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The Chancellor Estate is burning after exploding as Karynn on a gurney behind Brock, Karl, Mac, Neil, Devon, Philip, Chance, Nina, Snapper, and Sister Patterson, Katherine’s new neighbor. They are all horrified as they watch Katherine’s house burning.imagesCAQS1F3T_zps045bfef8.jpg

Jill2_zpsdfe50a90.pngJill: Where is Esther?

The firefighters call in for back up for all surrounding towns and cities.

imagesCAYORKVJ_zps9d688a0e.jpgKarynn: The will. The will is gone.

Everyone turns around and looks at Karynn.

Karynn: What?

Jill walks towards Karynn.

Jill: I have never met such an ignorant or more detestable old hag.

Jill then punches Karynn in the face. Karynn is knocked off the gurney as everyone gasps in amazement.

Sister Patterson comes in between the battle axes.sisterp_throw.gif

Sister Patterson: Now wait a damn minute! Ain’t no time for all this evilness. You just hit an old woman Jill. That is no work of the lord. The flames of hellfire are raging out of control and you instead are doing the work of Lucifer by attacking the elderly. We need to help the flame fighters put this fire out. Everyone get to my house now for buckets of water….

Everyone looks at the newly arrived on the scene mad sister claiming to be Katherine’s new neighbor standing before them wondering what is wrong with her talking to everyone as she is.

Sister Patterson: NOW! I said. I am Sister Patterson! An agent of God and you all will do as I say. The lord speaks through me. The devil is at work and we must stop the flames of hell.”

Mac looks to Brock

Mac_zps228e274b.jpgMac: Who is that?

Brock_zps7b0c07c7.pngBrock: A crazy woman.

imagesCAIZ8IGR_zps1546391b.jpgSnapper: She’s Katherine’s new neighbor I guess.

Nina: I’ve’ never seen her before.

Sister Patterson: I said NOW! HEAR ME AND HEAR ME NOW!!

imagesCAADCEEB_zpsbfede657.jpgSister Patterson shoves Neil and Devon in order to get the crowd going. Every one else follows them to get buckets of water from Sister Patterson’s house. Sister Patterson walks over to Karynn and helps her up off the ground. Karynn brushes her self off.

Sister Patterson: Are you ok my child? You was punched in the face lord have mercy. What would drive that woman to do such an ugly thing like that? So unwomanly and unholy. It’s also ugly and my God don’t like ugly.

Karynn: With that deep voice Jill has whose to say she is a woman.

Sister Patterson: That is no work of the lord. I don’t that honey. I don’t talk about people behind they backs for I shall not sin. I am a solider for the lord. I only do his work. I don’t do ugly. Now let us pray for the welfare of Esther.”

Karynn gives Sister Patterson a look.

Sister Patterson forces Karynn’s head in a down word position, so they can pray for Esther’s well being.


Created by William J Bell and Lee Philip Bell

Episode 155: Karynn burns down the Chancellor Estate!

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: Casey Hutchinson, Martin Saenz, C Nate Richardson, Alex Wasington-Beebs, and Rob Wolff

imagesCAHKR5JS_zps984b1aa4.jpgDown the Street from the nightclub GC Nights Daniel and Vandalynn stand by an alley way kissing passionately.

The mystery person who’s been stalking Vandalynn is snapping photos of Van and Dan’s make out sessiona8c78624.jpg

Vandalynn pulls back from Daniel and looks in his eyes.

Vandalynn: You are so handsome. You have this rugged mountain man thing going and I find it enticing.

Daniel: Is that right?imagesCATIHD0R_zps485b840d.jpg

thCARZE2M7.jpgVan: MMM.. I do.

She grabs his privacy again and massages it to arouse him.

Daniel: I mean really, right here?

Van: Why not? Let’s have fun…. Adventure… I’ve always wanted to have sex outside. You can fulfill my fantasy, tonight.

She plants a seductive kiss on his lips.

She looks around and sees the alley behind her.

Van: Right here.

