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Posts posted by Skylover

  1. Hi there, was just wondering if someone could help me...

    I'm studying German and have decided to write my dissertation on the differences between the way soap operas in Germany and England portray social issues. I was wondering if someone could tell me whether there are many academic sources on this topic, or which soaps would be best to watch in Germany to evalaute?

    Thanks an advance :D

  2. I know what you mean, AMS. I've just had an argument with someone on DS for saying that Neighbours should be axed, while EE has complex characters like Yusef and Michael :rolleyes:

    What did people think of the Millers? I just watched a clip of Darren on YouTube, they were introduced when the show was going through a rough time, did they deserve the stick they got? I seem to remember Rosie and Demi having some pretty great scenes :)

  3. I haven't seen any of this week's episodes, and was about to watch on iPlayer, but was immediately put off when I read in the description for Monday's episode that Michael was concocting a plan. mad.gif

    I can't stand his character. I'm just sick of all these stupid villains twirling their moustaches, I know he's meant to have more deapth than that but I have no interest in any of the Moons, bar Anthony. So I just don't give a dam. Would you reccommend I watch this week's episodes?

    I know many dislike Heather, but given a bit of a effort I think she could have stayed. The writers just ruined her. I feel bad for Cheryl Ferguson as she is a good interest. I think Kirkwood is ruining the show. He makes rash decisions with little thought to the long-term.

  4. Thanks, Ben. I am really proud of my Home and Away replies and the actors do seem very nice. The Home and Away cast are much more reliable with their fan mail in contrast to the Neighbours cast, who don't seem to reply anywhere near as much. I have personalised fan cards from Ray Meagher (Alf), Lyn Collingwood (Colleen), Emily Symons (Marilyn), Lynne McGranger (Irene), Amy Mathews (Rachel), Esther Anderson (Charlie), Rebecca Breeds (Ruby), David Jones-Roberts (Xavier), Axle Whitehead (Liam), Luke Mitchell (Romeo), Robert Mammone (Sid), Samara Weaving (Indigo), Charles Cottier (Dexter), Lisa Gormley (Bianca), Rhiannon Fish (April), Steven Peacocke (Brax), Dan Ewing (Heath), Lincoln Younes (Casey).

    From what I know, Rebecca and David are difficult to get but I've got them, I've seen a few replies from Sonia (Gina) but I know she's also hard to get. I have never seen a reply from Josh Quong-Tart (Miles), I don't think he replies to fan mail at all. Ada is also difficult to get these days, I guess that's a result of her being such a long-term cast member. I've also written to Shane Withington but never seen a reply from him before so I doubt I'll get one.

    Dan Ewing has mentioned in interviews that he will be upgraded to regular status in due course so it seems they have changed their minds. I'm glad too, I can't see the Braxtons working without Heath, he's an essential part of the family.

    I know what you mean about the show. I always enjoy the show when I watch it, but for some reason I don't expect to. H&A has an odd relationship with its viewers. I do think it lacks something. It doesn't have something which pulls you in. I think it lacks the emotional attachment that other soaps have. What I find strange is that, particularly in Oz, Home and Away is seen as superior to Neighbours when I would always choose Neighbours over H&A. I instictively choose to watch Neighbours first on my laptop, and I think that shows that Neighbours is doing something which H&A isn't. I think the rot set in much earlier than 2009. When I tuned back into H&A in 2006, after not having watched it since the late 90s, I didn't think it seemed like the same show. Many people complain that Neighbours is nothing like it was in its first couple of years, but I would argue that H&A has changed beyond all recognition. It has a few familiar faces around now but that is all. I think apart from 2008 and 2011, it hasn't had a great season since the early noughties. Even then I don't think the Sutherlands were all that rivetting (bar Kirsty in her 2008-2009 stint) so I would go as far as saying the late 90s was when it was last truly good. I know many people regard 2005-2008 as a great era for the show but I don't agree. People say there were great characters like Hayley, the Hunters, Kim etc but looking back, there is absolutely nothing that draws me to these characters and I wouldn't want them back. Strangely, there are far fewer characters in H&A that I'd like to see return than in Neighbours. I think the noughties was a terrible era for the show overall, I think most of the characters lacked the warmth that they should. Oddly enough, I'm way more interested in the current cast than any cast from 2000-2007. I think the cast we have now are all very likeable in comparison. I think they're heading in the right direction but they need to bring more warmth to the show again.

