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ANOTHER WORLD 176 Reginald gives a cryptic message to Donna




Reginald gives a cryptic message to Donna

Created By: William J Bell and Irna Phillips

Written By: C. Nathaniel Richardson

Consultants: aMLCproduction, beebs, DRW50


Kirkland is on his landline phone in his suite with Charlie, who is at Stacey’s apartment on her cell phone. Kirkland is lying down with the phone to his left ear, looking up at the ceiling, while Charlie is lying down on Stacey’s couch also looking up at the ceiling.

Kirkland: I can’t believe this is actually happening.

Charlie: I can’t either. After everything we went through to get here. This time tomorrow we’re going to be married.

Kirkland: And we’ll be on our way to our honeymoon. Are you sure you wanna spend the rest of your life with me?

Charlie: Why do you ask that?

Kirkland: After all, I’m Grant Harrison’s son.

Charlie: Well that’s a deal breaker. Guess we can’t get married.

Kirkland: Don’t kid like that.

Charlie: Come on babe. You’re nothing like your father.

Kirkland: Sometimes I wonder how much like my dad I really am.



Grant walks into his living room and Christy is sitting on the couch wearing a sweatsuit with her feet up on the coffee table holding a glass of wine.

Grant: Put your feet down! That table is an antique.

Christy: Wow. Sorry.

As she is about to put her glass on the table, Grant gives her a coaster to put the glass on.

Christy: My God. Take the broomstick out of your ass.

Grant: If you’re going to live in my house you’re gonna follow my rules.

Christy: What am I? Sixteen? Stop treating me like a lazy teenager. Need I remind you that I’m helping you get Paulina back. I would appreciate some gratitude.

Grant: So why hasn’t she come running to my door yet?

Christy: These things take time. You need to be patient.



At Bay City Center, Paulina is sitting at a table with a couple of shopping bags on the ground while she answers her cell phone.

Paulina: Hey honey what’s going on? I’m fine, just went shopping for Kirkland’s wedding tomorrow. A little retail therapy you know? When are you coming to visit? We’d love to see you. Oh Remy I’m not lonely, I have family here. We’ve been over this, and I know I’m not being unfaithful to Joe if I meet someone else.

Paulina looks up and there is Jack with a cup of coffee.

Paulina: Honey I gotta go I’ll speak to you later love you.

Jack: Anybody sitting here?

Paulina: No...no sit down.

Jack: Nice to see a friendly face.

Paulina: You look like you just lost your best friend or something.

Jack: Just hard at work.

Paulina: Long evening?

Jack: And unsuccessful.

Paulina: What do you mean?

Jack: Reginald Love is gonna get away with his crimes again.



On Cecile’s plane, Donna, Michael and Allen have confronted Reginald, who is waiting to be taken to Tanquir.

Michael: You’re not gonna get a straight answer from Reginald. Why don’t we just pound it out of him?

Reginald: What the hell do you think you’re gonna do? You’re always gonna be the stable boy that my daughter made the terrible mistake of marrying.

Michael: You better not show your ugly face in Bay City again.

Allen: Because you’ll be leaving in a body bag.

Reginald: Donna do you feel the same way?

Donna: Allen and Michael I want you two to leave.

Michael: I’m not leaving you alone with…

Donna: No. I wanna have a word with my father.

Allen: We’ll be right outside.

Donna: I’ll be fine, nephew. This has been long overdue, besides, nobody’s going anywhere until Cecile gets back.



At Cass’s house, Cecile is outside the front door with Cass inside, shocked at Cecile’s arrival.

Cecile: Aren’t you gonna let me in? It’s gettin’ windy out.

Cass: Not if it’s gonna blow you away.

Cecile walks in anyway and Cass shuts the door behind her.

Cecile: Well what I have to tell you is too important for me to just turn back around and leave.

Cass: Put all your love potions on the table.

Cecile: Oooh this is way more lasting than a concoction. You really need to hear this.


