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Everything posted by blossiegirl

  1. You're not really going to end this blog, are you?! This blog has the best stories!!!
  2. I agree with Matt. What Clarissa was doing seems selfless, well to a certain extent. She wasn't ready to be a mother and kept baby Adam to please Rafe. I just hope this doesn't play out to be the whole Peter fiasco. I love the Anne and Marah scenes. Marah seems to have lost that pleasing luster that she had as a small child. She better be careful though. Marah musn't forget that Anne has a way of always landing on her feet with even more to her disposal.
  3. I find it really ironic that Leah continually calls people "slut", "whore", etc. I know that she has been hurt by people and has every right to be angry, but this girl has one major case of "I'm better than you". It was totally uncalled for Belinda to send that text, but truthfully Leah's mouth seems to be an issue. Truthfully, I think that Leah, Belinda, and Zach need to get their respective asses kicked. Leah for her mouth..Zach for what he has done to his brother & Leah...and Belinda for what she did to Leah. And with that said, I hope that if Leah and James get together, that James is good to her and that Leah isn't using him as a rebound. As for this Kevin and Rocky thing...I'm not sure I like where this is going. Kevin has some major anger issues and I'm afraid that they stem from his father disappearing for a few years. I'm not sure if there is abuse in the relationship, but I have a feeling that there is the possibility for it to arise. Kevin needs to get some major help. If not, he may end up like his grandfather, Roger. Always angry at the world and never stopping to think before doing. Speaking of Marlers....I have a prediction that Clarissa will place baby Adam up for adoption. That little one needs some serious support and not just the money type. AND what's going on with Jason, Blake, and Ross respectively? Uh! My favorite scene? Annie with Marah. Right now Marah IS miniature Annie. Blaming people for her problems, but I just kept picturing CW in the role of Annie with that passion of hers. Especially with that slap. I hate to say it, but Marah did kinda deserve it. Not to say that Annie is blameless, but she did pretty much screw up her relationship with Josh to help Marah... Wait till Reva gets wind of this!!! All I know is this...FTL is the Guiding Light that I remember. I can't wait to "watch" the next episode, the characters are well rounded, and I can't help but love people I hate AND hate people I love. Keep them coming!
  4. Oh Leah, that picture is such a stupid idea. Either Zach is going to show it off to everyone or someone like Belinda finds it and posts it on the net.
  5. It only takes the 4th of July for Blake and Dinah to see what is really important. WTF? Amanda and Dalton?! Me thinks that these two are not really mother/son. If they are...ewww! I think Drew is right about something. Jessie came back to town to hook back up with Michelle and Gus doesn't seem to be able to get passed Harley. That being said, Drew seems to have regressed to being spoiled Drew from before she knew about her adoption. Speaking of adoption, where is her adopted son Max? Belinda may irritate me, but someone needs to smack Leah for that crack. Belinda may have drama issues, but Leah seems to have that "arrogance" that both of her parents (Rick with Blake when he thought Kevin was his/Abby all the way & Mel with A-M) either have or have had in the past. Great job, Jay. Just reading the blog reminds me of the GL I watched with my Paw-Paw. It pulls at my emotions and plays true to characters, not plot! Blossiegirl
  6. Oh, and Jay...keep up the great work. Much more my GL that I remember than the last few years of the televised one! You manage to capture the live to hate aspects of all the characters. Not to mention, you use character driven plot and history! Thanks!
  7. I'm confused with Clarissa. What "hypocritical attitude" is she referring to? I don't blame Lizzie for her outburst. Hello, look at the crap she's had to deal with lately. Speaking of blaming, Mel seems a bit like Rick was back in the 90's...quick to place the blame and never willing to accept her part. I mean the whole AM//Annie thing. Again, she just freaken annoys me. How much is she there for Lizzie and little Clay? God, Belinda is so much like Dinah it's ridiculous. Someone needs to smack the stupid out of her. Still want to know what the end result of her sending that video.
