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DAYS #44: Brady Goes Down (Part 2): Brady Makes The Connection





Written by A. Washington-Beeby

Story Consultants: ML Cooks & C. Nathaniel Richardson

Eric stands in Nicole's hotel room, studying the newspaper she just handed him. Eric is in disbelief at the headline.


Nicole hesitates to reach out for Eric, looking at the pained expression on Eric's face. She finally steps to his side, putting her hands on Eric's shoulders.

ERIC: This is all my fault.


NICOLE: What?! No! How could you even think that?

Eric flinches a bit at Nicole's touch, causing Nicole to jump back a little. Eric turns to her, a look of pain in his eyes. As Eric speaks, the anger in his voice mounts.

ERIC: It's true. If I hadn't been so trusting of Kristen and encouraged her to marry Brady, worked with her. I saw good in that woman and...look what she's done to us?

Nicole steps back, in part sympathy but in fear of Eric's mounting anger.


Nick steps into the lab at Titan, where Percy is working on some paperwork. Nick is beaming with glee as he walks with his tablet in hand.

NICK: Percy, I have the best news you'll hear all week.

Percy turns to face Nick, perked up by the tone in Nick's voice.

PERCY: Well, I do love a bit of good news.

NICK: We may be one step closer to getting EnerNext off your back.

Nick holds up his tablet, which shows the SalemSpectator.com's article for Brady's drug scandal.

NICK: And with Stefano's help, it shouldn't be long now.

Percy smiles while looking over the article quickly, then looking up to Nick with a grateful smile across his face.


EJ turns to Stefano, knowing that helping Gabi probably has something to do with Nick. He almost speaks, then turns back to Gabi.

EJ: Gabriella, I do believe we should find somewhere else to talk. Uh...Father's somewhat busy with business matters at the moment. I, myself, was just about to step out. Maybe...maybe we could have a nice brunch today. My treat.

Gabi looks up at EJ, then to Stefano. Gabi's constant state of panic makes her appear confused by EJ, but eventually she appears to clue in and nods her head in agreement.

GABI: Sure. I...The Brady Pub okay?

EJ: Excellent. Come with me, I'll drive.

EJ takes Gabi by the arm and quickly steps out of the house. Stefano smiles, knowing what Gabi is likely concerned about is Nick.

Outside, EJ closes the door, looks around cautiously, and whispers emphatically to Gabi.

EJ: I need you to do me a favour and not come back to this house without calling first.

GABI: What do you mean?

EJ: I mean, we can't be too careful. Particularly where my father's concerned. Never, ever trust that man.

GABI: You make it sound like he's up to something, he isn't up to something, is he?

EJ Thankfully, no. But with all that's happened the last little while, it wouldn't surprise me if he did. Be. Careful.


Anne walks into the hospital lab and hands the lab tech the freezer bag containing the powder-covered letter DiMera sent her.

ANNE: I want you to run tests on this. Find out what's on it, and report it back only to me, immediately.

The lab tech, a somewhat and intimidated clueless young man, looks up at Anne with concern.

TECH: But what if it's dangerous? I mean this looks like it's got some stuff on it, it could be--

Anne rolls her eyes, clearly lacking patience for this exchange. She interrupts him midway through his dopey dissertation.

ANNE: ...Then wear gloves. Just find out what it is right away, or your entire department will be finding the dangers of the unemployment line. Got it?

Anne storms off, leaving the confused lab tech with the envelope.




Brady stands in the doorway of the Titan board room, a look of terror across his face. He stammers in disbelief at what Victor has just announced.

BRADY: Yo...you....you're not serious.

VICTOR: Unfortunately, I'm dead serious, Brady. You need help.

BRADY: But...but...Grandfather, I can't--

VICTOR: ...Brady this isn't the time or place for this.

Brady steps into the board room. He looks around the room at the faces of the board members, hoping to get through to them as he speaks.

BRADY: No! No, this is the place. Before this entire board...of...people who claim to support me, and my decisions.

Brady looks around, sauntering with a simmering anger around the board room.

BRADY: You...you are a room of backstabbing vultures. That's what you are. You come here, after weeks of telling me "we support you, Brady", "you're doing such great work, Brady". And I have to hear about my own firing on the RADIO!

