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Posts posted by yr9190

  1. I still think it's interesting that Kimberlin auditioned from Cassandra before she got Sheila. I kind of sometimes wonder what that would be like, but Nina Arvesen was perfect for her as Kimberlin was just.... Sheila... LOL

    So here's something i also wanted to know, Did Sheila actually just "appear" one day when she was introduced, or did she first come to work at the hospital when they first showed her?, do you remember how that went down?

    Barbara Crampton went on recurring in 1992, I believe. She then went to GL in mid-1993. Did they use her any between those periods? Or did she leave Y&R once she went on recurring? Did Bill have any plans to use her?

    I also wonder that too, She was still In the opening credits A LONG time after it looked like Bill had written her out.

  2. Did Bill intend to use Sheila with more characters, or did having her only mainly interact with Lauren/Scott/Paul along with a few others occasionally achieve what he wanted with her story?

    I know i uploaded an episode from 1992 where Sheila visits Cricket at her job and invites her and Danny to dinner with her and Scott, then Michael comes in and Cricket introduces Michael to Sheila and they awkwardly say hi to each other and Michael gives her an odd look. Was Bill panning anything there?

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS6W9QMGyOo

    I loved Sheila and Olivia's scenes here. I know Sheila was kind of manipulating Olivia so she could tell Scott about her pregnancy, but Olivia was really trying to be a friend to her. I guess they stopped having scenes when Olivia/Nathan/Dru along with Neil coming on heated up.


    I also like seeing more of Scott and Olivia in scenes together. Did the show keep up with them having scenes where they talk about their lives every now and then, when Sheila moved to B&B? I know Scott had scenes in late 1993 where Olivia found out he was sick. Where they ever social outside the hospital?

  4. Wow, I can't really picture KKL playing someone on Y&R (Even though she came on as Brooke a few times) even if it was for a short time.

    What was her character like, and who did she have scenes with?

    Thanks for clearing up the Peter Brown thing Deeedee. I don't know why but I thought Brown was Earl.

  5. Not in the way the story would have logically dictated.

    Victor was never going to really lose but the way he won BY losing was insane.

    Neither of those was a fight especially since Victor never tried to fight back.

    However Victor's been in plenty of fights though it's only been since Bergman was cast that Victor became unstoppable.

    It still annoys me that when Jack found out that Victor was responsible for losing Jack and Nikki's baby and he went to confront him, Victor punched him down. I'm guessing that since he and Braeden got into a real fistfight, Bill didn't want to write a fight between Jack and Victor in the script. I can see Bergman getting pissed off when he saw that you didn't get to punch Victor back.

    Built a rec center, got Jack fired, ran Jabot into the ground, made friends with Michael, helped end Brad & Ashley's marriage, fought the mob & made up with Victoria & Nick.

    These all sound disgusting. Did John do anything to put his foot down, or was he too hung up on Gloria to pay attention?

    Michael would've never been paired with Lauren if Heather had stayed.

    So i'm guessing that they would have just let Lauren have her relationship with Paul they tried to build back in late 2003/2004.

  6. So they weren't really planning on letting Victor go down?

    It was probably nice to see that even Victor could fall flat on his you know what when it came to physical alliances, (Nick and John being his example) It was always made out to be that no one would ever win a physical fight against the mustache, until those 2.

    Dumb question, but what did Victor do in 2004-2005?

    Did Heather Tom's exit affect their story plans or did they know she was gone?

    It's so depressing that she left while she was going out with Michael. I would have loved to see Heather's Victoria go at it with Lauren.

  7. It looked like 2003 was Victor's year to finally go down for all the terrible stuff he did and for all the people he wronged. He kissed Sharon, and had to suffer getting punches from Nick, and later John Abbott, had to face meeting his father albert who was just as terrible as Victor himself, all leading up to his arrest.

    I guess for whatever stupid reason in 2004, Jack Smith thought it would be best for Victor to go about his business doing all the crushing again.

  8. I saw some of the Thomas and Amber scenes, I know Stephanie slapped Amber when she found out that Amber was going after him ( Surprisingly then Amber deserved that since it was the second time Amber tried to seduce someone younger than her in Stephanie's family) I actually think that paring might have worked if it wasn't for that Janet Jackson thing. I didn't realize that was an issue with the show.

    I think the show a lot of the time especially back then felt like its audience truly loved Amber and Adrianne Frantz. Most people seem to really either like her or hate her, but mostly hate her. I don't mind her, but it sounds like the show had to sacrifice a lot to keep her on on the show for all those years.