  8. Okay, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Dalton is Roger's kid, right? I cannot, for any reason, figure out why Amanda is keeping his paternity and "adoptive" life secret. Cassie and Harley are just so irritating. If your a real friend, you don't drop someone like a hot potato, you try to help them out. Maybe they should take a page out of RJ, Belinda, and Clarissa's book. Thank god Philip & Jeffery pointed out that when your in a bad place, you tend to make STUPID decisions. Sad really. Is it just me or does Leah seem to be a bit stalkerish towards Zach? I'm not quite sure about the pairing, but Leah needs to be really careful. I applaud Reva for trying to talk to Ashley about her biological mother, but Ashley has a point. The woman was a psycho. I don't blame Ashley for being a bit gun shy about Roxie, and hopefully Ashley will get to know Roxie later down the road. Teenagers are so mean, and if Clarissa thinks life is difficult now simply because people are talking about her, wait until that baby comes along. Speaking of pregnancy, did Blake ever have a conversation with her daughter about sex? I mean, Clarissa seems so smart, so why did she believe the creep about not wearing a condom and not getting pregnant the first time? I have to say, Dinah kinda shocked me by calling Matt. That was funny. I would have thought she would have kicked Mallet's butt one way up and down the other. This should be interesting to see what transpires. Can't wait for the next installment.
  9. Ouch. Ross is back and Blake leaves him standing in the Towers and Dinah wants nothing to do with him. Can't wait to see what the boys do when they see their dear old dad. Natalia's back, eh? Maybe there will be some good brought back into Alan. Then again, as long as Alan isn't messing with Lizzie, Remy, and Blake, I'm not too concerned. Where is this thing with Rafe and Clarissa going?
  10. Rick is totally right about Alan. If doesn't get what he wants, he stops others. With that thought in mind, I hope Alan isn't placing Blake in his "controlling" sights. Because if he is, this is not going to be pretty. Just look at the Liz and Remy fiasco that is still going on. Of course, I think it would be interesting to see if/when Ross returns, how this will play out... Speaking of Alan, is his heart about to go out or something? Sam is right, Stephanie and Susan have this insatiable need to one-up one another, and with disastrous results! Yet, they plan on continuing this stupid thing. Kinda reminds me of Dinah/Cassie, Alan/Roger, and Alexandra/Mindy. I have to agree with Marah, she is a lot like Edmund. Then again, so is Reva, Josh, and Cassie. I mean, HELLO! Reva, you didn't tell Liz that her child was alive! You let her think the baby was dead! The difference is, Edmund will admit his faults and does not give "excuses" for his deeds. Still not sure what I think about the teen scene. At least on this show, the Marler kids still exist, and the continuity about Dinah's baby from back when makes more sense. Jay, keep on, keeping on
  11. Holly's back! Yeah! I have missed Holly tremediously. Maybe she can talk some sense back into her daughter and hopefully bridge the gap between Blake and the kids. I hope Susan gives Stephanie exactly what she deserves. Stephanie maybe a cop, but she seems to have this obsession with Sam. Kinda like how Marah and Cassie have with Jeffery. As much as I like Remy, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed to go up against Alan. I mean the guy killed his friend and has gotten away with it. Speaking of that, I find it interesting that Lizzie and Remy have not thought about that.
  12. As smart as Clarissa seems to be, why doesn't she tell her mother about the pregnancy? I mean, Micky left to Florida because he's a loser. As for Leah, one would think that she would be a bit smarter than that to start drinking to the point of passing out. Here she is, not too long ago, telling Belinda and Clarissa the dangers of smoking. I think James and Leah would make a great paring. He seems to like her a lot and wants to keep her safe...
  13. Isn't that sweet? Kevin finally revealed his love for Rocky. Just wasn't expecting it to be on the air in front of all those people. I love the line "I'd like to bury it into her face, but somehow I might get in trouble for that." That being said, Dinah needs to remember all of the crap she pulled and not for anyone's benefit, but her own. Not to mention, Blake could very easily remind Dinah that it was her father who talked Blake into letting the charges drop against her (regarding Hart's death). Mallet needs to be with Dinah, not Maureen. That's just not right. Remy and Lizzy in a hospital room? Damn, that's not terribly romantic, now is it? But with what Alan is doing...I guess you have to get some, when you can. Oh yeah, Jay? You're killing me! 3 surprise returns?! Can't wait for the Spaulding feud...
  14. I think Clarissa is going to have to speak with her mother now. Clarissa must not be as smart as she thinks. Somehow, I think her mother would explain that you can become pregnant your first time. Micky better not flake on her...somehow, I think he will. Lucy is now, in my mind, an ass. God, let's take your baby, raise it as our own, not tell you, and expect you to be nice about the whole situation when the truth is out. Yep, I think she was married to a Spaulding for too long...
  15. blossiegirl