VICTOR: Brady, that's enough! The board is doing the right thing. You need help more than you need to be running this company.

BRADY: Right, and just when did you become a doctor, Granddad? When did you decide when people are ready for rehab?

VICTOR: Brady, you have a problem. And now the whole world knows it. This is damage control. Our shares have dropped another 15% just this morning, and it's thanks to you and whoever shared that video.

Brady suddenly stops. He turns to Victor in confusion.

BRADY: Video?

VICTOR: Yes, how the Hell else did you think the entire world knew about your drug habit. Someone sent a video of you at that swishy club in Chicago, doing lines off someone's tablet or something.

Brady remembers back to Theresa fumbling with her phone at the club.



Theresa fumbles with her phone, trying to flip the phone around to use the flash, but ends up reversing which lens is in use, and begins recording a video of Brady as he does the line of cocaine from the table. Theresa, not sure why the camera isn't working, flips the phone back around in frustration.

THERESA: Ugh, this damned phone. Never...oh...

BRADY: What?

THERESA: Nothing. Stupid camera was on the wrong function, just...

BRADY: It didn't get a shot of me, did it?

THERESA: I can't even tell. Nothing's working right.

BRADY: Theresa, remember what we said about you being careful?

THERESA: Look who's talking. Mr. Doing-a-line-in-front-of-200-people. God, just chill out, okay? No one saw anything.

BRADY: There's a difference between a bunch of drunk Chicago socialites seeing me do a line and your friends and family in Salem seeing it because your girlfriend couldn't figure her cell phone out.


Brady's eyes light up with the realization that it had to have been Theresa that threw him under the bus.

BRADY: Oh my God.

VICTOR: Finally! He sees the light.

BRADY: I...I gotta go. I'm sorry, everyone, I...I have to take care of something.

Brady makes a beeline for the door of the conference. Victor turns to call him back, concerned by what he may do next.

VICTOR: Brady! Brady! Get back here!

Victor stops as the doors to the board room close behind Brady.


Nicole stands behind a reeling Eric. Unsure what to do to console him, she puts a hand gently on his shoulder. When Eric doesn't flinch, she feels safe to rest her hand there more firmly.

NICOLE: You can't blame yourself for what Kristen did. You're a priest. You guys kinda have this thing about turning the other cheek and forgiveness. You saw a light in Kristen. You wanted to bring out the goodness in her. And she--

Eric turns around abruptly, his anger flaring up again, causing Nicole to jump back a bit.

ERIC: ...And she destroyed my faith in forgiveness. Nicole, it's like part of the very fabric of doing God's work...and I can't even bring myself to do it for my own greivences.

NICOLE: I think being drugged and raped goes a bit beyond a grievence, but...

Eric turns away from Nicole, hoping to avoid crying in her line of sight. His plan fails.

ERIC: But it's made me question so much about my life. My vocation. I mean...what kind of just God would do what has been done to my family, to myself. If this is a test...how many more trials do I need to go through before I finally am able to smile again, Nicole?

Nicole struggles to find words. She begins to cry a bit herself.


Anne sits at her desk at University Hospital when the lab tech from before walks into her office. Anne looks up, expectantly. The lab tech is nervous approaching the imposing HR woman.

TECH: I, uh...Mrs. Mil--

ANNE: ...MS. Milbauer. Mrs. Milbauer is my mother-in-law's name, and if you want to be down one tongue, you keep using that name.

The tech stops dead in his tracks, even more nervous than before.

TECH: Big fan, then?

ANNE: Huge. What have you got for me? Is the testing done?

TECH: Uhh...YES!

Suddenly remembering he has the results in his hand, he hands the report over to Anne, who brusquely grabs it from him.

ANNE: Thank you.

TECH: I have the...uh...


TECH: Okay, bye!

The tech hastily walks out of Anne's office. Anne opens the file as the door shuts behind him. As she reads the file, Anne beams with delight.

ANNE: You son of a bitch. You're bluffing.


EJ and Gabi sit at a table in the Brady Pub. They sip their coffee together quietly, hoping to avoid arousing suspicion. Gabi is doing a typically awful job at this.