    In regard to Colleen, I haveloved her character at points, but the writing sucks for her these days. She's just treated as a joke or a nuissance by the residents. I think you're right about their long-term characters. Lea does seem like she goes round in circles, but I'm hoping now that she's with Miles we might see some development for the character.

    Sorry for the long post once again!

  5. Of course I don't mind you asking. He basically said that he had been in many theatre productions written by British playwrights and always enjoyed them, adding that I have surely been inspired by many along the way. Then he just wished me luck. He is very lovely and you're right, the actors playing the 'River Boys' come across as very down-to-earth guys. I was surprised when I read the letter how intelligent Steve came across. That may sound harsh but I guess I expected him to be like Darryl to a certain extent!

    As for that being a long reply; I have had many letters from the Home and Away cast in the last two years. I'm trying to get the entire cast but some are very hard to get. I tend to frame my cards which come with letters, and am saving all the ones with notes on the actual cards to put in a big frame. Here are some links to my letters if you're interested:




    And my frames:





    As for the current show, yeah, I am still watching. I never give up on Neighbours or Home and Away. I am struggling to keep up with EastEnders though because t is so diabolical at the moment. The Storm wasn't great. There were no long-term repurcussions. Heath's ex died which has left him to raise his daughter which is clearly a plot device to bring out the nicer side to him, but it is pretty clear the girl won't be permanent so I'm not sure what they're trying to achieve. The storyline was pretty much a ratings-grabber, and considering it was publicised to death as the 'biggest disaster to ever hit Summer Bay' it was a bit of a let-down. I think they rely to heavily on these sorts of plots and after a while they just fall flat. What annoyed me the most was Colleen's involvement in it all. The character is a constant irritation as far as I'm concerned and I dn't see why they haven't axed her and brought back Celia to fill the void. Colleen is always and always has been treated like a joke and I just don't think the character brings anything to the show. Celia was the heart of the community between 88 and 90 and I think she was more well-rounded. During The Storm, they used Colleen to bring some humour to the episodes but it sort of undermined the whole thing. Those episodes aren't meant to be comedic and I don't think she should have featured in the episodes.

    As for other storylines, it seems to just be going through the motions. The Braxtons have clearly been popular and while I think they have a place, they have come to dominate most of the screen time and not in a good way. I don't think they're being used to their full potential. They definitely are decent characters and actors, but they're milking the drama so much that they seem to be going round in circles. It's one drama after the next with little thought to character development. I think once the characters get out of the gang storylines they will serve more of a purpose. The thing is they're being portrayed as the protagonists and the show is glamourising that lifestyle. I am far more interested in other characters though I do see the potential in a forbidden romance between Brax and Charlie. I think they would have worked but they've featured far too heavily and therefore the characters have run out of steam. As far as I'm concerned it didn't help that nerly all their scenes to begin with were the pair of them getting out of bed hardly dressed, and eating each other's faces off the whole time. We never got to see the character's develop a connection. There is chemistry, but it all falls flat because we don't know they they love each other so much.

    Xavier continues to be a victim of the writers not having a clue what to do with him but against all odds his relationship with Kelly has been one of the highlights of the 2011 season. I wasn't a fan of Xavier to begin with but I have grown to love his character as I think he is one of the most believable and I think he, Sonia and Shane who play the Palmer/Austin family have good chemistry. I hope they bring back Kelly because they were so suited and I would like to see her as a regular.

    Irene's story seems to have been a bit of a car crash at the moment, with Gypsy returning to 'support' her but barely giving a dam and just going out drinking with Bianca, yelling at Lily or causing tension with April. I don't see the point in her return other than the producer is bringing back all his mates for a guest run. Simply pointless considering that they senwt Will to prison a few months earlier. If they'd just held on a few more months the story could have been great. However it is lovely to see Gypsy back, as she always was one of the best characters.

    A highlight recently has been the arrival of Sid's daughter Sasha, who was the result of an affair. She is one of the best new characters for a long time with some decent writing and a great actress. Her actions could have easily made her disliekable but the actress has persevered and made her a great character. I hope she's hear to stay, except her half-brother, despite only being ten years old (yes I'm cruel), is a terrible actor.