-----------------------PART 2-----------------------

Jack: You know I can’t go into details about police business, but we had him. We had him and we couldn’t hold him. He slipped right through our fingers, just like James Stenbeck used to.

Paulina: I heard about him, especially what he did to Carly years ago.

Jack: Turning her old was just the start. Stenbeck was a worldwide criminal who mostly got away with all the crap he did.

Paulina: Well they all pay one way or the other.

Jack: Enough about me. How are you?

Paulina: Well...I had a breakthrough type of talk with Kirkland the other night.

Jack: Were you and he not speaking or something?

Paulina: He came to the house, and he brought up the accident that happened sixteen years ago. I...I was high and I got behind the wheel...and I hit him. I nearly killed him.

Jack: Did he hate you for it?

Paulina: Not at all. In fact it was just the opposite.

Jack: Wow.

Paulina: You see if I hadn’t hit him, the doctors would never have found the aneurysm that was in his brain. So he thanked me for saving his life. He says if I didn’t hit him, he wouldn’t be here to marry Charlie tomorrow. He actually invited me to the wedding.

Jack: Oh. Who are you going with?

Paulina: Nobody.

Jack: I’m not busy. I’ll go with you.

Paulina: Wow..um...maybe that’s not a good idea. I don’t wanna cause any more trouble between you and Carly.

Jack: Paulina I will pick you up at eleven.

Paulina: Um...okay.


Charlie: You’ve changed a lot since you came back home.

Kirkland: So you’re saying that I was like my father.

Charlie: You were angry with your dad when you returned to Bay City, and you forgave him.

Kirkland: I have you to thank for that. You helped me to be a better man.

Charlie: I love you so much. There’s no doubt in my mind that I wanna marry you.

Kirkland sits up and sees a text on his cell phone from Scott Granger that says “I’m coming to Bay City.”

Kirkland: You really have no idea how much you’ve changed my life.

Charlie: We’ve overcome a lot of obstacles to get here. My dad being one of them.

Kirkland: He was dead set against our engagement.

Charlie: But old stubborn Cass Winthrop came around eventually.


Cass: Oh you’re gonna apologize for everything you’ve done.

Cecile: For what? I haven’t done anything wrong. This is so right.

Cecile gives Cass an envelope and Cass smells it.

Cecile: Oh don’t be silly. There’s no love potion in it.

Cass finally opens it and is shocked at what the contents say.

Cass: This...this isn’t possible.

Cecile: Oh it’s not only possible, it’s the truth.

Cass: No it’s not. It’s another one of your schemes.

Cecile: Why would I fly all the way to Bay City for a lie?

Cass just gives her a disbelieving look.

Cecile: It can’t be for money. I’m the Queen of Tanquir, and no I don’t want you to be my love slave again, although the thought of that is pretty nice.

Frankieblogentry-14971-0-30901800-1407035071_th walks in as she wraps and ties her robe.

Frankie: Cass I heard voices. Is everything…Cecile?

Cass: I said the same thing.

Frankie: What are you doing here?

Cass: This.

Cass gives Frankie the paper that he took out of the envelope that Cecile gave him, and she reads it also. Frankie shakes her head in disbelief.

Frankie: No...no this can’t be true. I had a DNA test run.

Cecile: Behind Cass’s back no less.

Frankie: If this is one of your hare-brained schemes, you can forget it.

Cecile: What you found, Frankie, was a rigged test result, thanks to Reginald Love. It looked like Maggie was Sandy Cory’s daughter.

Frankie: I’m sure you had something to gain out of that.

Cecile: I sure did. I needed Maggie’s trust fund money so I could become the queen again.

Frankie: How could you keep this from Cass all these years? Why did you decide to tell him now? I bet it all has something to do with you right?

Cecile: I don’t give a rat’s tush what you think about me Frankie. The important thing is, is that Cass knows the truth now. Maggie is Cass’s biological daughter. Not to mention she hates me now, and she changed her last name to Winthrop. Now if you’ll excuse me, my plane is waiting to take me back...to my kingdom.


