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Bright Eyes

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Posts posted by Bright Eyes

  1. At the top of my head I've only seen him in the infamous film Hush, where he was gorgeous. One of my guilty pleasure films for various reasons. Good for him for still looking damn good.

  2. I think it's a cute coincidence that from the time The Gates was first announced to when it'll debut is roughly the same time frame of a baby's birth (9-10 months). Someone with more expertise of the gestational period could probably make a thoughtful comparison when all is said and done. What I do know is (ignoring I'm an atheist), since the show will be on CBS it's a comfort that wherever Aretha Franklin is, she'll be watching!

  3. 22 minutes ago, Manny said:

    Does not sound enticing.. hm.. and with the limited time I have in the day for watching stuff, I think I will skip this.

    Thanks Bright Eyes ;)

    You could wait until it goes down to 3, 20 minute episodes per week, so trying it out then wouldn't be a big commitment. 

  4. 37 minutes ago, Manny said:

    Wow, indeed, I can see the episodes on Youtube. Wow! 

    Never watched Hollyoaks though.. is it any good?

    It's plot driven soap opera on crack. It can be entertaining, but never for too long. Plus, major story is usually only given to the same tired characters ad nauseum. 

  5. 53 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:

    Good grief, Bethenny needs to take her own advise and find a hobby.... preferably one that doesn't involve filming herself. 

    Is she just bored with her life or is she so hungry for any type of spotlight that she does these random Day of Reckonings on any little minor inconvenience that her entitled 1% ass has to "suffer" through? 

    I just don't get her anymore. 

    She was getting in people's good graces when she was praising vacationing in some BC town I forget the name of, then she turned a corner into this and lost it all.

  6. Looking it up, it was based on a very successful comic strip that lasted from 1953 all the way to the year 2000! 

    The close up of Pop was strange, but the worst choice was to not end the episode with the reaction from the show's namesake for the series' first cliffhanger. That's just bad soap opera.

  7. I loved reading @Matt's For Now and Forever, which took place in the 30's and was "cast" with classic Hollywood actors. I remember he was admitted some soap writer contacted him through email to try and help him get in the door of actually writing for the soaps, but he ended up turning him down. Matt, feel free to repeat the anecdote again with more accuracy if you feel so obliged!

  8. 1 minute ago, j swift said:

    Can someone jog my memory?  Who was the actor, young guy part of the teen/early 20s set, that played on GL and then changed his last name when he became more popular?  Was it Paul Wesley?  I know the name was Eastern European.  But, I was recently making a list in my head of actors who changed their names after appearing in daytime.  Also, let me know if you think of any more examples.

    Paul Wesley used his surname, Wasilewski. 

  9. "Lucas thinks he doesn't deserve Dillon." He doesn't! It's so sad that the show only sees Dillon as a plot point appendage of Lucas. Oscar Curtis can't act worth a lick, while Nathaniel Dass is gorgeous, has charisma in spades, and the camera loves him. He and Dillon both deserve so much better. 

  10. 3 hours ago, ranger1rg said:

    Gotta love it that Natalia is worried about Blaze's brand when she says she shouldn't be with Kristina.

    Meanwhile, she's flirting bigtime with the biggest mobster in town.

    What a joke.

    Maybe I'm being naïve, but I feel like the writers have been very careful not to mention Sonny being a criminal whenever Natalia is around and when she finds out, that will be the catalyst to her actively doing something nefarious to get Kristina out of Blaze's life. 

  11. 9 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    It would warm my heart to see her land on The Gates and for the show to surpass Y&R and become a success. It'd make Steve Kent seethe to see her rightfully back on top. 

    They should do with Victoria Rowell what EastEnders did with Pat Butcher on EastEnders. Have her be mentioned here and there for about a year and then bring her on to shake things up.

    But I fear people are really getting their hopes on casting. The majority will probably be newbies. I want this show to have it's own identity. I want The Gates to have The Gates actors, not a smattering of who's who from various other places. They should be sprinkled in.

    That said, I would cast Debbi Morgan to be part of the original cast initially, like Rosemary Prinz on AMC, and end up killing her off after 6-9 months.

  12. Sue me, but I don't mind Natalia at all. Maybe I just like Eva LaRue, but I'm hoping now that Ava was seething and sharpening her fangs at her interloping presence that she'll inform Natalia of who Sonny really is, a criminal, and that'll be the catalyst in her making real moves against Blaze/Kristina. As for the mention of a brother ... a potentially sexy latino newcomer ... I'm sensing he's the one that could be brought in for Trina.

    And no he isn't shredded, but I still think Chad Duell looked like a snack. I wouldn't have kicked him out of bed. 

  13. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    You didn't ask me, but I always thought it was the same bakery.  I was under the impression that some form of the Eckert family still lives in PC we just don't see them.

    It was an open question, so thank you for answering. And to titan and Vee for confirming.

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