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All My Shadows

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Posts posted by All My Shadows

  1. On 6/1/2024 at 1:22 AM, Chris B said:

    Ever since they changed it to free streaming you can’t save your place. I still don’t get why they cancelled the subscriptions. Surely some money is better than none. But now they don’t have to answer to anybody about quality since it’s a free service 

    And now there are obnoxious and misplaced ads for (of all things) 4imprint.com!! Right in the middle of scenes, in the middle of the closing credits, etc. I'd go back to paying if it meant cutting the ads back out.

  2. 1 hour ago, allmc2008 said:

    Terry. Also, the "Episode 1" with the cleaner type face is from the 1967 draft.




    The copy I’ve seen must be a reproduction that changed Terry to Tara. It didn’t make sense to me that Tara would be a nickname for Teresa.

  3. 6 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    I believe Carol stayed on and tried to save her marriage to Linc and form a relationship with her son, Phillip,who had killed his real father Nick Davis.

    Was it worth it to have Rosemary Prinz only agree to 6 months and then drop the character for good? At least a recast Amy could have returned say a year later to play out the story.

    It never made sense to me that Amy would just leave and that was that.

    This is correct. From what I gather, Nick was meant to be a much more villainous figure who never shows up in PV. Phil goes to work at his bar in New York and is finally driven to a moment of temporary anger in which he beats Nick to death. Of course, Nick goes on to become one of the defining faces of the show in the 70s, so I bet the change in story for both he and Carol/Amy was due to Rosemary agreeing to play Amy but for only six months. The whole story of Phil's paternity would have felt like a waste of time if both of his real parents were gone within the first year.

  4. I think I've asked this before, so please forgive me - is there absolutely NO way at all for the It's Real Good TV app to just pick up where you left off? I'm in the middle of 1968 with hopes to finish the year and be into 1969 by the end of summer, but my god, is it annoying to have to scroll so deep into the middle of a year. It's definitely an incentive to binge many episodes in a row.

  5. 3 hours ago, j swift said:

    I am surprised that Nina appears in the bible, given that she didn't premiere until nine years after the show began.

    Oh, I should’ve clarified that info came from a 1979 script I came across online years ago. I want to say it was summer 1979, when Palmer first appeared (and Nina soon followed). I recall Phoebe asking about his daughter Lily.

  6. 1 hour ago, allmc2008 said:

    Here nickname was Terry

    From the bible:

    "...Joe returned with his elder son, John, age twenty, who is now away at pre-med himself, seventeen-year old Teresa, generally known as Tara, and twelve-year old Danny..."

    It also gives Joe's late father and Kate's late husband the name "John," but I believe he ended up being referred to as "Henry" on the show.

  7. In the original pre-OLTL bible for AMC, the Martin family was the Craig family: Dr. Joe Craig, his son John, daughter Teresa (nicknamed Tara), and younger son Danny. The Brents - Ted, Ruth, and Phil - were originally the Martins, and Ruth’s sister Amy was originally Carol.

    Nina Cortlandt was first referred to as Lily.

  8. 1 hour ago, Bright Eyes said:

    It's funny, because with your typo you could mean Whitney/Leo or Stacey/Theo and it would still make your point for you.

    Yikes, I definitely meant Theo! I wasn’t watching during the Whitney/Leo story, but yes, point proven two-fold.

  9. 11 hours ago, Manny said:

    But aside from that, I am now having issues with copy/paste storylines... we just had one friend sleeping her friend's guy (Stacey/Jack/Denise) and we just had a father coming back with an agenda (George's storyline). And I enjoyed both! But literally few weeks after these stories are done (in George's case even less), we are getting both again with Lauren/Zack/Whitney and Billy's dad coming.

    Don't forget the nice with a history of sexual assault. I never cancelled my BritBox subscription (mainly because I want to watch all of Keeping Up Appearances and Are You Being Served? this summer lol), so I tuned in to Easties a few weeks ago, and it happened to be the ep where Yolande is raped. The whole story reminded me too much of Stacey/Leo. I can't see myself jumping back in, no matter how deeply and madly and stupidly in love I am with Jamie Borthwick and Thomas Law.

  10. 2 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I am curious to know whether he and Melissa are on speaking terms now. I had read something from Melissa that suggested that he had cut her and other family members out of his life.

    Oh absolutely, he'd been estranged from them for close to 40 years. I assume he and Melissa have gotten closer again as she was part of building up the hype around him finally making an appearance at the reunion.

    I wish Matthew Laborteaux could have made the Simi reunion, but I think he'll be at some of the other events scheduled for the year. In rewatching so much of the series recently, I've come to see how ridiculously talented he was in his first two or so seasons as Albert (plus his earlier appearances as young Charles).

  11. I've been on an LHOTP high ever since a few weeks before the Simi Valley reunion. I've joined several FB fan groups to discuss the show (and man, those older ladies can be quite cntty with one another, but it's hilarious), and I've been watching it constantly via Freevee either through their live channel or random episodes on demand. I literally cannot get enough of my Walnut Grove peeps at the moment, and I love it.

    Jonathan Gilbert coming back into the fold has probably been the most special thing of this 50th anniversary year. You could tell that he was a little hesitant in the beginning to embrace being part of such a devoted fandom, but he's certainly found some comfort in it, and it's just really sweet. I hope we hear more from him as time goes on.

  12. I'm in a Facebook group that posts tons of vintage TV listings, and it never ceases to amaze me how much variety there used to be in network daytime. Even with an adequate supply of soaps and games, there was still plenty of room for primetime repeats, movies, talk shows, cartoons, local programming, etc. You would think that with 24/7 access to news via cable and the internet, surrendering time to the affiliates would offer more than what it has over the last 20-25 years.

