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Posts posted by Skylover

  1. I disagree with the decision to get rid of Ronnie and Roxy even though I understand it. Being honest though, I think there are a hell of a lot of characters above them crying to be axed. Masood, Denise, Patrick, Kyle, Billy. If they bring back Kim Medcalf I don't mind as much, I would understand the reason for wanting to have Phil's sister in the show rather than his cousins. I don't want Jay to go either.

    I'm starting to wonder what will happen to Abi too. I wouldn't be surprised if she was re-cast, I think the actress is hanging on by a thread.

    Even though I don't think Les or Pam are very well-acted, I'm annoyed the cross-dressing story will be cut short. It has massive long term potential and I was looking forward to watching it play out over a few years.

  2. Do you like Sonia? I think she's unintentionally hilarious.

    I'm finding it hard to watch Ian and Jane. They are ridiculous. I actually do feel sorry for Bobby though. It is the lack of self-awareness both characters have which makes them now irredeemable, which is kind of highlighted by your point with Janine. At least with characters like Phil and Janine, they know themselves that they're terrible people.

  3. ^

    I strongly disagree. We'll never know the range Ben Hardy could've given on EE b/c they never allowed him to show it. DTC never had any long story for Peter. Most of the time he was back, he was in the background or walking around shirtless. They never utilized him like they should've. 


    Sucks because Lucy AND Ben have been destroyed and tossed aside when they should be the young adults driving story and leading the pack for the next generation. Glad that Ben Hardy is finding success in Hollywood. I hope it continues. I hope that Hetti Bywater gets out there and finds success too. 

    Maybe you're right. I think some good actors shine even with mediocre material. To be fair, I wasn't watching for the majority of his time so only had the odd episodes/moments here and there. But I did see him do some dramatic material which I wasn't that impressed with (must have been the 30th anniversary?)

    A lot of the lesser actors go on to be high profile. Certainly not the worst, Margot Robbie (Donna, Neighbours) but far from the best. Now a fairly well known actress in the US.

    The guy who plays Andy is shocking.

  4. I noticed that mistake too. I think Steven makes for a more interesting character than Peter. Hope they recast him if he ever comes back.

    Do you think they weren't able to write good for Peter once Ben Hardy played him or was it like that when Thomas Law played him too?

    I think Peter suffered as a character because Ben Hardy wasn't a very good actor. Don't get me wrong, he was hot, haha, but that's not everything, I just always felt he wasn't a very successful re-cast. I agree that Lucy was much better. In theory I understand why they chose Lucy to be the centre of the 30th anniversary storyline because she was such an important character and probably the most likely person to develop so many enemies. Having said that, it wasn't worth it because it has ruined the Beales. It's odd because they would never choose to kill off Ben or Louise Mitchell IMO because they put the Mitchells on such a pedestal.

  5. Steven has been a positive these last few episodes. A saving grace. He's had quite a few scenes with Kathy and they've been quite insightful. Donna drunk was hilarious.

    How Roxy manages to constantly pull all these guys who are always about ten years younger than her is beyond me. I know one of them turned out to be a rapist but still.

  6. What a silly decision if it's true that Lauren and Steven are together. I'd prefer them to come up with an unrealistic reason for Peter not to return.


    Steven is here to help Ian, feeling guilty for his past mistakes.

    . From the preview it doesn't look like the actor has improved.

    That scene where Sharon admitted she'd moved all of Peggy's things had a predictable outcome.

  7. Somehow even with the general stupidity and overegged dialogue of it all, Pam, Babe and Les ended up being the best material in the episode. 

    I think Babe is brilliant. I think she's a pretty unique character considering she's also such a cliche, if that makes sense. I like Les and Pam but I wish they'd just grow some balls. Who cares if he cross dresses, it's 2016 for goodness sake.

  8. Thanks for those clips.

    I actually feel sorry for Bobby. He doesn't know why he has these urges to harm people when he gets angry. The actor is doing a good job. Ugh having to have Christian back but at least it makes sense to the story. Shame I'd like to see Syed too.

    Found it quite endearing in a weird way that Phil was looking after Bobby/being supportive to him.

    Also got to say, I find Jay soo attractive these days, I never did, he's not really conventionally attractive, I don't know what happened haha.

  9. In those scenes when Ben said that his nephew wasn't capable of murder, I was hoping that for once Shirley would've tossed Heather's death in Ben's face. To take a shot at the Beale genes or something. This was the ONE time she would've been rightful in taking a shot at Ben. 

    I was half expecting Ben and Stacey to compare murders in that scene. Maybe Ronnie should have been about so she could have joined in too. I did like it though, I don't recall them ever interacting.

    Kathy and Sharon are annoying me the most in this storyline too. Following Sharon's 'Get him out of here' re Bobby yesterday, she suddenly seems to have done a backflip today. Like you say Kathy just offers nothing at all.

    I think the actor who plays Bobby is good. Shame he has become one-dimensional - only a few days ago I read an article where DTC was saying he wanted to tell Bobby's story from the heart. That couldn't be further from the truth.

  10. I said on DS that EE jumped the shark tonight and they're all saying that I don't understand the term? Well although I found it entertaining tonight, it was the first time I find the whole episode completely unrealistic and farcical to the point I was embarrassed for the writers.

  11. ^If it wasn't for the show's obsession with re-creating a new set of Mitchell brothers, I think they would go there with Ben and Jay. As you say there is great chemistry there but I think that's mainly because the actors are such good friends and that translates on screen. The writers won't risk threatening their new-generation Mitchell brothers for a gay romance. It would be cheap too, because Jay shows no signs of bisexuality.

  12. As a huge fan of Harry's Ben, I'm disappointed how they didn't focus at all on his relationship with Paul yet we as viewers are supposed to believe that they are mega in love. The writers are so obsessed with the Mitchells that they can't focus on the individual characters and instead concentrate on them as a unit too much. I hope once Paul goes, they have a decent real love story for Ben, but my fear is that he'll be put with Johnny who he isn't suited to at all. People on DS are calling for him and Jay to get together but I think that would be an obvious, insencere route to take, and damage the work they've made creating a gay/straight male bromance.

  13. I think Janine only went to prison for a few months, although it was still punishment.

    It must have been a year - she got released on that trial where Pat and Frank met at the end of 2005. She was arrested in April 2004, or am I remembering it wrong?

    How do you feel about Ben?

  14. I miss the days when characters who did heinous acts truly paid for their actions. Either death or prison for YEARS (in real time). 

    Sorry I've been reading through old posts in the thread and I agree with this.

    I think they should kill off Phil for everything he's done, send Ronnie to prison for many years (I love her but she's been ruined, I wouldn't mind her coming back in a few years). I do want the Mitchells to stay but I think they should make Roxy, Ben etc carry on the legacy, those characters still have mileage. They could also get back Kim Metcalf's Sam.

    Janine went to prison for years for killing Laura, which she didn't even do, but it was a fitting end as she pretty much killed Barry. I really hope Harry Reid stays, he's a beautiful guy, and is the best Ben we've had so far.

  15. When Pippa left in 1998, I think a normal family (The Nashes) moved in but barely lasted 2 years, then the Sutherlands moved in who lasted about 5 years, then one of the original foster children Sally, moved in and began fostering. This went up until 2008 and now they've stuck one of the original characters Alf Stewart in Summer Bay house, with another long standing character Leah (2000-) and her new family.

    I think at some point, it would be a good idea to bring back one of the original foster kids again and start them fostering again.

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