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Posts posted by safe

  1. I know that Randall Edwards has long since retired from acting, but does anyone know where she is now? Still on the East Coast?

    She hasn't been on the East Coast for some time. She currently works for the Los Angeles Unified School District as a Pupil Services and Attendance (PSA) Counselor

  2. Randall Edwards (Delia #3) and her fellow castmates from the 1985 Broadway play Biloxi Blues. Randall played prostitute Rowena

    Randall and Matthew Broderick


    Randall with co-stars Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Bill Sadler, Penelope Ann Miller,Barry Miller, Matt Mulhern, Geoffrey Sharp, Brian Tarington


  3. believe his After School Special is on that show's DVD box set, along with "The Pinballs", "Sara's Summer of the Swans", the one where Scott Baio becomes an alcoholic and the one where Helen Hunt jumps out a window after taking angel dust.

    These screencaps were from an old video from a local library (before they got rid of all their videos)

    Rob Lowe was also in A Matter of Time ( he had done Schoolboy Father the year earlier)

    Rosemary Forsyth (Days of Our Lives) was Malcolm's mother-in-law in AMOT.

    About Malcolm Groome's Knot's Landing appearance – during his web blog interview from about 7 years ago - -the interviewer asked him if on Knot's Landing the KL actors were happy to work with him. It was kind of sweet (and kind of sad) because the interviewer thought that in other acting mediums people should know who he was and that he had been on Ryan's Hope. Malcolm politely replied no, they had no idea who he was

  4. Malcolm Groome's (Pat #1) as Dr. Danvers on a 1981 episode of Knot's Landing. In this clip - - he's the doctor giving chest compressions to Sid Fairgate (Don Murray). Previously on the Soapnet forum people had said he didn't have any dialogue in the episode - - and that is true - - but it does sound like he is counting.

    This is a non-English version.

    At approx. 7:00


    Seen, very briefly, walking away at :48


  5. This is a real treat. Did you make those caps too?

    Thanks for all the work you do in this thread.

    Yes, but just like things posted on SON's wonderful cancelled soaps forum -- it's a collaborative effort. I still get sent RH related material by a couple of people who (originally) contacted me through the old Soapnet forum. I send them what I have (and have found) and they pass it on, too.

  6. Malcolm Groome's (Pat #1)  on Ron Glass/Demond Wilson's The New Odd Couple in November 1982. Beginning at about 12:44 - - in the poker scenes at the hotel and at Oscar's apartment

    He's playing John Schuck's( Murray) new police partner and I detect a southern accent









  7. read that Michael Zaslow appeared in late 1982 as a psychiatrist.The article was from December, 1982.Does anyone remember this?

    No, but by 1982 my viewing had become sporadic. Since that was late in the year, I wonder if he had something to do with Amanda Kirkland's psychiatric problems.

  8. Maybe the WWE reference meant a Mary/Siobhan fight? Delia/Mary? Delia/Faith? Delia/Jill? Delia/Maggie? Delia and...you get the point. LOL

    That would probably be a better reason than the real one (whatever that was)

    I'm going to pass that on to the person who informed me it was blocked – I'm sure it will give them a good giggle, too smile.png

  9. Someone sent me this and asked me why TheSquirrelygirl (who has uploaded most of the 1- 470 episodes) had her RH 398 episode on YouTube blocked.

    I told her I have no idea what WWE contents could be on this particular video -- maybe some commercial airing during the show?

    This video contains content from the WWE, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.

  10. Who played Pat's first Nancy? This was a one time appearance by this actress in September of 1975. Pat introduced her as Nancy Phelps and that she was a nurse in Urology--months earlier they had spent a weekend together in Vermont. She danced (letting down her hair and taking off her shoes) with Bucky at Ryan's and that made Faith feel uncomfortable.

    Years ago I had asked on an old RH forum -- but nobody could name her.




  11. I am not mistaken, Clem did get a write-off. He announced that he was leaving Riverside Hospital to practice medicine somewhere else.

    We first heard Clem was gone was after many weeks of him not being seen -- Pat and Bucky having lunch at Lem's, talking about Bucky moving back to Boston, and they casually threw in a line that Clem had moved to Tucson (they did not give any reason why he moved there)

  12. I wish they'd done more with Clem. 2 and a half years and nothing.

    Yeah, the closest he got was that brief early hinting of a rivalry with Roger and then his part in the hospital strike. it was a shame they way they just wrote him out - - without any on screen good-byes to anyone.

  13. Hannibal Penney (Clem) in the 1972 film JC. If you want to take a look at him -- the sound is pretty bad (too loud)

    Jesus Christ (William F. McGaha) is born again on Earth. But his father is a hardcore Southern Baptist, and during his teen years, Jesus rebels, joining a biker gang and leading an LSD-fueled pilgrimage to the West to fight the establishment.

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