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Karynn does the UNTHINKABLE!! #154



The Chancellor Estate103632369_6cfe8fd0e6.jpg

Jill is looking at her brother William aka Snapper in the foyer. Nikki and Paul also look at William and are thrilled to see him. Each of them walks up to him and gives him a hug.


Been a few years William. Wheres Jennifer?

William: imagesCAIZ8IGR_zps1546391b.jpg

My daughter is on an internship. At least that what shes tell me.

Nikki: imagesCA4C1Z01_zpse23af572.jpg

Well its good to see you Snapper. What brings you to town?

William looks at Jill. There is an odd tension in the air.

Jill: imagesCA946KAL_zps27ce0620.jpg

Katherine asked him here.


Katherine? What are you talking about?


Brock called me. And-

Katherine wanted William to be here today for Jill.

Everyone hears looking at Brock walking over to them.

Brock: Brock_zps7b0c07c7.png

Katherines will specifically states that it will be a life changing day for everyone in Genoa City but especially for Jill.


What on earth is Katherine up to? Even from the grave that old bat knows how to put on a good show.



Episode 154: Karynn does the Unthinkable!!

Written and Produced by ML Cooks

Creative Consults: Martin Saenz, C. Nate Richardson, Robb Wolff, Alex Washington-Beebs, with Casey Hutchinson



GC Nightsbar2.jpg

imagesCAUWSZEW_zps020b4ef6.jpgDaniel walks inside and grabs a seat at the bar. Tyler, the bar tender walks over to him after finishing cleaning the last glass beer mug.


: Whats up man? A little early in the day to be at the bar dont you think? I havent seen you this upset since 2001, remember when we played Fairlawn High. The biggest game of the season that year, I was the star quarter back.


And we freaking lost.


One of them type of days?


Even worse. My crazy babys momma just got a job at some start up fashion house. Shes trying to get custody of my daughter.


You mean that girl Daisy you was telling me about?


Yes that would be that one. Certified whack job.


She got a job so what.


Well we were at this job fair at House of Kem. Daisy walks out and says shes hired. So when it was my turn to walk in for my interview I informed Mr. Abbott of what kind of person Daisy really is. He instead shows me the door. He didnt hire me but yet hires her. I dont understand what she said to him for this to happen. Im mad because it proves she is on a mission to take Lucy from me. She pulled the wool over Keemos eyes and there is no telling who will be next.


Ah yea man. Not good. So you tried to tell this Keemo guy Daisy is a bad person and instead he shows you the door.


Yes, he says I represent to much negativity and drama and his new company is about some garbage about second chances.

Tyler hands Daniel a double shot of Hennessey. Daniel drinks it up.


You needed that bro. Its all bad for you.


And my loud mouth mother has decided to move in my house. Its so frustrating.

Let me get another one of those.

Tyler fixes Daniel another double shot of Hennessey.


Sounds to me you need to pound some cakes.


: Pound cakes?


: Ah man come on. You know what I mean. You need a lady in yo life. You know knock some boots. Youre tense.


Yea it has been a while. Maybe I can release some of this tension Ill have a clearer head.


Now youre talking.


I know you got some ladies in your black book. You had a new girl every week in high school.

Tyler smiles.


I did. Some good some bad. But bro, I dont hand out my bunnies.




Thats what I call them.

They both laugh as Tyler fixes Daniel another drink.




Outside the bar. Van is sitting in the car looking at her make up making sure everything is ok in her compact mirror. She has a flashback of Daisy telling her she went to see Lauren and now Daisy thinks Lauren is stalking them. Vandalynn realizes that if Lauren is stalking them her cover as a Carter may have been blown.

Im going to do this to teach you a lesson Daisy. You ruined things for me. Now you must pay. But in the end it could help you. So its not all bad. Its a win-win

She says out loud. Then her personal conversation with herself is interrupted when her cell phone rings. The caller id says Momma Bear.

Vandalynn: thCARZE2M7.jpg

Hello mother.

