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Blog Entries posted by DramatistDreamer

  1. DramatistDreamer
    Reed is sick of picking up trash on the side of the road as part of his community service, so he tries to plead his case in favor of a less dangerous task than being exposed to oncoming traffic by the roadside.  Surprisingly, the judge agrees and allows him to complete his community service in another area, only there is only one other option-- service at a longterm care facility run by a Catholic charity. 
    Disappointed by the prospect of spending so much time in a potentially depressing place, Reed wonders whether he made the right choice to lobby so hard for a change but decides to check out the facility anyway.  He meets with a Mother Superior/Nurse who is in charge of the facility which is run by Catholic nuns!  Now Reed is sure he made a mistake and whines about this to his parents, who promptly tell him to stick with his choice.
                   Reed, you complained about how hazardous it was to pick up trash on the side                 of the highway, now this is too much?  
                  If you saw how depressing that place was, you wouldn't even ask. The place is                  practically a graveyard.
                A graveyard?  Come on, Reed...don't you think you're exaggerating?
                I don't wanna go back there. It's... creepy-
                Well, I'm sorry buddy but you don't really have a choice, it's either this or picking                up trash by the side of the road- 
                This is all so unfair-
               Life's unfair, Reed.  Do you want to hear about my day?  About having to listen to               my former stepmother drone on and on-
              No!  Please not that again.
              Fine.  Just know that there are times when we all have to deal with situations that            are less than ideal, it's a part of life.
               Besides you may...find something about it that you actually like-
              Sure, Dad.
    Reed, dressed in work coveralls puts aside the mop and bucket aside.  Curious, he creeps through the hallways and walking past an open door, where a NUN has just put away a guitar inside a case.  She sees Reed, who scurries away.  Thinking the coast is clear, Reed doubles back only to walk smack dab into the Nun.
              I'm sorry Sister.
             That's okay, uh...Reed, right?
             That's right.
              You know, if you have a question about anything Reed, you can ask.  You don't                   have to creep around corners.
               It's just that, you play?
    A look to the guitar.
                Oh yes, I find that musical stimulation really helps our residents. Except for her,                poor dear.
    Reed glances over at a woman who lies in bed.  She is on her side with her back to the open doorway, so all that can be seen is a form under a sheet and a cascade of brown hair.
                Been here for a few years.  Our resident Jane Doe, no family, I'm afraid.  
                That's really sad.
                 Not as sad as it was when she first arrived. The doctors had practically given up               all hope.  Fortunately, it's against our policy to...(pause). She was comatosed,                   no signs of life, then one day...well, there were signs of life. The doctors believe                 that she may never get to full consciousness but, these were the same doctors                 who wanted to euthanize (stops herself).  Well, let's just say that here at Our                       Lady of Beneficence, we believe in miracles.
    Victoria, Victor and Nikki.
                And how's Reed?
                It's the strangest thing.  Since he started this latest round of community service,              he's been so focused.
               Well, you say that like it's a bad thing.
                He goes from school, straight to community service and practically straight                      upstairs.  When I ask him about his day, he only talks about how his day was                      good at the facility.  He's shutting me out.
               How's his attitude?
               That's just it...there's no hint of an attitude.  He actually sounds sincere.  (Beat)                  You don't think there's anything going on...anything untoward-
    Victor laughs.  JT enters.
                 Untoward?  At Our Lady of Beneficence?!  Sweetheart, that is a well respected                   charity known for the good work that they do with the sick and the indigent.
                 The Newman Foundation has been giving donations to the Sisters for years.  I                   highly doubt there is anything foul going on.
                 Well, Mom, you of all people know, a cult can start out with an ethos of goodwill               and Reed is still impressionable.
                 By a bunch of nuns?!  Oh honey, you sound ridiculous right now-
                  Mariah was in a cult, I'll ask her about it-
                 Hey, here's an idea...why don't we just ask Reed about it.
    Reed exits the kitchen and is about to climb when JT and Victoria signal for him to sit down on the sofa.  Reed looks exasperated.