    What are your thoughts, Ben? Sorry for the long post! :lol:

    I'm pretty sure you can go through my Photbucket album and look at all my fan cards but I'm not really sure how it works, I'm rubbish with computers! :lol:

  6. This week I have received fan cards from both Steve Peacocke and David Jones-Roberts who play 'Darryl Braxton' and 'Xavier Austin'. I'm absolutely thrilled with these responses. Steve seems like a very humble guy, and is very encouraging about writing for TV. I was surprised to hear from David at all, as I wrote to him in September 2009 :o

    Hope you like my picture :D


  7. I don't know if anyone has seen but some great news about Neighbours has just been announced:

    It has been posted on NFans that the first 60 episodes are being released on DVD in Germany biggrin.gif

    This is great news, hopefully it means further releases will happen! smile.gif We are yet to find out if the DVDs will come with English audio as well as German but I think it's likely, I mean it is 2011.


    1 - 20: Box 1

    21-40: Box 2

    41-60: Box 3

    ETA: They do come with English audio, and further episodes are to be released in the future :)

  8. Interesting theory regarding Michael and Tash. So you basically think the actors are why they haven’t been received as well as they could? And you also think that Natasha is a stronger character away from Michael? Reading what you’ve written, I do find myself agreeing. But I don’t think the Williams family unit is anywhere near as bad as some of the families that have been introduced over the years. I wouldn’t like to see the characters be axed, though if they were to axe one I would rather it was Michael. How would you feel if they axed both characters? Do you think the show would miss them? I think Natasha could work away from Michael. If her aunt is successful they may get rid of Michael and a new dynamic could appear. Having said that bringing in Emilia could bring Michael’s character to life... What do you think they should do with Michael to make him function well as his own character? Do you think it’s a mixture of bad writing and poor acting that has led to the character ending up like this? Sorry for all the questions! I think the writers have spent too much time on Michael worrying about Tash. Almost all of his scenes either involve Tash, or just Michael sitting in either Charlie’s or Harold’s Store being advised by whichever regular they’ve chosen for that day. I think they need to play up the bond between Lucas and Michael, as well as the friendship (and I hope it remains that) between him and Libby when she returns. Michael is very insular and perhaps that is part of the problem. You also make an excellent point about the relationships between the parents/teens. Many actors of the past have praised their on screen parents and that is missing. I personally believe this is one of the consequences of the show focusing so heavily on the younger cast members. I think the younger cast see their roles as just a job until they move onto something bigger and better. I think they see it as a stepping stone and I don’t think they see it as a serious show. They probably don’t realise what a beast the show was in the past and the inter-generational element has been lost. There’s definitely a divide between older and younger cast members. What I’ve also found interesting recently is that the younger members seem to mention in interviews that they hang out with the other teens/twenty-somethings in the cast but James Mason never seems to be mentioned. Is he maybe not as involved as the others?

    Yes, I love Jade. I also think she is very relatable having been through an experience of unrequited love myself recently :lol: It’s very true that she is jealous of Kate and I can see why. All the guys seem to fall for Kate for some reason. I definitely think Jade has had a bad experience in the past. I’m really intrigued about what her secret will be. I really hope it’s not something lame. I love Michelle Tran. I think she’s a pretty funny character and a bit off her rocker. :lol: However I think Kyle and Jade come out of the story looking pretty bad in the end. Michelle may be annoying but they practically force her to leave and they come across as incredibly mean. Rhys isn’t clicking for me. I think the entrances of characters has been a bit all over the place this year. I mean, Rhys has been in the show for what must be a few months now (I’m talking Aus pace) and he’s barely done anything. His scenes were so sporadic at the hospital until he started speaking to the locals and I think he just comes across as smarmy and annoying. Quite wooden too. Characters don’t seem to make an impact when they arrive anywhere. Normally I write in brackets that a certain episode is the arrival of a certain character but I haven’t done that this year because the entrances have been so gradual. I don’t know if this is down to Susan Bower’s obsession with the audience supposedly not liking new characters but I think if they’re going to have a new character at all, they might as well make an impact from the off. The new doctor and the gay nurse both appeared but that was last week and they haven’t been seen since...?!