    I really believe that this Stephanie who is talking to Amber would show the same type of reaction to Steffy's behavior on the show now. Stephanie has done a lot of not so pleasant things herself, but when it comes to figuring out someone's bad or trampy behavior, She always was able to figure it all out. Stephanie should be constantly lecturing Steffy about how she is using her sexuality, to drive Liam from Hope, but because Bradley is too lazy to remember that Stephanie wasn't always an old troll, he has her writing her making fun of Hope's virture, and supporting Steffy's behavior. grandaughter or no grandaughter I'm sorry, Stephanie is wrong about that.

    So that weird guy was gay?? I heard about that Pierce guy, he was in love with Taylor himself though right?

    I guess that's why you never really see Taylor treating people on the show. Hunter Tylo's whole life is a soap of itself, so it wouldn't surprise me if she came to the show suggesting they write all of that hypnosis garbage in. I'm guessing her and Kimberlin Brown were not on speaking terms at this point. (Kimberlin was about to leave here)

  9. That hypnosis story is stupid yet funny, especially that Taylor is getting so pissed off at Ridge calling her "doc". What was the point of that story anyway, and what's the deal with the creepy guy in the glasses.

    I liked the Stephanie and Amber scenes. Looking back it sounds, so criminal that 18 yr old Amber got pregnant by 16 yr old Rick.

    I miss when SF, used to play Stephanie more subtle, Now she would just keep calling Amber a slut etc...

  10. That September 18, 1998 episode was one of the best episodes of classic Y&R i have seen! It just had everything that (use to) represented what a soap opera was about, and had an awesome cliffhanger. Strange that 1998 was already a year where other soaps were dumbing down or about to dumb down, but I guess what people said about Kay Alden taking over after Bill was true, that she was able to open up the show.

    I'm gonna have to try and watch all the other 1998 episodes of Y&R that have already been uploaded. It was probably Y&R's Best year in the late 90's.

  11. I feel the same way about the Cassandra story! It's hard to believe there are only a few clips from that storyline actually on youtube. Yet you could probably get the whole story if you watch the promos.

    Thanks for posting this other clips Carl. I actually uploaded those full episodes, they are from September 13, and November 2 1990.

    I wish we could know for sure if that was actually Nina Arvesen for real

  12. I liked the Ashley/Victoria scenes, too bad that when Eileen returned they had her fighting with Victoria over Cole. I guess you have to suspend your belief and think that Eileen wouldn't have played a good "motherly" Ashley as well as Brenda.

  13. I wish Leanna would come back too, It's shameful that Maria just prefers to hire primetime nobodys, and not hire back the true stars of Y&R.

    I think Jess Walton is the only Jill who could muster these comedic scenes like this. The reason why this wouldn't work as well with Brenda Dickson i Believe is because Brenda's Jill was just as campy as Leanna, and these scenes worked with Jess because this was where she was starting to become less over the top, and Leanna was still very Campy and over the top.

  14. Yeah, there has never been any footage of early Esther from 1982 on youtube as far as I know. I would love to see some if anyone ever posted more clips, from that year,

    Hey carl, If you have it, do you think you can post the why everyone loves Sally/Darlene Conley? I forget what SOD it's from, (i think 1992) but i would love to see that one!

  15. Thanks for posting those articles Carl!

    There is a video interview with Jeanne and Kate, were they talk about Katherine giving Esther her name. That makes me wonder if Esther just showed up one day, unless they did show Katherine interview her for the job when she first came on.

    Those "why everyone loves..." pages are fun to read, In my 8/31/93, SOD they do it for Susan Lucci. However the whole cast says something about Susan, yet here they only interviewed a few people, I wish they interviewed more people for Jeanne.

  16. My old SOD's say that the Marge storyline was terribly written, but I thought it was a fun story (from what i have seen) and Jeanne really shined playing a dual role.

    I'm not too pleased that the ending was bittersweet, with Rex marrying Jill and not going back to Katherine right away, but I guess Bill wanted that conflict to continue. Plus we got Rex/Leanna because of that and they are always pretty fun.

    It's funny how when Rex and Kay eventually remarried in 1992, they didn't have a story (minus filler here and there) until they decided to Kill Rex off.

  17. Yeah....I what you mean, Even the nicest Y&R stars will always have negative things to say about their times at the show, that I'm sure they just wish to forget.

    I agree about Nan, even though i thought the actress that played Julie, the girl who was addicted to cocaine, was way worse with her fake cry "laughter" I guess most of the short term young girls Bill hired, never could really cut it as good actresses.

    Did Skip just disappear or did he actually get written off?

  18. Wow, is that the Nina Arvesen? It's always so strange when people you have seen on TV join Youtube.

    Cassandra was one of the reasons I started watching Y&R.

    Don't you love that gold chain Paul needs to sport.

