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Posts posted by Skylover

  1. 37 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    I'm at the point with EastEnders where more than half of the cast can go, and I'll be fine with it. This show (along with Coronation Street) has too much deadweight on it. 


    I guess it's just a difference of opinion. There were ways they could have progressed the characters if they'd wanted to. Firstly, they could have allowed Roxy to survive and live with the guilt that she was perhaps responsible for her sister's death, and subsequently step up to the plate and become a better mother. Alternatively they could have kept both of them although this would have perhaps made it more difficult to progress either character. Them going round in circles is the writers' fault, I just feel they have more to offer if the writers are willing. Same with Phil. Time to let Ben, Jay and Louise take over the main Mitchell storylines and to focus less on Phil's drama, but have him there bubbling away in the background.


    A soap world where Jack Branning and Billy Mitchell are kept in favour of Ronnie and Roxy Mitchell...I'm not sure I like that world. Billy should have gone about 15 years ago. I see that he has more point now that Honey has returned but I'd rather just see Honey on her own (or if they have to, pair her with Jack).


    On the plus side, SOC is unpredictable and I'm hoping he has plans for a more permanent Sam Mitchell return (played by Kim). I do wonder if his plan is to focus on the more immediate Mitchells (i.e. including Sam in that, as Phil's sister) rather than having different strands to the Mitchell family tree what with the cousins etc. Added to that is the possibility we could be seeing more of Mark and Courtney, and the Mitchells would be quite a large screen presence...but there has to be some relevance to Michelle's return.


    I am finding EastEnders compelling at the moment, unpredictable and I thought the Mitchell sisters' death was something fresh in soap-land. Something that will be hailed in a way that the shower scene in Psycho was hailed as iconic in the film-world.


    I agree with you that EE and Corrie both have a lot of deadweight, that's what puts EE ahead of Corrie IMO though, it seems braver in making these decisions...so perhaps I am wrong about Ronnie and Roxy and it'll work out better in the end. Time will tell.

  2. I know Ronnie and Roxy aren't popular on here but their exit did upset me. I don't agree with the decision to get rid of them and I think there are probably at least 15 other characters who deserved the axe more than them. However, I did think it was a beautiful episode in many ways and the only way the characters should exit if they had to. It will certainly go down in history.

  3. I agree that Lee's storyline hasn't worked since the Vic was robbed. I know it's a soap so it has to be extreme, but I'm not sure it's a responsible depiction of depression. It was handled very well before the Vic raid. They really dragged out those scenes in the car park too.


    Didn't see Max self-harming, I must've not been paying attention at that point.


    I feel sorry for Martin. He told Stacey something in confidence and Stacey betrayed his trust for a former lover. Stacey always wants things her way.


    I'm intrigued to see how the Ronnie/Roxy thing plays out. It hasn't been that well-written, much with Lee's storyline they've really been laying it on thick with Roxy supposedly being such a bad mother.

  4. 33 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    That was for Redwater, not for Eastenders. 


    I guess, but it seems an odd thing to give a long-term character a damaging storyline just for the sake of a spin-off.


    Sorry for asking but what did Max do to Abi? I tuned out during a lot of that period as so many characters were being destroyed.

  5. 13 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I do wish UK soaps recast more but I also feel wary of it becoming too common, as it was overused on US soaps for many years. I'm waiting and seeing about Michelle, as I'm not quite sure the fire is there. I'm hoping we'll see it at the right time. 


    I think they might have miscast with Michelle, even though I am glad they took the plunge to get the character back. From what has been said about the re-cast, SOC chose the actress for the part having previously worked with her, knowing that he wanted her to play Michelle. I presume this is without holding any auditions for the part. I think soap producers should be more careful than this with re-casts. I think they have to put more effort in than when casting a new character. Holding auditions and seeing how the actor fits with the other characters they will be interacting with is essential.


    I think SOC was blinded by the fact that this actress has rave reviews and is acclaimed, which of course is a massive plus but it's not everything. Having said all that, re-casts can take a fair while to bed in and I want to give her a chance.


    ETA: I agee with what you said - UK soaps shouldn't end up relying on them too much like US soaps have done at times. But on the odd occasion I don't think it should be an issue -- like a character having been absent for 20+ years.

  6. 2 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    SOC is gonna have to do some serious overhaul to Michelle's clan to fix them if he is gonna bring them back. That's what he might wanna focus on instead of Michelle's secret. 


    My worry is that Mark Jnr will return played by the same actor, still with a British accent. I can't see how that would work long-term, neglecting the character's history completely. The thing with SOC is that I don't find him very predictable so I can't see how he's going to play it from here.


