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Posts posted by titan1978

  1. As Vee said it was very noticeable when Guza came back in 1997. In some cases stuff was just coasting along, and in other situations is was clear Guza had started shaping things. It got more and more apparent right up to the week before he was credited again.

    And we know from MVJ and others that Guza was working in tandem with Labine as she was leaving for at least the last month if not a little longer before his first tenure as HW.

  2. 11 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Yes, I know PM was particularly proud of that exchange between Ed and Ross, and then the Holly and Michelle scenes in the next episode.

    That writing team’s work with Michelle was so fantastic during this.

    Let’s all take a moment to acknowledge that JFP said she learned her lesson with Maureen. Not that she should have been spared, but they should have not made it so tragic. Clueless Jill.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Exactly. Ron especially used to drop this shít into dialogue clumsily and expect me to clap like a trained seal. I'm not that easy. Wagger is the same issue. He's utterly miscast, the character has no reason to return and the story is the same tired business we've watched with Sonny and other adversaries for decades.

    The Floating Rib being a prime example. Not The Outback, a restaurant Mac actually owned. Just a name thrown out there for someone that watched in 1981. Or new gossip being named Amy. Just like Amy Vinning! Ugh. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, j swift said:

    My memory may be way off, BUT, the other thing that keeps annoying me about this dialogue is that IIRC Stone and Jagger interacted for a relatively short period of their time on screen.  Jagger was around for a long time before they established his siblings, and I don't think of him having many significant scenes with Stone.  I get that Jagger today would not recall Stone's connection with Sonny kindly, because of all the trouble that befell Stone.  But, and correct me if I am wrong, they weren't that close to begin with.

    As someone that watched back then, it is in character for Jagger to hold a grudge. Outside of Karen/Brenda, finding his siblings was the only emotional storytelling he had back then. IMO he would still be stuck on anything he considered a failure- not saving Stone and losing Karen.

    I am not in favor of ASJ ever coming back on this show. He was not a great actor, and his rhetoric disgusts me. But beyond just the hotness factor, he had charisma back then, and he had a warmth and charm that helped make him popular with the audience. Just like Vanessa had a lot of charisma, and also a vulnerability that made the audience forgive her and root for her at the beginning. She grew tremendously as an actress though, he did not.

  5. Now if this lead to Sonny becoming more sleazy like he was back then, maybe the whole thing has a point. Sonny pushing drugs and strippers again- talk about a fan revolt.

    And since she was brought up- hell yes we deserved Serena back, and the actress was game. But we got Kiki and Willow and Sasha. 

  6. 9 hours ago, John said:

    When GH brought back Steve in 2009 his only connection left on the Canvas at that time was Elizabeth 

    You know i guess GH cannot in with their fans. If they create a new role they get yelled at, where is Lucky, Serena etc.

    They go back and use History to bring a former character on and people moan


    Just enjoy the show and if you dont why do u still watch?

    Steven Webber had been back before that as an adult, in 2004. He was also a baby when he left, and Elizabeth is his sister. That is way more connection and less baggage than this guy as Jagger. They also had Heather in and out. And as an adult he was never as big a deal as Jagger was.

    The point is they are not really using history. It’s base level fan service disguised as using history. I don’t even dislike the actor, he’s just miscast here.

  7. 1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    The actor that plays Tripp is pretty good and I do like him, but isn't he basically the same person as Michael and Dex?  

    After just a few sightings I can say freely he is infinitely better than either one of them. But as I have been harping I would rather have a good Lucky if I’m adding to the cast. He’s way too young for that so…

  8. 1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    Nu Jagger is a random guy talking about the past that doesn't land any punches. 

    It reminds me of the return of Jackie Templeton. A name only.

    i watched the fire episodes on DAYS, with a heavy focus on Steve Burton’s character. Yikes. Him laying on the ground was something else. That face has been through it. And the camera angle draws the eyes right to the filler injection spots on his lips. Jesus this return is going to be hard.

    Can we steal the actor that plays Tripp too?  They drop him all the time don’t they?