Sheila: sheila.jpg

Hows my baby girl?


Im ok and things are progressing well. I have to keep Daisy in line. In fact youre interrupting me.


Daisy? What is going on Mary?


Mom I really cant talk now. I promise I will call you as soon as Im done.

Van hangs up the phone.

If momma bear finds out that Lauren may be stalking us she will go ballistic. I have to get things back on track. For the family.

She says still talking to herself.

Van gets out her car and walks inside GC Nights bar.



Back at the Estate


William do you know what is going on?


No I dont. Only what Brock has told me.


Well Brock surely you must know what Katherine is up to?


I only saw the guest list. I have not looked in the will. When I read it, it will be the first time for me just like for everyone else.

Jill looks at Nikki. She hides her fear by launching an attack on Nikki.


Whats the matter Nikki? You looked worried. Afraid Ill get everything.


You would be the one to think about the material things at a time like this.


But isnt that why we all are here?

Nikki rolls her eyes at Jill and then walks into the living room with Paul.

Then Chance walks in the front door. William turns around and sees his nephew.


My God boy. I dont even recognize you. Come here you handsome devil you.

Greg engulfs Chance in a hug.

Chance: imagesCAOQR7ZL_zpsd2881e6d.jpg

Its good to see you too great Uncle William.


So you home here for awhile? Not over there in the Middle East?


And I am glad about that. Iraq is a mess. It so dangerous. To bad I wasnt able to talk any sense into Billy.


Yea in your last letter you were telling me he went to Sochi Russia?


Ill never understand it. But Ill support my son in any decision he makes.


So Chance how long you here for are you going back?


No, Im on r and r. Theirs been a compromising situation. So-

Nina then walks over to save her son from explaining any further his situation with his missing woman in Iraq.

Nina: Nina_zpsc0200579.png

Chance, Im sorry to interrupt. But I need to speak to you privately.


Uh Nina youre being rude. My brother was having a conversation with him.


Oh Im sorry Snapper. Please forgive me.

Nina ushers Chance off the scene.


I never did like her. I dont know what my son saw in her.


Be nice Jill. You seem to argue with everyone.



Back at GC Nights

Vandalynn takes a few seats down from Daniel.

Tyler walks over to her and thinks he remembers her.


What is a pretty woman like you doing here this time of day?


Oh, Im just on the hunt. Besides, the sun is starting to set so its not to early.


What can I get you?


Long Island, light ice.


Right up.

As Tyler makes her Long Island Daniel looks at Van. Van looks at him. She smiles at him, and he smiles back. Then they look away from each other. Tyler hands Van her drink.


Thank you.


You know I know just about every face that comes in here. You been in here before?

Van then has a flashback of meeting with Noah here at the club then taking him to her car and having sex with him.


No this is my first time being here. And If I was here before I would remember your face.


My face? Whats that supposed to mean?


Your sexy silly. Those eyes, they just draw you in. I never been with a man of color but I would certainly let you be my first.


Wow. You dont be around the bush.


Im sorry. I tend to come on strong. Besides this long island is great. Can I get another?



Tyler makes up another Long Island.

Van looks at Daniel. Daniel can sense she is looking at him and he looks at her.

This time she winks at him. She smiles as Tyler hands her the 2nd long island of the day.


I make it a policy not to sleep with the customers. It can get messy and I aint got that to do.


I understand.

Tyler walks over to Daniel. He leans in closer to him so he can whisper to him.


Yo bro. Shes hot. And shes hungry.


Hungry? Really?


Im telling you bro. Shes hungry. She wants the D. This is yo chance. Give her what she wants. You got to release some of that stress.

Daniel looks at Van again.


Send her another drink on me.

Tyler smiles at Daniel and then fixes Van her third long Island.

After Tyler serves the Long Island, Van grabs her drink and takes the seat next to Daniel.



Back at the Estate

Nina and Chance are off in a corner by themselves.


