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Posts posted by VirginiaHamilton

  1. is there a need for a two part reunion?

    What are they going to discuss?

    Is kim racist? is nene rich? what else has this season given us? Aside from Kountry Kandi

    My thoughts exactly.

    I'm in no mood to watch Kim talk about her "fabulous life without NeNe" and NeNe act as if she is leagues away from her "humble RHoATL beginnings".

    Unless these folks are willing to be in the same room together for more than twice a season, they might as well move on to some new Housewives that are willing to mix it up.

  2. There were rumors Megan Ward had a big falling out with the producers.

    I hated that ending of the GH credits. Just so arrogant, and such a great reminder that we were supposed to see GH as a man's world.

    I have hated all GH opening credits since Frons.

    Falling out over what? Money? Or the same old backstage politics?

    Re: the credits - I feel that TPTB went this route because they wanted an "edgier" soap opening and probably thought the Dave Koz Faces of the Heart one was outdated. Problem is, too much flash was going on there and I could barely make out who the hell was in the cast. When I finally get to the white background ending, Luke just walks off the stage for some random reason...

    I truly don't get it or why the women weren't included in that ending.

  3. So I watched one of those "old" episodes last night for the first time (since I hadn't been watching) and, well:

    1. Megan Ward was a far better Kate than the one that is currently on, which explains why she was the only other love interest of Sonny's (other than the fabulous Brenda) that I liked a lot. I haven't a clue why they fired her and replaced her with some bootleg version.
    2. Sam actually had a personality back then. Sure, she was drunk and bitter for whatever reason, but it was refreshing to see her lips not firmly glued to Jasus's ass. Bonus points on her calling that canker sore Carly out for being the sloppy ho that she is.
    3. Thank God for Megan Ward because she was the only reason why I found Sonny remotely interesting in this episode, though I'm always happy to see someone assault that dreadful Spinelli.
    4. Squeak Toy Maxie and doppelganger Scotty Baldwin are just as boring as doppelganger Scotty Baldwin is with Five Head Heifer Lulu.
    5. Poor Larry really was the whipping boy of this show. Even though his own son is missing, he's still being browbeaten by his wife and his sister. Seeing this last night pretty much proves my point that JJ Lucky's takedown of Liz was completely justified and way overdue.
    6. Scott Clifton sure has improved in the looks and acting department since his GH days.
    7. Was Rick Hearst allowed to do anything other than being the white Taggert? I've seen him be charming on other shows and would like to know if GH ever allowed him to be that.
    8. I was surprised to see that Steve Burton looked a lot worse here than he does now. Not that he's anywhere near a fine hunk of man these days, but that no-neck-having mullet look was terrible.
    9. I still don't know why Diane is or how Carolyn Hennesy lasted on this show for as long as she did.
    10. What the hell is up the end of the GH intro when Luke gets up and walks off the stage? Is that some inside joke that flew over my head or something?
  4. Well, color me shocked, because I just figured out that Frank Smith 1.0 was the same guy that played Punky Brewster's adopted father. (Sorry, old schoolers, but I started watching in the 90s and was used to Frank Smith 2.0 a.k.a.: Damian Smith's father.)

  5. BH

    I'll miss Cunty Camille, as she was my favorite Real Housewives villainess. Sure, Lisa will still be fabulous, but there'll be a hole in my heart where the former Mrs. Grammer used to be...



    Just when I thought that I'd be taking a RH break, there goes Andy releasing the new trailer and sucking me back in. Damn you, Andy, for making my DVR come dangerously close to being filled to the brim with this fuckery.


    It was wonderful seeing Ultimate Diva Dwight, if only for a few stolen moments. He is sorely missed by me.

    Sheree knows damn well she is no Lisa Vanderpump, so she needs to pump the breaks in trying to create the biggest wedding in ATL history.

    Cynthia is such a punk, kowtowing to Kim like that.

  6. 90s GH was my classic GH - back when there were great stories to go along with the great characters.

    Seeing Alan, Monica, Lucy, decent Sonny, Ned, Jax, The Only Emily That Existed, The Only AJ That Existed, Brenda, and Tony always puts a smile on my face. I forgot how much I loved that pill addiction storyline.

    Thanks for the memories, guys! wub.png

  7. Miami Season 2 is a go - they are filming right now with 3 new housewives... they officially dropped Alexia, Cristy, and Larsa.

    I'm going to give it another chance - they apparently have NJ's production team (they fired Season 1's) - and are putting more money into it - the new housewives are also apparently much richer and glamorous.

    I'm hoping NYC is next - I'm excited about the new ladies!

    Well, at least Andy knew that no one wanted to watch Crusty and Larva on TV. Still, Miami bored me to tears so I'll be surprised if they manage to prove me wrong.

    Season 1 Nene!






    Such innocent times....

  8. Overall, who do you think the viewers' favorite housewife is from each show?

    Atlanta: Phaedra currently, used to be NeNe

    Beverly Hills: Lisa. Adrienne used to be the underdog, until the reunion show...

    New Jersey: ?

    New York: ?

    OC: Probably Vicki

    ATL: Phaedra from this season forward. She learned to reel in the fake bougie BS and become ATL's sweetheart through sheer wit.

    BH: Lisa because she's just fabulous and doesn't take this show seriously.

    NYC: Bethenny, as her presence on that show is still sorely missed.

    NJ: I got nothing.

  9. I gotta agree. The Africa episodes sans Kim did not phase me in the least. Didn't miss her.

    In terms of RH cycles, wouldn't New York be next to air after Atlanta is done? Even though New Jersey season 4 was already filmed like 10 years ago.

    I actually thought that the South Africa episodes had good chemistry (despite the rivalry between the Talls and the Smalls) because everyone was interacting instead of being isolated in their own little corner (which I hope they don't return to once they get back to ATL in the next episode).

    I wouldn't be surprised if NYC got pushed back to later this year because of the almost-complete overhaul. I wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer if it means that Andy Cohen's new Housewives picks are worth tuning into.

  10. I sure hope that Andy puts the kibosh on bringing Miami back because it needs to go into the same garbage bin that DC went in.

    As for ATL, I'm so not looking forward to the Kim-centric episode next week. One of the reasons why I enjoyed the South Africa episodes was because there was barely any Kim in sight and now I have to be subjected to a 1-hour infomercial about her spinoff? Just boot her ass off from this show so that I don't have to watch her irrelevant ass anymore.

  11. You can't excuse behaviour because someone quietly and consciously allows someone to believe a crime, rather than flat out says it.

    Like I said, until she says that "David Clarke raped me and I was forced to have his rape baby, Charlotte", QV is not guilty of accusing him of rape. Daniel chose to come to his own conclusions and David Clarke is fingered as a rapist, it will be on his hands - not QV's.

  12. LOL @ Cynthia clowning Phaedra on her Marshall's robe though Phaedra probably has more money in the bank than Cynthia and her scrub of a husband do. Can't wait until they call her out for having her lips planted firmly on Nene's behind.

  13. I read that Camille doesn't want to come back next season, which is quite unfortunate since she is one of my favorite Housewives bitches. (Yes, I know she got a 'nice-edit' this season, but that surely isn't going to last forever.) Like I said upthread, they need to dump Taylor (and that useless Dana) and keep Camille.

  14. If BH knows what is good for it, they'd dump Taylor at the curb and keep on trucking without her passive-aggressive dramatic ass. I can guarantee you that no one wants to see her BS play out for another season.

    As for ATL, it is boring now. Hardly anyone interacting because one side isn't speaking to the other side. Blah. They need to get back to the confrontations because this whole separating castmembers is doing this show no favors.

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