  9. I do not mind a set refresh that makes sense. I remember the first time the Q mansion had a major renovation in the early 90’s, and they were all relegated to another wing of the house while the renovations were going on. Same with the excuse of the 1991 earthquake to refresh sets like the Brownstone.

    With new paint and fixtures it should still feel like their house though. 

  10. 10 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    Davetta Sherwood understood the assignment. She, much like Sabine Singh on All My Children, got real fücked by their soaps.

    Sometimes soaps get offspring casting 100% correct, and Davetta was a great example. And I didn’t hate Christel during her original run. But when Davetta was cast, she just fit so well it felt like this was what it was always supposed to be.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    Well, Lucky's been "finding himself" for years, likely while Disney-ABC hold out hope for Jonathan Jackson to return, which I don't see happening.

    He has said in the past he was willing to return. After Tony left. The show has never pursued it. No idea if that still stands. Same with Vanessa Marcil- there have been meetings but never a real attempt to get her. It’s one of the reasons I am happy someone at ABC has started looking more closely at the show because we can’t keep limping along with what we are seeing. I am not one of those Fire Frank! viewers. I can’t wait to see what happens with some creative control taken away from him though.

  12. 2 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    So speaking of Laura's kids, what are the odds you feel of them finding turning up in some form? Any wishlist on the actors/actresses?

    With Sam possibly in play for Jason again, Dante is too good a character to just waste. While I would prefer JMB as Lulu, I could accept another recast. I liked Marci Miller on DAYS, so why not? Anyone but Emme.

    It is a huge waste for Genie Francis to not have her family on the show. It has always played to her strengths, and it’s also beyond time for them to at least try Lucky again. If JJ won’t come back, then find me a suitable actor in that age that is not a daytime recycle. Invest in the character.

    Some of the most impactful scenes of the last couple months besides Bobbie’s memorial were her dealings with the Spencer/Esme fallout, and Nikolas showing up at her penthouse. None of that had much weight without her. So if they have decided to move on from Nikolas and Spencer, she needs her other kids.

  13. 2 hours ago, ranger1rg said:

    KS is a public figure. That means she lives by the media and dies by the media. That's just life.

    Can I just say this mentality makes me sad. I think she deserves privacy. We all do. I know lots of people, especially online, think this way. It just makes me sad for her and others that just because she is on tv that people presume she should have zero privacy, or chose to have zero privacy by having an entertainment career.

    I am not making this a personal attack, lots of people feel this way. For me, it’s sad.

  14. On 2/24/2024 at 10:15 PM, BoldRestless said:

    I've had to private this, but making it unlisted again. Such a brilliant scene.


    Haven’t seen this in years. Just beautiful work all around. I miss Drucilla. Thanks for posting it!

    Watching most of Curlee’s run on GL during COVID was such a gift. All those Black characters had a purpose and a point of view and felt like part of the fabric of the show. David and Bridget had such a special friendship.

    GH had their one shining moment with Labine and the Ward family. I applaud them for at least employing a number of Black actors now, even if they have the worst stories.

    An unforgettable story for me (and it is admittedly over the top, but that’s soaps), was Olivia/Nathan/Keesha on Y&R. Those confrontation scenes are etched in my memory. Tonya Lee Williams deserved better from Y&R.


  15. There is also the reality of the business right now. There have been many articles about the death of pilot season, and that it’s going to be tight for jobs as the streamers produce less. They are just now filming NAC’s project. Unless Murphy immediately books him as a lead on another show, he’s probably going to want to keep working as an actor.

    But just like Cam and the OG Trina- unless ABC locks them in a contract, the show should move on/recast.


    3 hours ago, Vee said:

    We won't be seeing William Lipton back any time too soon. Time for the Cam recast.

    Good for him!

  16. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    And I think sometimes her discontent and disengagement showed, while other times she was excellent. But they also just plain didn't value Genie as much as Tony and others, in addition to never dressing or styling her well after her pregnancy (still a recurring issue).

    All that being said: I do think Genie is 100% committed in the 21st century because she now knows the mantle of show's steward falls on her, that there's no one else left to do it, and that Mayor Laura is at the center of the canvas. She takes that responsibility seriously. I appreciate that.