              What else is there to know?  I'm a glorified janitor.  Sometimes I help bring in the               trays.  There's a nun who plays the guitar for the residents, she's...okay, I guess.               I'm not crushing on her, if that's what you want to know.
               Is there a girl?
               What?  All the residents are practically ancient. (Beat) Except for one girl,                           lady...well, she looks kinda young.
               Is she cute?
    Reed squirms.
                Can I go now?  I have homework to do.
                Oh, okay...sure.
    Reed makes a hasty exit, leaving Victoria and JT with confounded expressions.
    Paul is behind his desk as he talks to JT, who sits on chair facing him.
               So you don't trust Reed-
               That's the thing...since he started this community service, he hasn't given us one              reason not to trust him, but there's something about the way he describes that                  place.  Victoria thought it was practically a cult-
               The Sisters of Beneficence?!  My Mother volunteered there for years, they're                       pillars of the community.  I know how a cult functions and Our Lady of                                 Beneficence isn't a cult.
              Welp, Reed is probably not gonna like it but...I gotta go there and see for                            myself what my son is actually doing there.
    Reed is seated in a chair by the window of a room. A guitar is in his lap.  He is facing the woman in bed, whose face we cannot see.  
                I hope you liked that one, Jane.  Just something I've been working on.
    Reed puts the guitar back in its case.
                You really don't look like a Jane, to be honest.  Jane makes me think of plain                      Jane.  You're anything but plain.  In fact, you're really very pretty, like beautiful.                  God, I sound like a  creep.
    Meanwhile, JT enters through the lobby.  He is greeted by one of the Sisters.
                May I help you?
                I'm here to see one of  your volunteers, Reed Hellstrom, he's my son.
    Reed in the room.
                You mean our only volunteer.
    JT looks confused.
               I thought there was another young lady here.
    A different Sister enters the room with Reed, who has an expression on his face as if he's a kid who has been caught with his hand in a cookie jar. 
             Reed, you're going to miss your bus.
    Reed makes a hasty exit out of the room and bumps right into JT and the other Nun, who braces herself so that she doesn't fall.
            Sorry Sister, I don't mean to keep doing that (looks at JT).  What are you doing                  here?  
             Can't a father come and check out the good work his son is doing?
             You weren't this interested when I was picking up trash off the side of the road-
            You weren't this devoted when you were picking up trash off the side of the road.
           Did Mom send you here?
           Your Mom doesn't know I'm here-
           Right. (beat) You know what, there's no pleasing you.
    (raises voice)
            Let's just go home, alright?
    A groan is heard from inside the room.  One of the nuns go inside to tend to the woman.  JT and Reed try to peer in.
            Our Jane Doe seems to be agitated, which rarely ever happens.  Perhaps it's time           for you to go.
           You're right, I'm sorry Sister.
    As the Nun props up the woman by cradling her in her arms, the woman's face is briefly revealed just as manages to look inside.  JT gasps and his face goes pale.  The woman looks like Colleen Carlton.
    In the days that follow, JT wrestles with the brief glimpse of the woman's face. It looks like her but it must be impossible given what happened. JT decides against telling anyone what he has seen.
    Instead, JT decides to do some investigating work on his own.  
    JT at the longterm care facility. A nun holds her hand up to dissuade JT from going any further.
           I'm sorry but we cannot allow you to see her.  The last time you were here, she was         very agitated, that's never happened before-
           She probably heard the sound of my voice and recognized it.  You have to let me               see  her. Please.
           You've already revealed that you're not a family member, perhaps if you can locate-
            I can't do that to her mother, not unless I'm sure it's her.  Please.
            We have to act for the good of our residents. After you left, we were up half the                night trying to get her to calm down again.
          Shouldn't that tell you something, Sister?
    JT storms out.
    Victoria and Nikki sit on the sofa.
            You can't pull Reed out of court ordered community service, Victoria.
            Reed went from enthusiastic about his community service to sulking within two                weeks.  Not to mention JT.
