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Posts posted by VirginiaHamilton

  1. Overall, I can definitely see why Bravo let go of Jill, Kelly, Cindy (big waste of airtime), but think they should've kept Alex to mix with the remaining ladies and the new ones.

    I have to agree with this, as I found Alex's delusional ass to be the most tolerable of all the exiled Housewives. I sure will miss her and Silex.

  2. I have family in Ireland who make these women look like paupers. Real Irish society wouldn't touch this show with a ten foot pole on account of how bad the Irish economy is. If this was 10 years ago, you'd see a really interesting, rich cast with a lot more class than these women.

    To be fair, no actual society women from any city would touch this show with a ten foot pole.

  3. Lawd. Teresa and Juicy Joe. SMH. he is so disgusting and I wish Teresa would leave him he always complains and acts like he hates them. When she asked why he was out with girls and he said "it is what it is" ? Hell no. I feel sorry for their kids.

    Precisely. Their kids are the only ones that I feel sorry for because Teresa and Juicy Joe are a pair of miserable cows.

  4. That greatest hits compilation of Sherry's tantrums (which included the best scene in RHoATL history with TopLevelExecutive) should have been one honking clue that her time on the show has come to an end.

    Marlo has risen in my eyes as the shitstarter that I love to hate. Chick was slanging all kinds of dirt about the others and I loved the hell out of it!

  5. If I'm not mistaken, Riche was the one that decided to either fire Genie Francis because she gained weight or deny her a significant amount of maternity leave (i.e.: the same length as AG's vacation time).

    If I've got either right, I certainly won't defend that. However, I will say that the good that she did the show (which, IMO, was the best I've ever seen the show) under her watch outweighs the bad. Not only was she very receptive to telling stories that were very much relevant to modern times, she knew how to keep Guza's ass in line (which, in hindsight, was sorely needed after the fantastic Claire Labine left).

  6. Remember when Sheree was "destined" to be an actress and auditioned for parts in plays last season? Must be a really bitter pill to swallow watching Nene actually become one.

    Sure do and it definitely is, which is why this reunion is her last chance (allegedly) to try to knock NeNe down and remind her of where she came from.

  7. You're the reason I posted this! smile.png

    It's kind of interesting to me how Julia was introduced first and never caught on in the same way, though. I liked some of the scenes I've seen of her with Scott and Dominique.

    Thank you.... wink.png

    I barely remembered Julia, as she was leaving around the time that I started watching. I did, however, appreciate her return years later so that she and Brenda could hash things out, as those scenes/that episode was a great example of how GH used to write their female characters well way back then.

    The main reason why I adore Brenda is because she became much more than the poor little rich bitch that she was introduced as. Yes, she was a part of the best love triangle that GH ever had and she had two successful pairings in both Sonny and Jax, but she stands on her own as a flesh-and-blood character who was allowed to be imperfectly human.

  8. Poor Sherry - (allegedly) leaving this show at the same place she started it at - with nothing. Say what you will about the others, but they at least seem to have a hustle that sticks (NeNe with her 'acting career'/Kandi with her boutique, songwriting, and sex toy line/Phaedra's law career and mortuary business/Cynthia with her supper club and modeling agency/Kim with her latest mark).

    That said, for someone who is rrrrrrrricccccccccch, NeNe is one bitter-ass hater of a broad. Despite her being the 'breakout star' of this series, she's still insecure about folks that are doing well and/or don't feel the need to suck on her teat like Cynthia does (because, let's be real, that's what the whole DEEEEEEL-DO argument was really about).

  9. Would Jackie had taken off if she'd have been recast following Demi Moore's departure? Or was her character such a dud that she was better off being the distant memory that she became?

    I didn't even know that Tiffany was on that long. (I just assumed that she came around the same time as Lucy Coe in the mid-80s)

    I'd ask how Lucas' coming out was depicted on this show, but your reference to him as Invisible Gay says it all. Such a shame because I honestly believe that if his young adult character was around 5-7 years before that he'd have gotten a decent (and visible) storyline. SMH

  10. Luke/Holly were popular? I was under the impression that viewers were resentful of her because she wasn't Laura and that she didn't really start to take off as a character until she and Robert entered each other's orbit. As for Felicia, I guess I am in a minority because that whole idea was just a ball of suck.

    (Was it Jackie herself that wasn't popular or the fact that she wasn't Laura?)

    Robert was with Tiffany? Was this before Sean or during a break? (I vaguely remember Sean and Tiffany, as I started watching during their last year or two.)

    Thanks for the background on Robert and Cheryl.

  11. How long did Robert/Cheryl last? My impression of Robert was that he was a one-woman man whose relationships lasted a good while (well, at least in soap time).

    As for Luke? I can't agree with that because I honestly don't believe that any of his non-Laura relationships ever came close to touching what he had with Laura (from what I've seen). Robert, from what I've seen, has had great chemistry with all of the women that I've seen him with. As much hoopla as Luke received as a leading man, I honestly think that Robert trumps him when it comes to having the great romances.

  12. Is it safe to say that Robert Scorpio is the most successful GH leading man of all time? (This isn't a declaration, but an honest question.)

    I ask because it seems that he is the only male whose pairings were all hits - so much so that each sector of Robert fandom will fight to the death (even 25+ years later) over which pairing was his best and actually have a leg to stand on.

  13. It was always about the mob and Felicia just never found her place in the post-Monty world of no adventure. She floundered for years from Tom to Mac to Luke and she was just an 80s gal who never was able to successfully transition to the more down to earth stories.

    Perhaps it's because I started watching almost 20 years ago, but I didn't see Felicia as out of place at all. Granted, I was too young to have watched the 80s adventure years, but my memories of her in the 90s were fond ones.

    Unlike the horrendous way that they've written her daughter once they SORASed and recasted her, I thought she struck a perfect balance of being dreamy without being a ditz. During the height of my GH watching in the 90s, I thought she was necessary to the canvas precisely because she was a lighthearted character that could do the lighthearted storylines that balanced out the tragic/dark ones.

    To this day, it saddens me that this show has been gutted so much that a full and vibrant character such as Felicia Scorpio-Jones couldn't thrive there without being steamrolled under the bus.

  14. Remember when Kristina was actually considered a lead actress on GH? She looks fabulous there, what a figure!

    Watching that montage was so sad because of how well balanced it was. So many old time favourites were still featured. The mob violence was there, but it was not overwhelming. The scenes of the beautiful Bachenlia, and Jax and Brenda on the beach, those were the days.

    They sure were. Things certainly went down the drain at the dawn of the new millennium and Felicia is a glaring example of that.

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