    S3 Season 11

    About damn time that Marina was told the truth about her child! I like Lucy, but she is always a bit flakey. Hello! Your niece went psyco because she thought her child was dead and you didn't find a problem with perpetuating that thought? Ashley being Roxie's daughter? Didn't see that one coming, but it would make sense; after all didn't she break and shoot Alan at one point?
  16. blossiegirl

    S3 Episode 1

    Wait, what? When did Drew come back to town?! OMG, Saundra's back as Lucy? Yey!!! What is Dinah talking about Blake ruined their family? I must have missed something. Oh well Great way to bring back the show!
  17. blossiegirl

    Episode 193

    "Everyone" comes back for summer? *wink* Sure. I love the little exchange between Alex and Annie. Alex is right, Annie's ego will get in the way. Annie seems to think that she is on top of her game right now, but she has no idea that her inner circle will slip thru her fingers like sand in a sieve. Speaking of idiocy, why didn't Bill let Michelle know what was going on with Olivia? Hell, did Michelle think that Jesse would happily play second fiddle to Bill after the Danny fiasco? Keep it up, Jay. Great writing. Plus, it's nice to have this GL...
  18. blossiegirl

    Episode 185

    Great, Marah is going to force Jeffery into marriage? Marah needs to get off her high horse. She's treated Cassie like crap and now she's going to try and get Jeffery to the alter. Cyrus is right, G shouldn't go back to his bad ways over Susan. No girl is ever worth throwing your life away. Is Kevin ever going to admit to his mother about Rocky? I mean, Blake would understand what he is going thru more than any other person. Speaking of a Marler, someone needs to smack the stupid out of Dinah.
  19. blossiegirl

    Episode 183

    I have to admit that Ava has some points about what has happened to her with men. I kinda hope that Shayne can change that with her, starting with a great male friendship. Seems like Dinah has been "working" so much that she has forgotten about her family. I don't blame Mallet for wanting to take Mo and the kids on a holiday. Somehow, I think Michelle is really trying to fight the chemistry with Jesse. I mean, after all, why is she fighting being around him so much. Speaking of Jesse, where is Drew or are you not going to let us know what happened? OMG. Alan and Blake? I might be a Blossie, but this would be a great little pairing.. To a certain point, these two have always had a basic understanding of each other. Great Job.
  20. blossiegirl

    Episode 180

    Yummy, this keeps getting more and more interesting. Jay, do you know if something is the matter with the blog? This has been posted since July 28 and it finally showed up today (09-09-09).
  21. blossiegirl

    Episode 172

    Okay, Remy seems a little upset. Understandably through. Seriously, what kind of deal could Alan make with Blake? She's willing to deal with the devil? I had hope for her when she said she wanted Remy happy, but a deal with Alan?! Yey, Jessie's back!
  22. blossiegirl

    Episode 171

    Ohhh, Dinah's gonna get it! First she like totally disregards Mallet during the conversation, and now Mallet found out about the money from Annie. Bad news. As for Mel...I'm sorry, your husband is a Spaulding. A Spaulding that has been overlooked for CEO for how many years? You didn't realize that he would have an issue with the "CEO thing". Seriously. Wake. Up. Alex and Ed? I like that idea! Keep up the good work Jay.
  23. blossiegirl

    Episode 164

    So basically, if I stay a good girl I'll be rewarded? Alright I just hope the Alan-Michael doesn't hurt Mel the way he has hurt the wives of yesterday. I swear if he does, I will come thru my screen and choke him myself! Oh, love the return of Annie!
  24. blossiegirl

    Episode 164

    OMFG! That didn't seem to take very long...Remy and Liz. While I think the Remy and Liz paring seems good, I really wish that Remy would have fought harder for Blake! Lord, he acted like he was going to fight for her! I just hope the pairing of Remy/Liz isn't that "bounce back" type. WTH? Beth actually thought that Edmund would keep her secret without something in return?! She must be nutty(ier) than a fruit cake! She's killen me! One more thing...when the hell is Ross supposed to return?! And I'll LMAO if the thing that causes Blake's life to fall apart is if she is pregnant!
  25. blossiegirl

    Episode 155

    It just keeps getting better and better! Aubrey is down right psyco! I have to say that Rafe is turning into Alan. I find it amusing that Alan is having issues with what Rafe and Aubrey did, but Alan has done things like this in the past many, many times! Most of all, please, please, please don't let Aubrey get away with baby Daniel! As for Jonathan, I am starting to see a pattern of "I want someone else". When he was with Lizzie, he wanted Tammy. In the book, when he was just alone, he wanted Aubrey. Now he has Aubrey (even when they first got back to SF), he wants Lizzie. I hope both Liz and Aubrey wise up and realize that Jon might be nice and cute, but the guy has some serious issues with girls. Oh yeah, someone needs to smack the STUPID off of Vi! Good job Jay!
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