            Is he sulking too?
            That would be an improvement.  He's become distant.  In his sleep, he's                              restless...tossing and turning.  He groans...this is a terrible time to go out of town            on business.
            Maybe you can talk to your father, about sending someone else?
           I'm sure Ashley would love to go in my place, and convince Dad that I'm not                       equipped to handle the responsibilities of my job.  Hell no!
           It was just a suggestion-
           And not a very good one. (Beat) Sorry, I'm just...things have changed in this house           and I haven't a clue why!
    Paul and JT.  
              I can't do that JT.
             Please, Paul, I need to find out who else was scheduled for transplant surgery the            day that Victor Newman got his heart transplant.
            You need access to highly confidential information yet you won't tell me why.
            Can't you just be Paul Williams, Private Investigator and my friend, mentor, not                  Chief Williams of the GCPD?
    Paul looks at JT with a mixture of pity and exasperation.
    Mattie notices Reed, who sits at a table in a funk.  She walks over waves directly in front of his face but he is lost in his thoughts.
              Someone's lost in thought.
    Reed grumbles.
               Dare I ask how community service is going?
               Just when things were beginning to look up, it all goes downhill again.
              It can't be that dire.
               I was finally feeling like I was of some use to somebody.  Most of the residents at             the facility, it can look hopeless sometimes but there was one patient who was                 practically comatosed and,  should've had the least hope of ever getting out of                  there but I would look at her face and she-
              Oh my God, she?  You have a crush on a comatosed woman?!
               It's not like that, Mattie.  I would play the guitar and it was like she could hear and-
               You played the guitar for her?!  I thought you were a janitor, or something!  I don't             even know what to say to right now.  Maybe, seek help.
    Mattie leaves in a huff.
    Dina steps outside the car and her hand is held by the driver. Dina's smile of delight quickly turns to a frown when she realizes the driver is trying to escort her inside.
                I don't need you to chaperone me to get pastries. You may wait in the car until I                return.
    The driver hesitates.
                 It's perfectly fine, you won't get in trouble with Jackie.
    Reluctantly, the driver gets back inside the car.
    As Dina turns around to enter the GCAC, JT takes a hold of Dina's hand. 
                  Mrs. Mergeron, may I buy you those pastries?
    Paul types away on a laptop, a brief look at the screen shows the website for the GENOA CITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Transplant Center.  Paul scans the staff listing.  The Chief Administrator's picture is shown briefly.  Paul takes a deep breath and clicks the Contact link.
    Dina and JT sit at a table, Dina sips from a mug. 
                The hot chocolate here is delightful. My second favorite, apart from Paris.
    Dina studies JT's face.
                But I don't think this invitation was just about inviting an old lady out of a mug of              hot chocolate and some pastries.
               What if I told you that I could take you to see your granddaughter?
              Why, I just saw Abby-
               Not... Abby...
    (eyes wide)
    I realize that it's unlikely that I'll have time to really sit down and write this out in length.  I have two projects I'm working on--helping people write 2 plays and I'm paid for those, so guess which projects will be getting my attention? 
    Suffice it to say that Dina gets to see Colleen as she demands to see her granddaughter and bonds with her instantly.  J.T. (still not being allowed to visit Colleen) asks Dina to not say anything until they can confirm Jane Doe's I.D. then Traci will be the first person they tell. Of course, this does not go according to plan, as Dina begins to talk of spending time with her lovely granddaughter.  At first Traci, Ashley and Jack assume it's Abby but when they discover that Abby has been consumed by work and hasn't seen Dina in several days, they wonder whether Dina has regressed.
                    And she's been doing so well since she returned to                      Paris.
    Meanwhile, Paul has been doing some 'side sleuthing' and discovers a discrepancy in the admissions process of transplant patients and cadavers the day that Colleen's body was admitted to the transplant center.  He is reluctant to tell anyone until he hears back from the administrator whom he has a meeting with.
