It has always cracked me up how Reva can make mistakes, but no one else can. I mean, I understand that she would be wary of Annie, but GOOD LORD it isn't like Reva is perfect!
What the hell is going on with Shayne and Rocky?! I mean, man, Shayne has some major control issues! If he can't control Rocky he's going to 'do' Marina? What the hell?! He seems to be turning out like his mother! (Don't get me wrong, I love Reva). Hell, at this point I think Rocky should be with Kevin....
Speaking of Marler, how messed up is it that Ross called Blake to meet him to tell her goodbye?! I think you should bring back Ross and let him have it! I still want Blake and Ross together, but only after HE knows what it is like to want something (Blake) and not get it!