  13. 11 hours ago, Khan said:

    I wouldn't say he's "hot as hell," but he definitely has become a very handsome young man, lol.

    He was such a dorky kid on ATWT, I thought he was a child then, but it turns out he and I are only three years apart in age. The power of a good haircut must never be underestimated.

  14. On 3/13/2024 at 12:01 PM, safe said:

      Here are some Soapnet episodes that were put up over on YouTube over the last year under rogershope --- 2, 10,12, 14, 16,23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 43, 45, 46.


    If you click on Ryan's Hope, Part 1 playlist--- rogershope combined what TheSquirrelyGirl had put up ---with those episodes they added that I had listed above.






    Thank you so much!

  15. I really wish I had more time to go crazy and speculate a million things about this new soap, but once summer is here, I expect to be obsessed.

    Some random thoughts I've had...

    - I love the fact that it's rumored to be replacing THE TALK. Get that outta here! Nothing would be sweeter than to see this new soap avenge the death of one of the old guard. Even if the random talk show survives this, I like the conversation centering around it being easily expendable in favor of a new soap.

    - I hate "The Gates" as a title. If it's titled after a family, then I hate it EVEN MORE because unless their last name is just "Gate," the title should be "The Gateses," which sounds clunky. If it's a reference to a gated community, I still dislike it, and then I also dislike the premise of it being set in a gated community because no daily hour-long American daytime soap needs to be set in one neighborhood. For all of that, go UK and give us 3-4 half-hour eps a week.

    - I know I'm alone in this and it's not gonna happen (and really shouldn't because this is 2024 and we are in modern times and not everything needs to have the grandmaw aesthetic as much as I wish it did), but give me a good old-fashioned syrupy soap title. "Behind Hidden Gates." "Through the Gates Unlocked." "

    - The longest-running soaps to debut at an hour are PSNS (9 years and a month) and Santa Barbara (roughly 8 and a half years). We're in a different era, so that information might not be indicative of anything, but if we got 8-9 years out of this new soap, I'd be happy with that.

    - Again, one neighborhood is too small for a daily hour soap, but so is one family. An old-fashioned standard that still works is the "two family" set-up that started off ATWT, AMC, and Y&R. With an hour soap, maybe up it to three families, with the third family built gradually around a character (or characters) who might seem to be strictly supporting in the beginning.

    - Going back to old-fashioned things that I already know most people will say the new show should avoid. I want this baby shot on video tape, please and thank you. Three cameras, please and thank you, and all three cameras better know how to get all up in some faces for the tight close-ups. If we're gonna do a soap, then let's do a soap.

    - What will CBS need this thing to do in order to consider it a success? If they're expecting numbers higher than Y&R, then I'd rather them just not do it at all. They need to be happy with substantially less than what Y&R is bringing in, and hopefully there's enough buzz to make it a streaming hit.

    - Let's cast it. If we're doing two families at the start, then I want one headed by a veteran soap star (Debbi, where you at?) and one headed by a slightly younger name from a classic primetime series (like Karyn Parsons, if she still acts).

    And most important. More important than anything else. Clarence.

  16. 52 minutes ago, danfling said:

    The late Mr. McCourt played Kevin McGuinness on Ryan's Hope.   He also appeared on Search for Tomorrow and One Life to Live.

    He also made a few appearances at Christmastime on AMC in its last few years on ABC.

    In regards to RH, why are the earliest months of the show so inconsistent to find online? I don't think I've ever seen the second and third episodes, and there are plenty more within the first 60 or so that are missing. Surely they must have aired on SOAPnet?

  17. On 3/8/2024 at 4:17 PM, applcin said:

    I'm binging "Little House On The Prairie"; starting season 3 now. I haven't seen most of them in decades and it's their 50th anniversary this year so as good a time as any. A lot of the cast and guest stars keep doing interviews on youtube so the behind-the-scenes info is pretty cool, too. And they do love putting out their memoirs, lol; they think Alison Arngrim's is particularly good.  Many of them have a lot of love for Michael Landon and Victor French. Not so much for Melissa Sue Anderson. Charlotte Stewart (Miss Beadle) was quite the free spirit; having been "buddies with benefits", as she called it, with guys like French and Jim Morrison. (Now I have a mental image of Miss Beadle with Mr. Edwards, lol.)
    Anyway, it's been nice to revisit something familiar from childhood yet where I don't remember a lot of the episodes. Also, seeing how many of the old-time film stars they brought on as guests is cool, too. Melissa Gilbert compared it to being like The Love Boat, lol.

    Enjoy! Little House was always an institution within my extended family growing up, so I decided to try it out for myself when I was maybe 11 or 12, and I've been an avid fan ever since. Season 4 is my absolute favorite - so many memorable episodes like The Wolves, Whisper Country, The Handyman, The High Cost of Being Right, Castoffs, My Ellen, and I'll Be Waving as You Drive Away.

  18. 4 hours ago, Khan said:

    But "Hotel"...?  About half of their regular cast was okay to watch, and almost none of them played a character with any real substance, which was especially noticeable whenever the stories in a particular episode were dull (which was entirely too often, IMO).

    I think the cast was too big, to be honest. There were seven of them! Obviously you're gonna have Peter and Christine, but Billy *and* Julie *and* Dave *and* Megan *and* Mark? Not to mention Anne Baxter. Had it been a true soap, then sure, but as the continuity for the guest characters, there was no need for that many people. At the very most, they could have kept it to Peter, Christine, Billy, Mark, and Julie, and then each character would have had a purpose within the bigger picture of a hotel stay.

    I'd love love love a combination Love Boat/Fantasy Island/Hotel channel. Pluto really has the tools to create two Spelling channels - one for the soapy dramas and one for the action/adventure stuff. I'd watch both constantly.

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