Grant: It isn’t happening fast enough?

Christy: Boy this really has become an instant gratification society hasn’t it?

Grant: Time for me to take things into my own hands.

Christy: You really want Paulina to hate you huh? You can’t go to her with that evidence. You know food tastes better when it’s marinated, and cooked slowly.

Grant: I’m talking about Paulina, not meal preparation.

Meanwhile, Paulina sits on her couch and smiles as she flashes back to Jack telling her he’s going to pick her up at eleven to go to Kirkland’s wedding.

Christy (Voiceover): The point is, you have to let things take their course. You can’t just go to her with guns-a-blazing. You have to let Paulina need you, and eventually she will.


Donna: You had that gun sent to me didn’t you? You had the Harbor Club burned down, too right? Why?

Reginald: Because I had to remind you, dear daughter of mine, that I am your father, and you’ll never be rid of me. Although I have to say, you gave it your best effort.

Donna: What kind of father are you? All you’ve ever done was try to control our lives. Mine, Nicole’s and Peter’s.

Reginald: Believe it or not, everything I’ve done for you is out of love. Michael was, and is, still wrong for you. Nicole got pregnant when she was sixteen, and Peter needed to learn how to be a man. I had to step in as their parent.

Donna: And you ruined our lives. You tried to stop my wedding to Michael at the courthouse; Nicole turned to drugs after you made her think that her baby was dead, and you kept her locked up in a mental institution after she killed Jason Frame; Peter spent a good part of his life trying to earn your favor, and you never gave it to him.

Reginald: Everything I’ve done, and will continue to do, was, and will be, for the good of the family.

Donna: What do you mean ‘will do’?

Reginald: Wouldn’t you like to know? You’ll just have to wait and see.

Cecile enters the plane with two uniformed men.

Cecile: Please escort this woman off of the plane please.

Donna: What is it?

The men grab her and begin to take Donna off the plane.

Donna: You’re not gonna get away with it daddy!

Reginald watches and smiles.



Recommended Comments

  • Members

AMAZING CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This episode was CLASSIC soap to me. You had everything fall into place and to me the episode kind of wrote itself for that. I like the mystery to this Reginald story. It got me pumped up LOL! Paulina and Jack scenes were what real people discuss. They discuss the issues at hand. Nice move on your part! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... GET TO THIS DAMN WEDING ALREADY LOL!!! Ceicel... I LOVED the obstacle that she gave Cass and Frankie. This gonna be some HEAVY and IMPACTFUL drama! Excellent job! Keep up the good work!

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You've picked up a knack for comedy, Cary. There was some great lines all through this episode. I loved Cecile sniffing the envelope, and Grant and Christy's scene was excellent. You've done a fantastic job with those scenes, and how great to find out that Maggie is actually a Winthrop. This could get very juicy.

I can't wait for the wedding, will Scott show up? Oooo, that could get dramatic. And I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Reginald either.

Fantastic episode all around. I know the next one will be just as great. GOOD WORK, SIR!

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Part one was great full of funny lines. I loved it. Cass's line to Ceceil, Grants line to Chrissy,...

I do like how Jack was aggresice with Pualina over their date for the wedding Wouldnt take no for an answer. I like that.

Through love Kirk realizes how it changed him for the better. Charlie and Kirk setting up to be quite a strong and rootable couple.

Damn Cecil just drops a bomb like that and boucnes. I bet Maggie on her way back. Wonder how Charlie will feel about this and Rachel too.

Grant is getting impatient in his wait for Pualina. His true colors r creeping back out like the Grant I know. He is so good at being bad and I love Christy. They r a good duo. This is a great triangle playing out.

Reggie still got plans. I know he will be back sinister as ever.

Again a lot of great lines in this ep and as always a good show.

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So Maggie is Cass' again. That will be interesting.

Great cliffhanger.

Your Christy amuses me.

Paulina sure is a pushover...

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