GABI: ...So I need you to do something about Nick. After what he told Rafe last night, I'm afraid to be anywhere near him. I'm worried what he's going to do next.

EJ: Gabriella, I think you overestimate the power this man has. He's clearly lost his mind, but you need to stop panicking. This will only make things worse.

Gabi is visibly nervous, hands shaking her cup of coffee in front of her. EJ puts his hand over hers, causing Gabi to realize how off-kilter she is.

GABI: I know. I know, you're right. But, I just...I can't shake the feeling that Nick's gonna find a way to...I don't even know what he's gonna do. I'm scared, EJ.

EJ: What do you want me to do, Gabi?

GABI: You've got to stop him. Like, I wish he never got out of prison.

EJ takes a second to think, and looks over at the table to the left of Gabi, looking at the day's Salem Spectator, featuring the headline about Brady's drug scandal. His face lights up.

EJ: I think I might know just what we can do.


Nick walks down the hallway at Titan, heading for Sheryl's office. He knocks on the doorframe, seeing her at work at her desk. Sheryl recognizes him immediately, and barely looks up from her computer screen.

SHERYL: What do you want, Nick?

NICK: To share the good news with you.

SHERYL: I heard. So what's our next move.

NICK: Time to watch Brady Black self-destruct. Hopefully it happens before the Titan TV vote, and then Titan's poisoned influence over this town will be over.

Sheryl looks up at Nick, a pleased look across her face.


Theresa walks through Town Square, deep in thought, when her phone rings. She pulls it out of her purse and checks who it is, half-hoping it's Brady, but usure if she would answer if it is.

It's Anne.

Theresa rolls her eyes and answers.

THERESA: (into phone) What do you want?


Anne sits at her desk, using her office phone.

ANNE: (into phone) A warmer greeting for a start.


THERESA: Sorry, I'm just...I'm waiting on a call, kay? Can this wait?


ANNE: No. It can't. I've got something important to tell you.


THERESA: Okay, well, say it fast, I don't have a lot of time, I'm busy.


ANNE: Cut the snark, okay? I'm really getting sick of--


THERESA: Anne! I'm waiting for Brady to call. I don't have time for this.


ANNE: Hey! Cool it, little lady. Look, you remember our little...situation with sweet little Abby Deveraux, right?


Theresa rolls her eyes at the thought of Abigail.

THERESA: Yyyyep!


ANNE: Well...turns out EJ DiMera knows what's going on, and he's a little pissed off. He's been trying to rile me up the last week or so, and he's using some pretty lame tricks to do it. So if you happen to run into him, or feel like anything weird's going on, you just let me know, and take it with a grain of salt, okay?


THERESA: Noted. K, bye.

Theresa hangs up the phone, having been totally disinterested in Anne's little piece of lame gossip. Just as she does, she gets a text. She checks it.

It's from Brady.

Meet me @ UH parking lot in 10, need 2 talk

Theresa is concerned by Brady's text, and rushes off to meet him.


Brady, sitting in his car, puts his phone away, cleans up the cocaine residue off the tablet on the car dashboard in front of him, and revs the engine of his car, then heads off to meet Theresa at UH.




Recommended Comments

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Something is about to happen with Brady and Theresa. He is going to GET her!!

Typical Brady to make a scene like he did at the board.

Nice bonding scenes with Eric and Nicole, with her bed of lies at the foundation of their relationship.

Anne is proving formidable for the powerful EJ DiMera.


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Gabi just leave town. LOL

Brady about to check Theresea and I can't wait for this show down. I hope Brady don't think just becasue he knows Theresea sold him out it will make things better for him at Titan. Nice car Brady.

Why did Anne need to be such a sour puss to the tech?

Looking rwd to the next one with Brady and Theresea

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Brady, so whiny, but such a great character! THERESA IS IN FOR IT LOL!!!

Victor... I feel is really looking out for Brady and Brady is just blinded.

So, lots of Kristen mentions in this episode. Are we getting her back... soon!

LOVE Anne! She is definitely your comic relief. She said E.J. was bluffing but you do not mess with a DiMera.


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