should never forgive someone who doesn't respect your marriage. Never.  

    Then, I can only speculate, the strange rumors of the love relationship probably irritated Bradley or someone else in the production, and then as soon as Taylor and Brooke BROKE off their friendship😄, it was like Taylor was just another of Brooke's exes that disappeared. We have seen plenty of those and it is a rule that if Brooke discards you on the show, you are pretty much written off soon or sleep with one of her relatives. 

    I think the whole story is disturbing. A wonderful actress shines in a bad show, gets an Emmy nomination and is booted ASAP. Why? How is it possible that the show has no accountability? ZERO. Why isn't there a press release about this? Even if Krista was awful or she lies, how can we know when there isn't a word from the show? So, for now, their silence SPEAKS to her credibility.

    Taylor had so much potential. I loved Hunter Tylo, but in all honesty, she wasn't playing Taylor with passion the last 10 years. Krista DID. Krista looked obsessed with her character, in a good way, and trying to improve Taylor, give her DEPT and make her more interesting. Maybe that is what angered them. That in the end she was WAY more creative than them. Krista just didn't fit into the lame Bridge/Tridge fiasco. She deserved way better.

    In the beginning, her tense scenes with Sheila made me think that they will go in some dark path with Taylor, more psychological path. And it was shocking that they re-casted a 30 year old character, to REMAKE a 1992 storyline with Bridge and Tridge. WHO IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE has not seen AT LEAST 1 time this storyline? Bradley has done this pretty much every 2-3 years. There was the original 1991-1992 drama, then 1994-1996, then again 2001-2002, then again 2005, then again 2009-2011, and again and again and again.

    So the idea that this new Taylor needed to be put back into the Drama that started in the Medieval... was sick. It makes me think this is some kind of pathology, that this person, a writer, is obsessed with this particular storyline and need to write it over and over again. Or maybe he is so talentless, he doesn't know better.

    And it always goes like this.


    1. Tridge is together, but Ridge needs to support Brooke and be her saviour. Brooke always has a problem and a crisis, her child is sick, she is beaten by Stephanie, her house is on fire, her lingerie ripped and needs to be repaired, it is always SOMETHING. Taylor suffers and suffers, while the impending doom of Brooke seducing Ridge is staring her in the face. At first it always seems Ridge will choose Taylor, but with small exceptions, in the end Ridge always chooses Brooke. Taylor is booted.

    2. Brooke and Ridge are happy and giddy, and then Brooke does something disgusting and scandalous. Ridge goes back to Taylor that literally is at the door with her suitcase 2 seconds after Ridge tells Brooke Logan, I can't do this anymore to Brooke saying I made a mistake. And even after Ridge goes back to Taylor, Brooke always manages to stop their wedding or something like that and Ridge chooses Brooke. Taylor is booted. 

    Taylor has been constantly BOOTED even since coming back in 2005 and even before that. I think Bradley has some kind of beef with this character and just wants to destroy her. Maybe it's fun for him. Maybe he need to see a psychiatrist.



  7. 8 hours ago, rsclassicfanforever said:

    They are uploaded in the folders ;)

    Feel free to ask for more missing episodes :)

    I would ask for this, so I can make the edits with English audio BETTER. I have noticed that YOUR uploads of the 2001/2002 german episodes have muuuch better quality. You have uploaded August to December 2001 and its great. I would ask if its possible to upload complete 2002 in another folder. The current episodes that Bundy uploaded are good, but I would really want to work with the best material available. Maybe someone can then delete the worse quality german uploads. Please give me a heads up if you are going to upload, so I can start downloading and editing with english audio. THANK YOU A MILLION. :)

  8. Its pretty disgusting to just call someone... who Guess what... GOT AN EMMY nomination for your stupid show... and just CALL them and tell them they will not be signing. After giving that woman false hope with inviting her to cast photo. Disturbing.



  9. He destroyed everything good in his father's perfect creation. He made Bold a perverted sick joke. Nowadays a boring perverted sick joke.

    Krista was a 🫁 of fresh air. I remember her first 10 episodes, I was mesmerized, even with the bad 20 dollar wig, she was striking.

    Taylor should have Owned the show and destroyed Brooke once and for all. Since we needed to see this to the finish and not always make Taylor the good forgiving woman.

    But no, we got another round of who will Ridge choose. Isn't Bradley tired of telling the same story every 3 years. It's beginning to seem pathological.


    P.S Can he be fired from his own show? I guess not. But in my fantasies, he is.

  10. It's heartbreaking. I may stop watching new episodes forever. I loved the new Taylor and wanted so much for her. This makes me cry with anger.

    P.S don't bash other actors like KKL please. Calling that woman a pet and hating her because of this, something I am sure she has nothing to do with, is disgusting. 

  11. 28 minutes ago, BoldKara said:

    Oh wow...how amazing to have them all!!! It will be great the day we can have every single one in English but having them in alternative languages in the meantime will fill in the gaps.

    I had a look and the obvious ones to me missing are from years 2005-2009. If you can upload when you have time, would love to see them on the vault! They are:

    4462, 4465, 4469, 4477 (the existing Vault one is partial in English), 4514, 4515, 4518, 4520, 4522, 4523, 4524, 4526, 4531

    5071 (the one in the vault is just half an English episode)

    5594 (the one in the vault is just half an English episode)

    Thanks again @rsclassicfanforever! Eternal gratitude!


    It would be amazing to have these missing 2005 episodes! Thank you @rsclassicfanforever

  12. Guys I need help with the vault. Everytime I try to open the link my onedrive app tells me it could only be opened in browser. But that way I cannot download folders or a lot of files without downloads crashing. Is there any way to acess the vault so I can have it come up in the SHARED with me folders in the APP and not browser and be able to download more efficiently. Thanks in advance!

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