    My Erasmus year was part of my degree, yes. It is for language students. You have to go to the target country and get to either study at a university, work as language assistant in a school or apply for a job. I guess I studied German because I was good at languages at school. It’s the only thing I really excelled at so by default I went down that route. To be honest I’m kind of regretting it now as I don’t know where I’m heading career-wise but I wouldn’t trade my experience in Frankfurt for anything. For one thing I lived in the red light district for the entire year which was interesting to say the least (just so you don’t think I’m nuts I was only ever meant to live there temporarily but I found it so hard to find a new flat I ended up staying there) :lol:

    I would definitely like to invest in software. I just haven’t as yet because I haven’t had the time as well as thinking that it probably wouldn’t lead anywhere. But if I want it to lead somewhere that would surely make my work look a lot more professional. Now that I’m heading into my final year I am going to put aside some time to focus on my writing work. I might not be the best writer, but I do think I know the characters intimately and to me that is what matters the most.

    I love Steph as a character but I do think at times she suffered from being in the show so long. Ultimately that is what could have driven the writers, but it seemed like they didn’t know where they were taking the character when the direction should have been obvious. I hated the storyline with Jay. But I hated that period of Neighbours because every few months they had a ‘disaster’ in one form or another and I was sick of seeing drama for drama’s sake. Everybody knew that nothing would come from it and therefore it lacked any purpose. However, I do remember Carla putting in some outstanding performances when Jay locked her in the barn house. For Neighbours it was very out there, but I still didn’t enjoy it that much.

    I don’t think they’ve confirmed who the father of Sky’s second baby is. I would like it to be Dylan’s. Maybe we’ll find out one day if she ever returns! :D

    I’m not sure you’re going to like the end of the K/S/J story, Ben. Unfortuntely it has trashed Susan’s character somewhat. In the end she comes across as very selfish and quite venomous towards Karl. While Jackie is on a break, Karl seems to be aimlessly going from scene to scene feeling sorry for himself or calling Susan with no success. There was a touching moment last week when Summer gave Karl a hug. I wish Summer was more likeable as Jordy is a great actress and she has potential to be great.

    That survey on the official site represents everything that is wrong with Neighbours at the moment. Although I have enjoyed the 2011 season, I don’t feel that enough is being done to save Neighbours and make it the best product it can be. The gap in the 60+ age range as well as the lack of a nuclear family is driving me to despair and I feel very bitter towards Susan for her image of the show. I don’t know how she’s managed to stay for so long, and I don’t know how FME or Ten have allowed her to stay so long. And I don’t know how she’s managed to face so much criticism and still go on with the show. I would like Pete McTighe to become EP as he seems to have a much tighter grasp on the show’s history and roots. To think that importance is being placed on the characters’ clothes and decor in that survey disgusts me.

  9. Yeah, I liked Lance. I think he was perhaps a bit before my time. I was quite young when he was on, but I do remember being a hug fan of him and Amy together. They were wonderful together and totally contrasted. Ben has said before that he likes Lance. I don't know if he may give a better view of the character.

    I don't think he would have been axed as he was quite popular, but then I guess you never know, they have made stranger decisions!

  10. Ok, my thoughts on what you posted...

    You chose a good era of episodes to watch. When I compare that era (late 2003-late 2005) to the current era (2011-) I don’t know which I prefer. During the era you’re currently watching many characters had a tendency to be OTT. I do think many of the characters from that time were very well-defined but it was almost as if you didn’t fit in if you weren’t theatrical. From the current era, the cast is much smaller and more intimate. I think you could currently describe the relationship between any of the characters, and that is working in the show’s favour. It feels more like a community. In 2005 though, it was very focused on families which the current show lacks. There were many big families around that time such as the Timmins and Bishops, and that’s where the show really excels IMO.

    I also will never understand the decision to get rid of David. He wasn’t excellent to start with, but they had basically created a mini-Harold and Harold’s spirit could have lived in on David long after he’d left the show. I think TPTB really shot themselves in the foot. I think I mentioned earlier in this thread, Home and Away was getting massive ratings at the time on Seven in Australia, and even though there was nothing wrong with the ratings for Neighbours, the execs weren’t happy that H&A was doing so much better. Realistically Ten was/is a much lesser channel in terms of ratings overall but Ten got greedy and I think the producers felt pressure to bring about radical change and in the process they made some stupid decisions, like getting rid of David and the Bishops. They were fairly normal characters but they were very relatable because they were a normal family. There was no reason to get rid of them.