Thanks for saving me. I really didnt want to tell great Uncle William about my situation in Iraq.


Its ok honey. Are you ready to talk to me about it yet?

Philip then walks up to them.

Philip: imagesCAQP3A0U_zpsa96676db.jpg

What is going on here?


Greg is here and was questioning Chance about Iraq. I know Chance is going through something so I pulled him aside so he wouldnt have to deal with it because its obviously very uncomfortable for him. But your mother of course had things to say.


Yea I bet she did. Ill talk to her. So son, everything ok or what?


No dad. The woman I love is missing. But I finally did tell the family. So that part of the mission is accomplished.


Well good honey. That is a good thing. Does that mean you are ready to talk about it?


Nina dont push him.


Philip this our son. I love him and I want to know what is going on.


Will you two stop? You are making it worse. Im going through so much right now. Listen, after the will, we will sit down and we will talk about it.


Son are you sure? You dont have to because your mother is nagging you about it. I respect the time you need.


And what the hell are you trying to do, compete with me for brownie points with Chance? If he wants to tell us then let him. We have to help our son.


Nina Im just saying we should not push him if hes not ready.


You guys are treating me like Im 16. Relax. When this will reading is over we will talk.

Everyone begins to hear sirens blaring up the drive. It catches everyones attention.

Fire trucks appear in the distance as Paul, Nikki, Jill, William, Nina, Philip, Chance, Neil, Devon, Brock and Mac pushing Karl in his wheel chair walk outside to see what the commotion is all about.

The Neighbor lady runs across the yard and approaches Jill.


Mrs. Ackerman what is going on?

Mrs: Ackerman:10-1.jpg That was the old neighbor my child. I am Sister Patterson, an agent of God. With the no burning ordinace here in the city due to this devil induced drought, I knew something vial was at hand.I saw the devil's smoke over here in your yard and I called the crime stoppers to come here and put the devil's smoke out. It's evil here. I am on the battlefield for my God. We must stop this evilness. I got my holy water and I'm ready to douse the flames from lucifer.

Jill gives the sister a crazy look

Jill: Uh yea ok.

Sister Patterson: We all need to battle these flame of evilness. Start praying my child. I'm going to help these firemen make a holy water concoction, that regualr water won't help. I have the tools of mass holiness for this situation. Lawd have mercy."

Sister Patterson walks away towardss the firefighters and Jill rejoins the other house guests standing in a group watching the scene unfold wondering what kind of neighbors did Katerine have.

firetrucks_zps09c094b0.jpgThe fire trucks pull up and the fire fighters rush to the back of the estate where the smoke is rising from. Everyone wonders what is going on as they rush to the back of the Estate. They are stunned to see KarynnKarynn_zps9354c7c3.png sitting on a big rock grilling hot dogs over a make shift fire pit while using a shopping cart as a grill.grill.jpg

In her hand is half empty bottle of gin. In the other hand is a cigarette, She takes a swig of her gin and a puff on her cancer stick and decides her fire needs some spicing up, so she douses the make shift fire with her gin. The fire flares up and it and it knocks Karynn to the ground. The gin bottle shatters near the fire as she makes impact on the ground. The liquor trail then catches on fire, following the surrounding grass with help from the still lit cigarette. All of this happens in an instant of a few seconds. Everyone screams out as fire fighters rush over to get Karynn out of harms way. The fire men grab the hoses and begin to put out the flames.kayshouseonfire_zpsbe93248d.jpg



GC Nights bar

Van sips on her long Island sitting next to Daniel.


Thank you for the drink.


Youre welcome. Ive never seen you around here. Pretty thing like you I would never forget. Your like a blonde bombshell


Im new into the city. Making a new life for myself. Im just so lonely here. I have no friends.

She says with a seductive smile as she puts her hand in his lap so she can squeeze and feel on Daniels manhood. Daniel almost chokes on his drink at the sudden surprise.


I see you are excited to meet me.


Wow. You go straight for it huh?


