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Posts posted by dragonflies

  1. I refuse to acknowledge that the Talk exists, since it replaced ATWT. For someone on a soap opera board, saying ATWT should have been cancelled, why are you even here?

    That's what trolls do

  2. A stripper is not the same thing as a hooker

    Cheap you're beating your head against the wall with this one, makes me think of an quote I once saw "Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" lol

  3. 64deb9d77cb9c061a8d9ff785da7da60

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  4. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Is <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TheView?src=hash">#TheView</a> coming to an end? <a href="http://t.co/P7rSAq66AQ">http://t.co/P7rSAq66AQ</a> <a href="http://t.co/BbGwWPzOSA">pic.twitter.com/BbGwWPzOSA</a></p>&mdash; Access Hollywood (@accesshollywood) <a href="

    15, 2015</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

  5. 64deb9d77cb9c061a8d9ff785da7da60

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  6. Now rape victims who are too scared, broken, and humiliated to speak up are just "whiners". Wow, I honestly don't know how you make it through a day being so incredibly, dangerously ignorant.

    and don't forget so incredibly stupid he makes other stupid people seem smart

  7. You know, seeing as you are a gay man from the Deep South, one would think you might know something about prejudice or oppression, and that you might have some compassion. But yet you are continuously victim bashing and slut shaming victims of rape. Maybe your hateful, vitriol soaked comments stem from something deeper. Did your parents not hug you? Is it because you don't have a man? Or is it because you just hate yourself? For a period of time I was convinced you must simply be trolling these boards with your dangerously ignorant comments, but now you have made it very obvious that you are just an ignorant, hateful human being. You often like to go on long diatribes about stereotypes, yet you personify the worst stereotype of ignorant southern bigotry. Please get some help, or just shut the hell up.


    Keisha Knight Pullman essentially defended him, and there were no posts here insulting her. The difference with Rashad is that her comments were dismissive and belittling of dozens of women. And it's not just some type of lynch mob hysteria against truth - there's a reason why she went to the press to clarify and defend herself. I'm sure she, or her representation, quickly realized just how awful those comments were.

    Yep it's called damage control....

  8. I figured Phylicia's comments would have all your panties caught in your cracks. Pull them out, wash out the skid marks, and move on. Not everyone agrees with your witch hunt. And Marceline says that conspiracies among large groups of people don't happen. Ever hear of Nazi Germany? Salem, Massachusetts? The Hollywood blacklist?

    I was giving you the benefit of the doubt before but today proved more than ever that you sir are an outright idiot.

    Please go be stupid somewhere else, thanks



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  10. 7 of Cosby's victim's are on Dr. Phil show today

    I'm already crying. One of them is his youngest victim and she said she was afraid to show her face because she's a school teacher

  11. <div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
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    928db88bcb74258132486efa5b169e4d >Post</a> by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/entertainmentweekly">Entertainment Weekly</a>.</div></div>
  12. Please stop you are making a fool of yourself





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  13. I will say, however, that every one of these women should be ashamed of themselves. This is a classic case of evil being able to prosper because good people stand by and do nothing. If every one of them hadn't been lily-livered cowards, then it wouldn't have been able to go on for decades.

    Ugh please shut up, you are sounding really stupid



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  15. The cast of KNOTS LANDING will reunite on Thursday, December 11, on a very special episode of Hallmark Channel's HOME & FAMILY. Donna Mills (Madeline, GH; ex-Abby), Joan Van Ark (ex-Gloria, Y&R; ex-Valene); Michelle Lee (ex-Karen), Ted Shackelford (Jeffrey, Y&R; ex-Gary) and Kevin Dobson (ex-Mickey, DAYS; ex-Mac) will appear and share memories, make music, bake goodies, and more. Digest Style Squad contributor Kym Douglas will also appear on the show


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