    Dina is out at Fenmore's on a shopping spree, but not for her.  It's for her beautiful granddaughter, she tells a just arrived Lauren, who has popped into the store and has offered to personally assist Dina (who at first insisted that she didn't need help then soaks up the lavish attention that she gets when Lauren has an employee give Dina the VIP treatment with tea and pastries,  "I can never resist a great pastry", Dina says).
    Dina queries Lauren about what size she believes would give the most attractive fit for her granddaughter.  "Abby?" Lauren asks while pulling specific outfits.  "Of course, not" Dina bristles "Abby doesn't need me to select her wardrobe...I mean Colleen!" Lauren is completely confused and troubled but says nothing.  Later, after Dina leaves the store, Lauren is seen calling Traci.  
                    We really need to talk, Traci.
    Paul is in conference with the hospital's transplant director, who is wary of allowing Paul any access to the confidential records without a warrant but after Paul reminds him that as chief of police that he can easily get one and that cooperation will go a long way to making the investigation a less disruptive process, the director relents.
    As Paul and the Director go through the records, they find more than one red flag, including a report detailing the presence of a male cadaver who was temporarily lost during the confusion of an employee shift change and was discovered in one of the post surgical rooms of the operating theater, meanwhile a woman, with severe oxygen deprivation and likely brain damage and n the verge of expiring but still alive was discovered feet away. Two employees faced disciplinary action but the issue was never made public.  The Director quickly states that he was not in charge of the transplant center at that time.  
                I think we need to talk to the employees in question.
    Traci and Lauren meet and Traci is confounded by Lauren's account of Dina in Fenmore's earlier.  Traci assumed that Dina was confused about which granddaughter she was speaking of but when Lauren showed her the disparity in sizes, (as Fenmore's keeps a log of frequent customers' sizes and style preferences), Traci becomes even more concerned.
    As Paul and the Director are about to conference in one of the employees who worked the night of the transfer and was disciplined (the other employee has since died), he explains about the two separate teams that worked on the transplant.  One team extracted the heart from the donor patient, the other team implanted the heart on the recipient patient. He suggests that Paul talk to someone on the extraction team as he was part of the prep team and the post surgical team for the donor patient. Yes, he made the mistake of leaving the post op area before his replacement could arrive but he himself had an emergency with an elderly parent who had dementia and wandered from home.
    During the course of the conference call, J.T. tries to call but Paul ignores it.
    As Traci and Jack wait for Ashley, they discuss what to do about Dina.
                Is it possible the our mother has somehow befriended                some stranger and has convinced herself that she's                    her granddaughter?
    Ashley arrives.
                 If this person is even real.
                  Oh, I believe she's real...but who is she?
                   Mother won't like it but, I think we may have to                             consult with her doctor...see if there's a medical                           reason for this sudden change...this confusion.
                    She doesn't appear confused at all.  She seems                            confident, assured in her statements.  Lauren said                      she was adamant that the granddaughter was not                      Abby.
                    Well, I'm confused-
                     We may all need a doctor's consult by the time we                       get to the bottom of this. (beat) Where's mother?
                      She's not here?! Where is she.
                       You know that mother insists on having her                                   freedom of movement. We can't tie her to the                               bedpost.
                       She's been very responsible lately-
                       As in no arson, no stabbings, no kidnapping?
    The phone rings.  Dina is on the other end. Traci answers.
                       Mother where are you?
                       Visiting.  I'll be home soon, dear.
    Before Traci can get another word out, Dina hangs up. 
    Wide shot to reveal that a smiling Dina holds the hand of her granddaughter, who except for shallow breaths, lies motionless in bed.
    Close up on the hands as Colleen's fingers begin to twitch.  
    Dina comes down the stairs, she is in a buoyant mood.  Traci, Jack and Ashley observe her closely.
               I'm famished.
    Dina walks toward the dining.
                Well, are you all going to stand there and gape at me?                Or will you join me at the breakfast table?
               I actually have to get to Newman.  We have so many                   exciting projects in the offing, (stares daggers at Jack),             I need to get in the office early just so I can get a jump               start.