She pulls him into the alley way. Van then leans against the wall of a building and pulls him into a kiss again. As they kiss she takes his hand and places it on her butt and then grabs his hand forcing him to grab her butt. She moans.

Van: Grab it. I like that.

Dan: You like a lot of things.

He grabs a handful of her rump. Then he smacks it.

Van: YES. Oh yes. I want you to spank me, choke me and pull my hair

Daniel: Damn, you’re a wild cat.

Then she takes her panties off. She takes them and slides them across Daniels’ nose.No_longer_desired_by_hga.jpg She then throws them down. She unzips his pants and pulls out his rod. She strokes it. She smiles at him and he smiles at her. Daniel is extremely turned on by the scenario of the situation.

Van: I want you now. Put it in me.”

Daniel moves closer to Van and presses her against the wall and they kiss once again only this time more then Daniel’s tongue is going inside of Van. YCACR3FFRCA0O9LU5CAV3F5ZKCAU98AALCAQZBZGFCAU0F66ICACCGGVMCAQ8RN7BCANHRV4WCA1GZ9W0CAUBGQ36CABM0IRZCABFMCMJCA2J6E7XCAL2MS5DCA8WFS9QCAZBPRHYCAD.jpgVan is moaning as the mystery person is still taking pictures is shocked and has had enough and stops taking pictures. The mystery person moves closer to the alley sex duo.IMG_0441-lores.jpg


Meanwhile inside GC Nights.bar2.jpg

Roxanne and Daisy grab seats at the bar.

imagesCA7UNK71_zps7132f78c.jpgDaisy: It’s been an incredible day.

imagesCA7K9T0D_zps3987aa39.jpgRoxanne: Yes it has.

imagesCA7P22AB_zps395c068a.jpgTyler the bartender walks over to them.

Tyler: Hello ladies, what’s it going to be tonight?

Roxanne: We are celebrating new jobs so let’s see I think we will have a crown royal and coke.

Tyler: Right up.

Daisy: You know it really felt great showing up Daniel today at House of Kem.

Roxanne: I know right. He was salty when he learned you got a job.

As Tyler is making the drinks, overhearing the girls talk he realizes this is the Daisy his good friend Daniel was talking about, the “crazy baby momma”. He continues to listen in as he serves them their drinks.

Daisy: Thank you.

Roxanne and Daisy then lift their glasses to one another to toast.

Roxanne: To new beginnings and to putting your family back together.

Before they drink Daisy stops them -

Daisy: Wait, what are you going to toast to? It can’t be all about me.

Roxanne: Well I’ll toast to finding peace with my long lost mother and my new job.

Daisy: Sounds good.

They clank their glasses and take a sip of their drink.


Lauren's Apartment

imagesCA6GSYIY_zps7392afbd.jpgLauren is reading the newspaper and Scotty enters. She stands.

Lauren: Hi, sweety.

Scotty: Hi mom.

Lauren: Is everything okay? You are looking a little bit pale. I hope it is nothing serious.

Scotty: We need to talk about something.

Lauren: What?

Scotty: How you have been weak.

Lauren gives Scotty a look of confusion.

The Chancellor Estate, the crowd each with a bucket of water walks past the estate taking their turns dumping water on the fire. Fire fighters urge them to get out of the way since they are only making things worse. They walk over by Karynn and Sister Patterson who has just finished praying.

A paramedic puts Karynn’s gurney into an ambulance and takes her to the hospital.

Another paramedic walks over to Karl who looks tired sitting in his wheel chair. He is wheezing.

imagesCAJCKQ99_zpsf4d4aca9.jpgKarl: I can’t breath. I need my inhaler.

The 2nd paramedic places Karl in his ambulance and takes him to the hospital.

nikki_zps015e5988.pngNikki: Still no word on Esther?

Jill: Dear God no! This can’t be happening.

Then a firefighter walks over to the crowd.kayshouseonfire_zpsbe93248d.jpg

“How many people were in the house when the house exploded?” He asks.

Brock: I think just only one.

Firefighter: Ok we retrieved a woman from the house, she has been taken to the hospital.

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

Nikki: I think we should all head over there to make sure Esther is ok.