    Janelle Timmins is one of the greatest characters of the last decade. Shouting was part of the character. She was very much common as much, and liked her own voice to be heard. She ultimately was a failure as a mother but as her story progressed we got to see her learn how to be a mother and it was clear she cared deeply for her kids. I think this was shown when it was found out that Bree was swapped at birth. On a show like Neighbours it’s very uncommon to have a mother who isn’t nurturing and a matriarch of the show. But Janelle became a legend in the end. She was great in the comedic plots, and calling Sindi ‘Wendy’ :lol:

    I agree that Darcy and Izzy were great characters. I loved it when Darcy fell/was pushed down the stairs by Izzy and she framed him. At that time the show really pushed the boat out and had a lot of courage to tackle more gritty and dark stories. But the comedy and humour were still there so it really had the perfect balance. If you like Izzy, you would like Natasha Williams, the current resident bitch of Ramsay Street, who is basically a teenage Izzy.

    By the character at the bikini shop, you mean Connor. He was a great character IMO but I know Ben disliked him. Perhaps he was rather two-dimensional as he seemed to only ever be involved in comedic plots but I loved his silliness. I didn’t like the story with Boyd/Steph/Max/Kayla. As you say it was very obvious. Everybody knew that Max and Steph would get a baby eventually, but they just dragged it out for so long. As for what happened to Kayla and her son – Boyd said at first (don’t know if you’ve watched up to this point) that he wanted to be with Kayla and would be there for the baby, but eventually Kayla got back with its father (played for one episode by the guy who went on to play psycho Robert Robinson/Cam) and Boyd never heard from her again. Oh, how I miss Boyd. :P

    Sorry, I know you only wrote a few points, but I knew once I started I wouldn't be able to stop so that's why I left it till this morning. :lol:

  11. Not very often, no. I mean to, as I like Emily Symons. I am wary mostly because they seem to kill so many people off.

    Did you have any thoughts on my comments?

    Yep, I'm now going to bed, but will post my thoughts tomorrow. It's like climbing a mountain replying to the posts in this thread :P Nice to see some more interest in the thread though!

  12. I don't think you'd be as disappointed if you tuned back into Neighbours. It's got a real positive vibe at the moment and the storylines do seem like traditional Neighbours storylines. I know what you mean about the British soaps. The show has definitely recovered from that dark patch in 2009 revolving around the surrogacy too. Let us know if you have any questions about the current show. Do you ever watch Home and Away these days?

  13. Sorry for this ridiculously late reply. I've been catching up on a backlog of Home and Away - The Early Years and summarizing some characters from that for BTTB as well as writing my essay for German so I've been very busy! Still, I should have replied earlier bu I guess you've got to be in a Neighbours mood. And after the great run of episodeswe've had, I'm definitely in the mood to talk about the show. What have you thought of recent episodes, Ben? Nice to see you've been watching some episodes, Carl, are you not watching any from the current series? smile.png I love the direction they're taking Michael/Tash and Jade/Kyle. I think they're bringing in Emilia at the right time. They've milked Natasha's recklessness for all its worth so I think it will be good to see another dynamic to the family. You really do feel sorry for both M/N so the writers are obviously doing a good job. I do think Michael often lacks character but I think his relationship with Tash is what makes his character. Many people are calling him bland and saying they'd like to see him leave. Do you agree with this, Ben? What do you think could be done with the character to make him more likeable, or do you think it's a fault of the actor? Personally, I've seen nothing so far that makes me dislike him. I think the character is really relatable, and I love his friendship with Lucas. As for Jade, Neighbours

    has embarked on a f*ck buddy story, Ben

    tongue.png But they're calling it "housemates with benefits". I don't know if you keep up to date with the latest storylines airing in Australia, but Jade thought she'd have sex with Kyle and thoguht she'd then be able to get him out of her system and move on. If only things were so simple!

    They've done a fantastic job with this story. I love that Jade doesn't get relationships and has always been into 'casual' but is falling for Kyle and doesn't know what to do about it.

    What's a sort course if you don't mind me asking? And thanks for the explanation on what a Script Reader is. I don't use any particular software; up until this point I've just treated it as a hobby and nothing major, so I've seen no reason to get really serious about it. Especially as I'm mainly interested in writing for Neighbours, which of course without experience would be near imporssible living this far away from production. I've started watching Doctors (BBC Daytime - in case you didn't know) and I love the format of that show, though EE would be another option. Basically, I'm doing a Degree in German at Aston University, and have just finished my Erasmus Year working in a school in Frankfurt, but will be heading back to Birmingham next year to to my final year. Doctors is actually set and filmed near Birmingham so that would be an excellent starting point. When I finish my course I will be moving back to Norwich I expect, which is where I come from.