    Jack stares daggers back at Ashley.
               I think I'll be going in early as well. No rest for the                         eternally successful-
               Wicked...I think you mean "no rest for the wicked".  
               If it comes to that, I have no problems going there-
              I'll join you, mother.
    Traci quickly takes Dina's hand.  As Dina leads her toward the dining room, Traci shoots a withering glare at Jack and Ashley, who appear chastened. 
    EXT. DAY
    A car door slams as Paul walks toward the front of a building and rings the bell.  A muffled male voice answers and Paul answers.
                 Paul Williams...we spoke on the phone yesterday. 
    Paul is buzzed in and enters an elevator with the doors closing behind him.
    Traci stares at Dina across the table as Dina eats heartily.  Dina looks back at her, annoyed.
                    Oh for heaven's sake, dear, if you have something to                     ask me-
                   I spoke to Lauren a few days ago and-
    Dina rolls her eyes.
                   Should I have given her a tip to keep her mouth                             closed?  I asked that she be discreet.
    Dina, clearly annoyed and agitated, checks her watch.
                   It's just that...Lauren mentioned that you were buying                 clothes for your granddaughter but the sizing was off.
                    That's because they weren't for Abby. (beat) My car's                   here, I have to leave. 
                      Where are you going?
                      To meet J.T....I mean, er, T.J.  He's my trainor at the                      Athletic Club. (stumbles) you know exercise helps                      the brain...and I need all the help I can get.
    Dina gets up, kisses Traci on the forehead.
                     Don't worry, dear, in time. all will be revealed.
    As Dina hastens off.
                       When she's ready.
    A door slams as Dina has exited.
    Paul sits in a small room that doubles as a makeshift private office with another Man who offers to him coffee but Paul declines.
                         Oh I remember that day!  It's not everyday you're                           part of the team for a billionaire patient.                                         Everybody was in a lather, everything had to be                             perfect.  We all talked about it when it was over.
                         Both transplant teams. The donor and the                                     recipient.  There was a huge buzz in the center
                         I'm shocked that there were so many errors but I                         had no part in that.                      
                         And you sure the cadaver was a male?
                         I personally witnessed that heart being pulled out                       of that man's chest, wrapped up and put on ice.  I                         transported it to the Operating theater myself.                             The transplant was a success, as far as I heard,                            but as to what happened to the donor's body                                afterward and how the body was handled this is                         going to sound kinda cold and indifferent but it                             really wasn't my job.                  
    Dina puts lipstick on Colleen's lips, then smooths her hand, then her dress.  Looks at her with adoration.
                         I think you're ready, sweetheart. I just know when                        Traci sees you, you're going to open those eyes. 
    Traci is at the entrance, talking to Devon and Hilary who have emerged from the gym after having just finished their workouts.  
                         Named T.J.?  (Hilary shakes her head)
                          A woman?
                         No, I've never heard of her.
                         Yeah, I mean...I've never heard of a trainer, man or                       woman named T.J. 
    As J.T. enters the GCAC, Traci sees him and follows his steps with her stare.  Traci's anger is rising but she keeps it under wraps for the moment. She looks at Hilary and Devon.
                       Thank you.
    Traci marches off.  Hilary and Devon exchange bewildered looks.
                        Did you see that look?
                       Not sure I even wanna know what that's about-
                       There once was a time, I'd make it my business to                       know what was about to go down over there-
                        You sure you wanna be a witness? Because I know                      I don't.
    As Hilary and Devon make their way to the exit, Hilary gives a long inquisitive stare at a furious Traci who barrels toward J.T.
                         How dare you confuse and muddle my mother.  I                        demand to know for what purpose are you using                          her? 
    J.T.'s phone rings.  
                          Don't you dare answer that!
    On the other end of the phone, Paul starts to leave a voicemail message.
                        J.T., this is Paul. We need to talk...call me back as                       soon as you get this. (Pause) I thought he was                             anxious to hear from me.
     Paul gets in his car and drives off.