What are you trying to say? A girl gets hungry some times if you know what I mean.


I do. I just never met a woman who is so-


Sure of herself.


I guess you can say that.


What can I say? Im not ashamed of sex. Isnt that what all men think about?


Not all men.

Van continues to massage his erected penis getting a good feel for the length and width. She is turned on.


I like what you have in there.


What do you want to do with it?


Follow me and I can show you.

Daniel nods his head, thinking of what its going to be like to release his soldiers of love that have been trapped for so long inside of this beautiful blonde bombshell before him. He smiles at her as she gets up, a little wobbly at first but gains her composure.


Too many Long Islands?


I want your long Island.

She grabs his hand and then drags him out the bar. Tyler smiles at the situation happy his good buddy from high school bout to knock some boots. He thinks about Van and is sure he saw her there before.


Just as Van and Daniel walk out Roxanne and Daisy walk in and grab a seat at the bar.


Van and Daniel decide to walk hand in hand as the sun is setting in Genoa City.


Im so horny that Long Island has me feeling some type of way. This happens every time I drink.

She stops their walk and talk and faces him. He looks at her and then she grabs him and kisses him passionately.ZCARIZLA9CAV1UIZICAXTS6MICAX6TPALCAMA32LPCA3YEM7UCAF964ANCAS017E7CAJ1RA5PCA9BGCA8CAFLT0IHCAFD7R87CADQZ54TCADALSTGCA6FJ5KJCAHIW9QUCAOL2TZ6CA8.jpg

As they kiss, the mystery person, out of their car and on foot this time is watching Vandalynn kiss Daniel. This time we know for sure its not Daniel who is stalking the Carter girls. The mystery person begins to take pictures of Vandalynns make out session with Daniel.a8c78624.jpg


Chancellor Grounds

The fire has spread so quickly thanks to the alcoholic accelerant and with mother nature at play with very dry ground due to a recent drought in the state, the fire has now caught up to the Chancellor House itself. Fire fighters call in for support as the estate is quickly becoming engulfed in flames. Everyone is just stunned as they watch the Chancellor Estate burning.

Karl: imagesCAID70ZV_zps9839392d.jpg

I have oxygen tanks in the house. I hope they put those flames out. And wait a minute, where is that old maid?




Esther! Oh my God Esther! Where is Esther?

Then The Chancellor Estate explodes!.




Recommended Comments

  • Members

Awesome episode! I did not expect that ending at all. Brilliantly done! I love how you're now weaving Vandalynn in with Daniel. Nicely done! And Sister Patterson! Wow. I so did not expect that. All I could picture was New York showing up and doing battle with Dru and Sheila. Hmmm. Maybe she's the mystery patient that Sheila has in that cabin.

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This episode started kind of slow, then all of a sudden moved, but the ending was climactic.

Like the natural conversations between Tyler and Daniel.

I wonder how long before Chance explodes like the mansion did at the end. And is Esther in the house?

Vandalynn is looking like a ho, but it seems there's a method to the madness...

And Karynn is funny being drunk all the time, but I'm almost wondering why and how she got like that. Maybe you'll explore that..

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This episode built greatly. I loved all parts of it. Even the slow starts are often wise so you can get everything established. Van gonna sleep through Genoa city at this rate. Daniel is really unlucky with these Carter women. Wonder if the stalker is gonna make themselves known. The ending was GREAT. Karynn's drunk ass burnt the damn mansion down. Wonder if Esther made it out! Fantastic episode,ML. I wonder if the will was salvaged. I expect it was but who knows?

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This episode began slowly but it all went towards this build up to an AMAZING ending! Hats off to you for tricking us into thinking this would be a normal episode. Except for the episode title but I thought it was going to be very different. I also have to say that you do great bonding scenes with friends and family. It really mixes stories together and shows that your characters have heart. Oh Van... you cause trouble like a true Carter girl and I LOVE everty scene she is in! WONDERFUL JOB!

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