Snapper: Agreed. I have a Suburban I can take about 8 people.

Jill: Sounds good darling.

Jill and some of the crowd follow Snapper and Jill to his SUV.

Sister Patterson: Have no fear the rest of ya’s! I can drive my church bus over to the hospital so we all can check on Sister Esther.

Neil: You have a license to drive?

Devon: You’re coming too?

Sister Patterson: Of course I am. Not only am I coming, I got my bible and my praying oil as well.

Paul rolls his eyes and gets ready for the ensuing drama about to take place at the hospital.

Sister Patterson: Follow me children to the get on the holy bus.

Nina: I’m nervous.

Philip looks at her and smiles.

philip_zpse4fb4fbf.pngPhilip: I like her. She’s a much needed relief from the seriousness of the situation.

Nina, Philip, Chance, Neil and Devon follow the mighty Sister to her church bus.

They are stunned to walk up on a 1975 aqua green Volkswagen van.imagesCASYD9UC_zpsc2e9aeb4.jpg

imagesCAMZJC1S_zps9980e2c8.jpgNina: Does it even run?

Sister Patterson: This is the mighty wheels of the lord. Of course it works.

Sister Patterson starts up the bus and a large plume of black smoke is released into the air from the exhaust pipes. Everyone coughs.

Chance: I think this thing needs an oil change.

Sister Patterson: Damn all that talking. No time for talking we need to get to the hospital to stay prayed up for Sister Esther. We are now prayer warriors. Now hurry and get in.”

Chance, Nina, Philip, Neil and Devon get in the van. Before they all can sit down and find seats Sister Patterson peals out her driveway, leaving the passengers struggling to maintain balance in the van.

Back at Lauren's Apt

scottythree.jpgScotty sits down on the couch.

Lauren: Weak is not a word I use in my vocabulary. And are you talking about Daisy by chance? It seems like you are.

Scotty: I am.

Lauren: Moving on.

Scotty: Mom... I need to say this. Yes you defended yourself against her but you let her walk all over you sometimes. You need a plan for her. Don't you realize that?

Lauren: I do... but I need to stop sinking down to her level. I need to not turn into Daisy. The red hair terrifies me already. It’s not even real, its like an off brand at the dollar store kind of hair.

Scotty: Hahaha... good joke. But this is no joking matter. Remember how scared you were about Sara Smythe. You need to get that scared again. I say that because you took action when you were scared of Sara.

Lauren: I cannot just live my whole life in fear!

Scotty: I know.

Lauren: No... no you do not honey. (Sighs) When I think back to what every Carter person has put me through... it worries me for Fen and your's future. I mean Sheila has come back from the dead before, Daisy is out of jail. There is just too much in play for not only me to get hurt... but you too.

Scotty: Mom I have been hurt by Sheila before. She fooled me into thinking she was a college student remember?

Lauren: Yes, I do.

Scotty: Just sit down with me here and let me help.

Lauren: Fine... I will.

Lauren sits.

Scotty: Good.

He smiles and walk away, the only thing on his mind i his first true love Kirkland and his wedding to Charlie. He lays down in his bed depressed about his life.




GC Nights

Tyler pretends to be busy cleaning shot glasses as he stands within earshot of Roxanne and Daisy’s conversation.

Roxanne: So girl you got to tell me, how did things go wrong with you and Daniel?

Daisy: It was my mother, my family. I was brainwashed by my Aunt Sarah to do all these horrible things to Lauren, Daniel and Jana Hawkes. All in the name of revenge. Justice for what Laruen did to my mother.

Roxanne: I don’t have the best mother either. In fact I just met my actual birth mother.

Daisy: You were adopted or something?

Roxanne: I recently found out I was. My mother had an open leg policy.

Daisy: I don’t get that.

Roxanne: A slut. A tramp. A whore. A hooker. Streetwalker.

Daisy raises an eyebrow in shock by all the names that just rolled off Roxanne’s tongue to describe her mother. Even Tyler raises his eyebrow and has to look at Roxanne. He turns back to appearing to be busy.