    Ashley and Lily are looking over some samples.
                       Not that I need her permission but just as a                                   courtesy, I'd like get Victoria's feedback on the new                     samples.
                      And you're looking at me because...
                     Well, you have such a great rapport with everyone.
                     I'm not so sure about that these days.  Since I came                   to work with you, it's as if I've defected to another                       company.  She's professional with me but there's                         something in her manner...
                      You wouldn't have to drop off or pick up any                                  samples, just...get her thoughts on it and...a report,                    a memo, whatever you think is best...get her                                  thoughts on it.  See if anything sparks, if not, we've                      done due diligence.
                       Something for the file, right?
    The phone rings.
    Ashley answers the phone.
                      Ashley Abbott?
    Jack is on the other end. He hesitates.
    Lily signals that she can leave, Ashley signals for her to stay.
                     What is it?
                     Have you heard from mother or Traci?
                       I'm surprised you're even asking for my help.
                       It's just that...no one's answering the phone.  And                         I've tried their cell phones.
                       Gee Jack, with our mother wandering off to parts                         unknown, buying wardrobes for a granddaughter                         that she claims not to be Abby while mentioning                         Colleen in the same breath-
                      Colleen?!  Your mother mentioned Colleen?  
                       I'm beginning to think you don't have full control of                      our mother's daily protocol in the way you've been                        insisting, Jack-
                      You know what?  I'll handle this myself.
                       We'll talk about this-
    Jack has hung up.
    Somewhat dejected, Ashley hangs up the phone. Ashley appears lost in thought.
                        Ashley...what is this about Colleen?
  2. DramatistDreamer
    Okay here goes (lol). Working within the framework of existing storylines.  This story is spread out over the course of two weeks or so, mingled with other stories.  The time-frames are not precise as this is just a rough layout of ideas that I haven't even fully thought.  Just writing as I'm thinking...
    The only thing that would half-way interest me in the Jack startup story is if Jack convinced Ashley to partner with him (when a disgruntled Ashley decides that Billy isn't listening to her after he has discarded all her ideas). 
    Meanwhile, Jill gets wind of this new venture and advises Billy to do what he has to do in order to bring both Jack and Ashley back to Jabot.  Billy, encouraged on by Phyllis, insists that he won't need them because their startup will flop.  Jill walks away irritated with Billy's attitude, thinking that perhaps her son needs to be brought back down to earth.
    Together, Jack and Ashley decide, not only build out Ashley's discarded ideas for cosmetics but they also decide to launch a moderately priced line of cosmetics--which are basically "dupes" of Jabot favorites, including an updated dupe to John Abbott's first formulated fragrance Vive Riche with new and improved scent and packaging, with a cheeky name like Tojour Riche (Forever Rich), a play on the name of John Abbott's fragrance.
    Desperate for investors, Jack and Ashley approach Jill about Chancellor taking a stake in the emerging company. 
    Jill declines until Ashley tells her the one of the ideas was to revamp fragrances from the Jill's beloved Men's line. 
    Ashley proposed this to Billy but he literally trashed it.  Jill is incensed but reminds Ashley that Brash and Sassy had that line and retooled it as Dare and Ashley reminds Jill that Brash and Sassy folded when Victoria returned to Newman, Jill correctly guesses that the proprietary rights are on the verge of lapsing and may be up for grabs. 
    Ashley suggests that she can make "dupes" for the product but Jill wants her beloved Men's line out of Newman hands. 
    They both look up the proprietary rights and it is Jill's suspicion that the rights are about to lapse is confirmed.
    Jill leaves a message for Michael to meet her as she wants to file some paperwork. 
    Ashley proposes that they partner 50-50 but Jill suggests that Chancellor might want full rights to the products to put out on their own.  Ashley emphasizes the need to revamp and update the products and haughtily suggests that Jill knows full well that Ashley is the best chemist to improve the cosmetics.  Jill agrees but Jill wants it publicized that this will be a revamped version of the original Men's line which she created.  Ashley suggests having HWG handle the PR but Jack, still stung by their rejection when he pitched the idea to them, rejects the idea.  Jill mentions a recent hire for CI's marketing department that she finds to be very impressive.  Jack and Ashley are both receptive to meeting her ( down the road--enter Shari Headley as the marketing executive).