    I loved Chloe Lambert too. She was written so well; Steph expected her to be a bit of a bitch when Marc was going to introduce her, but it turned out to be the total opposite. Chloe warned Steph off Marc because she thought he'd only hurt her. And she was right. It was also great how even after Marc and Steph's relationship had ended and Marc barely featured, Chloe still appeared and went on to have quite a big story with Darcy. That was lovly to watch, especially because it was such a grey area. I don't really agree that Max crushed a lot of Steph's spirit. I get why they had such a large fanbase. I think after everything Steph had been through with previour boyfriends and just the hassle she'd managed to cause herself in general, she was attracted to the idea of being part of a 'normal' family and ultimately a loving environment. Max was clearly a very devoted dad and perhaps the security he was offering she took at the expense of her more wild side. I think it was quite natural for the character. Steph's actions and the reason behind her behaviour since the breakdown of her relationship with Max is something that had SO much scope and was barely touched upon. All of her actions made sense; she was with Toadie as it was the easy option but I don't think she ever truly loved him whereas I do think she loved Max. Then it kind of all went downhill from there. She was obviously a very lonely and desperate woman. Heading towards 40 and not in a stable relationship but also with a young child. I think that's why she slept with Dan; seeing Libby kissing Lucas for that split second pushed her over the edge and she did something selfish, feeling that she was never going to find true happiness. They should have played on Steph's loneliness more, the complexity of her actions was there but they never really delved into it but they could have done so much with it.

    I was not happy about Boyd cheating on Janae. There were lots of scenes of Kyal Marsh topless which saved the storyline for me tongue.png But it was kind of bizarre. In 2005 it would have seemed more likely that Jane would cheat on Boyd. Ben looking back, it's not like there was a shortage of storylines that didn't make sense around that time. Everything was out of character and OTT so hey, what's wrong with throwing in an affair? wink.png Janae was a great character, and at times she even made Ned bearable. Eliza Taylor-Cotter deserves a Logie for that alone! TPTB and Ten just shot themselves in the foot in so many ways though when they got rid of the Timmins. I read an interview with Eliza in which she said the reason for leaving was that it didn't seem like the same family at Neighbours as when she started. I'm sure that we would have had at least another year or two, who knows, maybe even more, if Ten hadn't axed Janelle and Bree. Even Steiger was a popular character and I think he could have worked as a regular.

    I think I associate a certain amount of sentimental value to the character of Sky. I don't know if I've mentioned this before in one of the many posts I've made in this thread, but she is the sole and only reason I got back into watching Neighbours in 2004. Well, I suppose you could say Lana was too, but Sky's spirit was something which I truly admired and her support of Lana through the gay plot was really inspirational and it really helped me at the time too coming to terms with my own sexuality. The writing was flawless and I think Sky was a character who was a really wonderful role model. I liked her with Boyd, and I think it's silly that they wrecked that relationship when the Timmins moved in just so they could hook up more characters but hey, I guess it worked out quite well in the end as Sky and Dylan were another great couple. It's a shame they were totally trashed. I like to think of Sky's second child, whose name, gender and father are unknown, to be Dylan's, and that they're a happy family out there somewhere. Speaking of which, I wonder what happened to Boyd after he left. Did he go and stay with Sky and Dylan, or did he continue travelling like he planned? What are your thoughts on Max and/or Boyd returning to the current show, either in a permanent or guest capacity, Ben? I personally think Boyd would be better, he's still got links there, is a bit of eye candy, and could bring back some substance to the role of Summer who is feeling a bit hollow at the moment with no family around. A few months ago at a Neighbours Night fundraiser for the earthquakes, Jordy and Kyal met for the first time. I don't think it's entirely out of the question. Someone mentioned that the character of Boyd got a few cheers that night so I think he's probably still quite popular. He's not the best actor I guess, but as a guest it wouldn't be a problem.