    Haha, I was thinking the same thing... I wish i know for sure if it was actually her, but i just don't know. If it is, that's really cool! I wish i knew how Y&R stars past and present, reacted to seeing old episodes on youtube. I know it's creepy, but i have made a wish list of Y&R stars that i would love to watch old episodes with. It gives me chills, that as we speak that some of them have probably watched some of the old episodes that I already uploaded.

    Kimberlin Brown is on the top of my list, LOL. SInce she has said so herself that she has watched old clips of her on youtube. Victoria Rowell would be fun too, if you wanted to hear more backstage gossip, LOL

  19. Thanks for those articles Carl!

    I have an interesting question? what did everyone think of the Carol/Skip adopting a baby from that young couple Nan and Jeff. I ask because i just got some episodes from April 1990, that has that storyline. I wasn't exactly jumping out of my chair to see this storyline, but i have to say I was impressed with Christopher Templeton's acting during this one scene where she learns Nan wants to have blood tests done on the baby so they could see if Jeff was the father. Carol gets upset and lets her have it verbally, and delivers very realistic acting. I must say it's a shame that Bill stopped writing for Carol and Skip just disappeared.

    BTW, here is some more old clips I found



    It's mostly the unseen bermuda footage from the end of the George Rawlins murder tale, mixed with scenes with other characters (like Carol,Skip and Nan)



  20. Man it seems really scandalous for Bill to pump up Malcolm, but having to ruin Nathan in the process. I know people have said that Bill always listened to the fans, but in this case, he probably could have plotted this story better where Nathan wasn't going to seize to exist as a character, even though i agree that this storyline was one of the best they had for Y&R's AA cast. It's nice to see full episodes from 1996, since that whole year is plastered with Nick and Sharon clips online.

    Even though Phyllis was bearable as a character around this time, I thought that scene with her and Dr.Tim was really bizarre (maybe it's suppose to be, LOL) It's bizarre because, even though MS is pretty, I wouldn't say she was "hot." These scenes seem to be putting her in that light, especially with those belly baring shirts she is wearing.

    Why does Danny have a deeper voice here, than he did earlier? i know that's a dumb question but i was just curious if it was an acting choice of Michael Damian's or if his voice really sounded like that later.

    I am really fed up with Phyllis. It's terrible but i wish they wrote her out for a while, or she started having contract problems or something. I hate seeing a show in such horrible state, being eaten alive by one of the most dispicable female characters the show has. I hate how Phyllis has become the female Victor, and every other character has to be constantly thrown under the bus to prop her and make her look like an angel. It makes me so angry that Phyllis has slapped other characters on the show the last few years, yet she has been long over do for one, and the one time they get a chance to do it with Heather, they have her stupidly push her. Ugh.... I'm sorry for this rant but i just can't stand seeing her anymore. Why does she have to be on the agendas to prop anyways, what is really so special about Michelle? and like soapfan said, Stafford is too arrogant to actually admit that Phyllis could tone it down, she has made it clear that she just enjoys the money.

  21. Im just happy that the unreleased era of Y&R (1994) is finally showing up on youtube. Late 1994, at that.

    I loved the Jill/Kay/Nina/Ryan scenes, but I STILL cannot stand that child actor as Phillip. He gets on my nerves, and i'm not surprise that Jill didn't come to visit him more, cause she probably felt the same way i do. LOL. I guess this is Jill trying to put herself in a good light so that she could get custody of Billy after she divorced John. This is one of the scenes that leads to that big catfight at the courthouse.

    It's great to finally see Keemo and Luan, but i agree with Carl that line was really cheesy. It's too bad Bergman had to force himself into this story, since he admitted years later he hated it.

    Again, is that Rick or Blade LOL?

    Danny,Danny,Danny.... These scenes just prove how much of a Jerk you are, Paul should have decked you. Sorry if I offend, but looking at this onscreen finally, there is something that totally smells like LML/MAB with Danny marrying Phyllis.

    The Hope/Victor scenes were kind of boring. I think they were trying to recycle the Jack/Nikki baby story, only they let Hope keep the baby. Too bad that this child, now disgraces the show as well.

  22. I hated Brooke's hair here, even though it helped redefined her bitchy personality here. Stephanie had every right to try to kill her that summer LOL.

    Not that it would be written well, but i wish they still did a business storyline between Y&R and B&B like they did here.

  23. I'm just so mad that Brad thought it was a good idea to replace the Spectras with the boring (at least now) Marones. Too Bad with his ego he will never admit it was a mistake to ruin the Spectras as much as he did. I have to wonder how Sally would fit into the current campus, if Darlene was still alive. I think she would be a glorified extra.

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