    Jill meets with Michael, who, on a promise of lawyer/client confidentiality, helps her to file paperwork to secure the proprietary rights to the product line that was once her Men's line for Jabot.
    Meanwhile both Billy and Victoria hear rumors about Jack and Ashley taking meetings with investors for their new venture and both Jabot and Newman executives begin to worry.  Kyle wonders whether he should have moved with his father to the new venture. Billy wonders whether it's finally time to nullify the dreaded 'blood Abbott clause' and Victoria seeks more information on what products Jack and Ashley are working on.
    As this new marketing exec meets with Jack and Ashley, all hit it off immediately and since investor money has been coming in, they decide that there is money in the budget to hire the new exec to marketing and PR immediately.   The first order of business is to set a launch date.
    Curiosity getting the better of her, Abby decides to do some digging and discovers that there is a plan to revamp products that became a part of Victoria's Dare line.  A smirk comes across Abby's lips as Victoria enters the office to ask her sister what has her looking like the cat the swallowed the canary, to which Abby responds "You have no idea, do you?". Abby drops a hint about a new men's cosmetics line coming soon to shelves everywhere.
    Billy enlists Traci's help to try to get Ashley and Jack to meet them over dinner to discuss repairing the rift but when they all meet, it turns out to be a pitch for Ashley and Jack to fold their venture and return to Jabot.  Jack and Ashley scoff as it's too late. 
    Victoria tries to enlist Michael's help to try to send a cease and desist letter to Jack and Ashley as she has guessed it has to be them trying to use Dare as a blueprint for a new line of men's cosmetics and Michael declines her offer.  Victoria asks Michael if he's working for them and Michael only states that he hasn't met with either Jack or Ashley about Dare.  Victoria is suspicious of what Michael isn't saying.
    Neil sees the new marketing/PR exec at the GCAC, offers to buy her a drink and proceeds to chats her up.  When he finds out about her PR background he states that HWG could use someone of her considerable skill-set.  As she is about to decline his offer, Jack steps in and says "Oh I see you've met our new head of marketing and PR".  Neil looks perplexed.  The new PR exec promptly thanks Neil for the drink, proclaims that "gentlemen, I have work to do" and proceeds to exit as Jack says that he'll see her at the office.  
    At some point, Jill starts is getting impatient and after leaving texts, which Michael has mostly been ignoring Jill decides to "take the bull by the horns" and call Michael for a lunch meeting.  Michael, who does not let on who he's on the phone with, tells the caller that he already has plans with his wife as Lauren hovers in the background.  Michael can guess what it is about and believes that she could get the news that she wants soon, if only she'd exercise some patience.  Jill emphasized that being patient did not get her to where she is in life, ever.  As Lauren tries to ask Michael who he's arguing with on the phone, the doorbell rings and Lauren answers it.  A courier has her sign for a legal sized envelope.  "Michael, this says urgent".  Michael can barely get the words "I'll call your back" out as he hangs up.  He takes the envelope, opens it and examines the papers, briefly lets out a sigh of relief before looking at Lauren and saying "I'm sorry honey but I'm gonna have to cancel our lunch date".  Lauren rolls her eyes.
    At the outdoor café, Shari Headley's character shakes Lily's hand and thanks her for agreeing to meet at such short notice.  The new PR/marketing exec explains that she want to use Lily's agency to find models for a campaign blitz for the launch of a dynamic new men's cosmetics line, although she cannot yet give many details, suffice it to say that it is a major upgrade of a once beloved line.  Lily furrows her brow.
    Later, at the GCAC, Lily and Abby meet for lunch and discuss their suspicions that someone is revamping Dare and it won't be Victoria or Newman.  Abby thinks it is her mother and Jack. Lily mentions the meeting she had earlier with a very elegant yet sharp marketing exec that gave little details.  They both muse on how mysterious the situation is and how it may lead to a footrace between various corporations.