    On the other hand it seems inevitable that Mark will return. Obviously Michelle has her brother and his family around but if she is to stay long term, which presumably she will otherwise re-casting an original character would be worthless, I imagine SOC will want to focus on her kids.


    What does he do though? Bring them both back played by the same actors, with British accents? Bring Mark back played by the same actor, this time with more of an American twang to his accent? Re-cast him with an American actor, but bring back the same Vicki? I think they could get away with British Vicki again, as she's spent a long time away from America with her British boyfriend presumably, and moved to the US as an older child. But I'd prefer them to re-cast Mark, I don't want the same actor back with a British accent, or an American one as it would seem too artificial knowing he's already been on screen with a British accent.


    SOC certainly has his work cut out, it will be interesting to see what happens. I fully expect to see Michelle's husband(?) at some point. I'm so glad they re-cast Michelle though. I don't get why UK soaps are so hesitant with re-casts, I mean I only think they should be done if there is no option and the character is really needed, but I think it really made sense in this instance with Michelle. I just hope it works out as well as Martin did as re-casts can be tricky.


    ETA: I get the feeling SOC didn't like what DTC did with Michelle/Grant/Mark either which is why he's brought Michelle back imo, if it hadn't been for DTC going ahead with that story I don't think Sean would have brought back Michelle.

  7. 34 minutes ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Well I just hope that if they are both brought back that their fixed b/c they've screwed up both of Michelle's kids.


    Agreed. They recently brought back Duncan Stewart and his wife in Home and Away and although she wasn't an American actress she had quite a convincing accent throughout her tenure IMO (perhaps Americans might view it differently) but I was pleased they saw it through properly.


    Considering how DTC was so against the idea of re-casting Michelle it seems odd that he stuffed up Mark so badly. At the time it felt like he rushed through that whole plot so he could be the one who did it before he left.

  8. 2 hours ago, KMan101 said:

    Are they going for an alcoholism story with Kathy? In two episodes she's seen drinking it up and having a good time. While nothing wrong with that, it seems to be slightly focused on.


    I think they were trying to be comedic with Kathy drinking.


    I'm so happy they had the guts to re-cast Michelle. I wonder if this means we might see Mark again. Such a shame they stuffed up his casting.

  9. On ‎16‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 10:36 PM, FrenchFan said:

    Why is Brad paying for Jacka's mother's rent? He probably burnt down the house after Doug and Josh's deaths... Will Ned keep going and coming?


    Ned burnt Maxine's house down so Brad is bailing him out.


    I'm really enjoying the show at the moment, especially Elly/Angus, not many people are though. I can't wait for Jack/Paige to be over.

  10. It's current, it is excellent, they do a pod every 2 or so weeks, reviewing the recent episodes. They just had their 50th episode. It's on iTunes if you want to check it out. Someone sent in a parody song about Karl performing surgery with a power drill, called 'Drilling Her Softly' :lol:

  11. Norman Bates! Love your avatar InLoveWithSoaps :)

    The show has been really good last few episodes still. Loved Shirley saying she would smash the windows if Dot didn't keep her job at the launderette haha. 

    Jane has become likeable again.

    It feels more like a community. I will be watching avidly from now on.

    I agree that Kim Medcalf should return.

  12. All that stuff with Dot was excellent in my opinion.

    Bright Eyes - I have no idea in regards to the housing arrangements. On Neighbours I know where every character from the whole history of the show lived, but all the houses and flats on EE just look the same to me. I have no idea which house is the original Slater house. Who lives in Pat's now?

  13. I can't see Phil finding out about it for years. I have a feeling that Kim and Vincent will raise the baby who will end up seeing Vincent as his/her dad, then Phil finds out his child has been raised by Vincent and all hell breaks loose.

    I quite like the idea of Kim and Vincent raising the baby, I hope this goes ahead.

  14. Both of them broads need to die. They are seriously at the end of the road. With Roxy, I don't want the door to be left open for her. Why should it? Roxy has been playing the same damn stories for a decade. Why leave it open for her when she'll come back and do the same crap again? Kill her off. Ronnie could've been viable until they had her killing off folks. It's only right to have her suffer the same fate. 


    Kill both of their asses.

    Yeah sorry, that wasn't aimed at you, it's just obvious that they won't ever get rid of Phil, but Ronnie and Roxy seemingly because they've been in it a shorter amount of time.


    I've rather been enjoying the Denise baby story ironically, maybe because it doesn't seem as predictable as other stories, I've liked Kim's involvement too.

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