    Edited by Vee

    As a viewer I did not notice her frustration as much as Tony’s or Maurice’s. It was there, it played onscreen, but not as clearly disinterested as theirs did. It was especially there when Laura was playing grief and frustration months after Lucky’s death through the Felicia affair, so it kind of suited things.
    I think the women who have been the leads on the show have been more professional than the men when it comes to onscreen boredom. In my viewing history almost all the male leads have done it- Tristan, Tony, Maurice, Steve, and Tyler Christopher. Some people it didn’t last long, others it did. But I never really felt that way about Finola, Genie, the three main Carly’s or Brenda, Jane, or even NL as Emily. Only Kelly Monaco has acted as bad onscreen as the men IMO.

    You know what male I felt was always there in a scene, even a boring hospital one or relegated to supporting his children? Stuart Damon as Alan. So was John Beradino.

    1 hour ago, dragonflies said:

    I agree, Genie could still be bitter and letting it show on screen and in her performance's but she doesn't IMO she always brings her A Game no matter the story etc

    Right? They let Geary have everything he wanted and his contempt onscreen was so present in his last few years.

  17. 12 minutes ago, Vee said:

    People keep trying to 'subtly' intimate around this online and I have seen zero credible information. Just say 'I just don't like Spencer' (or Spencer and Trina, or their fans or whatever your poison may be) and go.

    I don’t get it. He not only shows up onscreen and tries with every scene partner, he also actively tries to make an onscreen pairing work through recasts. Add to that they actually post about the show positively on their social media. All the GH younger set seem to get along and work well together. There is a huge difference between not liking a character or pairing and saying this kind of stuff about the actor. Just say I don’t like him, not he’s all uppity for no reason.

    I am a fan of people working on the show and it shows they care about what they are doing. He has been in that camp his entire run. Compare that to Marcus Coloma or Maurice.

    I hate the excuse fans bring up- they have been there forever or the material is boring and we can’t expect them to always bring it. Laura Wright does. Becky Herbst does, and she has spent nearly 15 years in one dumpster fire story after another. Genie Francis shows up every time. Hell even people like Lynn Herring pop in and out and bring it.

  18. 34 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    I came back to GH to watch the Bobbie episodes and have picked a few episodes here and there since then; how the hell does GH have so many damn sets?! And they don’t feel claustrophobic.  I’ll be tuning in to see the new writers but I couldn’t not mention just the amount of sets I’ve seen on this show.

    It is impressive. FV has found a way to maximize their studio space at Prospect Studios in line with today’s economic reality for the show. His peers could learn a thing or two.

    agree with Vee- things got really better about 5 years ago. Before that almost all the newer sets had a blue color, everything had a sameness. There were times that actors with very whitened teeth looked like they had blue teeth at the Metro Court bar, with the mix of lighting they were using and the blue walls.

    I especially like Liz’s house, and Laura’s apartment. Sonny’s recreated penthouse is a miss for me having watched when the original set was in use. I appreciate Kelly’s/Bobbie’s hasn’t been too drastically changed like the Q mansion. And I don’t hate the Q mansion. It just doesn’t seem old money anymore.


  19. What excites me the most about Mulcahey/Korte and possibly MVJ is that the show might feel familiar again, it might actually elicit emotion again.

    Frank has spent his entire tenure trying to keep the show alive, and I do appreciate what he has done. The show looks good IMO, it’s just boring/lacks emotion.

    I know this is 2024, and nothing will compare to the best days of daytime soaps. It is a different landscape in every way. But I have sat through generic opening credits, total investment in his friends vs characters that should be here (Howarth and Easton), his diminishing returns on an ABC supersoap, and characters just blandly existing. He even changed the General Hospital font.

    It is wild to me that we sat through several characters for his friends, and yet Adam Huss wasn’t given a real chance to keep Nikolas vital. Maybe it wouldn’t work- but the attempt should have been made.

    It is beyond due for fans of this show to see something resembling GH.

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