    I'm loving the K/S/J story. I'm not sure if some K fans are annoyed by it, but I love how it's Susan who is the driving force behind the problems now. It is in many ways quite predictable, but with the Ks they've reahed a stage IMO where there's not many places they can go but the strength and popularity of the characters are things which will drive the story and keep viewers interested. Mal's comeback is where it's lacked for me. I don't think his return has worked so far. I'm pretty sure he's been back on Oz screens for over a month (I watch at Aus pace) and he hasn't really done much at all. I think he's had two great scenes with his parents, which is nice, but we need more. If they're not going to develop the character (i.e. not JUST have him in scenes with his parents) then there doesn't seem any point to him. I get that Susan Bower likes returning characters to return based on the fact that they're involved in a storyline, but that doesn't mean they stop being a character and everything has to revolve around that sole storyline. He's had I think one scene with Toadie, I'm not sure if he even shared a scene with Lou, and he told Summer that she should be careful getting involved with Andrew's schemes to set up No.22 as a hostel. I would have liked him and Toadie to have a night out at Charlie's catching up. Just character building stuff, a few laughs. Actually, Mal had a scene with Lucas taking Karl's car to the garage and the acting from Benjie seemed quite stiff, which was picked up by members on NFans. But to be honest I don't really blame the actor, he must wonder what the purpose of his return is and it must be quite hard to act natural when you don't know where you fit in. It's almost like Susan Bower's arm was twisted and she's brought back the character gritting her teeth, determined to ruin him so that viewers think it's best for characters to remain in the past and don't ask for them to return in the future. I was less than happy with Harold's return, and Oliver and Carm's didn't work out either. Right, rant over. Phew...sorry about that blink.png

    I haven't really missed Libby that much, but that's not to say that I don't want her back. I felt the same about Alf from Home and Away...I didn't really miss him when Ray Meagher was doing Priscilla in London, but it was nice to have him back when he returned. I think they've lost their way with Libby's character a bit. I do wonder what they'll have planned for her when she does eventually return. I think the show has hit a creative stride with its current cast and I worry that when Libby returns, they're going to struggle to find things for her to do again.

    As for bringing back past characters and what I'd do with Sky...well if I was EP, I think I'd want to leave it another few years before I brought back Sky as I think it would be difficult to write for her now with two such young children, but...I would find it difficult not to sign Steph McIntosh up to a ten year deal as I love Sky so much and would love to see her back at any time. I think if I were to bring her back now, I'd bring her back with a half-sister she's met since leaving Erinsborough, who is the result of an affair between her natural father and an unknown mother. I would cast the girl who is currently playing Tegan in Home and Away, as I think her and Steph share a physical resemblance. I'd bring Sky and Dylan back and simply say they've missed their time away and wanted Kerry (and unnamed neutral-gender child) to grow up in a nice neighbourhood and be schooled at EH. To be fair instead of casting anyone new to bring back with Sky and Dylan, they could bring back any number of characters including any of the Timmins. Once they've settled down I would bring back Sky's dad trying to mend bridges with the pair of his daughters who he fell out with off-screen. Right, I'm getting tired now and drifting, so perhaps I should leave it at that. God, this ended up being a long post. Sorry I took so long to reply! smile.png

  14. I have to agree, Amello. Thursday and Friday in particular were excruciating. I kept looking at my watch wondering when it would finish.

    I'm happy to give the Moons a chance, but I just don't think they're going to work. Michael doesn't work as a complex character, Tyler just seems like an immature moron and Eddie is as wooden as Ned from Neighbours. I agree that Anthony could be the only one with potential, but have to agree too that I could just be thinking that because the others are bad. What was with Angry Julie as well storming all around the place..?

  15. Thanks for the info on Donna, Carl. She sounds like a fascinating character. I'll have to somehow find episodes from that era to watch. I've got a fair few eps stored from when UK Gold did those 'specials' weekends. In fact I'm going to go and dig them out, maybe I'll post in here what eps I've saved to DVD. I think I'm going to watch the eps where Phil tells Kate what happened with Lisa in Spain(?). I don't think Lisa was an amazing character, but Lucy Benjamin has done some of the most brilliant performances in the history of the show IMO. I just read that Louisa Berridge axed her in 2002 which surprises me. What do you think of Lisa, Carl? Who do you rate out of the current cast?

    I think it's a shame that Zoe Slater has been totally forgotte about. I know hey mention her every so often, but have they actually confirmed what happened to her? I woudn't want the original actress to return in the role as I don't think she was a good actress but I wouldn't be against a recast. In fact, I think it would give Kat's character some much needed purpose in the show, it somehow doesn't feel right her being surrounded totally by Moons and Mo and Jean don't seem to work as her only relatives. I think it was a mistake to get rid of Charlie, as I'd much prefer him in a patriarchal role than the wooden Eddie.