    Lauren on the phone says "Michael just canceled with me again, how about joining me for lunch?" 
    Hilary, Jack and the unnamed marketing/PR exec (ToBeNamed) sit down to lunch at the GCAC.  Jack notices Jill and Michael at another table.  Jack makes the introductions between Hilary and the exec, who takes the lead in the conversation and discusses having a segment that introduces some of new products before they go to market, to generate consumer interest, she presents Hilary with a gift bag of products, including some prototypes for what will be their men's line. Jack suggest that Devon try those out.  Speaking of Devon, Jack asks Hilary about who they can talk to about book a private party at the GCAC for a future launch party.  Hilary suggest that she can put the PR exec in touch with the club's manager.  
    At the other table, Jill peruses that papers that papers with a thousand watt grin on her face. "Well that was fast!" Jill exclaims.  "Not fast enough for me", Michael says. "You practically called or texted me every day".  As Jill starts to apologize, she notices that Lauren and Paul have just sat down to lunch.
    Lauren mentions how great it always is to meet up with her good friend.  She complains that Michael has keeps canceling plans with her and she's doing all she can to not become suspicious. Paul urges her to keep on that track.  Paul observes Michael sitting with someone whose face is hidden behind a menu. "Speaking of the devil", Paul gestures toward Michael's table. Lauren follow's Paul's glance and sees Michael sitting with someone and gasps.  As the waiter makes her way to the table, Lauren points to an item and asks Paul to order for her as she marches toward Michael's table.  Jill hands the menu to another waiter.  Lauren chastises Jill for arriving in town without letter her know and asks how long she's been her and is appalled when Jill tells her two weeks.  Jill tries to explain that there was a perfectly good reason why she wanted to be somewhat incognito and says that Lauren might as well know the reason why.  Michael pulls up a chair and Lauren sits, telling Jill that "this had better be good". 
    At Newman,  Victoria and a team are busy on phones and computers when an employee puts a laptop in front of Victoria and points to a section on the screen.  Victoria gasps loudly as Abby walks in and asks what's all the drama about.  Victoria points out that Jill has reclaimed proprietary rights of her men's line with means that Dare, in its current incarnation is effectively dead.
    Neil, Devon and Lily discuss and how messy things could get their suspicions are confirmed and Ashley and Jack have somehow gotten rights to Dare's line of products.  Neil is unsure how that's legally possible.  He knows some companies don't bother to get patents because of their expense but sure Victoria made sure that she held the proprietary rights to the products.  Lily thinks it's possible that Dare got lost in the shuffle after Victoria went back to Newman and became embroiled in a tussle with Ashley for the CEO position.  Neil and Lily start to discuss their respective meeting with the new marketing/PR exec and Devon wonders whether HWG will regret not being able to snag her for their PR company.  Hilary walks in and mentions just having had a meeting with her and that she is already meeting with the manager at the GCAC to discuss a launch party.  Neil remarks that this new exec wastes no time. Hilary calls Mariah and tells her they need to schedule a staff meeting about an upcoming show to tease some coming attractions for some products from Jack and Ashley's venture.  Devon marvels at how sharp the people behind this venture all seem.  He wonders aloud whether it be too late to try to buy a stake in the company.  Hilary proposes that if she can get in a joint stake with Devon and/or HWG perhaps she can help.
    Cane is irate with Jill for keeping him in the dark.  Jill states that this her own stake and is separate from Chancellor.  She urges Cane not to worry as this venture, in no way competes with anything at Chancellor. Cane still sulks at having been kept out of the action.
    At Newman, Abby announces that Victor wants to meet with them now.  With a smirk, Abby taunts Victoria for letting the ball drop.
    Later, Ashley informs Jack that she has heard from Jill and the revamp of the men's line is a "Go".  Ashley and Jack are in an upbeat mood that this venture is truly coming together.
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