Daisy: Wow you are not shy about it.

Roxanne: It is what it is. Leslie was a college hooker. I was the product of one of her rolling stone johns.

Daisy: Wow. I don’t know who’s childhood was worse mine or yours. We have something in common.

Roxanne: We do. I don’t have many friends in this city. There’s a new Bitch in town named Hillary trying to take my man.

Daisy: I had that problem once. In fact she was a whore too named Amber Moore.

Roxanne: That rhymed.

They both laugh and take sips of their drinks.

Roxanne: What did you end up doing? You are referring to Daniel?

Daisy: I am. I got my man but not in the best way.

Roxanne: What did you do girl tell me?

Daisy: I basically raped him.

Roxanne looks at Daisy in shock. Daisy wonders what her new found friend will think of her.



Out in the alley way behind GC Nights

Vandalynn has her hands wrapped around her ankles as she is bent over. Daniel is pounding away from behind. As sweat runs down his face he climaxes letting out loud moans.

Vans: Yes. ..Oh yes fill me up.

The Mystery Person walks up on them and takes the camera and hits Daniel in the head from behind. Then the person snaps a photo of Daniel, caught with his pants down knocked out in the alley way.

Vandalynn is scared as she puts her panties back on and fixes herself back up.

The mystery person looks at her.

Van: You are the person that’s been stalking my sister and me.

The mystery person speaks: Mary Carter. How dare you?

Vandalynn: You know me? Wait I know that voice. That accent. Oh my god it can’t be.

They mystery person takes off their mask and it is revealed to be James Warrick.imagesCA0SVIGC_zps9d8cf744.jpg

Vandalynn: Dad, you caught me by surprise.

James: No I caught you being an alley cat type of whore. You slept with your sister’s baby’s father, in an alley. What did your mother do to you? No daughter of mine is going to act this way.

Mary: She’s dead. Sheila is dead!

James: No she isn’t my dear. I know Sheila is alive and you are going to take me to her now! This madness is going to stop now! Right after you tell your dear half sister what Slutty deeds you were doing in the alley. Shame on you.…. Tonight Sheila’s reign of terror is stops permanently. No more “back from the deads“, no more plastic surgeons. It’s OVER!

Van is very nervous as James points his gun at her.



Recommended Comments

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ML, u r back and better than ever!!! Glad to see the show back!!!! James/Mary/Sheila that will be a hell of a set up. Karynn totally deserved to be knocked off her gurney. Daisy/Roxanne is a good pairing to have. But Rox will only get hurt in the end. Scene between Scotty and Lauren was touching and family oriented soap. Nice job!

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I loved the following line: "With that deep voice Jill has whose to say she is a woman."

And the church bus? That was awesome!

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Ohhh how I love Sister Patterson. She gives me LIFE. Glad to hear Esther made it out alive! Those scenes were great. The smoky old VW bus. I just love it all, please please please keep Sister Patterson around.

Daniel should wrapped it uuuuup. LOVE James coming in. SO excited to see him going forward.

The scenes with Scotty and Lauren were great, too. Keep doing those kinds of scenes, they're great.

Also LOVED Karynn's concern being entirely about the will. So like her. You've done a great job with that character.


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This was very balanced. Funny and serious moments.

Philip said it best about Sister Patterson.

Van and Daniel's scene was graphic, but it captures what Van is, and what she's doing.

James Warwick is pointing a gun at his own daughter. A bit surprising to me.

Karynn vs Jill. Looking forward to that.

Scotty and Lauren's scene was good, too. He isn't always thinking about himself, and great nod to ANOTHER WORLD...

good episode!!

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Thank you for the prompt respones.

Sister Patterson is outragous. She is not slated to be a main character, only recurring.

Karynn has a lot of things to navigate through. We are going to see more of who she is this season.

James has arrived to give the Carter girls some heat. He will fill in gaps as far as Sheila is concerned. James has a gun because he wants Mary to know he is about business.

I'm really glad you all enjoyed. The hardest thing for me was to decide and balance out the funny parts. I guess it worked.

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