    I really think Chrissie should return at some point in the future. I know shewas in it during one of its slump periods, but many have mentioned thst she was EastEnders in 2005 and I tend to agree. The only problem being she has no connections in Albert Square anymore. If they eve bringback Sharon on a permanent basis, Chrissie should return too. I think it would be good to see her out of jail and trying to redeem herself. Going to see Kat/Sharon/Zoe/Sam to make amends. Tracy Ann Oberman is fantastic though one of the less likely candidates for a return.

  16. God, I wish I could watch some more of the early years from some of the stuff I've read in this thread. It sounds like they did some really hard-hitting stuff, and not just stuff that was for the sake of drama. What year did this Donna character feature? They definitely seem to have upped the ante as far as continuity is concerned.

    You're so right about the writing making the acting seem forced, Carl. Such as that line from Anthony about chewing gum. It's like the interaction between new and existing characters is so forced and isn't done in a very organic way. Having said that, Anthony seemed wooden in his scene with Michael too.

  17. I have to agree with you to a certain extent, Amello. On the one hand, I think the show desperately needs to bring in some eye candy and bolster some of the existing families but, on the other hand, I don't think the Moons are the right family to build, and I don't know if the casting has been that great. On the whole reaction to the new Moons has been very split, some loving them and some hating them. I think in terms of looks they've done well, as the boys do look like they could be related, but both actors don't seem to be very natural, especially the actor who plays Anthony, as he came across as very wooden in his debut episode. Having said all this, I will give them time to grow as they could work out well for the show in the long run. Who could have seen that Ronnie and Roxy would become such good characters (I know some don't like Roxy but I do and I think many others do).

    I have a feeling these two could be characters that really come into their own and we could get some mileage from them. Though I could see it going the other way and them being axed in a year or so. I also hate Michael, and it's clear they've chosen David Essex for his star as he's also not a very natural actor. Lola seems very theatrical but she's started to improve in the last few episodes. I like that they're trying to revitalise Billy's character (which, granted they've been doing for years; I personally think they should never have gotten rid of Honey) and I think it's working with Julie and Lola. Only they've now made the idiotic decision to get rid of Julie.

    Seeing how wooden the Moons were in the pub scenes made me wish the PTB were holding on to the talented actors like Zoe Lucker. A terrible mistake getting rid of Vanessa.

  18. actually really like Joshua Pascoe in the role of Ben. I think both of you make excellent points about the character. I know I'm in a minority liking Ben (and Josh) but I think the way the character always seems so awkward around others is part of the character. He seems very anti-social and bitter about his life, which I think is an aspect Joshua has brought to the role. I think he's become a lot more complex since Joshua took on the role and I never really liked Charlie's version.

    I'm not sure about Ben being a villain for the show, and I think it seems unlikely. I don't want his sexuality to cloud the way they write for the character, but I don't want him to be an all-out villain either. Somewhere inbetween would be good. I think it's a good direction to take the character in what with the massive contrast between him and Phil, but I don't think it's the right time to do it. With Christian and Syed featuring in such high profile stories and having just had a huge story involving the Masoods not accepting their gay soon, it's a bit overkill for the same to happen with Phil and Ben, but you can't get away from that if the storyline is done now because that's naturally the way he will react.

    It's also not the right time because the writers still need to give the character time to settle in and need to give the audience time to get used to him. If this was a new character I don't think the backlash would have been so prominent, there's no getting away from the fact that the contrast between Charlie and Joshua has caused a lot of fan to be unhappy, and understandably. As you say, Santer always wanted Ben to be a joke, but it seems that Kirkwood doesn't want that, and time to develop is what's needed for the character to build, and the audience to form some sort of attachment. Though I guess with the age that he's at, it's understandable that they'd do the story now...

  19. Oh my goodness, I think I may have just turned straight. How beautiful has Holl Valance become:


    I'm disappointed she doesn't want to go back into music.

    I was also going to ask, Ben, do you think Neighbours has the potential to last much longer or do you think it's one of the contemporary soaps which will die soon? Many people talk of its demise, and that due to low ratings on Five it most likely won't last another five or so years? It makes me sad to see on the boards and just in general that the show doesn't seem to be talked about hardly at all anymore, but will the diehard let it go without a fight? It is very much a TV anomoly, the way it's survived after its turbulent history.

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