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Posts posted by DRW50

  1. They extended 1897 because the story got such a positive fan response. I had mixed feelings about some of the story. I didn't like the writing for Angelique, but I enjoyed Laura's return, and Kitty Soames (have you gotten to her yet), and the wonderful Pansy Faye/Charity Trask.

  2. Hollyoaks will be having a new E4.com only web series about the perils of binge drinking, which will feature Sasha, Gilly, Josh, and Rhys in Manchester, and will be introducing a new character, Dave.

    Here's Lucy Allan talking about it:

    Nathale Emannuel:

    I do like the logo at the start of the videos.



  3. I was watching a clip of when they started to find out about Cabot being alive (imagine an ABC soap today using actors who were over 70 -- Brian Frons would keel over), and it's so much better than most of what is on now. I never understood why Loving was seen as a bad soap. I guess the constant turnover didn't help with reputation. I also remember how much I liked Steffi. I'm sorry Ameila Heinle has not ever been able to make an impression in a role since then.

    Who was the casting director during 1993-1994? So many of those actors have gone on to long careers.

    I was also going to ask about some of the other stories I heard they had, like a woman addicted to cough syrup, and a trip back to the Old West. Did those stories happen? Were they any good?

  4. The show seems very aimless at the moment. I wouldn't be bothered about the lack of big stories if they were focusing on character moments. For years the show told stories about things like Mavis wanting to find a mate for her bird, and Mavis becoming a poet, and that worked, because it was about her character. Now so much is so plot-driven, and lacks heart. They also seem to be reluctant to write out most of their worst characters. The pacing also needs improvement. They could have milked so much story out of slowly putting Becky and Steve together. This also would have given Michelle more of a place on the show, instead of her being all on her own, with no ties to anyone and no chemistry with any love interests, even though Kym Marsh is supposedly some big star for the show.

  5. Stephen Uppal interview. He talks about Ravi's new story (a hand me down from Warren).


    James Sutton has started on Emmerdale. His first clips are available on Youtube. I'm not sure if they can be posted here, as ITV likes to remove Edale stuff. He's in a towel. He's never done a lot for my physically but he looks decent. He seems to be a very different character than John Paul.

  6. I haven't read yet but I appreciate your updates. I'm sorry I haven't responded.

    I'm glad they brought one of the Hardings in (were they named after Harding Lemay?).

    Is any of Quinn's story in the time before she got murdered on Youtube or any other clip sites? I wanted to see some of that, and some of the last story for Maisie, as I also liked that character. I wish they could have stayed around.

  7. I think they have several guys who aren't traditionally sexy, but who have charisma, or nice bodies, or some weird magnetism. Malachy and Zak. Jack's good looking for his age. For the more traditionally hot guys, then Calvin and Darren. Ash, if he shaves.

    Toups, I think they're bringing big-bosomed Cheryl, Malachy's ex, back soon to try to fill the hottie quota.

    I'm going to miss Zoe. She was a very underrated character. She was never in any big stories but she always gave able support and made all her tales better. She also had chemistry with all her love interests, young and old, male and female.

    Rumor has it Jessica may come back for Zoe's exit. I hope so.

  8. And they sure as hell tried to make all of that youth and supercouple stuff fit in. The carnival episodes(the climax leading to Draper Scott being reunited with April) were beautifully directed and those were an outdoor location shoot. And they pimped the hell out of Kelly/Jody/Gavin/Martine, even if it did suck ass.

    That's what I thought, they did try for youth stories, but it just didn't work for viewers. Didn't they also fire Maeve Maguire, then make Nicole much younger (before killing her off), replace the old police chief with a young, hot chief, etc.?

    Sorry about the NBC, for some reason I thought NBC got EON as well as SFT, I forgot there was a 5-6 year difference in when those shows were cancelled by CBS.

  9. EON was a popular show for 15 years, until Procter & Gamble had the show moved to an earlier timeslot to create a bloc of P&G soaps. EON had many fans who were still in school and who were men who watched the show when they were getting home from work, and they could no longer watch. The ratings plummeted. After a few years CBS cancelled the show. NBC picked it up and moved the show back to the original slot, but by that time momentum was lost, and many fans did not bother to follow to a new network. Then in the late 70s and early 80s soaps became all about youth and location shooting and none of that really fit EON.

  10. I'm not surprised about Stella not being popular. What I saw of her early story, the circus, was ridiculous. I also don't think putting Deniz in the story did her any favors, the writing for him is so confusing and he often comes across negatively. The only time I enjoy him is if he's in a story with Deniz. Too bad they ruined his friendship with Vanessa. Why did they pair them up?

    Is Roman a popular character? I think he's great, very complex, and a good actor, handsome as well. I'm glad they seem to be writing for him again.

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